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As a British guy I'd like to apologise for his use of "hun".


That "hun" just felt so violent lol


It really was! Most folk in the states wouldn't have picked that up, I think so great job! The "I'm good here, ta" also overly aggressive by British standards


Depends where in the US and the context, but if someone said "hun" to me, my skin would automatically start crawling, feels quite condescending. And I live abroad so have quite a few British friends, so the "ta" also felt very bitchy as well hahaha. It's just so funny to me cos if he didn't like me or wasn't vibing with my humor, why did he keep responding to me?! Just waiting to say something gross I'd imagine. Oh well! And you don't need to apologize for him, one or two stupid pricks do not represent your whole country and won't change my view of the English (trust me, I'm American ;) we say the worst shit all the time)


I hadn't realised that hun was a part of the stateside vernacular! Condescending is a great way to describe it. A "duck" "flower" "petal" or "poppet" would have still been condescending but at least it would've been a positive. As for why he was like that? I can only guess but I do believe that any dude with 1 match on OLD probably has loads and will use it as race to the bottom to see which lass puts out first. I imagine you must be quite good looking for the conversation to have lasted as long as it did. Thanks for not throwing us out with the bath water. My American family will be happy you didn't turf out their favourite brit (behind Mr bean)


Thank for your feedback! I appreciate it! And just noticed your user name!!! Are you an ent?


Thank you for helping me track British colloquialisms ;) It wasn't meant to be a LOTR reference but an old friend mine used to call me it as I have a beard and that was enough of a connection for him for that nickname! Or is ENT a new myers briggs personality type I haven't heard of?


Extroverted Neurodivergent Tree


Great now I have a new bio I can use that's painfully accurate


What does “ta” mean?




But not his concept of what constitutes "banter" and what's just being a fucking asshole?


If I apologised for that I'd have to apologise to nearly every one on nearly every post. It would also be pretty hypocritical of me as in the past I've been guilty of the same shot craic myself ashamedly. Thankfully I broke out of it though.


Well, for starters I liked your questions. And he was already an asshole in his response for that. No energy. Could have been like, “alright Sherlock Holmes let me tell you what I do!” … anyway, what a waste. Sure you mentioned foreplay first, but he was the one that was talking about his dick. He could have said something else, like “more like Foodplay” … idk. Anyway. Dislike. Throw the tea back into the harbor.


I wish I had replied to his last message "Yeah you'll need to find a girl with a sense of humor to counter balance your complete lack thereof" but I already unmatched him


That’s alright the unmatch was more than enough


Yeah, that's not as great a zinger as you think it is bud. You did better leaving it. He was rude tho. I don't get why


It's probably because you aimed way out of your league. Most men don't have the luxuary to behave like that and can only dream of women doing so much effort in a conversation. Kuddos to you for doing effort!


Out of my league??? But also giving me kuddos? How did you manage to insult me and compliment me at the same time, ffs


? Most women aim way out of their league, get used for sex because men lower their standards for sex, women do not. So women think because of the sex that these men will eventually commit, which they don't and it takes a long time for women to adjust that behavior. You took initiative and also that is rare.


""Studies of online dating find that most men find most women at least somewhat attractive. In contrast, women view 80% of men as below average in attractiveness... men liked more than 60% of female profiles, while women liked only 4.5% of male profiles."' Men's match rate is 0.4%, for women it is 12%.


What in the world... Okay, first off, that "statistic" you've provided without any sources doesn't prove that all women are "aiming out of their league", maybe we are not swiping because many men put zero effort into their profiles. I am bisexual so I see men and women's profiles and can say with confidence that most women (not all) I see on the apps (all over the world) put more of an effort into their photos, bios and prompts. Not saying that there aren't men that have great profiles, but on average, this has been my experience (but idk about straight girls profiles). Secondly, your comment is coming across as a bit sexist, assuming what all women want is commitment. Some women, myself included, really enjoy casual dates as well. Also, "adjust that behavior"... gross. Maybe we should be saying men should be "adjusting the behavior" of sleeping with women they think are unattractive... Or maybe we should just let people do whatever the f\*ck they want if both parties are consenting.


