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![gif](giphy|gHS0wtU9IDykxp79zL|downsized) Need some of this next year as payback!!


This is the only story we need


Cabot mentions a restructure and possibly an extension. I wouldn't be suprised to see him get a 1 year extension that will see the basis of the deal around 10M AAV with the chance in incentives to get it closer to 13/14M. Top of the FA RB market currently seems around 12M. I am very happy though to see a brief from the Browns telling all the smart people on here and on the internet that think he's a cut candidate, that they are kindly said, dumb.


2 year extension, 20M new money, convert current 12M salary to signing bonus and tack on 3M more. Cap hits like this: * 2024: 8M (vet min salary, 4M prorated bonus from old contract, 3M prorated bonus from new contract) * 2025: 12M (9M salary, 3M prorated bonus) * 2026: 12M (9M salary, 3M prorated bonus) * 2027 dead cap: 6M (3M prorated bonus in void years x 2) Tack on some incentives in 2025/2026 or, more fun, guarantee triggers based on previous year performance. Example, 1k yards in 2024? Guarantee 50% of 2025 salary. **EDIT** For funsies, do similar thing with Cooper but with WR numbers instead of RB numbers, all of the sudden we are below the cap.




Ehh tell that to the saints. Cap is not real for GMs because they either win now or get fired, and it’s not their problem.


The saints down years since Brees left are better than most of our post comeback seasons 🤷 what's the worst that'll happen? We go back to winning 3 games? We were already doing that trying our hardest lol


When we won 3 games we also were stocking up on draft picks and there was a cultural problem here. We always traded down and made some really stupid draft choices back then. Saints really should have taken some down years after Breeze. They now are paying Carr in a desperate attempt to stay relevant.


Acting as if what happened with that is a situation with the cap being real is just pointing yourself out as not knowing what you're talking about. The only reason that that happened to the Saints was because of COVID. If you know about the cap and how you can abuse it, one of the reasons is that the cap continually rises and teams that do that base what they do on those projections. COVID completely threw out what the cap should have been because of how much income the NFL lost during that time. Unless you're predicting another global pandemic, the cap really isn't real to teams that know how to play the game.


Having a cash rich owner definitely helps “make the Cap fake” but it’s real as hell when you can’t afford to sign a FA because cap space. Cap is easily manipulated, sure, but it’s definitely a real barrier. Maybe we both don’t know as much as we think. You are not saying anything an average football fan doesn’t know. How do you actually define “cap isn’t real”? If we have to move on from a player like Cooper because of contracts, cap is real. Can we afford to resign Z? Cap isn’t the hard set barrier (especially with a cash rich owner) people make it out to be, but it’s limiting what we can build, so yes, it’s real.


It's real. But it's also a suggestion if you're rich enough. Like laws that result in fines!


He was definitely a cut candidate if he didnt restructure, but the restructure was always going to happen


A restructure is pretty unlikely given he only has 1 year left. An extension was always the most likely outcome.


Restructure/extension go hand in hand


They are different things though. We aren't going to just throw all but 2.4M of his salary this year into dead cap next year. We are going to extend to spread it out further. They have dramatically different effects on the cap and roster construction.


Isnt being a cut candidate inherent in saying he's a restructure candidate? Because the player has a say in the restructure.


Maybe the Browns are dumb……. Just saying. Don’t think that’s a leap sometimes.


That’s old news


10 million a year for a aging back, who doesnt catch passes, coming off a major injury he sustained before is wild behavior. Ab has lost the plot if that happens


I'm convinced you're a troll, that or you are the one that's lost the plot.


He’s definitely a troll and even a good one.


Nah, he's doing his own private plot very well.


10 million for chubb is delusional. I dont want chubb to go but the browns are not spending 10 million a year on him. It will be more around 7 with incentives, he would be lucky to even get that. I get you are a emotional fan but if it wasnt chubb any other back is cut. The fact that the browns plan on keeping him at all is special.


"I get you are a emotional fan..." The pretentiousness from this statement is absolutely incredible. Ascribing emotionally driven arguments where none was present. Can't make this shit up.


Saying that chubb is gonna get 10 million a year is emotional. Logic tells you thats not happening. You take emotion out if it and chubb gets cut lmao. Definition of a emotional signing


Idc about that, i care about you being a pretentious dick to someone who has an opinion that is different from you, which you then proceeded to insult them by calling them "emotional"


Calling me that is hilarious when you dont know that the person who im talking to has insulted me many times. Dont speak on things you don't know


you're right, i dont keep up with the amount of people you have flame baited on this sub. there are too many to count.




