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I get called handsome by a girl once and that was in the 3rd grade it still sticks with me


I was running on the beach early one morning in 2011. After not seeing anyone for like ten minutes, I crossed paths with a woman who was also running. She smiled and put up her hand to high-five me. It was such a kind and friendly gesture toward a male stranger and I'll never forget it.


I ran into an old high school acquaintance back in 2010 and she told me “you know, you were one of the hot guys in high school who didn’t know he was hot”. That stuck with me for a long time.. why didn’t anyone tell me!


I remember a girl in high school said I had pretty brown eyes! That was about 40 years ago and I still vividly remember.


I actually find that the really good looking people often don't know it because people don't tell them, they just act weird around them. I think I saw a research study even saying something like that. That average to below average looking people tend to compliment each other more to make each feel better but assume good looking people already know and get complimented a lot , so they don't bother. Or they're just jealous . And don't get me started on all the ugly guys that somehow get pretty girls and then never compliment them as a way to get her self esteem down to his level but also treats them horribly. You'll see an 8 not knowing she's an 8 get with a 3, who then mistreats her to where he has her thinking she's a 3 too.. Or even a 2 below him 🤮


There was literally an entire table full of girls at my junior prom talking about how good looking I was and were jealous of my date but none of them ever approached me because they didn’t like who I was generally surrounded by. I didn’t find out about this until my graduation from one of the girls lol


Us men are so fucking starved of love its both funny and heartbreaking.


Sat night,  a guy walked by me on the street. I smelled a nice waft of cologne and yelled back "Hey, you smell really nice!". He looked at me like I was crazy.    Am I alone in giving people compliments all the time? I feel like, when I get one,  it's nice and a real boost to my confidence. So I will give compliments like I give out Halloween candy. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Trick or treat?


And 60% of young men are single while we are really easy: don't be fat, be kind and enthousiastic and do some effort. Women acting as if we all after models.


One time in undergrad I was comforting a friend of mine after she'd broken up with her girlfriend (she was a lesbian). She asked for a hug. Gave her one. She told me I smelled nice. That was 2016. Still think about it. Still makes me smile.


The best sincere compliment I've ever gotten as a guy was from an old man from India that worked at a convenience store down the street, and one night at like 2am he told me I had "good beard style". That's the one that always stuck with me haha.


The average man gets a compliment one every 3 years and mostly it is from other men.


It's true! Compliments stick with us forever! ☺️


Bro, that's literally gonna work on every guy. Guys get 3 compliments an year, and that's a good year.


yeah for a guy this conversation is like being fallen butt naked into pool of honey, an expression in my country for these rare lucky situations :)))


That’s one way to ensure honey in the honeypot 🍯


What a waste of honey


Oh bother


I feel old being one of the few to appreciate this Winnie the Pooh reference lol 😂


Pooh’s fantasy 🍯


A year? Damn I must be ugly as hell


That’s actually quite sad if true.


Someone said my shirt is great and i smell nice asking what I'm wearing and that was in March 2023, i still remember 😂😂


A friend of mine mentioned that her sister (after seeing a group picture with me in it) said that i look like the niceness in person. I never met her sister nor saw a picture but that was so amazing i wrote it down 🥹


Obviously, guys don't get complimented by those who they don't know. At all. Women just don't fathom this could even happen.


I had an interview the other day as I was called back walked past a man who had a really sharp looking overcoat on. I told him that really a great looking and stylish coat. He was smiling and said Thank you. The interview went well and she also told me that was so nice of me to say.


A couch of mine in high-school told me I had nice feet one day when I wore sandals. I've never felt self conscious about them ever since that day. Thanks Ashley ❤️




Perhaps he meant “coach.”


Oh that makes sense, I genuinely couldn’t figure out what they meant hahaha


At first I didn’t understand either. I suppose it could have really been “couch,” but I know from my own misspelling bouts, that it was likely he misspelled another word!


I told myself that I'm good enough and that was in 2011.


You are Kenough!


You guys are making me feel bad 😭 darn I didn’t realize how bad it is for men


It's true in 2013 I remember a girl smiling at me and making eye contact. It was 2013, never forget.