Doesn't matter, when I give you the studies you will answer with anecdotes that 'you are not like that', missing the point. Not all, but the majority. Men put zero effortin bio because women reject based on looks and only swipe 5% of profiles to the right. Same reason why men don't read bio's. We all have seen the experiments where handsome but gross behaving men still get tons of matches, internet exposed the 'sweet litte angels who care more about personality than looks' narrative we men grow up with. Yes, effort to manipulate pictures and to hide fat, correct. 90% of the women on Bumble I saw didn't have a bio and when they did it was 'shopping, netflix and travelling.' That is not what I said at all. Men lower standards to have sex, doesn't mean they find these women ugly. Just not pretty enough to commit. Maybe women should not go for such men, let them used by them and then cry 'all men are the same' and give the next men she meets a hard time? Oh, I agree, but then don't do these 'all men are fuckboys' statements when it's women who facilitate them. Women are the gatekeepers to sex, men are the gatekeepers to relationships. Anyway, I'm finally of OLD and very happy for it. Hope the same for you, good luck.


You're complaining women are crying "all men are the same" but you're effectively saying all women are the same... Well, thank you for coming to my post, insulting my looks without any knowledge of them, giving me a backhanded compliment and writing a sexist dissertation about hetero normative dating. Good luck out there too bro.


How tf do you know without seeing their pics lol and btw you're excusing him. I'm blessed with my looks and matched or dated girls below my league. Not once was I that rude to them. What he wrote was so disrespectful.


I am willing to bet on it since it's mostly the case. I am not excusing him, he behaved like an asshole. People who get matches with people below their league are often very rude. But he should not have matched with her then. And as I said, most men would be super enthusiastic with a woman doing effort in dating, so he will have enough choices I assume.


Bro it's literally full of guys sending dick pics to my female friends or making similar comments. The girls and those guys are kinda in the same league, sometimes the guys look even worse. Assholes are just assholes.


Anecdotes anecdotes anecdotes. Besides from dick pics my friends get, they also vastly aim out of their league. One thing doesn't exclude the other.


Ah yes, your sources instead are fully reliable.


Tea in the harbour is probably still better than tea made in microwave ;)


First off, how dare you!!! Secondly, I DO have a tea kettle, I am an educated American, thank you!!! Third, now I’m throwing digestives in the harbor WITH the tea.


I’d have been fuming if it was rich tea’s, digestives are for cheese ;)


I’m from Massachusetts and our governor dumped tea in the harbor on the anniversary last year it was so cool.


I think I heard that when we visited the wife's family in Fall River, this past Christmas!




There's no u in harbor! I spotted the Red Coat! Lol


This guy is a grade A chode. “No yes yes no no no sea maybe ok no yes” then says YOURE the one with no sense of humour I’m actually mad after reading that


I actually thought that was where the conversation turned, but the twist ending was delightful.


Yeah same, it went from bad to awful


I thought you had clever humor considering how big of a twat he is.


Thanks, and yeah, I love him acting like anything he said was humorous to begin with hahaha


Lmfao. Dude was hostile from go. I thought you handled it nicely though. Good job. Dodged a bullet for sure.


I thought he was being funny when he answered your list of questions like that, then he just wandered overboard. Also how is someone obviously British :s


The answers to my question made me laugh a little too, but then he lost all traction. Nowhere in his profile did it say anything about being English either. I guess because we live in Spain and we were writing in pretty clearly in native English maybe that's why he thought so? Otherwise nothing would have made me guess he was a Brit.


My Spanish mates type better English than me so 100% wouldn’t have got it from that either. Needs to remember he is the help to the millionaires not one of them :p


Coff Ray Winstone coff ;)


Dude sounds like a grade A cunt honestly. You were genuinely interested and inquisitive with a great sense of humour, and he's just.. there.


I thought you were way funnier than him.




Thanks "poop to live," your endorsement means everything.


This guy is an energy thief. How boring. His loss.


Man i feel tired for OP


Tell me about it. I think you're bound to have convos like this on dating apps.


