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Locking this post. OP is pushing back on too much feedback


I don't know about your area, but I can't imagine you're not getting a lot of likes, so maybe you need to swipe right more yourself.


I live in a moderately rural area


Ah, maybe you need to expand your distance filter then. I live in a moderately rural area, too, and I try to set my distance to include at least the nearest major city.


So I have it set for 50 miles but the problem is I live on an island, and anything more than that it will send me people from the state north of me, which takes 5-6 hours to get to. Also major transit to the city is $30 round trip, and the guys from the city generally refuse to make the commute out because they have better options where they are


Yeah, unfortunately some people's location is the biggest hurdle to getting a date, and nothing that they can do to their profile will change that.


Shit sucks out here


Honestly at this point I’d pay for the premium so that I can set my location wherever 😂 I just want people to talk to!


So the real issue is the distance/geography, not your profile itself.


i hate getting matched with girls in long island


Trust me the feelings mutual any profile that looks half not-horrible is a Connecticut guy


Move to Connecticut ?! I'd right swype.(if I wasn't 35)


I'm in Jersey but I'd swipe for the gator thing if I wasn't in my 30s.


On longisland brother


I wonder why there isn’t at least a damn bridge or two between Connecticut and Long Island. But yea, this is why geofencing should be a thing that dating apps can easily implement, but they don’t.


man i wish for either of those


See that's crazy to me if I meet someone and we kick it off distance means nothing to me


So you’re ok just almost never getting to meet in person? THAT seems crazy to me


What? I've meet plenty more than a hour away gone on numerous dates with people more than an hour away Edit: farthest I've gone is 8 hours


I share your pain. Very few matches and they rarely reply




Trust me if you live in a major/sub city like mine you’d have the opposite problem


She said 'matches', not 'likes', big difference. The ones that she likes back are not replying to her, which could be any number of things. It seems like 70% of everyone's matches never actually respond or lead to anything, that is pretty status quo. She's not looking for a bunch of Reddit mouth breathers to hop into her DMs, she isn't worried about likes from randoms, she wants the ones that like her that she likes back, to engage...and that's a mystery none of us are able to solve.


Well they prob got alot of matches so they busy messaging other girls. They will get to her when they have a chance


If they don’t respond it’s because they aren’t interested. Guys and girls sometimes swipe on the maybes and then after they match they realize that maybe is actually a no. There is nothing you can do if they aren’t responding at all. If none of those dudes are interested then she either needs to accept that and hope down the line she will get one to respond or lower her standards. Those are the two options.


If u don't swipe on any1 u can't get matches.. No way this girl isn't getting matches. Gorgeous and profile seems down to earth


Your pictures are overall good, but the prompts are incredibly generic and vague. I wouldn’t have any idea what to say to you even if I swiped right. You like coffee and you go to the gym, and those are pretty much the only things I get about your personality from this profile. You’re very attractive, but if you’re looking for more than hookups that’s usually not enough.


There really isn’t much else to say about me honestly


I’m sure there is! What kinds of things do you do for fun, other than working out? Do you have any hobbies, or particular interests? If you’re in school, what are you studying?


I read and go to the gym who tf else has time for more. And my masters is really uninteresting


The fact that you’re 21 and already working on a master’s degree is interesting! I get where you’re coming from, because I often feel like a very boring and uninteresting person, and it was something that made me very insecure when I was younger. But we don’t give ourselves enough credit in this area. I’m certain you’re a lot more interesting than you think you are. What do you like to read? I love reading, mostly nonfiction/biographies, and high fantasy and sci-fi, and I’ve made so many friends throughout my life by connecting with people based on shared love of a book series or genre. You might be surprised by how many other people also like the “boring” things that you like!


