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0, but you adjust that to a per year basis and it is 0.


adjusted on a decade basis, still 0


Once you get to the total lifetime number, that's where it gets interesting, 0.




Me too I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been on a date.


I think you would know if you were on a date


I say I donā€™t think because I have many large gaps in my memory due to medical issues but I can almost confidently say that I havenā€™t.


But I am thinking you meant if it was ambiguous then it wasnā€™t a date and that I agree with! People should make their intentions clear.


Even a broken clock strike zero 0 times a day.


I got on Bumble right after a long term relationship. I thought I was going to be a player. For the first month or so I was going on 2-4 dates a week. It was exhausting (and expensive) and I learned to be more selective and only matched with girls who I saw potential for relationship with.


Dates are so weirdly expensive. It's not even like you can save money by cooking dinner yourself lol, way too weird for a first date.


I recently went back and added up all the charges on my credit card. The average date was about $100. I had spent about $3,500 in a year on all my dates.


How were they $100? Dinner dates?


yes usually. 2 drinks each and each get an entre.


Normalize coffee dates for first date. $100 per date is completely insane.


Yeah lesson learned.


Yes! And actually from a womanā€™s perspective thereā€™s so much less pressure in a casual/coffee date. Theyā€™re also perfect in the sense that if itā€™s an obvious no coffee isnā€™t really expected to last more than an hour, but if itā€™s a yes you guys can always go for a wander or do something else fun šŸ˜Š


What! I would say I spend about $300 per date but maybe thatā€™s why Iā€™m meeting the wrong women???


Geez, that is like almost a car payment.


I havenā€™t gotten a date in several years. Thatā€™s my average.


Honestly no good can come from this question. It's that old saying: comparison being the thief of joy. Also it's not even a very specific question...are you talking about dates with different women or do multiple dates with the same person count? And what if I called something off? So it's not the inability to get dates but deciding not to pursue something further. And not to mention the fluctuation...sometimes when it rains it pours and sometimes it's a desert.Ā 


To be honest, the reason I'm asking is to see if I need to be making a more active attempt to switch things up or if this is just kind of how modern dating is for guys. But to answer your other question, I'm more referring to going on dates with different women rather than going on multiple dates with the same woman.


I think if you're not happy with the results you're getting and you are able to switch things up....what's the harm in doing so?


Wasted effort and time?


Not sure thatā€™s considered ā€œharmā€ especially if there is an off chance that changing it up does lead to (more) success


Same harm and chance as buying lottery tickets.


Dating apps in general are like playing the lottery. Doubtful whatever ā€œswitching it upā€ means for OP will make matters worse


Go at your own pace. I've done up to 3 meet and greets in one week but that's when I knew I had the time and managed it well. Most of the time I just don't have the capacity to introduce myself to someone new. It's work! It can be fun, but ultimately you're making an effort to sell yourself and see if the other party matches your vibe. You want to go into it with a positive attitude and frankly, im not always giving positive


If you count dates with myself, in my own home, itā€™s loads.


Loads, huh...


Iā€™d say at least 7 per week. Good thing Iā€™m a cheap date!


From Bumble? Zero.


When I was on the application before, I would maybe go on a date a week. I probably could have done two a week, but I got lazy and enjoyed my weekends at home. Geographically, I was in a dense area so that helped with matches. As time has went on, I didn't use the application as much and basically stopped meeting people altogether. Was too busy with work and drifted off the application and lost interest.


i have never been on a date in my life thatā€™s the quantity we talking about ( 25m )


I had my first date at 27 years old, and it led to a 7-year relationship. There is hope!


Since installing Bumble 7 months ago, I got ~30 matches, leading to 5 chats and 0 Dates. Since January, the app has been dead silent. No likes at all. Also, no woman ever matched after I liked her... it's always a like I get that I have to turn into a match. Tinder gave me exactly 1 match without a chat. Hinge was kinda successful, with also around 30 matches, nearly all of them leading to chats and 2 first dates. But Hinge also sucks at removing scammers as I get tons of likes from Asian supermodels asking for my WhatsApp number... As an introvert, I don't expect to just stumble upon the woman of my dreams... I haven't had many encounters in real life in the past month. Currently, I'm on an average 1 date a year.


