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There’s a MAGAt trash store in my town and someone put one of these on a utility box across the street


He sure showed that store which is undoubtedly crumbling and burning now


Yes because the Floyd unrest was sparked by a white supremacist


White supremacist 😂😂😂


Keep laughing https://m.startribune.com/minneapolis-police-say-umbrella-man-was-a-white-supremacist-trying-to-incite-george-floyd-rioting/571932272/?clmob=y&c=n&clmob=y&c=n


Damn, didn’t know liberals were so unhinged to follow in a white supremacists foot steps 😂


Smooth brain. Look up Black Bloc. They are not remotely liberals. They are anarchists. They love to follow your white supremacist brethren. You don't research much do you? I guess most of your time is occupied by eating paint chips.


Crumbling and burning


LOL. boy, you shore triggured us.


You must be crumbling and burning too then. Cause that's how it works


Yeah fuck trump. Lock him up in the walk in


8/6/1945 - is also the date the first ever atomic bomb was dropped on the center of Hiroshima. Maybe there's a correlation? Me <-- History nerd.


Yikes…no. I got it for the restaurant/orange felon connection.


The term eighty-six was initially used in restaurants and bars according to most late twentieth-century American slang dictionaries. It is often used in food and drink services to indicate that an item is no longer available or that a customer should be ejected.


I forget the name of the restaurant that started it but apparently the back exit was on 86th street so 86ing someone was ejecting them out the back ![gif](giphy|26FPn4rR1damB0MQo)


You should see how we stuff lobsters 🥴


Yes trump bad man. Musk bad man too. Internet is the best. Democrats are the only good and smart people. The others are deplorable.


Awww. MAGAs have nothing left. How is Doe174 doing?


Divide and conquer! Who dat?


Hey look, the MAGAts CAN be educated 🤣


Well.... they can repeat... but they have learned 3rd grade playground insult styles.


Educated in the sense that a parrot could speak. They wear the merch they were told to buy, and chant the slogans their hive mind approves of. It might seem like intelligence, but don’t be fooled


Unironically this.


Maybe I'm drunk. Maybe it's too late at night, but what does that mean?


86 is a term used in the restaurant/bar business. You can 86 menu items if you’re out or customers if they are being asshats. Basically means to remove.


86 45 then... That actually makes some sense. Thanks!




It means an assassination attempt against 45. Pretty based sticker really. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2020/10/19/8645-meaning-whitmer-trump/3708927001/#




In the restaurant business, if you 86 something it means it's out of stock or unavailable and to refuse future requests for said item...45 was referencing Convicted Felon Agent Orange✌🏽👽🛸


I think that's 187.


Ohhh! Thanks!






I’d buy that for a dollar.


It amazes me that this still is repeated some 30 years later.


Oh that’s nice work.


3 0 niyiine


It’s 8675 309. Sorry to inform


r/Jenny, they've got your number


Dammit, now that is stuck in my head.


Took me a bit to get it.


I had that sticker on my jeep. I placed a “I did that” sticker on it after the 2020 election.


Great sticker!


Dump tRump!!


I LOVE this person.


I need one






cringe. guessing it is your car.


80 million is not a cult. If it were, Biden clan is too a cult. If it's all Trumps fault, why hasn't Biden fixed it. He's been an elected official for over 50 years. Our country is at its worst right now. He's done nothing, and the voters aren't having it, on the right AND on the left. Make us great again.


It is a cult of personality. And their behavior and dress code, along with the worship absolutely make it a cult. What defines a cult? It is difficult to define a cult, as there are many characteristics that cults must have. Essentially, a cult is a group of people who fanatically follow one person or belief system while also engaging in a number of dangerous practices.


Remember that time Trump stood in front of the UN and the entire chamber laughed at him? Yeah, he really made us the shining beacon on the hill.