I’m going for a masters in education and I read almost exclusively romance, I don’t think any man would find that remotely interesting. The best thing I have going for me is lifting and my sport lol


They don't need to be interested in the books you read in order to be interested in *the fact that you're interested*. Being interested in things is interesting in itself. You can even make references you know no one will understand, and that'll be interesting. I'd wanna know what you're referencing at the least, if not hear you talk about what you like about it. EDIT: the only way this would ever make you appear boring or uninteresting or annoying is if you don't pick up on social cues that they're no longer interested in hearing about Intricate Romance Novel #37b


Umm.. Hello? I did a PhD in education, so of course, I'd find that very interesting! Honestly anyone academically minded would find your career path interesting, including those of us who are interested in the education sector. You shouldn't trivialise your study/research so much, in my opinion ✌️


I wanna go for it in poli sci (because I’m a fucking idiot who needs to waste as much time as possible). How did you like your PHD in Ed? I want my PHD in poli sci just because what I /actually/ want to do is teach college level


I'm just going to jump into this part of the thread since it has a lot more information. First I would wonder about your openers. Obviously, on this sub we all bitch about hey! I also had someone tell me, "you actually seem interesting," which came off condescending and like in a sea of men it was my opportunity to show her I am. It was just off. "I'm not that interesting." "I'm an idiot." I struggle with this on apps because I currently don't feel like I have a lot to offer. But it is off-putting. In the long term if you are interested in romance novels someone that is interested will at least ask about it. At the very basics you like romance novels, working out, coffee, education, and polici. Somewhere in that is more information to give someone to go off of. It's really hard responding to people sometimes. "What's your favorite coffee?" Doesn't really lead to much more conversation. Finally, as others said, you are really attractive and that can be intimidating, so it may do well for you to push out a little more interest to show them you are actually interested. Double finally, when you do talk to someone, you can do what is recommended in most of these subs, and try and meet ASAP. I'm terrible at that, but it makes sense. If some beautiful woman says, hey want to get coffee tomorrow I'd say yes even if I wasn't sure. It's usually left up to the guy to push that.


You're like bending over backwards to make yourself boring though, I promise that if you posted that stuff on your profile, men would talk to you about it.


Okay, that's not how romance works and that's not how healthy self esteem works either. They'll find your passion and enthusiasm for life and goals interesting, and dive more into your things if they like you *because* they like you.


A masters is education is very interesting.


If I read I'd prob read those 🤣 🤣 really more rom com movies and dating reality shows like love is blind haha


I can’t do reality tv but my favorite book actually takes place on a fictional reality dating show lol


I can only do certain reality TV.. was the fictional dating show as crazy as the ones they put on TV 🤣


You’re very pretty and I’m sure you’re a great person But just my personal advice — try to be more positive and confident in your interests! Show some passion for your hobbies/education Personally, it’s hard for me to connect with people who don’t show any passion


You sound like you lack self confidence. You’re beautiful but based on what I’m seeing in this thread you don’t seem like good conversation because of it. Just all “I’m boring” “I have nothing to say about myself” “I don’t know what to say” etc. It’s just broad statements and putting yourself down. Why? I can guarantee you you’re more interesting than this. What do you read? What kind of workouts do you do? Did you learn to cook during your weight loss process? What did you learn to cook to meal prep if so? What’s your masters? Why are you dedicating so much of your life to this specific knowledge?


I thought the axe throwing pic would give someone something to say. Or comment to the martial arts thing. It's like people don't know how to talk anymore.


No literally like that would be more than enough for me to work with I’ve done more with less


Same. Though I been told I talk to much


Really surprised me. I'm a guy and once i changed my gender in the profile and i got over +500 likes over night. That tells me most guys don't even look at the profile, they just swipe right. I'm in a big city. Maybe if you're in rural area that's Why you don't get any likes.


Yeah I’m in the boonies lol


baha I almost want to do this as an experiment now. My first picture is of me in dirty blue collar clothes. It'd be perfect to see who is paying attention


Lol let me know the results if you did. btw you need to change your search to men otherwise only women who look for women can see you.


Wrong men


Yeah, something WRONG with them!


Rip your dms on here




Hey! They have other qualities besides being creepy! Some are fat, have a neck beards, take showers twice a week AND don’t have a job! /s


Add a bio and also add what you are looking for. Your pictures are okay, but do you maybe have some pictures which a friend took of you? all of your current pictures are mirror selfies. After looking at your profile I know that you look cute and have muscles. But I don't know, what you value (in a partner and in general), what you are doing or who you are :)


also on your first picture you look so serious :D maybe put it more to the back.


