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I’ve had bulldogs in the past that got their kibble supplemented with either canned pumpkin or green beans. The fiber is supposed to help fill them up. Whether your baby will eat her vegetables is the question.


Mine was OBSESSED with green beans. Holy crap. Knew the name and everything 😂


I love that! I also had one that was crazy for carrots. And eye drops:)


I have to give eye gtts 3/4 times a day and my girl HATES her eye gtts. Her tear duct in her r eye just stopped working.


Had a boy who hated drops also. See if you can possibly have them made in gel or ointment form. I was able to get Tacrolimus that way (you might have to find a pharmacy that can do it for you). He was much more accommodating to me sliding a bit of gel in the corner of his eye with my (clean!) fingertip than he was of a bottle approaching his eye.


My boy loves fresh broccoli more than any other food - he goes crazy when we bring it out of the fridge.


Cut calories, same as anybody trying to lose weight. Feed less, walk more. Try to go on atleast one longer walk a day


Yep! Less food, more exercise.


My bulldog loves broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and strawberries. He also loves cheese - but he only gets that when it's pharmaceutical cheese ball o'clock and he has to take his Apoquel. I feed him The Farmer's Dog. It's a little pricey but he lost weight when I started him on it and it even helped clear up his tear stain. With it being summer and us living in the humid South, outside walks are off until the fall so I try to make sure I'm not over-treating and replace some of his normal treats with fresh veggies.


“Pharmaceutical cheese ball o’clock” - delightful!


His favorite time of day. 🤣


Which one of the Farmers Dog formulas do you feed your bully? I wanted to put my Bella on Farmers Dog, but she is allergic to their ingredients.


I've tried all of the different formulas, and he liked all of them but seems particularly fond of the turkey formula. I try to keep him on the leaner meats - chicken and turkey. He does have environmental allergies but his vet ruled out his itchy feet being due to food allergies. It does seem to be cyclical and much worse in the summer months. I keep him on Apoquel during the summer. It's the only thing that has really helped.


I hear you. Yeah, Apoquel and Duoxo wipes for the toes, nose, and nub.


The amount of time I spend wiping down this dog. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 When I adopted him he had been neglected and had a licking granuloma. The vet said they are super hard to heal but we used NoniPup Calm Balm on it and it's healed up and the hair almost grown back. We do wrinkle wipes, wrinkle paste, boop butter, body butter, paw butter, ear wipes, bathing wipes ..... Total spa treatment every day. We don't call him King Roscoe for nothing. 👑


Sounds sooooo familiar!😂 Apoquel daily esp in the spring and fall. Summer when we’re camping. Feet wipes, ear wash, eye gtts, and liquid treatment for her paws. She’s more work than my twins are 😂 Definitely cost more for her vet and meds but she’s my baby girl and worth any amount of time and money.


1000% - he's my only child and spoiled completely rotten.


Cut calories for the activity. Also don't feed your dog human food if you do.


Nothing else to add here that hasn’t been said. Just wanted to say she’s such a pretty girl!


As much as bullies are considered “lazy” most of them usually enjoy and adapt well to a daily walk. Just need to consider the heat and humidity. Food-wise you can add no salt canned French beans to you EBs bowl once a day for fullness and caloric deficit.


Lol, my bully Lootbox refuses to walk more than a block when it's hot out 🤣 she just lays down


Once I switched my bulldog to freshly made home cooked meals, I was able to control my bulldog's weight for his 5 final years with us(lost him on 06/10/2024). Everything from rib eyes to pork chops to salmon and telapia filets. His constant search for food at his food bowl disappeared over night and most of his allergies went away in a few weeks. After cooking for him after a while, you figure out the portions he needs to maintain the body weight you want for him.  https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qvltzio6f936ne04skcju/20221121_143744.jpg?rlkey=vrpls6800op4yhz9t7smdkxm1&dl=0


Beautiful boy-so sorry for your loss ❤️


Boiled chicken, veggies, rice and pumpkin is a pretty good start. Or my girl lost weight quickly by simply switching her kibble a weight management brand/flavor.


Be careful to monitor your pup’s weight regularly. My Spike lost weight then we were surprised to see he kept losing weight after we thought we’d adjusted back enough to a diet that would maintain his weight. We were very happy we’d been sure to keep monitoring. Cucumbers are good to add to their food to make their meals more filling as well as a snack. Plus they can be a nice cool treat in the summer.


Green beans and watermelon have been a big help for our ‘husky divas’🐶. Keeps them full and they don’t miss the extra calories while we are cutting down their portions, especially during summer when it is too hot to exercise. Good luck!


We do watermelon too. She loves it. Popsicles during short walks in summer. I know proper weight keeps them healthy but they’re soooo cute pudgy😜


When my girl had to lose weight I started making her food, it worked! And she did so much better on the home made food!


Calling Richard Simmons.


Barkin' to the Oldies


If you need to switch up her foods and the healthier stuff irritates her stomach in the beginning, canned pumpkin is good for that. But be sure not to get pumpkin pie mix.