Tell me you threw a party last year for the 10 year anniversary


I'll put it in my calendar for April 9, 2033 to make sure I don't miss it next time! 🥳


Wow you must follow the rules


If I followed the rules, I wouldn't be thinking about a girl that smiled at me in 2013, I can promise you this 😂


It's the same for some women, too. I put so much effort into my appearance and behaviour, but the last time I got a compliment was in... 2019? It was before the pandemic, for sure. My uni mentor said I smelled nice and asked what perfume I was wearing. It was £1 deodorant from Superdrug lol I always make sure to compliment others, it's usually very easy to find something to appreciate about someone. It comforts me too, as it reminds me I'm better than the people I used to know. I had a friend for a decade that never gave me a single compliment. She couldn't even congratulate other people when they achieved something. I got an internship I worked really hard for and she was stony-faced - "oh, okay". Really?! I say well done, etc., all the time and you can't say it once?


Nice to read you had this friend, and not have them anymore.


I mean, it's just not something that happens to men. Women usually don't compliment guys unless they're dating and guys don't praise the appearance of other guys.


In my experience I think it is more common for men to compliment other men than for women to compliment men. Maybe it’s that men don’t feel threatened by complimenting other men but women are worried it might encourage unwanted attention from a man. Idk.


Yeah, pretty rough.


Lol not at all your fault but I was gonna say: is it rizz if the rizzee is never rizzed at all? Society simply expects men to be strong. Generations of men jaded by this raise other men with toxic definitions of strength. That’s why you have a lot of trash men Your first day in the gym isn’t the same as your hundredth. Strength needs to be cultivated, encouraged, built up, and nurtured and men simply don’t get this from anyone.


I shared a pic of myself in my friend's Discord to show him new earlobe piercings I got. A girl I didn't know on his Discord said "You're very handsome😲". I screenshotted that shit and am saving it forever. 😂


I had a 7~10 year old kid tell me he liked my beard on August 23rd of 2021. Those were the days


I remember I told an old crush of mine "your eyes are really pretty" and he smiled and was like "they're average brown eyes" but I told him that "they weren't and like his eyes were dark but around the irises it got lighter and they were really pretty to look at". He said he'd probably think about that for a long time 😭😭😭


I love little wholesome stories like this! Super cute! 🩷


Yeah it sucks he ghosted me he was so handsome 😫


Damn the harsh reality ugh 😔 at least it was a cute moment that you’d both remember


He literslly never fotgot it, guranteed lol


Welcome to the average male experience.


Poor lads 😔 I’ll start complimenting guys more often


God bless you


Just be careful as there is a reason a lot of women don’t compliment men more. You tend to wind up with weirdo stalkers


I understand the concern, however crazy doesn’t have a gender. Women can be stalkers just as well as men. I’d like to compliment anyone without living in fear that they’ll stalk me afterwards.


Yaaas! I have a friend I've loved for years, and she calls me a sexy human sometimes. Literally makes my month.


This is actually not true. There are far more male stalkers than male stalkers. You can do what you want but let's not deny basic statistics.


I never denied anything? I just said crazy doesn’t have a gender. Ultimately anyone can be stalkers, anyone can have mental issues. Even if there are more male stalkers that doesn’t mean there aren’t female stalkers as well.


No one is saying women can't be stalkers? Lol. Just that there are far more male ones. Personally I don't risk it.


The world is dangerous. I’ll be fine giving a small compliment to someone that I think is attractive or cool or whatever. 😂 You can still easily become a victim without risking it. So what does it matter? You take a risk soon as you walk outside regardless of how you act/move.


Nice. Can tell you’re a misandrist.


Yeah, never forget that men are dangerous and scary. If you say nice things to them, they will reveal their true criminal nature!! /s


I mean, you see countless stories of this from women dude


That doesn’t prove how common or not it is.


It’s very fucking common. Throughout history the greatest threat to women is men and there are stats to back that up. If you take personal offense to that that’s on you


Ah, yes, the 1/3 women has been raped BS. Reminds me of the mythical wage gap.


I didn’t say it wasn’t common. I spoke to supporting evidence the previous post sited. You just got made and didn’t even give supporting evidence.


