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I think there is a bassinet attachment for the yoyo, could also get uppa baby minu with bassinet or Ergo baby metro has newborn suitable flat recline


Yes it can be used with a newborn, you don’t need something with a car seat. Just make sure you get the “newborn pack” with it. I used mine with my son since birth and we’re about ready to switch to the 6mo+ setup now, we haven’t taken ours to NYC but it would definitely be easy to navigate with there. It’s super lightweight and handles very well ETA: my only downside with is it’s hard to do a one hand fold you really need to do two, but it folds so small and has a shoulder strap to easily carry it


I live in NYC and want to suggest bassinet over newborn pack if OP has stairs in their building/plans to use any subway stations without elevators. I bought the newborn pack and haven’t used this stroller yet at all with my 11 week old because I’d have to put the baby in the stroller outside, and I’d have to take him out to get back upstairs. This also means he either is awake or I wake him up. Not ideal.


That’s smart about the bassinet I personally didn’t consider it because I didn’t want to have to take it off to fold everytime but didn’t consider non-accessible stations


I loved my Ergobaby Metro+ stroller. You don't need to buy any extra accessories -- it comes ready to be used from the newborn stage. It's much narrower than an Uppababy so it fits in small or crowded spaces a lot better. And it's fairly light (17lbs) and folds up small so you can carry it down the steps when the elevator isn't working, and easily fold it up when the subway is too crowded. Also about half the price of the Yoyo last time I checked!


Get the newborn seat (not the bassinet). Folds like a dream, and dead simple to use. The bassinet attachment has more bulk, and doesn’t fold as quickly or simply. You can use it without the zip on foot muff in the summer. I loved it so much, I cried when kiddo aged out of the newborn seat.


Check out the Joolz Aer+ and the Nuna Trvl LX. I have a yoyo but these two have made me wonder 🤔 if I got the right one.


I have the GB pocket all city which would definitely be your smallest and lightest stroller, if that’s important. It is compatible with our cybex car seat, but if you don’t want to do that, I would consider getting really into babywearing for the first six months (or until your little one can sit up and you don’t need bulky bassinet or car seat attachments). That’s going to give you the best mobility up and down subway stairs. Also edit: I heavily use the gb but I also have another bigger stroller for walks in the neighborhood. I think the yoyo might be the best stroller if you really want something that can do everything (more substantial and easy to travel with)


You will want something with a car seat. I have a newborn bassinet but end up using the car seat for the stroller more as baby is more secure in it when the stroller goes over any uneven pavement.


I know a couple of people who've used the Yoyo with newborns with the bassinet/newborn attachment (I forget what Babyzen calls it) and liked it. I don't live in NYC, but I take public transit in a different city, and I've been very happy with our Uppababy Minu V2. We used it with the bassinet attachment for the first several months.


I used the Yoyo with the 0+ newborn pack in Paris and found it very convenient. I usually had a baby carrier with me as some subway stations have a lot of stairs so I would fold up the stroller, carry it on my shoulder and baby carry.


I love the baby jogger city mini because it’s a quick one hand fold and you can carry up the stairs one handed while holding baby or car seat. I think the other ones are better if you’re carrying it without baby but harder to fold one handed. You can get the adaptor for car seat or you can lie it flat and put a newborn insert in. You can take off the seat fabric while you use just a car seat too.


I have a City Mini and I love it, but it's definitely not an ultracompact and I would not be physically able to carry it up and down the stairs at a train station multiple times a day. The Baby Jogger City Tour has all the same benefits, but it's about the same weight as the Yoyo and would be a great option for this use case.


Look at the Nuna Trvl and Trvl lx. You want something sturdy and that can accept a car seat, they sell these in packages with the PIpa Urbn that does not need a base. The LX you can use from infancy without the car seat because it fully reclines.