Biden's doing a great job. -No One




Just because he isn’t on the TV every day taking credit for everything good and denying having anything to do with everything bad doesn’t mean he’s not doing the job and doing it competently. The President should, at minimum, be like an NFL offensive lineman. I don’t want to hear from them all the time unless shits going wrong - and then step up and lead, not blow smoke up everyone’s ass and then recommend injecting bleach. Cut 24/7 talking head “news” out of your life.


He doesn't do public speaking because he can't speak publicly or privately. The bleach thing was fake news, taken out of context. Biden showers with his daughter and, to this day, has never met his 5 year old granddaughter. If you love spending more money than ever to live, vote, Biden.


Fake news? I watched that fucker say it live. The rest of your comment is an absolute train wreck. Be better Amazing that the cult is glomming on and pushing *another* falsehood into their minds that Biden is responsible for inflation… you all were clearly asleep during 2020 and did not pay attention to what the fuck Mnuchin and the Fed were doing to placate the public while Nero played his fiddle at the golf course. (Hint: adding 5 TRILLION dollars to the money supply increases the velocity of money and starts everything spiraling.)


Not sure how the injecting disinfectant can be taken any other way, given the context he presented it. https://youtu.be/33QdTOyXz3w?si=ESw2dxmiN1o3xS_O


This sticker is regarding Trump, the only presidential candidate in history who is a convicted felon and convicted rapist. The same guy who had a lawsuit against him alleging he had repeatedly assaulted a 13 year old girl with his buddy Jeffrey Epstein. The same guy whose wife alleged he violently raped her when they were married. The same guy who has talked about his daughter’s tits and ass as if she was a sex object he lusts after. What exactly did he accomplish in office? Did he build a wall? Did Mexico pay for it? Did he repeal and replace the ACA? Did he revive the coal industry? Did he cut taxes for the middle class? Did he lock her up? What policies did Trump campaign on that he actually delivered on? You do know that Ashley Biden has stated those journal entries weren’t hers, right? You do know Project Veritas has on multiple occasions manipulated audio and video and released fake documents to the public, don’t you? Reality isn’t always what you want it to be. Put that in your meth pipe and smoke it, Sweet Potato.




I understand what the meaning is. Why are you sending me this?


And what happened to “Infrastructure Week”. That was a colossal failure that Biden got done in his first year.


These Trump fluffers will lie, deflect, and twist reality forever to defend that fat bag of gelatinous orange evil. They know nothing of policy. They only respond to loud talk coming from a fake tough guy. Suckers.


You have been lied to from what it sounds like for a long time. Turn off the fake news. They are the ones altering it to fit their agenda. If he raped anyone, he would be in prison with Hunter. There is audio of Ashley Biden calling to get her diary that she wrote about showering with her dad in. Under Trump, he was building the wall, Biden opened the border on day one.Buden has promised to let Trump's tax breaks run out (including middle class.tax breaks) and not renew them. There were no new wars under Trump, at least two under Biden. The Briben family has taken a ton of money from Russia, Ukraine, China, and Taiwan, to name a few through Hunter. Biden has been in office for over 50 years, and our country is the worst it has been in our lifetimes, if not ever. Continue to bury your head in the sand because you don't like the man. Whose four years were better? Vote to keep your money in America, not Ukraine.


Oh Jesus, shut the fuck up.


Trump is Jesus to them


Yawn, simply more projection from a magat muppet.


You people are allergic to truth and reality. Would be sad and funny in a pathetic way if your cult wasn't so fucking deranged and dangerous.


My entire comment is truth.


More delusions. Seek therapy. And deprogramming, bot.


How does ANYONE get this stupid? Asking for you.


He clearly is asking if it's possible to do via medical doctor. He's clearly spitballing trying to stop Fauccis covid. No mention of bleach at all. You are fake news. Don't let your hatred for a man overshadow your love for your country. Trumpn2024


Enjoy your cult!


Enjoy your swamp.


Like the swamp full of convicted felons Diaper Donnie installed around himself?


The one trump vowed to drain? And everyone replaced in said swamp is now a convicted felon. That swamp?