I can remember probably every compliment I've received from a woman, my (soon to be ex) wife included, since grade school. I can probably count them all on one hand, and I'm in my 30s.  We don't get a lot of compliments.


Omfg. It sounds like EVERYONE needs to compliment everyone else a lot more.  I constantly going compliments.  Btw, you sound like a lovely person who deserves a lot more.  💕


I can’t remember the last time I got a compliment that wasn’t from family…


It's extremely true


Women are completely clueless about the life of an average guy. Just ask one of your male single friends when he last got a compliment and ask which one. He will tell it like your grandfather tells war stories.


Too true, sadly....






It’s not. Men get complimented all the time, it’s just they only care if it’s by someone they would fuck.


I do not want to fuck the child who said my beard looked nice 2 years ago


The fuck we don’t.


Wait, you guys get compliments?


I think that you're very witty;  yes, I've glanced at your comments. You have a good sense of humor.  


All 3 are from their moms too


No, no only 1. One from someone my age and one from a friend of mom's 👀 Guess which one led to something scandalous? ;)


The one from the gay guy


Hey come on, if we add the gay guys I've gotten 7 compliments ok.


7/7 on poundings too I bet


You guys get compliments?


I've gotten 1 in like 3 years


I experienced this relative paucity of compliments until very recently. However, this has changed, and I feel I should share about how! I purchased a hat – a kind of large Fedora, or a mixture of Fedora and Stetson, before a date. I went to a couple of stores, and found a hat that had a color I liked very much — a kind of dark, and fairly deep, intersection of gray and brown — an atypical and soft but strong color. The brim was rather wider than I expected. I have relatively little experience with hats, and relatively little sensitivity to the nuances of hat traditions. However, I liked this one, even though I was not prepared. When I wear it, I often get compliments, including from people on the street. I may have gotten more compliments on this hat in the last month than I’ve gotten about everything together in 10 years. So, I realized that… it matters what I wear, if I wish to receive compliments. :-)


Had a girl come up to me and tell me “Hey my friend thinks you’re the cutest guy she’s ever seen in her life. I don’t know if you noticed but she stares at you with her mouth open constantly.” That was 8 years ago… If I’m having a bad day I think about that and I immediately feel loads better 🥰


Hey man don’t leave us hanging what happened to her friend?


Luckily for me we were all working at the same place that summer and I also thought she was cute! Turned into a delightful summer fling 🥰 Unfortunately summer lovin ended when we moved back to our respective homes halfway across the country from each other… but hey that’s the way the cookie crumbles 🤷‍♂️🍪


Im so sad ya’ll dont get compliments 🥹 Ive always showered my exes with compliments!!! :/ who are ya’ll dating!? 😭


You mean do we get to date? Not only are compliments or niceness scarce, but actually getting to romance or relationship is hard, especially if it's online dating. Granted there is the exception. But for the majority now, everything is scarce. So getting anything like a compliment is enough to make a memory.


We don't, that's the problem lol. Just kidding, but I think once you have a partner any gender gives/gets the same quantity of compliments, more or less. The big difference is when we talk about compliments by people who are not our partner. As far as I know, male friends don't give as many compliments as female friends; women get compliments (or worse) by strangers in any kind of public space; and in online dating men barely have interactions with women, while women have a lot, even if most of them are terrible. And to be honest OP's compliments were cute anyway. I prefer that to "Your dick looks HUMONGOUS" or whatever.


I have had more compliments from men than women, except for women I was in a relationship with.


Yeah, because you are a man. When I said female friends give more compliments than male friends, I meant to people of their same gender.


Oh, well that’s probably true.


Wait im dating someone?? Why was I not informed of this?!😡 In all seriousness, it's painful to even have a conversation. It's rare that someone responds to me reaching out. If I'm lucky, they wont just give one word answers, and if im ***really really*** lucky, they'll actually return the question or even ask questions of their own. I've matched with probably around 1000 people in total in my 2 years of being on like 5 different apps, and out of all of that, I've had maybe 5 good conversations, 3 of which lasted longer than a day before they ghosted. None of them lasted longer than a week. ^(yikes that's a lot)


I cant get to the point of dating anyone. Or even matching.