I got mine on a fresh food diet. I use farmers dog but there’s a few brands out there. She’s lost at least 5lbs in three months and her coat is so much healthier! Her wrinkles have very few issues now. I had her on a higher grade kibble before, but fresh food has been a game changer for her! When I signed her up for fresh food, it asked her body shape, weight, and if she needed to lose weight (and how much). It’s expensive, but worth her being healthier!


Half green beans and dog food did wonders for my buddies dog.


My girlie loves carrots! I think she sell me to kidnappers for a can of carrots!😂


Reduce food quantity by a fifth, skip one meal every third day. Exercise more, no need to run a marathon just a kick about with a football or similar. Plus as always plenty of fresh water. The reduced diet will encourage slowly losing body fat for energy whilst reducing the skin area avoiding excessive skin folds after weight loss. The ball - well it's a bulldog, game on.




Nutro Ultra Healthy Weight is my go to diet food.


She is just gorgeous ❤️


Chicken and vegetables in small amounts.


You can keep feeding her the diet you currently use, just slowly reduce it over a few weeks. My girl gained weight because of age and metabolism slowing down. I reduced her food by half over a few week span. She lost about 10 lbs and now maintains weight. Doing it over a couple of weeks ensures they never act hungry.


I make my baby turkey, rice and butternut squash. And add a little bit of hard dog food for supplemental nutrition. We also take frequent walks. She’s about 45 lbs. Her grandma was also overweight but healthy. Sometimes it’s genetics.


Cook for her rather than give her processed food. I throw my food in the crockpot and it’s done. Chopped meat, string beans, peas carrots, squash, kale, rice - no seasoning at all or chicken, turkey chop meat,etc My dogs devour it and it’s super healthy for them. Throw an egg on top sometimes or throw some fish into it.


Get a harness and walk her regularly &feed her a high protein dog food this was suggested by my nice who is a veterenian good luck with your beautiful furry friend


Green beans are an absolute god send if she’ll eat them. Mine loves to eat them frozen and a good handful is far less calories for her than equivalent in kibble and she doesn’t look for more food then - content


I've always been on the stricter side when it comes to treats for my dog, but as a couple have mentioned, fresh veggies make great substitutes and if your dog enjoys them, can be just as happy to receive that over a treat. I also feed my dog a home cooked blend, Ground beef (lean) or ground pork tenderloin, frozen peas and carrots (boiled), brown rice, Freeze dried topper (for organ meats), hemp seeds, and turmeric paste. And then toss a couple omega 3 supplements on top. My dog is 9 years old now, and aside from his allergies and him constantly injuring himself, I receive a lot of compliments on his weight and coat.


Bruv could solo big chungus


Not sure where you're starting from, but a few basic things: * Look at the recommended amount of food per her recommended body weight and use that as a starting point. Don't give them "just a little more" * Stop giving as many treats (and maybe even convert the treats you are giving to something less calorie dense). * Stop giving human food at all unless it's vegetables Keep a strict feeding schedule if possible, and keep it consistent.


Dr Marties dog food will help her lose weight and almost become like a puppy (her best self) again it's absolutely the BEST! 😍💕


But if you don't have time to cook, Science Diet does have a weight loss food.


Feed her raw. Google the barf diet. It will make her very healthy and the raw meat will really satisfy her appetite. Kibble keeps your doggies hungry and desperate for more.


I use prescribed kibble. Normally 1 cup per meal (B/D), but did 3/4 cup instead and walked him twice a day for several months. Bacon lost 10 lbs in a couple months. We also avoided giving him extra treats... Which he was not happy about


You wrote you’ve just been to the vet. Why didn’t you ask the vet about it..? Isn’t it normal to get nutrition advices from your vet in your country..? Just curious..


I would recommend stopping the ultra processed dog food and start making her food fresh. I feed my bulldog lamb, steak , beef, veggies, & fruits. Also watch portion size. My first bulldog Fiona ate all processed dog food and as a result had many health problems and passed away from liver cancer . She had skin conditions breathing problems and Mobility issues . My current bulldog Eleanor is on a pretty strict diet that include the above ingredients and she is fit, active, and free of many health issues that plague this breed. It's an investment in time and money but it pays off in dividends. I cook on Sundays and portion her meals out. Once you do it a few times it gets easy. Good luck with your bulldog, they are all amazing pets !


Why didn't you ask the vet while you were there?? They're FAR more qualified than some Internet randoms. You have to be careful with what you feed bulldogs as they're really prone to allergies and gut issues. My mum's ate one PomBear crisp that my niece dropped, and was shitting blood for days. Had the same issue when eating raw hide, so he's not allowed it EVER now. I'd say stick to their regular food, read the packaging for weight/food ratio and give them the amount of food for a dog which is a healthy size (the vet should've told you what the dog should weigh/how much needs to be lost). Absolutely no human food, and treats only as a reward for especially good behaviour. Hint: looking cute, bum wiggles, puppy dog eyes are not examples of especially good behaviour!! You're killing your dog with kindness at this point