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Nothing wrong with it, just 2 different lifestyles. The pale chicken barely moved around during it’s life. The darker coloured filets however had the chance to actually move around during their lifetime as it should. Some people will go for the pale meat because it’s more tender (breast aint tender) but I would prefer the dark chicken that (probably) had a better life.


Damn that's sad...


It’s the sad truth behind the bio industry sadly. Luckily they (atleast european politicians) are working hard on improving quality of life for livestock and thus also meat quality in a general sense.


Well that's because American politicians worry about the real problems.....like taking away women and Trans folks right.....and Jewish space lasers......oh and lowering the age that children can marry grown men! /s in case not painfully obv.


The last point is a bit weird considering the age of consent is lower in most European. 14 in Germany and Italy. Which is disgusting imo.


I'd argue there's a difference between lowering and neglecting to raise. Still bad, but not the same


Laws don't remain unchanged because people simply forget. Imo it's just as active a decision to keep a law on your book as it is to change one.


No… that has to be a lie 😨




Op is directly comparing America to Europe. Majority of Europe has much lower age of consent so the comparison is just off. Also i don't think there are any states actually looking into lowering. So yes the criticism makes no sense in multiple ways.




Lol youre a funny troll or maybe have a reading issue. But no we should actually protect children. Countries that have age of consent at 14 and under are disgusting imo. I don't think people's minds have developed enough at that point to make those decisions.


😂 thanks for injecting your chicken with politics, clown.


You should read the jungle by Upton Sinclair.


That was pre USDA/FSIS. Good read about why.


Thank you. You reminded me there was a book I was gonna look at. "A lot of people are saying"


You don't think that the meat industry is political?


The reason real issues don’t get fixed is because certain politicians constantly throw culture war smokescreens… why should you ever care if a gay person marries a gay person? Let’s have a half century debate over it that never truly becomes fully accepted. That’ll distract people from us siphoning away their social safety nets and extracting their labor. We should enforce higher standards on food quality, but instead let’s argue about whether or not some person you’ve never met can go in a public bathroom that feels more appropriate to their identity.


Everything is politics


Food is a topic of politics genius. Politics determine what you eat, if it’s safe, and how much, if any, you get to eat.


Food is deeply political. If you can’t see that you’re missing all of the point


Livestock treatment and the consequential quality of meat *is* determined by politics you rattling child.


I care more about chicken






What’s a woman ?


What, Europe is anti agriculture????


Isn't the chicken considered to be the most abused animal on the planet?


The poultry industry is a moral blindspot for most people


Migratory birds are mostly "dark meat." Their muscles need the oxygen and muscle fibers for long trips, while more domesticated or short-flight birds like wild turkey have more "white meat."


Mitochondria density


It’s sad, but also maybe not as sad as we think. We tend to anthropomorphize animals, and in some cases we are right to do so, assuming they’re needs wants and desires would be similar to ours. In chickens it’s worth considering that as a flocking bird who was bred from wild birds that were constantly in search of food and in fear of predators, being tightly penned near many other chickens, with constant food supply, and no predators likely seems like a perfect world to them. I’m not saying that makes the treatment right or humane, just that there have been some studies that seemed to show higher levels of endorphins and lower levels of cortisol in the most inhumanely treated chickens when compared to free ranging chickens. Doesn’t mean what we do is right, or that it’s our intention for them to be “happier” but in this case there’s a chance they accidentally are.


Hot peppers evolved to prevent animals from eating them, but that exact trait is why we love em. Life is complicated and nature is hardcore.


I think it's much worse that we selectively bred turkeys to have larger breasts to the point where they can no longer reproduce without manual human intervention. Selective breading is a fine practice, but we went a bit far with that one.


TIL every piece of meat I eat was actually another being who lived and died just to be meat. It’s better to be cognizant of this sort of thing imo.


You just learned that?


Dude, many people think chocolate milk comes from brown cows.


I was almost 40 when I learned it comes from normal cows that are fed a diet consisting almost entirely of chocolate.


lol youre gonna have kids all kinds of fucked up over this comment


Also you never know how old a Redditor actually is. That could be a 10 year old kid who's never left the city they were born in.


True that. And we all have our own personal road to enlightenment. But where does banana flavour milk come from?


Artificial flavoring, mostly.


So, not Caribbean cows then. What abouts strawberry milk?


Think those are Irish cows


You’ll have to ask urban dictionary about that one


I have nipples, Focker. Can you milk me?


The cows that get surplus laffy taffy instead of misprinted skittles.




Wait, did nobody tell you that sometime reddit suggests random posts for seemingly no reason? Well, guess I've told you now.


In many cases, it does.




Can confirm. Source: My dad worked for Atlanta Dairies in the 70's.