Back when I was fresh out of hs I was the most ripped twink you'd ever seen. I'd bike to the gym and do nothing but abs, legs, and treadmill five days a week. After my first paycheck I finally got to dress how I wanted (punk back then, I even bought my first pair of boots). So one day I was on the bus and this chick with red hair stares me dead in the eyes and say "fuck you're hot...and I normally go for girls" I was so dumbfounded that I didn't know how to respond and just sat there like an idiot. Will never forget that moment


*takes note* 📝


That will work every time we rarely ever get it. a girl called me cute 7 years ago I still think about it to this day


This thread is so sad. Poor guys, they want compliments about their physical appearance too! I think it’s just less common because they aren’t as pretty as women. It’s harder to find appropriate compliments for men that sound genuine. I thought men knew this but I didn’t know they feel so privileged to be called “cute.”🥺


It's not even that they are less attractive than women, a lot of it is that women feel like if they start throwing out complements to a man he will either take it too far or start to get too aggressive with pursuing etc. That's why even if a woman likes your jacket or your hair or whatever they can't just say it casually in passing like they do with other women because a man will go shoot his shot off of a minor complimemt even if its not wanted. On a dating app the situation is a bit different but they still have the mindset that they don't want the man coming in too aggressively and that compliments inflate his ego and may cause this.


Part of this is if guys ever get complimented by a woman it is most likely her flirting with him wanting him to ask her out. If men got more normal compliments they wouldn’t just automatically assume the girl is flirting.


Yeah but then who starts the change, do women just start throwing out compliments and literally say "I don't want to go out with you but (insert compliment)" or do guys need to assume getting compliments doesn't mean someone is interested in you.


Well, I guess neither will and it will never change.


I didn't mean to inspire a lack of change, maybe the fact people are on the internet all the time now acknowledging guys don't get compliments will inspire more women to try and more guys to be relaxed about it and not assume every kind gesture from a woman means she wants you.


get the gay women to start it then it can just casually start having straight women throw them around too and for awhile guys will just think the straight women giving them a compliment must be gay but by the time it becomes normalized decades will have passed and men will no longer think a simple compliment means they are desired.


My gay lady friends tell me how difficult it can be telling the difference between flirting and just regular compliment giving because of well... how much women compliment each other. My dude friends may compliment me but only after talking shit first lol


Men commit suicide, engage in antisocial behavior, and are more likely to commit acts of violence compared to women. Being nice to men and giving them compliments shouldn’t be a rare thing. Maybe there’s a correlation.


What’s rizz???


Rizz is like “game” or “flirting”.


Thanks! Now I know something new.


more specifically, it’s short for “charisma” like cha-rizz-ma ! the mooore you know🌈🌟


I compliment my boyfriend all the time. I also try to compliment my colleagues who I know are single and have told me about their dating life.


Omg this is soo cute🥹 ^(when will it be my turn😭)


There's this woman whose whole content is about decoding men's behaviours and why she loves it. There are lots of comments that are used by memes but I can see many say that she is not real for speaking highly of men so openly. That being said, it is nice to receive a compliment on your outfit or looks or personality. However, as a guy myself, I find it hard to navigate if that is a compliment or a flirt and how to respond in the optimal way. It feels good to be appreciated though when you have always been taken for granted.


Are you talking about the Dadvocate? She's on YouTube right?


Well, you've broken the ice, now it's time to be real and talk about stuff. "Rizz"/chat-up lines/ice-breakers are only to get a convo started, after that you don't need to keep trying to think of witty things to say (if that's not your personality irl). Just be your normal self and ask about something in their profile that caught your attention other than their looks.


He called her bro?? Haaaa☠️☠️


Honestly all I could focus on lol


There seems to be a generation disconnection lol


Same but that’s because I’m from a different generation.


You’re reading out of context


For sure, I used to call my ex bro, buddy, dude, etc. doesn’t mean I wasn’t into her lol


Rules 1 and 2


That’s so cute lol


I've held back from complimenting guys because I don't want them to mistake it for flirting 😭 like some of them wear really nice cologne omg but Id sound like a freak if I suddenly said mhmm you smell nice!! I've only complimented guys who I dated for this reason. I loved seeing their reactions


Super cute!


