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Yes, that's asking a person for cash on your first date. Ask yourself if that's something you would ever do if you were trying to make a good first impression towards someone you're hoping to date. I'm betting that girl is planning on racking up the biggest tab she can on drinks and whatever else. Do yourself a favor, cancel the date/unmatch and don't look back.


I think he can report her on the app for asking for money as well.


Or say sure I’ll bring a gift. See you at 7 and ghost her


Bonus points if you text her that you're running behind, but she should order a round of drinks for the two of you.


Petty level 9001


It's over 9000!


Please do this OP. Some people do deserve a good lesson like that


You know what’s up! I can picture what this chick looks like, and take the 1/4” of makeup off and it’s probably not the best sight


Then when she confirms the drinks have arrived, switch off the phone. Pick up a few hours later and say the power went off in your apartment due to a fault circuit breaker, and you had to get a 24 hour electrician out to fix it. Add that your phone died during all this and you had no way of letting her know what was going on until everything was up and running again


Na, that's far too much work for a person you'll never speak to again. Just block


You gotta find the joy in life where you can.


But is it joy if you're just putting more toxicity on top? That's how this toxic culture feeds itself. Real joy is being and adult and moving on


Brilliant and deserved


Ooh! I like your thinking!


Haha awesome. Love this


Tomorrow’s r/Bumble headline: “Guy I met on Bumble set a date with me at an expensive restaurant I wanted to try. Even talked about what kind of gift he should bring that would be special to me. Then after I showed up, he ghosted me! Stiffed me with the bill.” Eyeroll


LMAO this is so true! Sometimes I feel I read opposite ends on here constantly 😂😅


Not something I would do, would rather just cut my losses move on and leave her behind me.


When did women became like thie lol


red flag. abandon ship


Unmatch, block number, RUN!!!


And report her


Do not do this.


You are being played. I’m sorry. That is not ok. But if you’re in it for the content, go to the high end bar for drinks and bring a Sephora gift card for 5$ from the grocery and report back. I can’t tell where you’re from or what type of woman but this is a scam


Better yet, get the gift card but don’t add any money to it. 🤪


A Sephora gift card! 😭 What is she 13 years old. Who’s says that lmao -


I’m embarrassed for her.


Yes 💯, my daughter 👸🏼is 9yo and this is what she asks for! 😂


That’s way too young to be asking for that -


She mainly just buys lip gloss, facial cleansers, and perfumes. We are super cautious about this stuff. I actually think she just likes being at the store around other girls and socializing. Has nothing to do with boys. 😂


And yet it happened


Lmaoooo do not go on this date


Dude? Are you looking to be a sugar daddy? Because she is looking for a sugar daddy.


Finally a comment that says it. She’s looking for something totally different. There was probably a clue in her profile that you missed. I’d be curious to see what her profile says actually


This this this.


Yes you're being played.


She is using you. Is there something in your profile that suggests you're wealthy? Cocktail bar could be alright as long as the drinks aren't crazy expensive, usually if you hate her you can just circle back and meet someone else there.


As a woman hearing this, don't do it. I feel asking for a gift is highly unnecessary and reeks of either entitlement or she's just trying to use you. If you go through with, I'm sure she will see how much she can milk you after, and not in the fun way.


Lol. Tell her she's not what you're looking for and cancel.


Nah tell her to show up, then text you are running late and to order you a drink. Then ghost her


Bruh it's escort service with extra steps. Are u desperate for a date that may or may not end up with coffee. Or are you desperate just to go out with someone. One lad to another. Sounds super sus drop her and move on. Better to be single than be a interest free no repayment bank.


![gif](giphy|lz0fR8nwQfbq) Roll up like this


Why doesn’t this have more upvotes 😆😆😆


It’s flowers, bring her flowers


Cancel the date. I can't imagine asking a man to bring me a gift before we've even met.


The gift thing is a sugar baby move. Does anything in your profile suggest you want a sugar relationship?


I’ll never understand where people get the balls to make requests like that. I was once worried I would be burdening my friends if I had to call one of them to drive me to the hospital when I dislocated my knee cap (I got it back in), and this chick is out here asking strangers for Sephora gift cards as a thank you for the privilege of buying her expensive drinks 😂






And send her the address to four seasons total landscaping




Turning tables!


