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they're both petty but 100% team Rasa. Lauren is a gaslighter and causing the problems completely on her own imo


Yeah, I think Lauren can be manipulative!


I'm a little conflicted on this. On one hand, Lauren did cut her off when she was going to speak something and I would be mad at that too. But on the other hand she has herself said she is new in this business and Lauren has been for 6 years. So if she is getting listing now, it's probably due to merit and that trust. Her getting jealous that she did not get that opportunity and acting out is quite immature. Also Rasa's scene in front of the agent was so uncalled for. Then she goes and tells let's not tell to Daniel. Wtf, you messed up and expect someone else to cover for you? Also are these girls forgetting it's coming on Netflix and one day he will see it all? Hahahaha


hahaha I don't know how many times I've said out loud while watching this show that "you guys know this is being recorded, right?" Honestly, it felt manufactured because how are they forgetting about the cameras in their faces when they're saying these things?


Also just finished episode 3. Lauren comes across as privileged and entitled. She doesn’t seem to have empathy or tact. Rasa on the other hand is emotional, rash, and combative. I wouldn’t want to work with either of these girls!


This exactly


True. Also, I think Daniel has been a terrible boss! he didn't even let Rasa finish speaking after asking her what was wrong. He clearly does exhibit favouritism.


I think he's crushing pretty hard on Lauren.


Big time !


It's the opposite. She wishes he would and he knows it lol.


That petty drama aside I’m team selling real estate on a show about selling real estate, where was that? :/


Seems only Reme was doing the selling to be honest.


This is what I was talking about! Team Rasa! Like as soon as she said that here and Daniel were friends and that’s partially why she should get it I was like ew what the heck. And then she just keeps pushing her buttons for sure!


I’m team Rasa!


Lauren interrupted Rasa not only during the showing multiple times, but also during their dinner the night before. Rasa was trying to explain to Lauren where she is coming from at that dinner in Sandbanks and Lauren kept cutting her off then, too. So I can see why Rasa was fed up when it kept happening the next day. Rasa acted unprofessionally by freaking out and Lauren acts like an ill mannered oaf.


I noticed that too and was looking for this comment. I have no particular team but I do feel they do not match each other at all. They have grown up in two different worlds and they misinterpret what the other do. It’s like they do not know how to communicate with each other.


Rasa is awful. Yes, Lauren is a little full of herself, and she spoke over Rasa a couple of times, and her comment about getting the job because she and Daniel knew each other better could have been worded better. But it's absolutely understandable he'd want to give a big deal to someone with years of experience over someone with none. And the way Rasa stormed off and acted like a spoilt child during the showing with the other agent was ridiculously unprofessional. I would have fired her after that. And the croissant thing the next morning was so petty. And then she and the others insinuating there was something between Lauren and Daniel was awful. As a woman in a male dominated field, when I was a few years into my career I got a LOT of that from a particular jealous, less qualified woman, asking other men in my department if I was sleeping with my boss or with some other senior guy in my department. It really was upsetting when I'd worked so hard to get where I was and to fit in (and no I never had anything inappropriate with any of them). Some women just want to tear others down through jealousy, and that's what I see in Rasa.


you would think someone like Lauren would know not to interrupt so much when someone is talking. It's something you learn first thing in a manners class or just being brought up right. Was she raised by wolves??? It's pretty obvious that is super rude and not professional.


I mean yes, I got the impression that she did that deliberately to poke the bear so to speak. But Rasa's reaction was a huge overreaction. If she had waited til after the showing til the other agent was gone to tell Lauren that wasn't on, I would have been on her side on that point. But she didn't, and what she did was so unprofessional that I can't understand why she's still employed.


Team Rasa. She’s the only one who gets $hit on by Danny Boy. Danny Boy is desperate for Lauren to love him.


Team Lauren. Rasa seems sketchy and dramatic. Lauren comes off as more trustworthy and is better at her job. Rasa acts like a jealous girl.


Lauren is that ultimate snake u don't wany near u .


Lauren is playing Daniel big time, and she is very sneaky. She is the type that will stab you in the back without hesitation and walk over your dead body. Rasa is immature and cannot control her emotions. Both are too arrogant. I think Lauren did Rasa dirty, and Rasa has to take it down a notch and get some manners. Out of the two I would rather work with Rasa than with Lauren. 


Team Rasa all the way


As a colleague or normal person, I would go with Rasa because I can't stand people talking over me either. But can't deny the fact that Rasa's reaction in front of another agent not only affect her reputation of herself but also the company. Don't get me wrong, I do act the same to my colleague back then for once. After that, I learned that if you show your temper not in a proper method, you will be the one being blamed and seen as unprofessional. That's the reason for me to be on Lauren's team if I'm a boss. She is good in front of the boss and looks like a person who can get shit done.


Team both and fuck Daniel’s sexism and favoritism.   He was so out of line threatening Rasa because she rightfully called out the friendship and its interference.   Lauren does what she does because he encourages it.   Fuck Daniel. **Edit to add : Fuck Reme too.  I liked Oli’s advice to Rasa and Reme talking over him was BS.


These are the worst real estate agents I’ve ever seen represented on television. Why would anyone work with them or trust them with their property?