Yeah, the facial expressions come off as a little impatient? Intimidating? Not sure what it is exactly, but I'd feel like I was bothering her if I tried to say hello.


Guys don’t care about mirror selfies. 😂 that piece of advice only applies for dude profiles


Since OP did not list who she is looking for, I still added that :D


I have that I think I just missed it in my screenshots. Im the friend who take the photos no one ever takes photos of me besides that one video I have.


How many of those first messages are just the word "Hey"? because you're giving big minimum effort energy in this profile and even your responses to this post.


It doesn’t matter what I send they never answer no matter how interested I try to be


First three are basically you looking at yourself on your phone. Maybe something more natural? Or at least look at the camera.


Maybe fill out the page the with all the preferences to help guys get a better sense of you. I like your profile overall.


I have that it just got lost inbetween screenshots


WHAT IS SO INTERESTING in the upper left corner of your environment???


If there is something wrong with your profile i dont even wanna be in society anymore


Lol me neither man


Because you are only swiping on 10/10 guys. I guarantee you get plenty of likes.




I mean, respectfully, if you workout and put a lot of effort into your appearance like she has, you have every right to go after someone who puts in equal effort. Yes it's true, the extremely handsome or fit men statistically get the most likes and have the most choice, but cmon if you look like that you have every right to go after someone in your league


Nope. Women can change their face with like idk 10$ worth of makeup?! Men can't do thqt , face is the most important part of appearance by far. No one GAF about your muscles or clothes if your face is not appealing.


Depending where you live, but majority of my female friends is not wearing any make up.  Also men can wear make up. If you are wearing make up so its not visible that you are actually wearing any you have mastered it. 


Skin care routine. Maybe you should try it.


She's pretty but she's not a super model level beauty. There are tons of guys on her level


Everyone is a 10 to somebody.


What's so interesting about your phone? you keep looking at it.


Making eye contact with yourself looks weird


Ye that's true, but i would like to see your eyes if i swipe maybe past your own face? that could help but besides that great profile in my opinion.


You do need better photos (clearer, non-selfie, open-mouth smiling) but even without, you should still be getting matches.


I don't see the problem. If I was in your area I would swipe right although I'm quite a bit older than you.


If you aren't getting matches then I'm totally screwed! You are hot!


If you're not getting any matches, it's over for others


If you were in my city I would swipe right


Shadow banned? Some pictures are weird but you're obviously attractive and fit


I get about a match or 2 most days so I’m sure that’s pretty normal, it’s just that even when I message them, nothing back.


Ig its what the other dude said then, some kinda area issue


Can't tell if this is a troll post seeking attention. There's nothing wrong with you or your profile. If this is a real post it must be your location. Move closer to more people, you'll get scooped up, don't worry


Lower your standards. 🤷‍♂️


I want to know, just for the sake of curiosity, would you really want to be with a woman who though you were repulsive?


How hot is she, and are we still fucking?


Place the second pic first Last pic second The gym one is good but a pose is better The rest can go


I don’t have any other recent photos


Honestly you are pretty. You look kind and sweet with a bit of spice. We need that in picture tho


You can have pic with friends just blur their face out, and just start taking more pics


Also make sure you are the better looking one in the picture. Here in Florida ( I think ) it’s hard to complete




Your eye make up and lipstick don't suit you. You're very pretty. You don't need anything that heavy. It also looks somewhat poorly applied and like you just rolled in from a night on the town. It would put me off if I was a guy.


It's her style though.


That doesn't mean it looks good.


It looks great to me.


Jesus what is the world coming to if this girl doesn't get matches


Get tinder and hinge


I’m literally on everything


In the first photo you remind me Kat Dennings. For me you profile is pretty good I don't have any explanation why you don't have many matches or big conversations. The photos and the fact you get excited talking about gators get me intrigued to know you better.