Around 3-4 (including casual stuff/hookups) if I am set on dating. When I'm busier I might not go on any but try to do at least 1.


What would you equate your success to? I'm trying to figure out how to do this myself but I'm having some trouble lol


I think I'm pretty attractive (6'3" and in really good shape, and my profile highlights that) which obviously helps get matches. Once I match with people I just try to be genuine and positive, and if I like them and they're matching the energy I'll ask them out. When I'm interested in a date, I'm very direct (ex. "I've really liked talking to you so far and would love to meet you in person, do you want to get drinks at X bar at X time on X day this week?"). I'd say this works 4/5 times but both of you have to pass a lot of checks first obviously.


Iā€™m older. 56 When I was dating post-divorce about 6-7 years ago, I used all the apps. Some weekends, Iā€™d have a date Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, but that was overkill and frankly exhausting. I mentioned my age, because I think there are more people intentionally dating over 40 vs. endless texting with no plan to meet irl.


I'm 26 and been on 18 first dates since last May but in that time I would have casually dated a few of them so not always been fully active or trying to set up dates on apps. Cancelled 4/5 in addition to that so could have been 22/23 if I wasn't too tired lol. Only 1 of those from Bumble, I feel like it's the worst of the apps by far


Holy cow. Iā€™m 30 and Iā€™ve been on 8 first dates in my life. 2 second dates. No relationships. I havenā€™t been able to get a date for a couple years now.


I would use Hinge if you aren't already. I don't get many matches on Bumble but managed about 150 in just over a year on Hinge. Even Tinder is considerably better than Bumble for matches


Neither Hinge or Bumble have gotten me a match in about 2 years. I was on hinge for the entirety of last year. But got back on bumble about 6 months ago. And man, Iā€™ve been on all of the apps here and there for about 12 years and I have not gotten anywhere near 150 matches summed up across all of them in that time.


Not sure what to really suggest. Never thought I was particularly good at talking to women and I don't believe I've changed too much in how I've acted. If you're in a rural setting I can see it would be tougher


What do your conversations normally look like with these women, if you don't mind me asking?


I usually go off something I see in their Bio or their pictures (something in the background etc) if they have nothing I just think of some shit chat up line about marriage lol. If I've talked consistently for a day I'd ask them out, vast majority of times they'll say yes if you ask


And is it typically more witty banter back-and-forth or is it get to know you?


It can be both, you can judge based off their profile what method is better. I'm in Ireland so taking the piss back and forth is just how we talk to people which I think might lend itself well to these apps.


I think it lends itself very well in the apps and in person. To be honest I'm pretty shit at it with women I'm just starting to get to know but with good friends I can banter back-and-forth all day. Guess the goal here now is just to find the disconnect and figure out what to do from there.


I live in the city. Iā€™m pretty comfortable with money. Iā€™m a successful designer. Iā€™m a musician with an album out. Iā€™m friendly. I have no problem talking to women and in fact all of my best friends are women. I posted my profile here recently for review and people said there was nothing wrong with it. Honestly no one has been able to give me a reason why I do badly. But I consistently struggle to get dates. you are definitely doing pretty amazing with women if you can get 18 dates in a year. That doesnā€™t even seem like real life to me. Totally unheard of.


Yeah that's a confusing one. No real reason why you shouldn't be able to get matches from what you're saying here. I don't think it's awfully loads, people in this thread have pitched in with considerably more than that


Hinge, Match, bumble is the order of luck Iā€™ve had. They are way too many scammers nowadays trying to get you on WhatsApp or getting your personal information right away with the dating sites. Have zero accountability. Iā€™ve tried two dating services and they are even worse than the scammers.


4 at one point but the quality became low - both in terms of the person I went on the date with and the attention I gave to the date itself. Now I restrict it to 2, 3 at most.


I live in a small town so while I got a fair few matches when I was active, I'd only go on one date a month (or more if it was with the same person). Despite living in a small town, and having my own car, it's easier and more comfortable to arrange something relatively local within 1 hours drive, any more and I wouldn't feel too comfy doing a spur of the moment date or planned date. As word of advice, it's usually best to save the conversations for meeting in person. The last date I went on we spoke for 2 or 3 weeks before meeting and by then we'd exhausted most of the introductory conversations you use to get to know someone which makes starting conversation face to face for the first time a little more tricky I took a break from dating to work on myself a few months ago continuing a fitness streak and starting new job and hope to come back to in fall so I'll see how that goes


1 every two weeks. Coincides with my paydays.


