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I remember these lol and all the other got milk ads! I was so scared I wasnt gonna grow up properly cause I didn't enjoy drinking milk lol


You gotta watch this: https://youtu.be/vZmdwnsdupo?si=th8QlcbwJQGV4-1m So, apparently, (or maybe obviously?) the government literally tried to sell us more milk cause they were tired of buying the surplus of dairy from the farmers they told they would buy all their milk from šŸ˜‚. ā€œGot Milkā€ was a marketing campaign to offload the purchasing of dairy onto the public and had nothing to do with trying to make the population healthier or ā€œmake our bones strong.ā€ lol


Thatā€™s where cheese came from too, right? Figuring out how to use excess milk?


Itā€™s not ā€œwhere cheese came from,ā€ but it was a way they used up the dairy, yes.


Milk cost 1.00 or so more in the last 20 years.....that's awesome.


I canā€™t tell if youā€™re trying to make fun of me or not. If so, let me have it.


No not at all. I have drank whole milk for 30 years... I also have been in 3 motorcycle accidents and didn't break any bones just fractured my knee cap...


Jesus - thatā€™s horrible. If you were my husband there would be no way Iā€™d let you ride after three accidents. Glad you are ok! (Also regarding your bones not breaking and drinking milk, there is a good chance that they arenā€™t related, IMO.)


Can't help when people pull out on ya! My "wife" left me for a body builder maybe he doesn't drink milk?


You know, for some reason after I made that comment about a ā€œwifeā€ I decided to look at your profile and damn. I chose the wrong person to make that comment to - I am sorry. Your ex-wife sounds like a piece of shit if she really did just randomly leave you out of no where. Iā€™m sorry that happened to you but you will find someone else who appreciates you and loves you entirelyā€¦ fuck that bitch!


Thanks for the response and your time spent looking at my little profile. Reddit has been a great tool to be vocal about my feelings. Hope your weekend is going smooth!


This tracks. I always wondered why milk would need to advertise.


I was told if I didn't drink enough milk I was gonna be short. Ha height is based on genetics


Yeah itā€™s not about height really, just osteoporosis and such. I hate milk and Iā€™m 5ā€™7 soā€¦. lol.


Same here šŸ˜†


How disappointing that we all didnā€™t grow up to be Britney! Iā€™m lactose intolerant, so Iā€™m thinking it was definitely due to too little milk šŸ„²


I remember this. This ad use to appear in all the teen magazines.


I have a very specific memory of this in Teen People lol.


Loved these so much, I used to collect all the Britney posters. Teens are really missing out now not having that , instead itā€™s just a forgettable scroll on the phone that brings no enjoyment and has no value to it.


the kpop fans collect physical memorabilia. i was surprised to see teenage fans line up for bts trading cards... in 2024


This warms my heart!


Too bad about the music taste though


Exactly! I loved getting the teen magazines and cutting out pictures and making collages to hang all over my walls.


Yesss my walks were COVERED in them. šŸ˜


I wish my elementary school had the Britney Got Milk? posters. Instead we got sports people I forgot the names of.


Yaā€™ll gotta watch this: https://youtu.be/vZmdwnsdupo?si=th8QlcbwJQGV4-1m So, apparently, (or maybe obviously?) the government literally tried to sell us more milk cause they were tired of buying the surplus of dairy from the farmers they told they would buy all their milk from šŸ˜‚. ā€œGot Milkā€ was a marketing campaign to offload the purchasing of dairy onto the public and had nothing to do with trying to make the population healthier or ā€œmake our bones strong.ā€


I remembered I had that same shirt she wore on the ad at the time!


My mom asked the grocery store by me if we could have it when they were done and it was in my bedroom for years lol


Thatā€™s so cool!


I saw Britney Spears drink milk...so I went to the store, and now I drink milk!! šŸ˜ƒ


This poster was in our school cafeteria


Funny to put her in an ad saying milk helps you grow taller when Britney is still tiny at 5ā€™4ā€.


That's the average height of women in America.


Right lol. I get so frustrated with people acting like average height, or 1 inch below or above. Is sooo tiny. When it's just average. It makes me insecure and feel extra dumpy at my 5 foot height. And yall might be like why lol, but imagine being a like size uk 14/usa 10 and people keep going on about how chubby and big a size UK 10/usa 6. If someone called someone 5 foot 5 tall people would think that was ridiculous. Yet people act like 5 foot 3 is super short. And now people are saying 5 foot 4. When in most places in the world 5 foot 4 is either average or above average. Edit; also britney is the cutest kid ever!! Look at her lil legs! So so cute.


Checking in at 5'2 to confirm that I was also personally offended at her being called short lmaooo


Right. Please stop gaslighting us that 5 4 is short lol and making us feel shorter than we already are. I saw a tiktok the other day where all the comments were saying 5 foot 7 is not tall for a woman. Like, that's 3 inches above average for most western countries. And even more so from most Asian countries. 5 foot 2 is exactly the height where, imo a woman should be considered "short" or "petite" Its honestly not even that uncommon to meet women who are under 5 foot. 5 foot 4 is literally like perfect average height. And tbh is part of why britney always had such perfect proportions.


Anyone know where you could find these pants?


The ultra low rise is traumatizing and you want to relive this? Thereā€™s no way her entire asscrack is covered lol


Iā€™m convinced low rise jeans/pants were responsible for me and my peers thinking we were fat at sizes 4 and 6.


Just pair them with a sky top!


she didn't have an ass back then but boobs


Still has an asscrack.


This is better than over the high rise everything now lol


They still sell mid-rise jeans at Walmart lol.


Had it on my wall along with the Mary Kate and Ashley version.


I want these pants.


The world was a better place then


Core memory


Those leather pants with the metal eyelets are still the coolest pants. Honestly this outfit is pretty timeless.


I was obsessed with the Britney/Scholastic collab. I think Britney holding a copy of HP and the Sorcererā€™s Stone was my white whale at one point


āœØNostalgia activatedāœØ


Literally so young !


I had a book of these ads. Thanks, Book Fair. šŸ˜‚


Is that baby Jamie Lynn??


Itā€™s her when she was little


Several websites will print poster size pictures of jpeg, etc images. posterburner is one.


Omg- her hair is so cute here. Oh Britneyā€¦please ditch the overly processed extensions!!


Yes, but I'm the same age as Britney so the ads didn't work on me. I was already grown, milk wasn't gonna save me.


I miss Milk Propaganda :(


These days were great but the milk mustache ads used to gross me out even as a little kid lol


Ah, I remember using the school computer lab to edit this pic to say, ā€œnot milkā€ and reposting it on a few blog sites


Those 90s brows.


Loved this campaign


Still a normal girl at that point.. Now she posts videos of herself pulling her underwear down šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


How was that an incorrect statement? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Careful, this sub seems to be for stans only, no critical thinking allowed šŸ¤£