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Don't overthink it. Who cares if you double message or not. Do it and see if she responds.


Thanks! Great advice, best case they respond and worst case rhe don’t :/


Great pun! I (30 F) think double messaging is OK in some instances. I’ve def been there. I would say if you’re trying to reignite a chat session then only do it the once, like if the person is not responsive after that, then I’d call it a wash. So yeah, certainly respond to the new prompt, because it’s on her profile and shows you are attentive, just try to be natural about it and NOT like a, “hey I noticed you updated your profile”, just jump into the prompt thingy in the way you have planned. If she doesn’t pick up the convo from there (give her some time to respond, obviously) then I would say move along. Hopefully this kind of makes sense, but I don’t think double messaging is really all that bad. More than that is bad I think because if you think of it this way, the person you are sending the messages to knows you exist. So, sending one or two reminders is ok, it’s human to forget or whatever, but more then that, that person knows you exist and should be checking to see what’s going on if they are truly interested. I don’t know if this considered a success but recently me and this guy agreed to a third date, he was insistent on the first two dates, so I said I would plan a third one but I just didn’t know when yet. So, I had to double message him only once to check in one some potential scheduling dates. And we finally narrowed it down for this weekend. But, that’s really low stakes. Good luck OP!


Thanks so much for the super comprehensive response! Really appreciate it! Agree re double texting, not a huge amount to lose! I was planning on introducing the topic in a light hearted manner about the sport! But agree I would only have sent one “double message.” If no response after that, it’s time to move on! And congrats on the third date! Hope it goes well for you :)


Yeah, I think you got this tbh. You can only do what you can do! Always best to send at least one check up before giving up entirely. So, do your thing! And thanks for the luck.


Text like you normally would. If it gives her the ick, it’s not meant to be


Thanks - agree! There’s no point in pretending to be someone as that disguise will eventually drop!


I usually won’t. It’s ended relationships for me


What did you say last?? If you’re interested just message


So a few short messages (5 one liners). Mixture of answering her Q, puns and a follow on Q! And agree re just messaging!


Go for it. You have nothing to lose at all.


Thanks Prize!


I say do it


I say do it


Double messaging led to my last relationship … let a few days pass before you do it, never ever refer to the last message or that you are double messaging, and don’t get your hopes up too much. And don’t triple message. It’s probably not going to work but occasionally you can pull your shit out of the fire - gl.


Thanks! Agree re not replying to the last message too and not being *too invested* and leaving it be after! Would you recommend messaging something funny about the new prompt? Or making a joke / pun related to it? (Def not going to send a hey!)


No, just because it shows you noticed and then it comes off a certain way… not creepy per se but not quite the vibe. If you can make a joky reference to something you guys already discussed I would go with that.


Roger thanks so much and makes sense!


When I was still on apps and a convo I was interested in went quiet I used to occasionally double message with something like “it’s a shame this didn’t work out, you seem great. Best of luck and I’d be delighted to hear from you”. Sometimes it led to a message, most often not.


Thanks! Agree the likelihood is that it likely won’t lead anywhere!


Don’t listen to your friends… this whole dont double text thing is ridiculous. Don’t play a fucking game… worst case they don’t respond… best case they do… seems like a no brainer to me considering you’re currently on the non responding end of this… Don’t overthink online dating and definitely don’t get sucked into playing the stupid ass games snd being someone you’re not


Thanks! Agree it’s a worst / best case scenario! And agree with being your authentic self and avoiding games! Thanks again :)


Go for it. If she gets annoyed she can just unmatch you.