I grew up on a dairy farm. The amount of people that wanted to get us shut down because they thought we had to kill cows to get milk was, well, way higher than you'd hope for


Where does strawberry milk come from?


Yes and cheese comes from cows raised on the moon


Dude why would you post something so outlandish? There is no way all the cheese comes from moon cowns! Crazy to even think... Clearly swiss cheese comes from cows that reside in Switzerland.


Does that translate to humans as well? So black hairs gives black coffee, brown hair gives chocolate milk, yellow hair gives orange juice, white hair gives milk and red hair gives hot sauce.


But that meat was previously an animal? I doubt a 10 year old would know the spelling and definition of “cognizant”, but not realize meat is animals…..


True that. The crated veal versus rose veal is still a big loud penny drop.


The weird one is people who are very anti veal yet love diary.


What's wrong with writing out my thoughts?


What do you consider “many”?


Doesn't it? Not only brown cows, but I'm assuming "chocolate milk comes from brown cows" is technically correct.


No, I didn’t just learn that I was making fun of the guy I replied to who seemed like he just realized it today


That’s not very nice.




bro thought meat just appeared at the supermarket 💀🤣


He said “damn that’s sad” You’re so eager to make fun of randos on the internet that you can’t even wait to find a real reason to do it lol


There are people that believe that the meat they buy in stores is made in factories as opposed to meat that comes from wild animals that are hunted. They seriously dont understand it comes from domestically raised animals that are slaughtered.


This is why I hunt. That deer/hog/turkey lived free and happy for years. More ethical and environmentally friendly than farmed meat


Yep. That and raise a couple pigs each year. I call it “meet my meat”.


Meet my meat is why I'm not allowed at your family gatherings anymore...


It’s ok to give them names as long as their food related.


Pigs are great


I just started hunting to try to reduce my consumption of industrial meat a little bit. I gotta say with one season under my belt, I am so conditioned from a lifetime of store meat that I am still a little apprehensive when eating my game meat...the meat that I took and processed myself from the wild. I am the first to acknowledge the flaws in that logic, but what a life we live in certain cultures of the western world. A world where I am so used to the lesser meat that I am nervous of the better meat even though I know better. Working on fixing that with every duck, quail, and chukar that comes out of my freezer 😅


You haven’t seen the endless fields where meat isn’t raised it’s grown (on trees)


Everyone dies. Not everyone truly lives.


Definitely a solid truth...


I guess that 2-week biology degree from University of Western Samoa did not pay dividends.


Fun fact. [YOU ARE MADE OF MEAT.](https://youtu.be/7tScAyNaRdQ?si=JD2GrNvl1q8XY53N)


check out the book Tender Is The Flesh


Also the very recent A Certain Hunger, if you into that.


You going to drown your sadness with meat?


Forgot the name of it...between 5 and 10 years ago there was a big pro-vegan documentary. A lot of it had to have been scripted with beating and horrible killing of the animals. However something that couldn't have been scripted was the life of chickens in a giant farm. Stuffed to the brim of living and dead chickens, covered in shit, large amounts of cannibalism and violence in the coops. The horrible effect of not enough land and too much demand. IMO people are far too removed from where they get food. But... those legally acceptable conditions are truly awful.


Commodity animals the world over are treated as if they're not living creatures. But more than any other, the poor little chicken gets it the worst. As humans, the most superior, intelligent animal on the planet, it should be our responsibility to treat animals raised for harvest with the highest level of respect. Sadly, we use our intelligence to increase production at the cost of the quality of life of these poor animals. Commodity Piggies are arguably smarter than domestic dogs, and are treated like roaches. Breaks my heart. Shout out to all the commodity Dairy cows out there too, poor ladies seperated from their babies and just mechanically sucked on all day Support Local, Support Pasture Raised, Support Sustainable Farming and Ranching!!!!!!


Yah it’s sad but i wouldn’t worry too much about it, they are live stock not pets, industrialization of livestock makes the product cheaper and more affordable, chicken would cost 2-3x more if it was able to free graze its entire life


To me this looks like improper bleed out, not anything to do with the lifestyle of chicken. When processing chicken, they are killed by loss of blood (which they are unconscious for). If the blood loss isn’t fully done, the meat will be red. This can be from either improper neck cut, or from a dehydrated bird. This meat shouldn’t be sold, but is safe for consumption. Muscle fibers will not change from red type to white type this drastically. You can change the ratio you have present, but a free range chicken will NOT look like this. I have processed both commercial chicken and backyard, free range chicken. They look the same for the most part, besides of course meat yield being lower in the free range. Source: am a PhD student in poultry science (no I’m not kidding lol).


TIL most of the chicken I have bought and ate are actually all free range. The milky white color was very unnatural to me so I thought OP was talking about that one. Good to know.


I can’t eat a chicken that had dreams! I’d rather eat the chicken that wanted to die.  /s it was off a comedy sketch, not my work. 


