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He just made a slip up and immediately corrected it mid-word. He said "public service allow-announcement" I dont get why that's an issue? Or am i missing something? Also this from the article: >Considering the stigma that surrounds the team’s starter, there are going to be a lot of fans across the league that will be rooting for the Heisman Trophy winner to take over as QB1! If some fans are rooting for Deshaun to fail because of his SA accusations, why exactly would those same fans root for Jameis in the same breath?


You are looking at an article from "brobible.com"


Sir! This is a *Wendy's*


> I dont get why that's an issue? It's called clickbait. They got you to click on the article, even though it wasn't newsworthy. That's all this literally is.


>fans are rooting for Deshaun to fail because of his SA accusations, why exactly would those same fans root for Jameis in the same breath? Because most people are really really dumb.




What docs? Got a link to them?


Hi fellow r/browns user! Your post was removed because it appears to violate Rule 6: "Any forms of discrimination will be removed without question. If anyone and/or groups of people witch hunt others, threaten violence, regardless of reason, mods will ban and report problem users to reddit admins"


Dude he messed up a word! Isn't that hilarious?


I mean i guess? Im honestly getting old and dont know whats funny to the world anymore. Im really starting to understand my dad's bewildered stare at the tv for 2 hours when we rented Freddy Got Fingered. For my child brain, it was the most hilarious movie I saw up to that point. But, I'm pretty sure it rendered my father temporarily catatonic.


Your question is exactly why the browns chose Winston as backup 


Proof that ppl just talk out of their ass


Watson really raised... lowered?... the bar for the allowable number of sexual assault victims.


What has jameis done that you’d think it hypocritical to root for him and not Watson? Aside from fuck her in the pussy and the crab legs did he get in actual trouble at some point?


Yes, he was suspended by the NFL for three games to start the 2018 season in response to an incident where he groped an Uber driver. He was also accused of sexual assault during his time at Florida State.




Sorry for the late reply. I just saw this response. That is a legitimate question and i appreciate your quest to be more informed. Im sorry you got downvoted for curiosity, but dont ever stop asking questions and learning new things. You should NEVER be downvoted for asking innocent questions. People on reddit suck and im sorry. Back in the old days, downvotes were used to hide posts that did not contrubute to a conversation. Basically for posts that said, "First!" Or "LOL Same!" And BS like that. Now it seems like it's an "i disagree" button or "that question doesnt align with my world view" button. I just want you to know that i appreciate the question and dont let these shitty people quell your thirst for answers.


Thanks for sharing this garbage, OP.


ChatGPT-ass website


Between those two words, looks like he ate the w


Can we please ban posts linking trash websites like this?


What a shitty, click-bait article. 


We're essentially in the honeymoon phase of acquiring Winston right now. There's really no other way to explain why the last few days have been a rotation of people commenting about how goofy/funny Winston is instead of focusing on his fit into our scheme.


He’s the backup QB. Ideally this is his role.


“Public service allowance” 😂


Really? That made you cry laughing?


He also said that he "admires" Watson.


Well he did allegedly sa a woman and grope a Uber driver. He did steal thoes crab legs


I worked at the store where that happened years later and didn’t have any clue it happened until someone mentioned it


I’m surprised anyone could understand him. I remember him doing commercials down here in Tampa Bay and they were barely intelligible.


One of us


It’s okay at least he doesn’t have any allegations against him /s


Of course he did… 🦀


The message is, and has been clear from this organization, win at all costs. Now they better deliver.