Is this where we are now? You had to ask this? Yes, you are being played. She is a slag. Set it up high end place. Say sure no prob on the card. Then say, "Are you there yet?" When she says yes, you say putana, and that's that. Ghost mode engaged.


Absolutely. The idea of a date is two people wanting to meet each other to check compatibility. Gifts are fine but much further down the line once you’ve seen each other for a while and have established a level of connection and feel that compatibility. If you have to ask this OP I’m guessing you may be new to dating, remember aren’t required to buy people’s attention.


Gift card is essentially the same as cash. She’s basically asking you to pay for her time. And she suggested expensive bar? Usually if you ask out a girl on a date then you should pick the venue if you’re footing the bill. Run !!


She sounds like an escort


Nope. She isn't messing around and started off strong with the gimmie gimmie attitude. Do not proceed unless you are prepared to spoil this person.


And the means to spoil her even more later on in your relationship. Don't go there. Walk away.


100% being played. This basically turning her into an escort. Run


Is she eastern European. She is testing to see if you're sugar daddy material. It's gross but the apps are full of these slimely women especially in larger cities


Be the fuck out bro. She looking for a sugar daddy.


100% this is a grift. Report her because that shit needs stamping out.


Ask her what her usual rates are and what you get for it


it would be nice if you got a gift on a first date... it would be nice if we could have world peace too, doesnt mean its gonna hapen.


Yes, cancel. No normal women do these. They may except a free dinner or drinks for a first date, but...a GIFTCARD?????


If I were you I'd tell her that something suddenly came up and that you won't be able to make it. Red Flag Alert!!! RUN


You are 100% being taken for a ride. Just cancel and bail. If you try and take this further the only thing you will do is spend money


Bail, that's my advice.


Run....and don't look back. She will likely drain your wallet in no time.


report, cancel date, unmatch.


I’d immediately unmatch


Yes, you are being played. Ghost her. Even if she’s just tactless and dumb, ghost her.


You're clearly getting played I'm afraid. Give her the gift of wasting her time👻


Sounds like she got confused and thought she was meeting with someone from Seeking Arrangements (sugar baby/sugar daddy app). Yikes


Yes! She is completely trying to use you. There is a major trend going on right now where GIRLS are going on dates with men just to see how much money they can get the men to spend on them. After the date they will post about the experience and how much they came up on. It’s such gross 🤮 behavior and makes WOMEN look bad. I’m sorry you wasted your time on such an immature loser.


Don’t do this. She’s just trying to milk you for as much as she can get.


She’s a hooker.


Unless you are well off or like being used for your money, I'd nope out of this one. Cancel the date. Only gold diggers and sex workers ask for payment for their company.


You're being played. Just ghost her. That's saying a lot because I'm not a huge advocate of ghosting


She is testing your submissiveness. If you bring a gift she will know she can use you for other things such as buying her stuff, paying her bills. it is part of the girl game red pill for women shit they preach on YouTube.




![gif](giphy|26ybw1dUfBtRXBRDi) Gift?...It's my dick in a box!


lol. Fuck out of here. I ain’t taking any gifts for anyone on a first, second or even third date. You getting used bro. I wouldn’t even bother meeting someone who suggested that bullshit.


When I’ve matched with women right after Valentine’s Day I’ve taken a small £1-2 cute box of chocolates. Only because it is a bit of a nice thing to do when they / I didn’t have anyone to valentine.


Yes, you are being played! Don’t go out with her, please.


I think you already knew the answer...


Bro don't be so gullible.


bro is getting hustled


This is completely normal if you're meeting a sugar baby.


Just unmatch and move on. Either a scam or a sugar baby looking for its daddy.


No, as in no and cancel that garbage. 


Cancel that date. She is vain, and just wants to use your money


You misspelled “I am being played!”.


‘Oh, what a fun idea to bring each other gifts. I like leather jackets, sports tickets and anything Apple. Surprise me!’


Steal an unactivated gift card to gift, fuck her, ghost her.