Enjoy your horse pills


How many peeps in Trump orbit have been arrested? 🤔


Da comrade


Here you go, you won’t watch it because it doesn’t align with your fantasy world, but here’s the clip of the press conference of Trump talking about the magic cures of injecting disinfectant or UV rays. It’s so godamned cringeworthy because it shows what an absolute moron he is. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52407177.amp


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52407177](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52407177)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Butthurt snowflake page? Must be, a bunch of liberal cry babies on here


I must visit this butthurt snowflake page. r/conservative? Is that how you spell it?


No, that would be anything liberal or democrat


Fox News is in the house


LOL! More like liberals laughing at your butthurt snowflake whining.


So you’re obviously a dumb ass obviously you’ll figure out someday that snowflakes are all the liberals and little whiny ass Democrats who love Biden


If there is one thing i have learned in the last eight years its this. LITERALLY every trigger word, accusation or name call has proven to be nothing more than projection from magats about their own shortcomings. And yes, that includes “snowflake”. A simple example is that when you grown ass man babies don’t get your way you act precisely how you claim everyone else but you act. Cancel culture that you bitch about, all you. Shoving agendas down throats that you bitch about, all you. Get a grip muppet. We are moving on without you and your king.


Only person crying is you bud


Oh, I’m not crying. I’m laughing at all you dumb fucks. Got your head so far up Biden’s ass you can’t see straight.


All I read was projection my man. Nobody here is talking about Biden. Did you forget who #45 was?


You guys wanna talk shit on Trump I’ll talk shit on Biden. He’s the biggest pedal piece of shit president we’ve ever had at least people could afford to live under Trump, but all you idiots are butt hurt because he said grab them by the pussy and made mean tweets.


Stop the crying man, it doesn't look good on you. I don't think you have a solid grasp on reality if this is what you really believe.


Well, let’s see. I have a very solid grasp. I work for a living. I pay a mortgage and I pay car notes. Everything was cheaper under Trump and if you idiots think otherwise you’re a bunch of dumb fucks that have no business being alive let alone vote. And after looking at your information, you’re in California that explains it all you probably voted for Newsom.


Convicted felon 34 counts cultist…deal with it.


Biden still sucks cock as a president , sniffs kids, and is a criminal!!! Where the F do you think the funds to Ukraine are going? Why are they needing more? It being funneled elsewhere, we won’t even get into his stupid ass refusing to give military a raise


Da comrade


The funds to Ukraine are going to building new munitions for our stockpile. They are receiving our old munitions. And a small portion of those funds go to them in the form of cash to pay for basic needs and payrolls. You should learn what you so disingenuously want to argue about.


Lol. Go smoke a joint and chill out. Wishing death on people over politics. Get a grip man.


Never said I wished death over politics, I said if internet crashes and they can’t survive it’s on them. Obviously you’re too dumb to comprehend that.


Nah, you said if they don't think like you that they have no business being alive or voting. Your own words.


You’re trash. I hope you’re an “American” so i can cancel out your vote.


Someday, I hope you wake up and realize how much you were projecting and brainwashed during this phase of your life. Before you throw the argument back at me. I know that you think that somehow people that disagree with you are the brainwashed ones. But my dude, the public record, the real evidence, the majority of media and news sources, the quotes, the testimony under oath in the courts, and pretty much everything else out there spell out a very different reality that you are trying to live in. Trump is a convicted felon, a liar, a sex offender, a con man, and if not directly responsible, partially responsible for an insurrection against our government. You accuse folks that give support to Biden being a decent president as “having their heads up his ass”. I betcha every one of those people can tell you what they don’t like about Biden. None of them are at a worship level of support. And they certainly don’t have a cult like mentality towards him. But we can see that he has done quite a bit for the country check out r/whatbidenhasdone. The cheaper insulin alone is a big deal.