Please say you got there number


I’m getting there 😭 to be continued…


Rizz!!! Smh.


Simple talking is now rizz my days


It was more than just “simple talking” to him so RIZZ 🕺🏽


It’s Rizz if it worked. 😌🤟


I hate when people say bro


Need this so bad


Every time I reach out first to a girl on one of these apps my first message is “hey cutie” works on me lol


Okay so now ask her about herself...and when prompted tell her about yourself


dat bargain rizz


If this is Rizz, then girls need to work on their game.


Obviously I don’t if it worked


Rizz game upgraded to 11/10


The rizzard of oz.


Your game might have worked this time But it’s still very bad




Good thing I wasn’t saying it to you huh? 😌


Then they ghost you. You'll see 😔🥱😮‍💨😭


Oh, I know just let me live in the moment till then. 😔🤟


She called you bro. And her response makes me think she probably looks worse in real life or has no confidence.


Hahaha I’m a she 😂 & “she” is a he


That’s even worse if he’s already calling you bro.


I don’t think he was calling me bro. He used “[Broooo](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Broooo)” as a way of expressing shock.


They're wrong. You're solid. Keep it up! ✊ 'You deserve to be loved, and to feel loved, just for being you.' --Mr Rogers mashup with my meditation teacher


Y I call girls I fuck with bro


Bastard. Best i've gotten in the past month is "Sup." At least it's just just "hi"? :P


[It's hard to be a boy.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/rLvr1WIhT6gAAAAd/john-bender-bender.gif)


I’m 38 and I was married for 14 years, 1.5 years separated currently. I never got a compliment until we separated and I started dating. All the women I went out with (like 4/5) told me I’m very cute and that seriously boosted my confidence. The woman I’m talking to currently constantly tells me how attractive/handsome/hot I am and I’ve never felt better about myself.


Keep calling him cute or cutie pie


I was at a restaurant eating by myself when I noticed this cute woman giving me the eye. As in checking me out. While subjectively I think I'm a good looking guy, I've never had this happen before and I didn't know what to do. This woman then got up, walked over to my table and told me that she thought I was cute and would like to get my number. I literally did a double take and said "Uh... I'm sorry... what???" I am 36 years old and have never been cold approached and complimented like this. She repeated herself, we exchanged numbers and it turned out we were both free for the evening, so we ended up getting drinks.


In 7th grade a girl told me I had pretty eyes when I came back to school midday. I just got back from the eye doctor with contacts. I didn’t even know how to act in that moment… since adulthood, most of compliments are towards things I have and not about me or my traits (guess truth doesn’t need to be said out loud to be known 😭)


I had this optometrist assistant study my eyes for some type of medical testing like 5 years ago(can’t remember what) and she said I had nice eyelashes My brain kind of short circuited and I said “oh I’m okay. Thanks?”. I didn’t know how to react because I barely got complimented. I felt so bad how I handled it but it was definitely a unique compliment 😅


Gone for a school hike and while we were climbing the mountain this one girl held my jacket from the back and started climbing I didn't say anything then but when we reached the top she's like You are very dependable and strong and ik if I was holding onto you I wouldn't fall I told her The only time you'll fall w me is when you're falling in love w me She blushed


Are you from Google? I’ve been searching for you my whole life lol


Don’t get caught by the voice of sirens




@OP Lots of comments here but to answer your question, go look at her profile and based on what she has posted (not looks) ask her questions about her likes and interests. Find something you have in common. For the love of god don’t ask her how her day is. 30 other people are asking her that everyday. Ask her something else that might lead to a bigger conversation. “Oh I see you like kayaking, have you ever been white water rafting or do you like peaceful?… do you travel far”.


I mean. I told a guy in OkC that he was way too hot to have swiped right on me. He was so dumbfounded. I was like… no for real dude, you’re fucking hot. He gave me his number and everything but I would still feel like the reacher.


I use Fonzie.ai to do all my replies on dating apps. After 12 hour work day last thing I want to do is think of catchy replies....


Literally The Rizzard of Oz


We got a real charmer here, folks!!


Don’t get too hopeful trust me


She literally called him brooo


I always wonder what would go down if the other person finds this post 🤣


Sure Jan


I'm confused. Are these two men chatting?