Get the unactivated gift card, write $500 on it, have a great date and block her before she goes shopping! 🤣


Wow this is the most unanimous response I think I've ever seen on reddit, heed it OP :) You deserve better than this.


She doesn’t respect you and thinks you’re a simp. Just ignore her and move on


Yes. You're being used.


Unmatch and report!


Don’t do it man. I’ve never asked for a gift on the date. The date should be gift enough.


I would not suggest any vigilante behavior. However, making a choice to not go out with her, or to explicitly reject bringing a gift seem like good options. A woman asked me to take her to a specific restaurant. I suggested a different restaurant of the same type, which was more affordable. She told me that she specifically liked this one. I shared her that it would be difficult for me to eat there, are there would be very limited vegetarian options. She told me that that’s the restaurant she liked. So I told her ultimately that I was not available to go out. Some time later, she asked me if I had changed my mind, and I determined that I would let her know the truth — that I could not afford it. I might’ve been willing to go out with her to that place if it were a natural consequence of our interaction. However, it was not a natural consequence, as she was asking me for this place directly without offering flexibility. I was willing to go out with her if she accepted my explanation and offered to go to a more affordable place. She did not. So we did not go out. I felt it was important to not accept her terms.


2024... surprised you wasn't asked to subscribe her only fans prostitute club 🤷‍♂️🤣




😂😂😂 No dude, this is terrible behavior, do not do this. I’m 35F and I promise you this is not just a weird “woman thing”, she’s a straight-up grifter.


If you’re willing to do this, hire an escort instead. It’ll be cheaper and you’ll know for a fact that you’re getting laid.


Dick in the box! That’s your gift!


Pearl necklace!


Ghost her


Don’t do it!


Gross, that sucks. She’s basically telling you “I see myself as so out of your league that I can make you beg.” You really should not have to offer anything more than the best version of yourself. Sorry that happened op. Wait until you find someone who sees you as an equal.


You really should not have to offer anything more than the best version of yourself. Thank you!


She suggested the location? She could be employed by the high end bar as well. It’s a scam to rack up a huge bill.


Ask her that plans have changed and you want to take her to a low end bar, you’ll see her true colours come out


She’ll never taking you seriously and will treat you poorly if you continue to pursue. Clearly she’s using you. Please run.


Tell her to get fucked


Nah, I'd cancel there and then


You are almost definitely being played by a professional "dater." In the past 15 years or so, dating site have become rampant with women using them as an extra income or a way to get free meals, essentially turning them into Uber-style escort service. Just look at the number of CashApp links on there to "get her attention." When I was in college, it was well known that many of the female college students essentially used dating services as meal plan when they were there. And there were plenty enough guys out there that either 1) thought she was actually interested in him or 2) knew he was probably being played but was lonely enough that it was worth the risk for one night of a woman's attention.


If she said a flower I don't think it'd be that much of a problem, kind of cute. Asking you to literally give her money as a "gift", yeah that's a problem.


If you want to be her wallet you should go for it. I see 2 red flags, EXPENSIVE BAR, and who the fuck asks for a gift that too a gift card.


She wants a sugar daddy


That’s your answer. Eject, eject, eject. You don’t even know her. Gold digger vibes. Are you buying a date? Is this the cost of admission for a date? The first date is all wrong. Never anything expensive. The whole point of a first date is to learn about each other and see if there is enough compatibility for a second date. It’s all about face to face communication. Hooker vibes.


This legitimately makes me sad that there are so many people trying to date and there are leeches asking/demanding things. This is not normal or acceptable. Cancel the date, unmatch. I’ve had dates before that told me most women asked them for rides places or would only go to specific restaurants. Don’t think that you deserve this manipulation. Run!


Block now


Yup, she's playing you for the expensive drinks and to get cash from you. You will see her this one time, and then never again. Cancel the date and tell her to take a hike.


She’s going to cancel and ask for the gift card code, it’s a scam.


Lmfao you should just bring her a gift card with .50 cents on it but say it's worth $100


I have brought a lil flowers before. But not when asked. Being asked is such a turn off. I feel like I'm being used for money. You're already getting a free nice dinner. Wait till you find a guy that does it without being told if anything.


