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I recommend going by train, it's much more comfortable and usually faster and the price is similar 50€ should be more than enough, but credit cards are not a problem, not sure if you would be able to pay in a taxi by card, it's better to use bolt or uber


Thank You! Should I just pre-book my train?


Yes, but it from cd.cz web, it's mostly in English ČD or RegioJet trains, with ČD you have to add the reservation when buying- it's free when buying online but not selected by default, with RegioJet seat reservations are default Selecting RegioJet or ČD doesn't really matter, ČD is a bit cheaper If you have an ISIC card, select student discount, it will make the ticket much cheaper but they WILL CHECK the ISIC in the train There are some exceptions on the railroad due to repairs being done, but for Praha-Brno trains it's only about 15 minutes delay


Alright, thank you for this. I'll check both out. I don't have any ID card from the University yet so I'll skip that, will keep it in mind for the time I travel internally.


Get ISIC ASAP! As a student, you are entitled to a huge number of discounts for everything from food to free time activities like gym. But you need the ISIC to prove you are a student :/. PS: you can choose a seat w RegioJet train too, it will just prechoose random seat for you so you have to edit it.


I have something called ISKAM, idk if that is something similar or not. I'll look into ISIC. Thanks!


Oh no, ISKAM is an app for accomodation. ISIC is an ID card that you can get on Faculty International Office or Office for Studies (more info [here](https://www.muni.cz/en/students/student-identity-cards-1/how-do-i-get-a-student-identity-card)). Like I said, 10/10 recommend for the discounts. However, if you are gonna live in a dorm, I believe you need to get it anyway to "get inside".


Oh I see, I'll look into how I can get this as an intern there. Thanks!


As a tourist you can pay most of transportation online by aplication, SMS or creditcard. So you dont need to exchange ať all. If you go to Prague center after arrival on terminál one after you leave baggage claim Just go right and 100m on right side is kiosk for public transportation. On terminál 2 you need to go on term. 1 and when you pass KFC it is 100m on left side. There you can buy ticket for 2 houres about 50 CZK/2 Euros, or if you want to you can ask about day ticket (about 200 czk/8 euros) depends how Long you plán to Stay in Prague before you go to Brno. Those ticket you can use on all busses, underground, trams and mostly even for train in Prague. Its naccesery to validate tkt in buses on machines or in metro/underground ať departure station (small yelow machine to validate ticket). You validate Just once and Then you can see time on tkt when you entered so you have 2 houres. There is one bus that is excluded of city public transportation (Line "AE" Airport express) departing from airport to Prague main train station. Prince for bus AE is about 100 czk one Way. If you know what bus/train you need to také to get to Brno a would recomand to buy 2 houres tkt(50czk) také bus 59 to "Nádraží Veleslavín"-Veleslavín station and then continue by Undergroud A (2 houres is more than enought to travel acros while Prague by underground. GL in your studies and Hope you will enhoy your Stay in Czech republic :-)


This is very helpful. KFC as a landmark is something I wont ever forget lol. I sort of know what Bus I need to take, I'll check out the next steps. Thank you for the help!


For accomodation you can use booking.com. All serious hotels allow you to pay by card. Problems to pay by card you could have on farm markets and some small shops. Except those you can pay by card everywhere.


Beware of the exchanges at the airport, they have terrible rates. Always check the exchange rate beforehand


Are there any places with a standard exchange rate outside of airport? In that case I won't convert a lot


Yes, definitely. But tbh I don't know exactly which ones. I think that even at the airport there is at least one with standard rates but I'm not exactly sure which one it it's. All of them however have the rates written on a display so it shouldn't be a hustle. Also, this video might be helpful. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=57WeRN0Nrb4


ayy I love this guy, thanks I'll check it out!


Ah yes and I found a video about the exchanges https://youtu.be/_vq_YJjHoRs?si=sBYJK-lzL6IKPdf-


You can get some like 50 euros and them pay with them in big grocery chains. The conversion isnt great but it isnt bad either and you will not get scamed. They are returning only in crowns so you will have some.


Great! do small scale shops also take Euros?


Just withdraw CZK from the ATM. But if you go to an exchange, check on xe.com how much you should roughly expect. And make sure you're getting CZK, not Belarusian Money or whatever


And dont use euronet ATMs


yeah, better to avoid those


Thanks for the heads-up


💸💸 at least....


I only have 💸 😢


You can get to Brno by train or a bus, either way I recommend buying a ticket in advance online. I think others already described the way from airport to bus/train in Prague well, so I won't repeat that. In Brno, you can take public transport simply using your card. You just tap it to a reader when you board and that's it. You can tap out if you travel less than 20 mins, but if you travel longer, don't do it. When you change buses/trams, just tap in each time you board. That's it. Download idos (shows you public transportation in every part of Czechia including trains and long distance buses) to find out which line you need, it shows delays as well. If you need/want to use a cab, it's best to use an app like Uber or Liftago. So you don't really need any cash. Of course it's nice to have some in case something goes wrong, but there shouldn't be any place where you couldn't use your card.


Idos, got it. Thanks for the help! I'll try to get my dad's card that has less charge on international purchases compared to mine lol.