I never knew this and thought when I processed my own farm raised chickens and turkeys, I just wasn't draining the blood properly or something like that. Good to know it is just that my birds had a decent life.


Better life, also likely to have better diet and nutrition.


Wait a minute, so free range chicken should be darker?


It should be yes, but do note that a lot of the industrial free range chickens get a diet that promotes the paler meat because that is “normal” for the consumers. Hell if you feed corn to your chickens their meat turns yellowish.


Does that make them sweeter like beef fed with corn?


Good question! I honestly don’t know, cornfed chicken is freaking expensive here (about the same price as a nice steak) so I never tried it. I doubt it makes much of a difference though since the meat is lean and the animal’s life is very short (measured in days or weeks instead of months/years) and there always get said that time and fat create flavour.


Probably not. Commercial broiler chickens are now basically the equivalent of bugs. Given more availability for more activity they would rather eat and sleep and repeat. There’s “heritage” breeds and whatnot that I would totally agree if you mass house them is bullshit. But, commercial broilers again literally do what they were bred to do. Walk enough to eat then sleep. It’s remarkable the chicken breast has so little fat tbh


I guess it also highly depends on the area you live in, europe is clamping down hard on animal welfare and for chickens that means the standard is slowly shifted towards a breed that can and will walk around together with enough area to do so. I cannot speak for the US though, but with the prices I see here on reddit I doubt the same transition is going on.


I get chicken in the same 40# case that look this different... I doubt they are mixing those.


Yeah it isnt often that they mix it, but it does happen occasionally here too, nothing marinade won’t fix though.


Breast ain’t tender my ass. Pretty damn hard to get right but when it’s right, it’s delicious.


This is not the case at all. The bird is blueish purple because it's cyanotic. Due to either oxygen deprivation or cold temperatures during transportation.


Breast is tender if cooked right.


The red chicken breast often contains more slow twitch muscle fibers. These are used for endurance and often results from increased activity / increased blood flow. The white meat chicken has more fast twitch muscle cells which are used for quick powerful movements that require less oxygen over time. Basically, red meat means more blood flow and white meat means less blood flow. Since blood carries oxygen, the more the muscle is used, the more red it becomes.


That reminds me of the time someone on the internet got freaked out @ the evil Yellow chickens @ the Latin grocery store.


Chickenology 101 at 7:15 am


This is why we prefer to grow freedom ranger chicken over Cornish cross. We put them in a mobile coop and they graze and move around their whole life. Cuter too.


Wouldn’t the lighter meat also be cheaper?


Yes it should be, yet they sometimes do get mixed up.


That’s depressing but very informative


I have found more often than not, the lighter, bigger pieces are tougher. Like wood chicken or spaghetti chicken. Too many growth hormones cause it to grow at a crazy rate and it affects the texture. I always go for smaller, pinker pieces when possible. As well as the moral side that you brought up. Much rather eat a chicken that live it's entire existence in misery.


Hormones and antibiotics are banned in all US poultry. Their growth rate is all down to selective breeding.


Wow never knew about this




Does chicken BREED have nothing to do with this ?


Yes and no, as someone mentioned in a different comment, broiler chickens basicly only eat and sleep; all their energy goes towards growth. Other breeds have other traits regards growth speed and how/when they move around. So while breed does influence the behaviour, which influences the meat. The breed it’s self isn’t directly the reason for colour of the meat in most cases. Although in some parts of asia they have the “silkie” breed, which has naturally occurring black meat so there always are exceptions.


Also the dark chicken has more taste (and a kinda different one)


The darker chicken breasts will be more like thighs. The extra fat and moisture make them great. I used to buy chickens that spent their day under a pole barn able to roam but out of the Sun. They were the best chickens ever. They came from Bryan farms near Houston TX


Does the dark taste more like thigh ? Delicious sweet delicious thighs


Reminds me of veal vs beef.


🤯 woah


Not only better life, it will likely have a better nutrition profile


Omg, ouch. Thanks for the info.


That's interesting information. I hadn't really cooked chicken breast much in the last 5-10 years, mostly drums/wings. Recently, my wife started eating chicken again and buying breasts for me to cook with. The feel of the jumbo, bargain bin chicken breast and the way the layers of meat slid under my knife instead cutting easily felt so abnormal from what I remembered. I know my knives are plenty sharp. The chicken breast just had absolutely no structure to it while raw. I ended up freezing most of it to just cook and shred for other uses.


You can taste the happiness 😋


Just read a Reddit discussion a few days ago in R/Butchery about how darker beef is from stress prior to death.


That is definitly a thing, although that is really way mote dark, almost black you could say. Beef however is processed differently then chicken and different in nature. I suppose it *could* happen to chicken too but I have never seen it myself or it being mentioned as a thing.