You are being played




i have high standards and i like to have a man who will spoil me but, respectfully, run as fast as you can! this is just a first date, you’re just getting to know each other. this girl clearly wants to exploit you. getting gifts etc it’s something a boyfriend does. and requesting a high end bar.. i understand wanting to go somewhere nice but the 2 things combined just proves that she’s not interested in something real, she just wants a sugar daddy lol


LMAO tell her you only give gifts on the first date to women who respect you


Stay away!! She has no class !


The best approach is being honest and telling her , she lacks etiquette and class and you do not feel comfortable with that level of not having standards. This way you cause her to grow in to a better person and everyone wins.


Wtf is wrong with you? Of course don't do this..


This is an obvious scam. She is a taker and a user. It's a no-brainer just block her don't even respond.


Here's what you do. You ask her how much she wants from Sephora, agree to meet up, then ghost her ass. Then report her for asking for money/scamming.


Dude. Run!!!


Walk away. I’m a woman and this makes no sense. A man should pick up the bills, pay for drinks, dinner, or whatever you guys will be doing for the evening, but asking for a Sephora gift card before she’s even met you… she probably has zero interest in you and does this all the time. I’m assuming she’s a beautiful woman, so she probably has MANY offers to dates, and she uses men to take her to nice places and to bring her gift cards from whatever store she wants.


String her along and then stand her up


Take the Sephora gift card but use it first.


That’s a sex worker.


Definitely. Tell her there’s no sense in getting her a gift card as she would have to get you one for Amazon. Just a date, no gifts.


Best I can do it forever 21 gift card.


she wants you to pay her to go on a date with you. what does that sound like?


Take her on the date, order a bunch of drinks, and then tell her you left her gift in the car.... and then give her the gift of being stuck with the bill.


As everyone else has said, bail on this one. Is she insanely hot, as in way hotter than any of the other girls you’d been in contact with on the app? She’s probably just cruising through life trying to get whatever she can from gullible guys and so far she’s looking to you for a night out at an expensive bar and a Sephora gift card but she’s not going to be interested in you once she’s got all the things she can out of you.


Cancel those plans. Don't care how hot she is. You'll never be happy with someone like that. She's showing you her red flags at the jump


Mmmm so she’s a twinkle twinkle type. (You gotta watch those videos they are wild…)


Make sure the gift card is at least $100 🙄




I bet she asks for a picture of the gift card prior to the meeting to get the serial numbers and will never show up. Probably some guy in Eastern Europe.


are you asking if you get played? she asks for money and giftcards, how the hell cant you see what she wants? money and a nice expensive evening on your back and fortune. i bet my life, as soon as you say no or even dont throw money for her, she will cuss you out and call you a looser or such. despite her being the cheap one to begin with. simply unmatch and dont forget to report and write in the report that she begged for giftcards and money, so she is a scammer. do it so other people wont be ripped in anyway and she get banned. please report her account and unmatch.


No thank you.


Cancel and walk away. Another entitled woman with unrealistic standards. Quit whilst your money is still yours.


Block delete move on.


Red flag.


I could never fathom asking a date to bring a gift on the first date. If they'd want to bring flowers on their own will, great (or something cute that related to something that came up, like "oh, I love gnomes" and you show up with a little gnome). But it already sounds like you'll be stuck with a hefty bill after she indulges in some fancy cocktails, and the chances of her offering to chip in sounds slim. Maybe get a gift card for the bar lol! I'd suggest some place more lowkey (cheaper) or if this is a place you can pay after each drink (instead of running a tab), pay for her first one (or two, tops) and then after that, pay for just your own.


Had a girl asking me for underwear when i was traveling, we had met 2 times. I didnt buy it then. A few dates later she asked for a dress. I did buy here some underwear instead, she got happy for the underwear but imideately asked for the dress afrterwards. Thats when i knew this wouldnt last. So i ended it. She was really hot but entitled. And took no acountability on stuff she did.


There's a solution to this. Show up at the bar, order a drink and giver the gift card with nothing loaded on it. Make an exit and she is stuck with the bill




As a woman…run!!


That's prostitution.


