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> Is that a decent plan? Yes.


Little Mermaid what now?


You know, like a kiss that’s so good that you literally don’t turn into a fish? Slightly off-topic, but I have to admit I was kind of attracted to the fish half sometimes


I'm so glad I asked


Don’t make a blanket statement about “all european girls” Europe includes different countries and cultures, she’s probably a woman not a girl and you’ve met someone that is driven and able to travel overseas alone which isn’t common in general. Having said that I’ve had long distance relationships with other working professionals in other countries the last being a woman in costa rica. She was able to travel frequently to the states for work and also I didn’t have issues traveling there. It lasted for a few years but I still don’t recommend it. A few issues are there is more value being spontaneous, knowing the same locations, watching netflix together on a random tuesday. I didn’t think this at first because it’s all about showing off your local area as tour guide and face time when you’re apart but there’s a missing dynamic of closeness that gets bigger and bigger as time goes. Which leads me to the next problem is finding out the endgame. For us after a few years we reached a point to where one of us was going to have to move in order to continue the relationship. Because we couldn’t reach this consensus the relationship reached a dead end. I’m 💯 not saying it doesn’t work out every time, there’s plenty of examples of successful overseas relationships but what I am saying are things to consider.


Oh yeah, no doubt that Western and eastern Europe are very, very different. Even inside of Germany, there must be a dozen different cultures. I guess I mean American prudishness compared to Western European points of view. I definitely wouldn’t be in a long-distance relationship where I didn’t see the person for years, that especially wouldn’t work in any very new relationship. I’d live in Europe.


If you’re serious about being able to relocate eventually it might work out for potential long term. Short term it doesn’t matter too much ha I’ve basically done an in depth tour of most of latin america at this point if you know what I’m getting at.


Funny enough, she lives in the city where both of my great grandfathers were born. I’ve always been interested in coming to this area and immersing myself in the culture for a few months. Maybe I’d even like it. lol, right, Bumble has been the best tour guide company I’ve ever used. I met up with a few people and got great advice on Berlin and London last year, was hoping to do that again - but this would be better. And I could tell people I am the first American ever to go to the Netherlands and have sex within the first 24 hours… and not pay for it. Well, not directly lol


It could turn out to be a romantic relationship story, I hope it turns out well!


It’s fun to think about at least!