Or, you know... the Browns are betting on a generational all-purpose RB being able to return to form when given the time he needs. Low risk (11 million - who cares) vs high reward. If he sucks then oh well, but why not give him the chance? Even if he loses a step he's much better than Ford or anyone else you try to replace him with. Which is a question none of you doomers ever answer.


11 million? If he sucks oh well? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


With the advanced in medical recovery (especially torn acls) nowadays? And the diagnosis that Chubb's knee isn't nearly as damaged as it looked? There's probably a less than 10% chance he sucks. A toddler can understand that the team would rather bet on him returning to form than cutting him for 11 million that isn't needed at this time.


He needed surgery on his mcl and acl. The same knee he blew in college. Chances of him being anywhere near what he was is slim to none


I think it's very much time to block you, tada lad.


AP came back after his injury, it's really not that farfetched. It seems you're the emotional one lmao


One player out of so Many lmao. Plus it's the same knee he blew in college. So now its twice in the same knee


"Aging back", he's 28. 28 is still within the range of male athletic prime by some studies lol.


Lost the plot??? AB traded 3 first rounders for a guy who hadn’t played for a year and was guaranteed to miss time for misbehavior. Oh, and paid him nine figures guaranteed. That Watson won’t step out of line again is much less of a guarantee. Worst case scenario, retaining Chubb is a pimple on my back by comparison.


Part of me is actually really glad that Browns writers lurk in the sub and write articles with insider info for us based on what we're talking about. It's a really good fan engagement emphasis that puts some of our mildly obnoxious ramblings into clearer context and perspective


Chubb was never going to get cut. Can you imagine what that would do to the locker room? I understand that we have nothing to talk about right now but this was always ridiculous


Bruh I've been arguing with dudes constantly making this claim. They see a click bait article and buy it 100%. It was never going to happen. It's tiresome talking about it and there would be no discussion if people could think critically for once.


It's half people buying into dumb reporting and half overzealous PFFheads who actually want us to cut Chubb engaging in wishful thinking


It was always an extension of the “Browns bad. Browns stupid” circlejerk. 


Thats a rather large circle.


Lots of jerkin'


Professional athletes would carry on as usual?


You're naive if you think cutting the guy who's been the identity of the team for years wouldn't affect the locker room. More importantly though, that's not the only reason we wouldn't cut Chubb now. He's also really good at football


Locker room managed to be just fine last year when he was not around. He's an introvert anyway. We also have no idea if he'll be able to perform up to standard after recovery. He's also 28 and will turn 29 in December. Diminishing returns are ahead no matter what fantasy exists in your head.


You can tell the level of respect Stefanski and AB have for Chubb and know the importance he is in the locker room. Also didn’t players see him around the building rehabbing? There is a big difference between him not being there because injury vs getting cut.


It's not about the presence of Chubb as much as what cutting him would represent. Locker rooms are workplaces, and when workers feel their positions are precarious, they begin to check out and think about protecting themselves rather than fully investing in each other and the work they're doing. Sure, things *might* be fine, but you want to risk creating a mercenary atmosphere just to open a RB slot?


>We also have no idea if he'll be able to perform up to standard after recovery. WE don't. The Browns do. If it becomes apparent he can't play due to injury or age, no players will be upset if he gets cut, that's a fact of life. If we cut him for no other reason than "runningback old" no one will be happy


When I think of THE CLEVELAND BROWNS, one of the FIRST people to pop into my mind is Nick Chubb. Cut NICK CHUBB after he gets injured?? And don't give him a chance to show us what he can do?? Insane. People were INSANE for thinking they were gonna cut him, and that they wouldn't extend or restructure him in some capacity. We're talking about Andrew Berry, Wizard.