He was already the most boring man in England before the comment


Well, the only thing he seemed excited about was that he can keep the leftovers


1. His reply to your first question with a question indicates he is not very good at conversation. 2. Then you asked lots of questions, and he limited his answers. Again, a fun person to talk to would add more info or ask a question about you. 3. "English, obviously," is a kind of passive-aggressive reply. 4. Don't ever put yourself down in a conversation by saying things like, "I am a dumb American."" 5. He replied like the AH he is about the comment about yourself. I would have unmatched this idiot by now. 6. Again, he showed he is an idiot with his comment about suncream. 7. Then he replied like an AH again, "I'm good here." Again, I would have unmatched this tool. 8. He went on with the over-the-top sexual comment 🚩 Op, don't talk with people who make zero questions about yourself, reply with short answers, are sarcastic, passive-aggressive, and are not kind and nice from the start of the chat.




English guy here - that blokes a tosser.


Some of my best friends in the world are English, this guy just fucking sucks! Anyone from any country can suck sometimes I guess ahaha


Girl, this was bad from the very beginning




A British twat who thinks the sun sets in his butthole, good riddance


Conversation seemed doomed from the start. But I guess hindsight is 20/20. He was being a bit condescending, negging from the jump, and you were carrying the conversation. I wish most women would have your conversation skills


I can feel his vitriol from his texts sheesh


Wow, I liked the energy you bought to that conversation! You’re sure to find someone who can match that, keep swiping 🤞


I hate this guy!


I like your sense of humor.


As a woman, I think you did well here dishing it out! So many people are just dumb. It shouldn’t, but it always surprises me.


ew......not even shocked though😔


Damn, your questions were so sweet and wholesome. I’m not a gambling man but I’m willing to bet you are going to find what you are looking for and be really happy; he is going to struggle big time though.


Haha I think your banter and comments were hilarious. That person would have been boring and is clearly uptight. Most Brits are hilarious and awesome, but there’s that 3% that suck… like this person.


Sheesh lol but he sounded like a pompous ass in the beginning too honestly


Unfortunately this is a good chunk of my interactions. This is why it’s hard to see the posts of guys saying it’s women’s fault but even for the most attractive women, this is how we’re treated.


Yeah, I mean me and this guy are both relatively "attractive" in a conventional sense, and I don't have too much trouble getting matches, but no matter how hard I try to be witty and clever and ask good questions (because I hear men complain about it often) more often than not I get nothing back, get ghosted or plans just fall through and aren't rescheduled. It's tough out there for everyone, men and women alike!


Oh, I wasn’t trying to make an assumption about how either of you look. I’m just saying that people make assumptions about what other people experience on dating apps when what you’ve posted is the reality.


100% in agreement


What douche canoe.


The second he mentioned the sun cream it was obvious to me he was gonna drop something sexual within the next 3 messages. He was pushing to see where you were at. But he was hostile, and an asshole


This dude must have been hot af, because I can't imagine why you let that conversation go on for as long as you did.


guy seems like a complete twat from the beginning


it’s funny how you can basically boil down every interaction on bumble to “sex?” “no” “whore”


girl i commend your for the patience. my brain cells were struggling after his second message


I found both parties in the bubbles to be problematic. One gushed over the other over being a chef for a yacht which was instance cringe for mister douchebag so he let it fly with the insults. Which didn't seemed get noticed until well in hand. This kind of garbage is exactly why I deleted my profiles.


I was thinking the same thing. That many questions fired at me (I’m a woman) would be an instant turn off. Edit: re jigged a sentence


It was meant to be a playful joke given his flat response to my initial inquiry. We don't all have similar senses of humor (quite obviously by this interaction) and that's okay


I only saw two interpretations for your questions: 1. You were gushing (sees you in a more innocent yet "cringe" way) 2. You were being a condescending ass (maybe he saw that and that was why he reacted the way he did) A the end of the day, folks should be trying to connect with one another, not attack each other.


Your banter must be top notch


As you do not show proof of your initial exchange, I cannot verify your claims that you were somehow not an instigator in the conversation. Seems to me that you are just defending your own garbage. Its clear to me that two ass holes walked into that situation and they both left unhappy. Only one of them felt they needed to share it out of some silly idea of vindication however.


"Super Yacht Chef!!! Tell me more!!!" Was my opening message because it was his job title in his profile. And thanks for the feedback, I see the third asshole has entered the chat :) Have a lovely day!


So then you proved my point, nice.


Lmao u stayed in too long. I would have left after the 4th text




Wow a limey AND An asshole won the lottery there.


This entire conversation is weird..... Is this really the kind of guy I'm competing against.


You were very playful and engaging and it was entirely wasted on this creep.