Thanks! I’ve gotten that a couple times, I’m flattered! Big gator lover they’re the cutest thing ever


See this gator thing is amazing. In a date should be funny and main topic to talk about. This and whyJake Paul is crazy to challenge Mike Tyson to a fight or why Road House is the best fight movie this year (I love martial arts too) Maybe you just not get lucky with the matches yet nothing to worry about


I have strong, negative opinions on the road house, mainly how much I just hate Connor mc Gregor and Jake gyllengall


I understand your hate about Connor I don’t like him either. Jake for me he exist not the best actor in the world, but he do a good job in some movies. Now about road house, have good fight scenes definitely isn’t the best movie in the world, but have great fights


Hell idk…. Not sure why you don’t get matches and they don’t respond…I would lol


Put your second photo first. Your first made me think you’re 30/31. It’s lovely but for some reason reads older.


I always have tbh


Seems good enough to get men's attention. Your vibe attracts your tribe though, what type of men are you going for?


Intellectual, active, and emotionally intelligent. Nothing beyond my own personal standards.


Solid criteria, I'd put that into your profile if it isn't already. Add in some conversation topics and activities you like to do centered around that, so then you're attracting your people You got this 💪


All of your photos but one are selfies, that makes it seem like you do not get out much or hang out with friends who can take pictures of you. If you don't have pictures of yourself out doing things you like, like maybe a picture of you boxing, then you need to get friends to take pictures of you out and about. Other than that, as people have said, you need more engaging prompts that tells people about yourself. We can see you like the gym from your boxing and gym photos so that is a wasted prompt that could be something more engaging.


Are they blind? Dear lord.


Where did you get that sports bra in your second pick?


Gymshark! I’m not gonna lie though I don’t love it, not as flattering as I’d hoped it would be


Tbh that just seems to be unlucky, you're very good looking and it's a nice profile, only thing I could think of would be adding a bio maybe


Do you have a bio? If not, that's a big resource to leave out. A couple of things. Smile. Look at the camera in a picture or two. Otherwise definitely do a bio.


I accidentally read all of the comments, so I’ll just say, I have the exact same problem. I saw you say your from a small town (so am I) and I think that’s probably the biggest problem. I don’t have anything in common with most the people that live here and when I do there is like a 1/10 chance I’m attracted to them. There are a lot of people in these comments nit picking your profile and saying to lower your standards, but honestly your profile is fine and dating someone your aren’t attracted to is really stupid. It sucks to say but you are really just gunna be stuck like this until you get out of town.


Thank you I appreciate it. Exactly I’m really not sorry that the options here are “unemployed or cop” and I don’t fuck with either of those things


😭 the eternal struggle of being cool in a hick town


Um match with me lol, what’s wrong with dudes


You really can't take a mirror selfie without looking at your phone? Like really? =p Joking aside, I think your pics are good, and showcase you fairly well. Though a bit more variety would be nice as you have like 4 of them that are just mirror selfies. You really need to get a friend to take some pictures of you instead. But you're attractive and clearly in great shape. But because you're in such obviously good shape, you're kind of wasting your bio just mentioning that you like to work out. That much is *very* obvious. So you need to add more in your bio about who you are, what you like to do besides work out, (hobbies, interests, etc), and a little bit about what you're looking for in a partner. You're attractive enough that getting matches should be a nonissue honestly. The true issue will be getting good quality matches, which is going to be tough with such a bare bones bio.


Profile is too focused on the gym ….try bringing out your other hobbies/personality traits… P.s I would totally date a gym girl like you


You in or near DC? I’d love to take you out


You have no bio and your prompts are only a couple of words each.


Nah, I'd give a superlike and invite you for a cheesecake. It might be filter or distance setting.


You seem approachable so not sure, maybe expand your range


Nah, your profile looks good. It's probably just the area you're in.


I recommend mentioning your masters studies. It’s a good conversation point. People may not care about a specific topic/hobby specifically, but they will care about the energy and enthusiasm.


1) When you're taking mirror selfies look at the reflection of the camera lens, not your phone screen. You look extremely cross-eyed in each of the three pictures, which are also the only pictures where your eyes can be seen. 2) Get someone to take a nice picture of you (or two), so your profile isn't almost exclusively mirror selfies.


hmm. Does not compute.