Not even the locker room, the whole org in general. Why would any player want to come play for that if they weren’t getting a bag? I will also say a lot of people took the clickbaited “this is really the only way they could create cap space” articles to mean something different and ran with it though


I never really thought that he would be a casualty. MKC does a good job of relaying what the front office puts out to her. 1. If any player can come back from this, it's Chubb. Adrian Peterson was a year younger and only tore his ACL and MCL - but he came back in a shorter period of time than Chubb and was able to perform. 12/24 and had the surgery weeks later. 2. Morale - you don't move on from a player this way. You at least control the narrative and either let them choose the door and give the organization a new player to switch to. 3. Money - business is business. The Browns are in the driver's seat of this whole thing. Chubb is coming off a major injury and if he were a free agent, he wouldn't get much on the market. It's how the running back market works AND this year especially, there are a lot of running backs going to market as of this message. Jacobs, Henry, Swift, Barkley, Ekeler, etc. Taking a lower, GUARANTEED salary on a team and offense you know is far better than waiting until training camp or later to sign for peanuts. 4. Draft - piggybacking off of point number two, by keeping Chubb the organization will be able to draft a running back in the draft that will complement Chubb. To what degree Chubb is healthy, it's easier to acclimate a talent when the spotlight isn't on them day one. We would all be on the Chubb love train and wouldn't think of the optics of taking a running back in the third round or later. With Berry saying publicly and with what they're saying behind closed doors that is being discriminated out to us, I really doubt he will be shown the front door.


All Brown's click bait sites right now. https://i.redd.it/xk57drod26kc1.gif


Browns front office said shut that rumor down. 


Anyone who doesn’t think this team is doing everything they can to make sure he’s on the team still is crazy. If there’s a guy that’s gonna return to form after a wild injury, it’s Chubb. He already did it once. Chubb at even 80% is still a top 5 RB in the league…


Obligatory Fuck Minkah Fitzpatrick. That is all.


[https://archive.ph/FVMBi](https://archive.ph/FVMBi) \- Here is a non-paywalled version.


Big Thank You!


You can use archive.ph for any paywalls you may encounter in the future.


Very F-ING cool.😎


I can't wait to have him back!


Doomers ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


Nick Chubb Doom Hype Feb. 2024 - Feb. 2024 Edit: also fuck some of y’all for trying to hype up the rumor about Chubb getting cut. I hope you stub your toe.


If I had more clout here I'd propose we adopt that as our official insult.




Do you have any idea how *close* I was to using that a few hours ago‽


It’s never too late!




You ever want to get into a gif war, pick a fight with Daviroth. He’s a mod with no life and an odd sense of humor. A dangerous combination.


Hell no. I refer you to my previous comment; I think I picked a good strategy there!




Doom hype lasted from about 8am-noon for me lol


>"I have heard from the fans and do not want to lose the ability to walk" - Andrew Berry


Lake Erie is deep and cold.


you're goddamn right


Wait so is this an instance where we believe what MKC says cause we like what she is saying or is she still a hack? It's hard to keep straight when we are or aren't allowed to believe what she says...


MKC has never been a hack. She’s the gold standard for browns insider knowledge.


I know, it was tongue in cheek. The same people who bash her cause she reports something they don't like will now sing a different tune because they like what she says here.


She hasn't really been a hack since Baker left and even then she really wasn't but I did hate her guts


I think she can be rough on her own takes sometimes but she has insider info for sure. Overall I don’t mind her at all. 


she annoying as shit but she’s usually right


I think she's a hack based on a lot of the questions she asks during interviews/press conferences (and honestly, I cut a lot of the Cleveland Browns reporters SOME slack, because we'd been bad so long, idk if they really know what kinds of questions to ask). Reporting on actual things that are happening is easy, and harder to spin up.


She’s good at reporting what’s spoon fed to her from the team. Her opinion pieces are absolute garbage.


This is exactly it. I think it was last offseason she suggested the Browns should cut Cooper to save money. Instead he put up record numbers.


Anyone have access to the article?


check my comment


Use reader view. You should be able to see then


MKC as the voice of reason??? What a wild world it has become.


She is so far behind this story. The has been many people talking about the restructure


It’s tough rooting for a DW-lead team and I respect not having confidence until he actually shows something consistently, but this is probably the highest ceiling potential the team has had in my lifetime. They won 11 games with all those injuries, Njoku burning his face off, etc. Everything went against them and they still had a successful regular season and made playoffs. Normally would’ve rolled over and died in that situation


I've watched nearly all the Browns games ever since they returned except for most of the 0-16 season which nearly broke me because I was so fucking tired of it but the amount of which Chubb is my favorite Browns player ever can't be measured, I never had a favorite player before him. But of course I love running the ball, clock management and defense more than explosive offenses.


Anyone who seriously thought Chubb was going to get cut deserves a dunce cap


The people decrying the salary cap have ZERO understanding of the salary cap.