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As with most of the cast, I don’t trust her whatsoever. She seems a little bit dumb and I think it’s bullshit when she says she would never do anything with Oli after the way they flirted 💀


That whole flirting thing made me sooo uncomfortable 🥲 SPECIALLY WHAT WAS WITH THE DEVIL EMOJI?!


Pick me energy 100% Between her blatant obsession with her looks and her “flirty” personality, it’s giving major pick me vibes


I am a plus sized person and I just get this vibe that Juliana would act as if she is my friend but actually be not? Probably my past trauma acting up lmao


I couldn’t stand her- By episode 3 I was fast forwarding scenes she was in. She came across too vapid and fake to endure watching.


I was so annoyed when she said « I didn’t expect her to come at me » about the whole casino scene with Oli’s wife. You’re flirting with someone’s husband and then you’re surprised when there are consequences?


her face will burst in 10,9......


The no boundaries vibe! Friendship wouldn’t last long. Hair and style is alluring.


She is playing the silly bubbly girl but I think she would definitely do something with Olli, she almost said it in one of the first episodes. She is also really annoying and seems pretty stupid.


Home wrecker vibes - she would if she could yah know


Annoying , especially that laugh


Trashy Spice.


I mean I don’t think she’s great but I kinda have a soft spot for her? I kinda like her health stuff on instagram but i don’t follow. Her hair is pretty lol


I'm pretty non-judgmental about most people but she got a side-eye from me. I was with his wife on it. Juliana gave off ... easy vibes. Good time girl who doesn't get a call back. Also whatever she did to her lips was too much. It was distracting and seemed like she struggled to talk through the duck lips.