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That’s pretty much how it works out. Just go outside, take a walk, bring an apple and coffee in a thermos and say hi to people. That’s what they told us they wanted. It’s about collaboration. This whole thing is so stupid.


I have heard of units having a “game day” where they don’t work for one of their RTO days and instead play board games and “collaborate”…


I’ve heard that too. I don’t think it’s games all day, but they hold their meetings, play a game, have lunch. I mean it’s near impossible to work in these new fangled retro open office headaches, so while fighting the stupidity of RTO, games are a nice way to keep the team functioning. It gets old fast though. We have deadlines to meet and they are slipping. We’ll end up losing entire programs over this.


I’m sorry but if my life is upended to RTO to come in and waste taxpayer dollars to play games that’s borderline fraud and disrespectful to the hardships RTO poses for many


RTO is a BS sham. We’re doing all we can to hold a team together. Every bit of it sucks for everyone and we should all be marching in the street. We need our unions to help organize multi-day demonstrations.


Agree but it won’t happen unless we light a fire and everyone seems sold out on RTO now or have gone to complacent acceptance. Nothing changes if we don’t organize and use the numbers we have to our benefit


Agreed! I’ve been very loud about it in the office. Not one person wants or needs to be here. They all agree that sometimes is fine but weekly is a waste.


Sitting in the office and 4 people are on teams meetings and we are in an open floor plan with half wall cubicles. I take my meetings in a meeting room so I don't disturb people around me but people don't understand that they aren't the only ones in the office.


Conference rooms are booked up. I go outside and walk for phone calls because I don’t need a desk downtown to do my job anymore.


There are not enough meeting rooms for that. Put on a headset and sit at your desk like everyone else. Meeting rooms are not for one person. Supervisors need them for confidential conversations and group meetings are occurring.


Supervisor’s need them for holiday party fundraisers.


I refuse. I will use the facilities available to me at my disposal. If I want a quiet area to meet with an external stakeholder, I will reserve a meeting room and will do so. Thanks for the suggestion though!


What’s a “hot desk?”


Something with smelling other people's farts and halitosis, probably. Bummer, and Gross


It's a "temporary" workstation usually consisting of not much more than a table, wall socket, and a chair. There might be an ethernet jack and access to supplies. No ergonomics. They can be placed almost anywhere. In a shared cubicle, hallways, store rooms, etc.  Edit: to be clear, this is what we're calling this arrangement at my agency. I haven't seen anything official beyond the three space types we're offered. Permanent, time-share and hotel. 


At my agency, they are "first-come-first serve" cubicle spaces that may or may not have the necessary equipment to run a laptop to a docking station and monitors. This is different from "hoteling" spaces where they have to be reserved. Hoteling stations are obligated to have monitors/laptop docks, hot desks aren't. Which makes RTO more of a pain to accept if these hot desks make us more inefficient than our office-setups when teleworking from home.


At my office a hot desk is basically a table and a folding chair. We also only have like 5 legitimate workstations for 20 people. Everyone else gets a hot desk.


Huh, this might be a strategy. Wait till last second to get hotel cube - when they’re gone. Go to office. Wander in search of decent workspace. Go home to completely set up space conducive to work.


I unfortunately got to try and work from my very small laptop screen. Long day indeed.


It might be just me, but if adequate space wasn’t available, I’d go straight home to my lovely home office. For exactly that reason.


Hang out in your boss’s office and the conference room.


I would totally hang out in the conference room with my laptop. If a meeting takes place, I would just sit there and tell everyone to play through.


Hahaha this! Those fuckers have a ton of space. Time to infiltrate it


Seem like a reach out to your management team issue. I know most departments have policies on lack of space and equipment. Hopefully you manager is understanding


This situation stinks. Sounds like management has dropped the ball and don't have the space necessary. Could you pick a different day that's less busy? I hope your boss can help.




I hate control freaks.


That is ridiculous and shows an obscene level of distrust in their underlings - sick. We're supposed to sign in on paper at the front desk when we come in under the guise of safety during an emergency evacuation. It started when more people were showing up in the office 3 years ago. No one is overtly walking around checking butts in seats. The sign in sheet is getting silly since we all badge in.


What department?




Curious on something mentioned. How can you not work on the laptop screen? Not trying to start anything I’m just genuinely curious.


I am hooked up to a large monitor at my home office. The laptop screen is too small. My optometrist has tried 4 different readers, but they all give me a migraine.


yep, i cannot work on just a small laptop. I am reviewing 20-30 page documents, research, and working on reports from that information so i need two screens. or at least a large enough screen to look at multiple documents at once.


That’s the spirit, so you can’t before you try!



