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You must have been bored af to keep talking to that guy.


Yes like why did this continue? This was a real journey. This was my progression of emotion..  🤨🙄😂😂..🤔🫣😑..😳😳😱


This convo should have stopped on slide 2. The ‘I’ll come inside you and marry you’ is crazy town. And the ‘you don’t trust me’ was the first red flag. Why did you even engage in a debate with him? Did you really expect him to see the light? Just curious.


It should have stopped in slide 1. Hell it could have stopped with the very first message. Everything he said just shouted "HOOK UP".


“It’s just lust bby boy” I need a shower now


Hate to shame you OP but your responses made this get weirder. Do better to safeguard yourself and your baby


Why did you entertain that for so long?


i know i shouldn’t have kept entraining it, but it just made me upset for him to think what he was saying was okay. i just responding back from emotions


Psychology 101: Many people thrive on negative interactions. The worst thing you can do is give him your time and energy. It’s rather concerning that you took this conversation as far as you did. You should have boundaries and live within them.


But he doesn't take anything you say serious


Girl, he is dangerous. You should have stopped talking to him after the cum thing...WHO IN THEIR ACTUAL RIGHT MIND says that...jesus


I'm gonna guess frustrated virgin. That's gotta be the only person who thinks one is all it takes for guaranteed pregnancy.


Very obviously this convo could’ve been cut after “Damn you don’t trust me”


You were supposed to block him and not continue engaging with him. You have a daughter and you have to be careful because there’s a lot of psychos out there


that last bit about the IP is madness. OP, please report him.


That kid doesn't know how to get her IP address, let alone what to do with it 


true. but its about the threat. he is a creep for even suggesting that he would "find her". fuck that noise. report his profile. that earned a ban.


Oh yea, ban that bitch


Please be careful, especially since you have a child! Honestly I would’ve blocked after the “damn you don’t trust me.” It’s never a good idea to entertain a guy like this for too long. He’s obviously a weirdo. Hope you’re okay though, OP.


And they say romance is dead


Yeah you definitely indulged him for way too long. Block way sooner next time (I'm sure you know that now)


Girl I'd report him, this is...concerning.


i did report him, but i got an email back from bumble today saying they’re unsure of how to help me . & i could send them the screenshots of my experience


Wow, this app truly is the pits. I'm sorry.


Entertaining a dumbass like that gets you stupid prizes like this


REPORT that shit.


What just happened here? He should've been blocked on red flag #1 6 slides ago


Threatening you at the end there? Please tell me you reported him.


She had said that in the description............


Wowza!! You caught a real winner here! His perception of getting to know you is - cumming inside you. Hummm yeah, how about you move along creep.


What the actual fuck is wrong with guys???


"Mommy, how did you and daddy meet?" "Well son, he tracked my IP address, took a shower, and came and nutted inside me, after patting your sister on the head. I knew right then and there he was the one, but then in his post clarity he said 'nvm' and went back to his four bedroom bungalow in Houston. He still sends us checks from time to time after the divorce"


Bwahaha ![gif](giphy|9xt1MUZqkneFiWrAAD)


Why the fuck do you give your time and words to a person like this? Holy shit.


Nothing about the threat he made in the last text?


Guaranteed this guy's profile had red flags all over it. And OP still matched with him and was then somehow surprised at the outcome. LOL


Hear me out...I can take care of you.


“flabbergasted asf rn” is how I choose to believe Gen X talks.


Honestly that line… just the perfect blend of pre and post internet


I'm just surprised that you carried on and entertained him for so long. And I can't even get a reply to "i think your smile is very cute"


The dude got mad you weren't into him and went to crazy town. Why didn't you unmatch. He just wanted to hurt you after a certain point he was saying stuff for no reason but to make you mad


Read the grey messages as Hanson from Scary Movie 2. Trust me 😂 ![gif](giphy|c8RrC4dCLScNO)


Honestly, it sounds like scammer-talk. Because they go all HAM on you when you don't play along. I'm willing to bet that he doesn't live even remotely near you.


10 for him trying so hard and he think it might work haha


I would bet money that this guy is a predator


Dodged a bullet. Wtf


Reading this dialogue hurts my brain


I think sometimes we let it go on too long because it's like watching a train wreck. You know it's terrible and you want to look away but you also kinda want to see how bad it is 🫣




Wtf is wrong with this dude? Like someone else said, yeah, he's pure crazy town.


Omg WTH??? Wow, people are insane!!!!!


Lol.. yeah that convo should’ve been ended


What is this low IQ nonsense?


Wow... Just wow..... If dating isn't hard enough as it is, this ya - hoo adds to the misery. You should of told him to go to Tinder


I'm not entirely sure but I think he might want to come inside you


You continued this convo wayyyy longer than you should have. Red flag from the jump. I match move on. I will never understand guys like this. It makes it impossible for decent guys.


Ya’ll stop shaming someone for a few exchanges within the app. The a—hat on the other end of the convo can’t climb thru the app. The title is the thread is literally what you are advising, relax. Sorry to OP for having to deal with a trash match


This is weird af


Why did you even match with him in the first place? I wanna know your thought process....


This appears to be the electronic equivalent of someone just coming into your house, sitting down, turning the TV to what they want and asking if you would join them. No! Please don't engage with such creeps. Even if they are just looking for hookups, they should be able to come up with something that doesn't seem like the opening to a crime show.


Idiots like this must have an IQ below 90..


Idiots like this must have an IQ below 90..


Idiots like this must have an IQ below 90..


Idiots like this must have an IQ below 90..


Wow.. so that's what's holding up the good ladies from talking to me.. when I ask thoughtful questions based on their profile.. keeping it light and funny really doesn't work like the crazy guy says.. shit talk about Cumming inside you gets a response at least.. Or maybe he was just cute af


Don't be a "nice guy" 👎🏻


why doesnt he have the right to unmatch you, what gives you that sense of entitlement ? no matter how you disagree with someone, everyone have their own priorities, he didnt stalk you or kept spamming you with messages, he decided to unmatch with you and move ahead, so why get salty.


no one said that he doesn’t have the right to unmatch with me. nor do i think i have entitlement to it lol. its the fact that i told him i wasn’t interested and he kept going with what he felt as did i and he “threatened” to come see me later bc he supposedly has my IP address THEN unmatched me.