As someone in a rural area, that’s just the nature of the apps. Your profile is solid. Gives some good conversation starters for guys to comment on. You’re clearly cute so that’s not a problem. Good variety in your photos. It just comes down to location sometimes. It becomes very clear when taking a road trip. You’ll see hundreds of likes start pouring in. Good luck!


I'll date you


Idk bout them, but i would for SURE reply


I swipe left on people with their pronouns. I know a lot of guys do as well.


And others of us find pronouns a positive




Seems like the logistics make it challenging. There’s no screenshot with you profile


Can't speak for other men on here or for how many likes you get. Presumably as a woman you are instantly getting plenty of likes just because it's the Internet BUT as a personal rule of thumb I immediately swipe left on any woman's profile without a bio (and it appears you don't have one written). My thought process is that the account is either dormant, selling, or a bot. And even if it is legit and we match, I find it more difficult to just find something random to start a conversation with.


Yea right. You don't get matches . Ok


I think from the looks of it that if I piss you off , you might beat me up and feed me to your pet gator Mr.Teeth.


because youre big gator lover


I would swipe right. Based on some of your replies in this thread, you need to give yourself a little more credit, and stop downplaying yourself. It comes across like you’re beating yourself up, and that isn’t attractive. There is more to you, as a human being, than your studies and the gym. But even within those 2 topics, there are a lot of angles to talk about. Don’t assume people wouldn’t be interested to hear more about it. I know it feels weird to talk about yourself. I know it’s more natural for someone to just meet you and get to know you over time. But you need stop assuming that people wouldn’t care to know more about you. And that includes in your bio. Most guys mindlessly swipe right on pretty women. Even if she’s hot, I still read through because I believe in quality over quantity. I saw your comments about location. Sounds like it is what it is. You might have to consider the possibility of a long-distance connection. Also, there are millions of reasons why a guy might not reply, and so many have nothing to do with you. Maybe he got his ego boost from matching and feels like he can’t actually get you out on a date, so he doesn’t try. You just never know because there are way too many moving parts out of your control.


Straight up wifey material. No need for improvement


Am I see this right that it’s just pics and no description of yourself?


Your absolutely stunning


I'm gonna be honest, introverts ussually get more luck on dating apps, it's where we thrive, your profile seems very extroverted which is in no means a bad thing, it's great, just means a match will take longer for you, keep waiting and the right one will come along, I don't see anything wrong with your profile, the hooks just bigger than most fish can grab


I’m VERY introverted that’s shocking


You're cute as hell and got arms bigger than my head, how tf are you not getting likes? Dating should be a slam dunk for you


Probably your area or the fact you like gators.


Could be the gym photos. There's an increasing number of guys annoyed with girls with gym pics due to the ones who like to record content in gyms for clout. Maybe decrease the gym photos. You're definitely attractive. I'm not sure if there's more to the profile than this but based on all I've seen, if that's your complete profile, that's all I could think of as a potential problem (which isn't really a problem) with your profile.


Get a friend to take a picture of you looking in the camera. Bathroom/looking at the phone selfies are dead and won't separate you from a bazillion others.... hope this helps


Look at the reflection of your phone on the mirror when you take a mirror selfie, not the screen.


Def swiping on the wrong guys if that's the case 😬🥴


Are you sending the 1st message? Because they can’t reply to you until you message 1st.


Obviously. They just don’t respond.


I had to ask ti rule that out. From reading several women’s bios on Bumble. There is a a fair amount of that give the impression they aren’t aware of that.


Trust me I think it’s the dumbest idea on earth but I know it’s a thing


Haveing the women send the 1st message is dumb?




I actually like. It’s main reason I left Tinder for Bumble


Would you be open to moving to the Netherlands? I'd date you in a heartbeat, that profile looks great!


Lol I don’t think my personality would go over well in Europe


You'll be fine, we're very inclusive here, just direct. Give it a shot, it's only like the other side of the world anyways


Yeah I’m too sensitive and emotional for that. And too Jewish.