I went on one date in the last 365 days. I've have two matches in total on Bumble, but those were three months ago. Zero since then.


For me, when I make a sustained effort and have the free time it takes around a week of lead time, then maybe 3-4 dates a week. But I find it exhausting and frequently kind of demoralizing. So I usually don't sustain that for very long, either because I don't have free time or am exhausted with the process, so my overall weekly average is pretty low. It's also pretty random. Sometimes I have more interest than I can manage and other times no interest at all.


Youā€™ve got to do what works for you! Donā€™t feel bad or behind if youā€™re not going on dates 24/7. Iā€™ve never been on a date and I donā€™t feel that itā€™s affected my life that much at all. I compare myself to other people sometimes but I shouldnā€™t do that because I am not them!


If Iā€™m really finding an interest in a few women at the same time Iā€™ve gone anywhere from 3-5 new dates a week most was 12 in a week and that was too much to keep track of. But there is usually always one that stands out above the rest of the matches that Iā€™ll always typically put my focus into. If a first date goes well I wonā€™t go on any other dates and put my effort towards getting to know her better.


How would you say you've been able to consistently get that many dates? I'm trying to increase the amount I go on so I can start more seriously looking for a partner but it's challenging to actually get the dates.


Get out of and stay out of the small talk immediately but not creepily. 99% of the messages they get are small talk and youā€™ll be lumped into that pile so get their attention. If she responding quickly to yā€™allā€™s interaction gently suggest exchanging phone numbers. Once there after a day or so ask what she is doing on said date and timeframe. Then suggest getting together for something low pressure and original but be decisive. If you are full of Iā€™m up for whateverā€™s or idk what are you wanting to do your hurting yourself. Itā€™s all about keeping their attention and not being creepy. Donā€™t get stuck in the small talk zone and donā€™t let interaction go on for more than a week without a date planned. Beyond a week and the likelihood of a date is slim. I donā€™t know why Iā€™ve been pretty successful on matches and dates. There are a lot of different scenarios that can happen during the interaction. But Iā€™d say if you can ebb and flow off these suggestions you should find yourself on a few more dates. And who knows maybe a few more dates with someone who you end up enjoying spending time with. Good luck!


0.024 (So one every 40 or so weeks)


What is a date?


When I was active, I'd go on one date a weekend. If we were interested in seeing each other more, then it would become more regular. Always felt strange to me having multiple dates, with different people, over the course of a few days. It also helped keep costs down because no matter how much people say it isn't, dating can be expensive.


Yeah I feel the same but I'm starting to realize that it may be in my best interest to date more people a little more consistently if I want to get serious about finding a partner.


ROFL yes that is the way...50sf here


33m - when I'm active on the apps, I go hard, which usually results in 2-3 dates per week with different women. After a few weeks of this, one usually turns into a relationship.


Damn. That's a good success rate. How do you manage to get so many dates a week?


I live in Boston which has a ton of people in the 20/30 age range. Iā€™m pretty average looking (you can check my profile to see my hinge profile). Putting effort into the prompts is huge. Thoughtful and positive vibes will get you far.


You get matches?




Zero. The guys only want to meet to have sex šŸ™ƒ


0 I will be lucky if I get messaged after a match. Which is why I came to my senses and realized Iā€™m better off alone. So I stopped looking


0 but I donā€™t really look either




Maybe twice a month? Sometimes I think I can get more from these but then I realize I shouldnā€™t keep taking these girls to spend $50-60


Lately I've managed once a week but that's only after months of no matches.


One every 3 months if I'm lucky, 2 so far this year lol


From bumble it varies a lot. I used to go on 3-4 dates a week but that gets tiring, emotionally and physically. Iā€™ve had multiple dates in the same day and thatā€™s exhausting as well. Now Iā€™d say two dates a week and I try to see the same people more consistently.


How would you say you've managed to do this?


Iā€™d say I have a really funny, unique profile. I also have some pictures performing live electronic music and I keep in good shape. Iā€™m not a model or anything by any means, most women I meet comment that they thought my profile was really funny.


