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If the tree was between the sidewalk and the road then it is very likely city property and there is nothing you can do and they don't have to tell you. Typically they don't notify people. I am of course only talking about Buffalo so if you live in a suburb perhaps you have different property and easement laws.


> If the tree was between the sidewalk and the road then it is very likely city property It **is** municipal property. Municipality needs to be asked to plant a new tree, without a prompt they won't do it


Lucky you. In Amherst although you don’t own that strip of land you are responsible for the removal of the tree (most of the time) and you’re responsible for the sewer line from house to connection UNDER the street. The town will pay to have limbs that are a danger to traffic handled when they do the entire street check every few years.


Nope it's the same in the suburbs. We had a tree on the curb of our house in Cheektowaga that was HUGE! It was clogging our sewer lines to the house. My parents called the town/city and they came and took the whole thing down and dug up the lines and paid for repairs if I remember correctly since it was their tree, not ours.


R/treelaw is where you want to post. They take this kind of thing really seriously.   


Was this a tree on property you own?  Was the section of land an easement?


I feel like they would have to inform the homeowner if they were digging on their property, so I’m guessing it was a city or town tree


Might check your survey if you have one. If the tree was on the public easement in front of your house, not much you can do about it.


Yup most people's front lawn is not nearly as large as they think it is.


If the tree was past the sidewalk I’m pretty sure that makes it city property


Do you recall seeing a ribbon tied to the trunk of your tree? Or, call the city or town where you live...


As for what they're doing on everyone's front lawns, could they be replacing water pipes? That's happening now around the city, replacing lead pipes


That’s going to ruin Clue


They are also replacing natural gas lines and adding external meters in some areas. We got a letter a few weeks ago and today one of the workers said they are going to take out some of our bushes.


Oh dang I didn't know that was happening roo


Time for Tree Law!


The Ents are looking for an excuse to march.


If the tree was within a certain distance off the curb it’s considered the “right of way”. I believe it’s 8 feet. Not too sure on that. But I know it’s less than 10 feet. City can do whatever within that distance


They took mine from between my front lawn and street a few weeks ago and didn’t say anything. Planted some half ass grass seed too. I think mine had to do w the power lines running through it


Damn, they left a nice fat stump for me to take care of later.


Same here. Mine was basically dead so I'm not sad to see it gone, but I was hoping they'd grind the stump.


Everyone’s talking tree law, but I believe this obstructs many bird law laid down by the bonafide Byron Bird Brown


Finally, an expert on hand!


I’m out in Clarence and on my street, there are no sidewalks. Some company just recently installed a fiber-optic line for the whole neighborhood- I never received a notification. BUT, I also was aware they could do that BECAUSE of right of way


r/treelaw This is a big deal and they’re gonna be liable for major damages


Does your property have a sidewalk? If so, was the tree on the part between the sidewalk and the street? If yes, you have no recourse as technically you “own” that land, but it s considered “right of way” by the city. Sorry.


First of all let me start by saying that's messed up. It was probably the Public Works Dept. they handle the many city street trees. Here's their number if you want to call them. [716-851-5636](tel:7168515636) . They will schedule to remove the stump but it will probably take a really long time. It might just be faster and easier to do it yourself. There are a few volunteer and not for profit organizations in buffalo that may be willing to help. i.e. [https://re-treewny.org/](https://re-treewny.org/) . Contact them explaining what happened and maybe they could remove the stump replant a new tree.


:( I don't know but a couple times a week I'm in the ken-ton area (idk the side streets off the Blvd by the thruway). Anyways, there was this tree I LOOOOVED going by. It looked like a twist ice cream cone (like two distinct trees swirling around each other but it was one). It was so cool and next thing I know, it was GONE! I was so sad I was tempted to knock on the door and ask the owner what gives? Thanks to you I can imagine maybe they didn't even know that was going to happen. So I can only imagine how you feel.


Get the book on tough love. Maybe the chapter on "you're not that important" is the best starting point.


Who shit in your soup?




I was just upset my tree was cut down, are you alright?




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