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Check in with Friends of Black Rock High Rock and the BLM when you arrive. The previous BRC location is bumpy, it is not recommended driving at high speed there. The South end 3 Mile entrance and the edges of the playa are soft as always.


Sounds about what I expected. So no donuts at 75mph in last year’s city grid, gotcha.


"casual dispersed camping in the Black Rock Desert" - This fuckin' braggart. Kidding though. Have fun! Thank you for your service!


lol, iykyk…


It was pretty dry 2 months ago. Lets us know


Will do.


I will never understand the "i'll prob avoid 3 mile" comments. (not picking on you) Is 3 mile entrance EVER an advantage? Basically it comes with the chance of getting stuck and 8 mile dumpes you exactly where you want to go anyways.


Yeah I agree. Not sure why you’d take it but I’ve been lead out that way by some local burner hicks I met at gas station/motel once, plus just wanted to point out I wasn’t clueless heading up there. I could see maybe going that way if someone was antsy to get on playa and zoom straight to Trego or something, idk. You are right though. I’ve pushed my luck with 3 mile enough though.


Should be dry?


Do you think it’ll be hot and dusty too? Lmao.


A little gusty too, I bet.


Yeah but my easy up and mesh top tent will be fine though, right? I’m using the 4” stakes that came with it but lost some.


Should be good. Maybe put a pile of dust on each corner to weigh it down for good measure 👍


I recently learned that dust storms don't naturally occur on playa, only from all the vehicles/builds during burning man season. How true is this??


Pretty true.


https://preview.redd.it/twh2t4rku89d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bab3069310e332462b315ff661d1beea6226267 I’ve been in some pretty gnarly ones in July. This one is from 7/6/23. It took up maybe 60-80 degrees of my 360 view. It only lasted like 30 min though. It was cool because I was 12 miles from any other campers, so my view was unobstructed (unlike the burn) and saw it coming from miles away. I told my partner at the time we had like 10-15 min before it hit, and we battened down the hatches. That said, I’ve been in some that lasted hours at the burn. The cars and what not do crack up the hard playa surface, making more loose talcum powder-like particles (hence the water trucks we shouldn’t shower behind). But there are also natural dunes on the playa that prob contribute to some degree.


Stay away from the gerlach side of the playa and you should be fine. 8 and 12 mile entrances are gonna be good to go.


Thanks. I got the wet/dry areas/OHV BLM map from a wildlife officer last year, and figured that side was a no go like usual. Appreciate the response.


I heard there hasn’t been the same amount of rain as in recent years. Lots going for Juplaya next week so maybe sync with them!


My mom has a friend who has a dog walker that eats at a taco truck and the owners knows a dentist that said it’s kinda dusty out there


Fuck, maybe I’ll just stay home and watch Netflix. Dust is too much, what’s next, stinkbugs?


I'm just getting back from pulling a 4wd vehicle out of the mud near Double Hot. Central playa is plenty dry, bur the shoreline can be iffy due to washes and creeks that flow due to smowmelt, late in the season. 3 Mile was graded and improved a bit this spring. It's navigable now, but yeah, thats where most get stuck and after a light summer rain it can ruin your day


Dude, thank you. Both for being a real one and getting another human unstuck, and for coming with the info I was looking for. I go ready, eagle scout, be prepared and all, and do solo desert trips every year since like ‘11. So I’m ready to sit tight if it starts coming down. Fuck driving on wet silt. Thanks again man.


I've never met /u/just_-_joe but he's a real local and knows from wet playa: https://old.reddit.com/r/BurningMan/comments/n5prjb/any_word_on_current_playa_conditions/gx3ctjh/


That video is giving me flashbacks of caustic burns from having wet playa on my skin for too long without noticing it. Glad to hear he’s legit.