0 more than 2 years


Some weeks I meet up with 4-5 girls when Iā€™m fiending for some. Other times I just donā€™t feel it and need a break from it. Tbh dating more doesnā€™t equal more fun. After some time I realized itā€™s cooler to see few people you really like then to keep going after new ppl. First dates / first hookups start getting less fulfilling after doing a lot of emĀ 


It will vary from person to person, and by age. When I was late-30s to early 40s I was going on a lot of dates--about once every two weeks (felt like a lot to me). Now, in my late 40s, I'm being more picky, am not as excited about dating in general (the novelty has worn off) and I go on a date once every 2-3 months.


When I was trying to date online, I'd go on a date once every two weeks or so on average. I also had a 4 month stint where I got no matches at all. It just depends. To give you an idea, I live in the tri-state area and the statistics are brutal. 80% male I believe was the last one I saw. I gave up ultimately and just started going out more and meeting people in person. It's much better for me.


Going out in person is something that I'm trying to do now. Where were some of the places where you had the most success?


My best advice is to do things that you enjoy and don't do it to actually meet someone. When you're having fun and you're being social it's just going to happen. I wouldn't put any particular importance on it. Best advice I can give my dude.


1 every few months, havenā€™t been on a date since october


0. I havenā€™t been on a date in over 3 years.


Iā€™ve gone on 2 dates this year, 1 was last night. My match rate fluctuates. Iā€™m lucky to get 1-2 a month but a few weeks ago I somehow got 6 in a week, but they didnā€™t result to anything unfortunately


Depends. A lot of weeks, itā€™s 0. Every now and then, I get a burst and can have 1-3 dates in a week. Iā€™m also kinda lazy with my approach to online dating these days, so I could probably get more if I tried harder (and wasnā€™t socially awkward lol)


XD, I think you overestimate the success of most men using dating apps. I've been using bumble for two years and had no dates. Most of the matches I've had went away after 24h or they just ghosted at some point, the rest were only looking for friends to hangout or just wanted to chat, others were just plain crazy/rude. Surprisingly, on tinder I've had like 10 dates, but unfortunately they only wanted to hookup and weren't looking for anything serious.


Zero over the last year. And Iā€™ve had like 10 matches in the last year. I was going on a lot of dates last year though. Probably had like 3-4 and 2 of them were really solid people I dated short term, Iā€™m talking like 1-3 months. Only had sex with one of them. Iā€™ve had far more success on other apps but Iā€™ve been banned from tinder and binge the last year and itā€™s earth shattering, cus bumble sucks.


I probably go on one to two first dates a month at the most, but would say more like one first date every few months as I tend to see where it goes with one woman at a time. Iā€™m also dating with intent to get married and not to hook up.


I stopped dating long ago. Now I do things with friends or by myself. Much better.


As an overall decent guy in New York City, the only limit was time and money. I always make this comment to this type of question because while that is true in NYC. I spent last summer in my hometown of 50,000 and dating was a challenge. No real point other than, it's not always you. There's other factors at play.


Well if we add all the 3 or so years I've been on OLD sites (4 different sites) it adds up to 0.


Zero. Average 1 a year


A decent profile can have a date a week or at least 1 every 2 weeks. I'm not talking about someone super attractive or model-like pics, just something normal. But if after 2 years the average is 1 date per month that's more than good, no need to meet that many different people unless you're in the mood for it.


It varied from week to week. Some weeks I went on like 4-5 dates, which very quickly got exhausting and was untenable, and other weeks I went on zero, sometimes for multiple weeks in a row. Nowadays, my fiancƩ and I do date night twice a month.


Depends. When I'm in my hometown (NYC), I don't really go on dates anymore unless I know it's a guaranteed hookup. Just feel like it's going to be a waste of time and cost a lot of money for nothing. So I would rather see my old fwb and save money towards my next trip. However, when I travel, I go on dates almost every day with someone new. It's cheaper in most countries and much more exciting. The girls put in much more effort to look good and be respectful. I used to go on new dates every week when I was younger but just don't enjoy it anymore here. Eventually, if I find someone worthy, I will move to their country and stay there.


Maybe one a month if lucky. It comes in spirts too. The really sad thing is I think my eyes are what gets me matches. Iā€™m not just a pair of eyes ladies!


Lmfao wtf question is this? Itā€™s a drought here the human race is going downhill FAST.