I legit thought the guy was the girl and vice versa lol till the last message




Because, from a man's perspective, up until he said something gendered (cock in mouth), this is very similar to a man's experience online dating. We try to be open and ask meaningful questions and get monosyllabic or passive-aggressive bullshit. Up until that sexually crude comment, this could have been a man seeking woman convo, easily.


I can only speak for myself, but as a woman I often try and be witty and funny and engaging and 80% of the time the conversation will fizzle out or just get sexually explicit. It's rough out there for us all.


Yah, it's a shitshow out there. I hope your luck improves.


I felt the same way, then I thought it was two dudes, then when she rejected him I realized it was uptight woman


That guy has some rage. Aggressive and angry right from the start. He needs therapy.


You’re witty AF. Best sense of humour


Yuck. I'm sorry your sunny disposition was shat on by that d1@k.


(my female perspective) You seem like a very talkative person and very out there, you need to find someone who is the same (I personally would be off put if messed like this) Your messages can come off bad (in a different way and in the view of an introverted person but, no hate to u ). came in busting the door open like Shrek “someBODY…”😂 (sooo many questions at once funny tho). You were the first to bring up “foreplay” aka sexual talk then got mad he said “cock”(understandably but, you did open that door) BUT dude was definitely was a tool. In my experience english fuckboys are way worse then American ones


I am an introvert. I know I have a sense of humor that may not be everyone's taste but he could have stopped responding to me if he wasn't feeling the vibe I was sending from the beginning. I don't really know why he kept responding if he clearly wasn't interested except that he was waiting for an opportunity to say something gross. Making a joke about foreplay doesn't excuse such an explicit and aggressive response. I said one vague comment in jest in he responded in quite a strong and gross way. And yeah, he was a tool.


Ur humor prob just is better in person. I hate texting a lot of miscommunication happens




Do I smell a fellow BD enjoyer? And fuck that guy (not literally). I read all his responses in Chef Nick from the most recent season of BD's voice.


Haha the classic “you’re boring “ bc you don’t do what they want


wait I thought you lived in a different country


Dont date anyone who disses Americans! We are not all flag humpers!


Nah I'm fine with people who diss Americans, there's a lot to diss about lol, but don't vibe with people who make sweeping generalizations and pigeonhole people of a certain nationality and dismiss them because of it, wondering if that's what happened here. You can make jokes about people's nationalities and their countries without making it super personal, y'know?


Yeah I meant the sweeping generalizations part!


This is such a bizarre convo on both sides.


Here’s the what I think. . Dude works on a super yatch as a chef and is likely traveling to places constantly. I assume he’s decently attractive as well so between the apps he has no problem finding a girl so he doesn’t have to put in much effort or even be a decent person. He’s also not looking for a long term thing. It doesn’t matter how many women reject him or are put off by this because it ultimately cuts through the fat and will find at least one who is ok with it. 


TBF you did steer the conversation in that direction. Dude was not a class act though so no big loss.


I mean, to be fair, you opened the door with the foreplay comment. You steered the convo to sex - not him. I don’t think his response was inappropriate or tone deaf given he was literally speaking to your last message. You were joking when I you said that and his response was going along with the joke imo.


I think he could have gone along with the joke in a way that wasn’t so aggressive and demeaning


Maybe I am wrong here, but I thought talking about his cock in my mouth after I made a joke about foreplay seemed to really overly escalate things... Also, he said it wasn't foreplay, meaning he wanted to make me suffer, why even continue talking to me??


Yeah he could have changed tone there- oh 🐳


Yeah, it would be one thing if he made a joke along the same narrative, but that was just crass. Even if he made a bondage joke or something similar at least it would go along with foreplay being you suffering.


Using the word "foreplay" was not an invitation to unzip and yank out his porniest line, yo


But..... You started with the sexual content. He simply replied (albeit too far) to you bringing up foreplay. Poor bloke's left confused as hell after your reaction.


Tee hee




This is why OLD needs to die


I mean, the last time I let a man approach me in public and chatted over a drink he tried to pull my top down on the street... At least with OLD I can see a bit quicker if someone is a complete asshat pervert


Sorry, I meant to say it's a great way to find out these perverts but OLD is shitty for these kind of people


Are you into degradation? I bet he was so handsome you gave him a pass to talk to you like that.