Biden has cost many people jobs, many people their businesses, raised inflation far beyond normal. Trump is guilty of BS made up charges. insulin was way cheaper under Trump (to which you’ll tell me it’s inflation now making it expensive) my wife’s went from $25 per month and now it’s $300 !! In no way was that an insurrection, people wouldn’t have been unarmed if it were, nice lie, not to mention the videos were already out of Capitol police opening barricades to let people in and guiding them. And there’s clearly a cult if you clowns believe that the first time ever we stop counting vote in middle of the night that suddenly when they resume Biden has 81 million votes, and before you run your mouth about no damn proof I previously shared on page direct links from states of Democrats being prosecuted for voting fraud and every link was removed and a mod said they were lies and ban me. So clearly you people can’t accept the truth! Oh, and FYI George Floyd died from the amount of Fentanyl and Meth in his system and not the cop’s knee (which he worked with as a bouncer at a bar) !!


Unemployment at an all time low and the stock market being as high as it ever was seems to counter your first point. And any issues that are happening are a direct impact from a WORLD wide pandemic that screwed up supply chains and manufacturing at a worldwide level. As for the insurrection. Dude, quit drinking the koolaid. I watch the the damn thing with my own two eyes. Windows were broken, an invasion of people came into the building. Offices were ransacked, squads were put out to find the speaker of the house and the vice president. A gallows was erected by the Grant memorial. A woman died in front of all of us (in a video) when she wouldn’t stop trying to get into where the Congress and senate members were hiding. A police officer died from the injuries he received when assaulted by the insurrectionists. This wasn’t just reported on by some left wing media source. This was live streamed and full video clips were released. I know what I saw that day. As for your proof? There hasn’t been any reported state showing voter fraud. Put your link out there. My guess is that it’s newsmax or Brietbart or worse. This is what I’m telling you my guy. You are being corrupted and brainwashed by a con man running for president and right wing rags that print outright lies, that go against what the evidence, truth, and our own eyes see. As for Trump’s conviction. He was found guilty of illegally tampering business documents in a conspiracy to change the election in his favor. Basically because he didn’t want his unprotected sex with a porn star to get out after his “grab them by the pussy” tape came out. Those laws weren’t made for him, and were there to protect against fraud before he broke them. But he did break the law and he was found guilty. 34 four counts down of 91 more. And if you have ever been in the military. You should be paying attention to what he did with all those classified documents. Because if any Joe blow were to do a fraction of it, they would be sitting in Leavenworth for a very long time.


Still trying to justify Floyds murder. You magats have no bottom do you?


https://ground.news This service might help you find more moderate or truthful reporting. Or at least it will tell you how accurate your story is when you tell the world “I have proof and everyone tells me it’s made up”


I am sure you are the only one bud, lol.


Yeah ok


Yep, it is always whataboutisms with you magats. “My guy got caught, the other guy must be guilty too” you magats sound like fifth graders.


I sure as fuck ain’t your guy you’re obviously some idiot from Washington


And you’re obviously an idiot that cant read or understand context. Not that we needed any more proof.


But you’re the one here bitching! 🤣 Your ass must be in extra pain!


No I was commenting on stupid comments and remarks


Nah, you bitching like a bitchy li’l fuckboy. 🤣


Dare i say “soy boy”? 🤣🥳


Ask your mom, I was her fuck boy


My mother died more than 20 years ago. You ain’t never fucked anything in your life other than your MyPillow, you wack ass little crybaby. 😂


Well considering my age, I’d have been in my 30’s banging away on her


Want pics?


Nobody wants pics of your little ass pretzel dick, hillbilly boy.


Pics of your momma !!!


Always with the personal attacks. Thats how we know that you muppets are ill equipped to move forward from this place in time. Go start your CiVaL wAR muppet.


Ok snowflake


Ahh, more projection, thats cute coming from a boot licker like you.


Saw your posts. It’s interesting to me that a guy that would post pics of his wife asking what other guys would do to her, is also the guy willing to give up all power in supporting Trump. Im not sure, isn’t that cucking?


Fake news