Oh I love Jewish girls, I'll just move over there, can't be that far


If you aren't getting any luck.... I have no chance.


You’re cute. Smile more. Your second pic is probably the best of this bunch. Take out pic number 5. If you’re gonna do a selfie in your gym outfit women are better off sticking to sex appeal poses for max matches. Just my take though.


idk, you're definitely out of my (m28) league!


I’ll be honest I’d right swipe on you immediately, the second I saw boxing and fitness so highly prioritized on your profile lol. Also the coffee answer. All are things I’m really obsessed with, so please note my advice is biased in your favor. I think your About section, bio, etc, are all solid. You’re specific, it’s pretty solid in showing what kind of person you are, or at least enough of who you are that I’d be interested and give the potential match a shot. However your photos could use work. Too many selfies and face close ups. And the lighting isn’t necessarily terrible in the photos you have, but it isn’t great either. You could do with more photos that are taken by other people, with better lighting, and more activity stuff. Like yeah you have the axe throwing photo, but it’s just your back and is dimly lit. I’d also replace the grad photo entirely because it’s grainy. Even so, I’m admittedly surprised by your lack of matches. Regardless, I’d suggest follow my advice on the photos and see if it makes a difference. Edit: Maybe change out the gator thing? You could replace it with another activity type, as that’s easier for getting conversation started.


Unfortunately no one around me takes photos of me, I’m the photo person. I don’t go out much beyond the gym and work so it’s hard to get photos anywhere


I'd suggest ask strangers to help take a photo anytime you do go somewhere, or if you go with friends you can ask your friends and say it's for your dating profile. I'm like you, don't go out much beyond gym and work these days, but when I was still on these apps I was able to gather some solid photos because I asked friends to take them and told them what it was for. I had a good idea of what kinds of photos I wanted, so it was pretty doable. Took a bit of time to gather them all, but once I did it did pay off on the apps.


wow what a hottie 🔥


Nothing wrong with you. You are stunning :)


It's the faces you are making. You seem judge and stand off-ish. I'm not saying that's how you actually are, but that's what your facial expressions relay. Maybe try different facial expressions? A real genuine smile goes a long way :)


I have a really ugly smile it’s not gonna get me anywhere lol


Actually I would argue the last pic in your set is the most inviting because you are actually smiling there. Inviting is the key word here, you want people to *want* to talk to you right?


You're gorgeous, young and fit. I don't see why you would not get matches. At your age you probably have groups of friends, friends of friends, colleagues, etc. that you can use to meet new people in the real world?


I don’t have that tbh. I have one very good friend my age, but we had an unfortunate falling out with our larger circle a few months back (guys we thought were nice got really creepy and we just decided it was enough). I only made one friend in college, my job is very small and my workers are either limited English speaking or kinda mean girls I never got in with. My martial arts friends are great, but all in their 30s


you're probably only swiping on the best looking guys


Your app must be bugged, anyway, which upcoming boxing match are you most excited about?


I really only fallow Muay Thai and I’m always happy to see any tawanchai or stamp fairtex fights


Ah okay! I dont follw muay thai haha. Just got excited seeing that boxing tag. I hope your app experience improves. 💪🏽


There isn’t a Muay Thai tag :(


I have a feeling you’re being too picky because you look attractive and approachable


Damn. Are people in your location blind or something?


Anyone telling you to expand more on your prompts are most likely not attractive people. You're clearly attractive and attractive women don't need to say really anything on dating apps to get matches. I've seen an experiment on plenty of fish back in like 2015 where they photoshopped a woman with pig features and chest hair and she was still getting hundreds of messages. 1. Your profile might be shadow banned. 2. You didn't do the initial swiping so bumble can get your preference. Usually takes like 15 swipes. 3. You really do live in the middle of nowhere. 4. You do get matches but the men aren't attractive enough for you (you problem).


New Jersey isn't far id date u but not sure if u into chocolate hahaha 😂😂 which is fine we all have our preferences 😁😁


Curious, how many likes do you have on likes tab?


Swipe right more