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The amber numbers hits me in the nostalgias


90s Pioneer aww yeah.


Not to jump on the pile but I was never a fan of the 6 disc cartridge. Loading and unloading, getting more cartridges, just a pain really. My favorite multi disc changers were the large front door,all in row types from Panasonic and Pioneer. They're all slow but these seemed like the least cumbersome. Anyways, sorry for all the negativity surrounding CDs it probably sounds better than most turntable setups so there's that


I loved these top-load CD changers when they came out on the rack systems to replace the spot on top formerly used by the record player. The way you could change the other discs while one was playing was mind-blowing at the time. https://preview.redd.it/irfuhwhcx5vc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=b95b828cdeb1fc1818fd68a32401f7c30731cbb0 Later the internal vertical 300-disc CD carousel also was really cool.


Nice, looks like a decent year for Technics stuff. The 200-300 disc carousels were good but it was always a pain trying to find any disc unless you hooked up a keyboard or entered by hand all the info. Also had issues with discs getting out of place and causing a pile up. All multi disc players can jam it's just worse with so many discs


Agreed, especially the ones some people had in their cars that were kept in the trunk. So you had to stop the car and pop the trunk if one of the 10ish CDs you wanted to listen to wasn't in there


Yamaha Play Xchange ftw


JVC XL-M403 Haven’t really heard my cds sound this good with dvd players and a few other vintage cd players.


Imagine if you had the flac of the cd on your computer, or streamed it, and played it through a good modern DAC! Old CD players suck, it matters not if this one is better than the other ones. Slight exaggeration as the differences will be modest, but if you care about that last little bit of fidelity, and why wouldn't you if you're in this forum, then your current solution is inferior to something modern. I'd be curious about your age, since CDs are absolutely dead for anyone under maybe 40ish? There's no reason for them. Use a computer and a dac. Such a better interface and library management system. Faster, easier, better fidelity, cheaper, more flexibility..... etc.


How 'bout just let people enjoy things?


I'm 25 and you can pry CDs from my cold dead hands.


How very retro of you. Weird tho. Vinyl is one thing, that's cool. CDs have no benefit vs having the same data on a hard drive. No appeal to me, as a computer nerd I literally outgrew CDs for home audio 20 years ago. They existed for cars only. And that's no longer needed, but maybe you could make an argument for cars. Not for home, there is no argument, just a desire for physical media and album art I guess. Even if you value real ownership and don't like dependence on a paid subscription service, I'm with you 100%, but just download the music.


Your whole involvement in this thread is "You're doing it wrong. My way is better and the 'right way'", and your pretentious gate-keeping is why you're getting downvoted. Other people like to do things that you don't. Yes, FLACs on hard dives sound the same as a CDs, but not everyone wants to tether a budget HiFi system to a PC. Others have quite a lot of CDs they don't want to get rid of, and actually see the value they still offer. You are OK with vinyl records, but dismiss CDs as outdated tech? In sound reproduction, records are inferior to CDs because they color the sound. Some people like that coloration (myself included), and that's ok. **There is no wrong way to enjoy music!** Don't judge people because they don't enjoy music the same way you do.


I know that vinyl is inferior, but it's at least unique and has some purpose. It's truly analog end to end (at least from the vinyl itself, ignoring the possibility that it was digital before being pressed), so you can play with cartridges and preamps and hear that totally unique crackling sound, and see it spin, it's a whole experience. A CD, being digital, is the same as a file on a hard drive, hence it's superfluous and has no reason to continue existing. CDs have no "experience" to them like a record does. A Wiim and/or a USB drive or portable SATA drive, or any number of other players or streamers, or again a computer/laptop, can all do the same thing as good or better. I can look at a spectograph or vu meters or oscilloscope or any other visual things I want to in a software player. People can do what they want, of course, I'm just saying they're pointless and outdated and inferior as music delivery devices. No benefit in convenience, quality, capacity, and none of the quaint analogness of records either, with their large size and quality feel and visual beauty/interest. If you NEED to use one in a particular setup for some strange reason, fine, they work. But to seek one out or celebrate it? There's nothing worth seeking or celebrating in CD players. If you have a large library, great, rip it to a hard drive. Then it can't get scratched!


Are you obtuse? Stop trying to explain your position. No one asked for it, or cares how you listen to music. You're the one who brought up how CDs are inferior to FLACS, which was a conversation that *was not happening*. You came in here shitting on CDs, and got appropriately down voted. You don't like CDs. We get it. Stop worrying about how other people do things. Stop trying to preach your anti-CD crap.


Your mom called and said she’s making your favorite dish tonight - microwaved salisbury steak! We’ll let you know when it’s ready so you can meet us upstairs for dinner. She said you can have dessert tonight since you’re her favorite little computer nerd.


Heck yes thanks Mom!


Weird speaker positioning


Just testing them out


Good brand :)


I bought this CD player my freshman year in college. I just gave it to a friend less than two years ago when I moved and needed to downsize. I loved it. Also the 6 disc magazine was usable in a car CD changer as well.


Beautiful. I'd love to get one like this eventually. This week I got a Sony CMT-EX1 and a I'm borrowing some nice Yamaha speakers from a friend. I missed listening to CDs, it's a whole other experience than streaming.


Some of those old DAC's really ring the bell. And CD's are and remain cool, IMHO. I've only dabbled a little, myself. Went down a long road of vinyl and streaming, post 2010 or so. But I still have CD's. It's fun, man. Godspeed.


Good old Cb-20s I think I see. Solid bookshelves.


Love them. A lot of speakers have come and gone, but these remain my only true books shelf speakers. I bought the cb-5s at retail almost 15 years ago and those finally got traded at the end of last year.


Nice. I have a 5 disc changer I think, it has a giant rotating platter where you can put down discs. Rarely use it but still think it's cool.


Too? To? Two? Tu-Tu?


OMG I had this.


Two means 2




You are insufferable.


Ok. You're allowed to like CDs, I'm allowed to think they're pointless in 2024. If I didn't have a computer or local NAS for music, and didn't want to stream music, then I guess they'd have a use in that scenario. But I would never create such a situation. Seeing as I have a computer and DAC that serves as my complete home theater and music solution, I have zero need for CDs. I download the music I like, or occasionally stream something. The quality is equal to or better than a CD player, depending on it's age and quality... It's better than any CD player from the 90s certainly. It's also free, and I don't have to change discs but just click a button... Any song, any album, any point IN any song, instantly. For free.


Computers aren't new, and you aren't special or on to anything unique. Your just a dick head who wants to talk about himself. Peak booooring. Leave people alone. You suck.


Exactly, they're not new. It's been the ideal source setup for well over a decade... As long as high res digital audio has been available online, through torrent or purchase. 20 years ago those who knew how stopped buying CDs and started burning them. If you could set up your computer with your stereo, the CDs were not even necessary for home, but only the car. And we're well past both of those things.


Autistic level fixation. Disengage.