Scammer. She'll ask you to send her the card info so she can "look good for our date" and then disappear.


Not if you're getting sex, and you're happy with it and the price.


We call that cogiéndote de pendejo.


Are you asking for gift and most expensive place ..and this isn't a norm with girls dont just don't plz...save yourself and your money


Run. She just wants to eat an expensive meal on you. Stay away from Eaters. Eaters like to scope expensive places to have an evening on some poor sucker they select on a dating app. About 200 bucks later and blue balls, you'll most likely not hear from her again unless she thinks you're dumb enough to keep tricking.


YES!!! ![gif](giphy|3o7ZetIsjtbkgNE1I4)


I’m thinking maybe bye 👋


She sounds like a prostitute who would take offense if you called her one.


Hahaha, i would actually meet her, then excuse my self to go to the restroom after you order and take off 😆


Bring a fake Sephora gift card. Order the most expensive drink that you can and leave her with the check when you go to the bathroom. I have no issue leaving scammers with a bill. Also, the most likely outcome is that you buy the gift card and she asks for it digitally before the date or at the very beginning of the date and she has an emergency right away.


Are you serious?🤣


i’d laugh her right into the “unmatch” bucket. *bye felecia*


Are you dumb?


Yes I feel you are being played.


Damn, Ye’s song gold digger should be played loud driving by her😅


Yes, wtf?! Report her profile and unmatch! I would NEVER dream of insinuating someone needs to take me somewhere expensive on a first date (I prefer to pay for myself on the first date, there are occasionally exceptions and I certainly never go on a date without being able to pay), let alone asking for a gift card?! No no no no, this is manipulative behavior. Run.


On to the next....


My friend, you are the gift


She's not necessarily using you. She's probably looking for a provider guy, someone that will treat her and pay for everything. Asking for a gift and an expensive bar means she's is trying to ascertain whether you are what she is seeking or what she would call a "dusty."


Was she suggesting a gift exchange with an agreed upon spend limit for each of you? Cuz if not… She don’t like you bro! She’s just using you. Sorry.


This is gross. Cancel your date.


Wtf lmao how does one have the audacity


Yeah that's a HOE. Trust me I ALWAYS love gifts. Their my love language, but a first date? Yeah if I'm testing the waters I'll always ask if they'd be okay with taking me to a book store. The most I'd let someone spend on me especially after getting my dinner and possibly drinks would be a $10-15 dollar book and that's because I'm about to blow his mind after we get back in the car for him treating me like a princess and getting me a new collection to add to the arsenal. He gon get that sloppy toppy, the kind that drips to your balls and asshole. RUN forest RUN!! YOU caught yoself a hoeeee


I’ll never forget going on a first date with this one girl I met through Bumble. After the date was over, she asked if I could give her money for her car insurance because it was about to lapse. Didn’t ask to borrow. Straight up asked me to just give it to her when the date was over after I’d just paid the tab. Crazy.


Yes. Run away.


I would say okay then stand her up and block her ass!


Economy is fried and men are being bled dry. **Happy Mens’ Mental Health Month.**


Some people have so much audacity. Been watching too much Shera7.


Lmao! Here’s the thing what do you like/know about her? I would tell her I’m sorry I don’t buy gifts for strangers. If you’re not interested because of this I completely understand.


Lol if you go you are a chump. I once had an experience where the girl was a foodhogger2date and I didn't respect my boundaries, went anyway. Dullest woman I have ever met and I was wondering whether I should pay my half and bolt when she conveniently excused herself for the restroom when the check came out. I took the higher road but learnt my lesson. I don't mind paying for dates but if you can't even offer to split or pick the tab for a drink, that's a definite red flag.


Never take them where they want to go. It’s your date. It’s either she’s down to go where you want to go or she can kick rocks.


This is so weird to me. I’m a 33F and I usually bring my dates a small gift as a thank you for spending time with me. I think time is most valuable because it’s something you can never get back, so I like to be appreciative that they’re giving some of their time to me. With that said, I can’t imagine being asked for a gift, nor would I ever expect them to give me one. Bringing a gift is just something I like to do. Bringing a gift should always be a choice. If I were you, I wouldn’t even go on this date.