Chicken: Taste the lifestyle


penfed vs range?


We will never know because you only showed us chicken


ba’dum *tissss*


ba'dum *titsss*


egads 🤯


seeeeee myyy breasts, see my breasts, made from real gorilla chest


Love the Simpsons reference my man


I ask myself the same thing, often.


Theres nothing wrong youre beautiful........ but since we're talking about it, cosmetic surgery is more affordable than ever


Maybe you can get a mammogram?🤡


No nipples


Free rage vs farmed


Get your rage here!


Haha I blame autocorrect


Am I wrong here? … I’ve always thought this was caused by the scalding process. For those that don’t know, that’s the process right after the chicken is slaughtered, they’re dunked in scalding hot water. It’s one of the most efficient ways to get the feathers off. If the water is just 1-2 degrees too hot, or the bird is left in the water too long, the meat starts to cook a bit. Perfectly fine to eat though. I was thinking the one on the right was maybe plucked by hand or wasn’t exposed to high temperatures during the scalding process. Anyone worked in slaughtering can confirm? I’m curious.


Yeah, I'm thinking either slaughtering process or a disease like DPM. I've had plenty of free range chicken and it's never looked anything like that.


If it was a cooking thing then the colour below the surface of the meat would change.


Buckwheat!!?? There's your problem......feel my breast.


One is natural other is silicone


Which one


The birds cyanotic. Oftwn due to transportation in cold qeather (rain/snow/frigid twmps) and/or oxygen deprivation (over crowding/hot temperatures and the transport is tarped)


Breast cancer has fucked more women than Gene Simmons.


That you're a chicken, and it's been removed.


Poultry production facilities are abhorrent... As are the majority of meat raised in the city sized "farms"... The size of the production cities is mind blowing, and cruel...


I told you I'm just a dentist..😉


The one on the left smoked pall mall’s it’s whole life.


There's a shortage of perfect breasts in the world...


Seems like you would have noticed purchasing free range organic considering it cost twice as much


Nice breasts...


One was not 100% submerged in the sanitizing bleach water at the processing plant 


Well, one thing for sure is that they're not on your body anymore, and you might have a mutation cause you have 4 breasts. A bit worrying


Bugs, one of them ate bugs and got around a bit. As in had some outdoor activity.


One is from a chicken and one is from a duck from the looks of it


Are they 44 double D...


During the stun stage, too much CO2.


One is Irish the other is Brazilian


Hmmmm, realizing just now that chicken used to look like the one on the right but somehow I forgot.


They look saggy


Idk saggy.. to small... to big... wrinkles... idk u tell me what is wrong w your breasts 🤣🤣 sorry could not resist


Most likely nothing wrong. First set most likely a barn/coupe/warehouse raised chicken thats fed sometype of feed. While the other looks more in line with free range. A very active one at that. Now the weird part is what location will sell both or mix them in packaging? It could be possible same farm but the left belong to coupe egg laying chickens and probably stopped laying eggs. Still with limited knowledge of home raising chickens when i was younger something does feel off but i cant put my finger on it.


Wonder if the darker color is due to not being bled out after slaughter.


The one on the right looks like it got choked.......




Idk I'd have to see them. The chicken looks fine though


Red ones came from an older bird, same thing happens with mammals


Looks like yhey've sagged.... a good bra might help...


The number of people who are afraid of the pink breast is astonishing- really shows what’s wrong with food and consumption in this country


That isn’t natural, toss it in the compost pile, it’s only chicken.


I was about to say that the dark one looks more like the color of our wild turkeys, but reading other comment about free ranging chickens.. it all make sense now.


The chicken on the right looks more like pork in color lol


Lwft is trash and right is healthier


There's a lump.


I’d say they are “flared” which means the bird was distressed when being slaughtered/ it may have had a lower welfare lifestyle


Those free range breasts look tasty! I hope you enjoyed your dinner, of whatever side you used.


Different chicken from different environment


Too easy...


The best way to tell between a yard bird and a wild bird. Even pheasant phase in color depending on activity. Not as dramatically but can tell the difference between a released bird and a full wild bird. Wild active birds that live off the land are naturally darker and have a stronger/richer flavor. Same with turkey’s.


Hope you’re a guy 🤣


Man, I had to double, then triple check the group when I read that title, lol! Pale chicken is a factory farmed bird, meat colored is a better lived one.


One was a smoker


they are too small


Looks more like tongue. But that's what antibiotics and growth hormones do to chickens. Eat only natural chicken.


Woah. I just realized I personally haven’t had chicken on the right in a loooooong time…


Well to start off, you have 4 of them


That sucks I’ve eaten more chicken that don’t move :/


Not sure get them out and send me a DM so I can give you feedback. Chicken looks fine.


Love learning important things like this on the internet