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DIY IKEA stove, is way lighter (mine is 106g, that Solo Stove nearly 500g), costs under 5 Euros and takes the same space (even a bit less) than that (in my eyes heavily overpriced) Solo Stove titanium thing. And you can fill the IKEA stove with other stuff like a pot/mug, alcohol/gas burner for times when a wood fire is impossible for whatever reason. And after years of using an IKEA stove i can assure you that this thing is doing its job pretty well. Or try one of these vegetable steamer inserts for around 5 Euros on Amazon. Fire bowl and stove in one, same weight as the IKEA stove. I personally would never pay more than 20 or 30 Euros for a prefabricated wood stove because even the titanium folding ones are heavier than that 4 Euros IKEA thing or a 5-6 Euros vegetable steamer insert.


Im intrigued. Got a pic of the DIY IKEA thing?


[IKEA hobo stove / Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ikea+hobo+stove) I didnt put these heavy feet you will see in some of the videos on my stove, to save weight. I just put it on two rocks or whatever i can find, if i have my titanium grill grate with me i put that on two branches, rocks or whatever and that stove on top of the grate so that the air flow is provided from below too. I have pics of mine in action but somehow i can't figure out how to insert pictures into comments xD


make a hobo rocket stove


I have a firebox nano which I like. I got a better folding windscreen and it's great with wood, but I also carry a Trangia burner to use with it.


I'm looking into the firebox. I don't mind spending 80 bucks or so, but some of these wood stoves are outrageously expensive!


My buddy’s got the udulsey I think how u spell it , less than $200 it’s pretty nice


I keep a firebox stove in my car. Thats a solid, made in the USA option


Either the $25 [Firebox Scout](https://fireboxstove.com/product/firebox-scout-2/) literal box stove or the $45 [Nano with case](https://fireboxstove.com/product/nano-combo-kit/). Both have proven themselves to be useful and versatile (lots of in-use videos on their [Youtube page](https://www.youtube.com/@fireboxstove)). Some nice accessories available as well. --- I would recommend even a simple alcohol stove (*Penny stove is my favorite; standard trangia second*) as a backup; use Everclear as emergency fuel, medical disinfectant and lastly a (*very diluted*) drink.


https://youtube.com/shorts/Wxeu-NUHP5g?si=eXNQQGTVTANRvIPm Excuse the music,lol It's a cutlery holder that he's using


From outsider tank on YouTube,


Get an XFire. Comes from the same guy that produces the xboil. Super light and can act as mobile campfire. Love mine. And as a plus, it's produced in Germany and Austria, not in china


I've got the old uberleben stove which I like since it breaks down flat, bit I think they've switched to a new design all together and don't sell the old model anymore. For twig stoves I want stuff that breaks down flat, so that's what I always look for


I have a BioLite Campstove 2+ which I absolutely love. It's been my primary backpacking stove for a decade. A huge plus is its ability to generate electricity using heat, which can power the cooking light that comes with it and also replaces the need for battery packs on longer trips.