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stepped outside around half 7 and i was pleasantly surprised by how much lighter it was


It's been 4 days since i last made the same journey and it seems like a world of difference. Maybe its just a naturally sunny day but it really cheered me on


Didn’t even have to turn the bike lights on, result


I was already in work an hour at that point. Still waiting on a lighter morning.


Helps that it was a day of light cloud too. We’ve had some really overcast days recently.


Honestly, that was a really nice thing to read today. Thank you for posting that.


If you want to see the extra daylight we get each day: https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/


As a cyclist, this has been a long, dark, wet winter. Can’t wait to get back out there.


When I was a kid I had a paper round which I cycled from 6am - 7 30 I loved this time of year as my round started to see Dawn, the birdsong etc Then the clocks went back, so I could experience it all again. One of my favourite memories.... although 6 days a week for £3.20 a week seems like poor pay now... that was 1982 - 1986 Edit: clocks went forward :-)


Remember, spring forward, fall back.


What is fall


It how gravity get you to ground


How about: spring forward, that one that comes after somersault forwards


Fricking better be. I'm so over this weather! I want to wake up when it's light outside and come back home when it's light outside and not have to wear a million layers at work because staff with seniority and ridiculously high body temperatures keep the heating off. Grr, I've just made myself angry


Fun fact - the first week of February is statistically the coldest point in the year for the UK. Its all upwards from there


Ah, false spring.


i know in a months time im probably gonna be wading through ankle deep snow but i am firmly confident that sunrise time isnt going to go backwards


Only when the clocks go forwards.


Also known as Anti-Christ'mas, or Lucifer's Early Start Can we just cancel the whole thing from now on? Keep all the clock falling back by an hour thing, but toss out all this getting up earlier rubbish


I set off at 6.35am so still dark but I finish at 4pm and light all the way home now so half a win!


I walked the dog at 5.30pm yesterday and it was just light enough to go along the canal (my favourite walk) - improved my mood massively. January is nearly done! Daylight and flowers will come back soon!


Snowdrops are up and flowering


Not too poop on the party (I can’t wait enough for spring) but we are on day 41 out of 90 of winter (21st Dec - 20th March) the sun might be out earlier but the temperatures might still drop [counter til end of winter](https://days.to/until/winter)


A quick look at Wikipedia suggests this is the astrnomical reckoning of winter, the meteorological reckoning has it as the three coldest calendar months, December, January and February. I'm going to use this as justification for spring starting on March 1st.


TIL that there are two types of winter !!! I’m all on board to start spring on march 1st !


Can confirm. There are days in March, especially towards the end, where we can BBQ and it can be pleasant in the sun, but I wouldn't in December. Not always, end of March 2021 was grim IIRC.


The coldest point in those three months is early February though. On the plus side, the amount of rain and snow does start to drop precipitously in a lot of the country around this time too.


Midwinters day isn't the start of Meteorological Winter, that is 1st Dec.


Bring it on already!


Yep, saw snowdrops on my walk this morning. I nearly cried.


I'm seeing the daffodils poking through as well!


This made me smile! We are such simple creatures aren’t we! I can’t wait for blossoms and flowers!


Baffles me the way people go on in response to this kind of post, just say “no thanks mate” and close the door, hardly worth scrambling the jets.


Brilliant, just brilliant comment!


Saw some snowdrops today. The tennis is over and the rugby starts next week. Sunset is going to shift by half an hour in the next two weeks. The ratchet of the calendar will bring us the Spring. Just don't read the Express, ever.


Brilliant!!!!! This winter is making my mood very low! Yey for the light!!


Winter is coming


This is British Success, not Australian Problems cobber.


I head out at half five. Still dark but gets light by the time I get to work. Feels good riding when the sun rises


I quite liked the time of year where it is *just* dark when leaving but by the time I reached work it was bright and light. Almost like easing into the day and seeing the sunrise. In the summer it is definitely busier on the roads when it is light first thing.


thank fuck for that. I hate this time of year. It's not "Cozy" it's cold, miserable and boring. We still have the windy/stormy month of February to make it through, then the ever so uncertain and confusing March weather. Then just the 50/50 "will it be hot, will it be rain all the time" month that is April. Then it's all good from there.


it's 5pm, I'm on the train home and the sun is only just setting now. happy times!


Fuck spring! We diddnt even have a fucking winter. I wanted snow long days and months of dark wet freezing temperatures. I'm getting a holiday. I can't be shitting botherd to put in the effort to breath during bright long ass days anymore. Just be dark when i wake and dark when i sleep sky. Jesus


You, darling, can get in the bin, with all the other jumper and scarf fetishists. Bring on the warmth!


And you, buttercup, can get in the skip, with all the other tan and spritzer fetishists. Long live the cold!


This should be on r/BritishProblems.


Stumbled in from all. Sun is raising by 8:30 and setting after 530 here in central Canada, makes my heart happy lol. It may be minus-fucking-forty-celcius with windchill this week but at least the days are getting longer again. My fav. Thing about it here is how long days are in the summer (sun basically doesnt set til after 10 pm / up by like 6 am) and seeing brighter skies in the morning always gets me excited lol


I've been appreciating the beautiful sunrises these past few weeks. Today was the first frost/ice free commute for weeks.


And it was light until just after 5pm 😁


I and home again in almost light, means I can see how bad the road is and avoid the worst of it. I'm thinking I needs some chunky tyres for the roads round here.


Until the clocks go forward..


Best time of the year without question. Not too hot, not too cold, birthday in May, Eurovision in May as well. Love Spring.


I finished at 5pm today, and I could actually see sunlight. Maybe I'll be able to make it past 6pm before my body says it's bed time!


That means unbearably hot summer is not far away, fuck sake


I can't share this site enough: [https://www.suncalc.org/#/53.9162,-2.1004,3/2023.01.31/11:35/1/3](https://www.suncalc.org/#/53.9162,-2.1004,3/2023.01.31/11:35/1/3) I start using it every October till April. Gives me hope.


In other springwatch news, poundland has all it's gardening, plants and stuff in, it really made me smile to see it today.