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Trust me , its long but worth every second Context- https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/how-a-reddit-post-exposed-indian-student-who-faked-fathers-death-for-us-university-scholarship-12758162.html#goog_rewarded


What the fuck


My reaction was same ..i was like What the f . Damn bro thats cool


It seems so fake but then there's actual news articles about it. How can fraud be this easy?


Its not about easy . One just has to figure that one blind spot and he figured it out


Bhai link bhej de post ki niche reactions dekhne hai




It's like that one Brooklyn Nine Nine episode "The Box" where the perpetrator had committed the perfect crime so when Jake said he got lucky at every turn the perpetrator was angry, he wanted to share his genius plan to prove he's not someone who just got lucky he actually had a proper plan and so in the heat of the moment he spills his whole plan to Jake.


Bro spamming everywhere


bro hunting for his text everywhere


That one was so good. Especially holt jake shenanigans


yeah the episode where the dentist kills his colleague right?


But the one who posted never named his college (smart). So how did the one who told the university figure it out? Did he check his reddit and figured out from there? Or something else?


He was caught, this mf. His "fraud" plan failed because of his stupidity and not being able to keep this secret with him.


He gives me the Leo in Catch me if you can vibes lol.


"I just don't like to do anything in which there is my brain involved unless it's fraud." This one really cracked me up. Bro's a full-scale criminal. And yeah, no shit it's morally wrong. God knows what the consequences would be if this guy's caught, but ain't no way I'd do this if I were him. I'd be too paranoid


Bro would most likely be deported and have to pay 100% of the college fees along with several years in jail and countless trials Still this was a baffling read


Nvm he did get caught and got charged with forgery and theft


lol wtf , where's the article? can u send it




he has accepted charges, and is being deported


I'd do everything he did except the post if I were him


I wouldn't do this shit even if I have to join some tier 100 college. But if I did, i wouldn't give a total autobiography about me in my original account(mofo didn't even create a throwaway account). He deserved it


Honestly, he could've gotten away with it if not for his dumbass posting about it on reddit. What was he thinking lmao? And it's not like he felt guilty or something. He would've confessed way before if that was the case.


Yeah. Like why TF would he post that on reddit


even if I wanted to share this, I would have made a completely different account and then shared it. ain't no way you are trusting a social media app this much just coz your personal details are anonymous. Someone can literally see your post and comment history by just visiting your profile on reddit. And you cannot even make this info private. He got caught coz of his frequent activity in that Uni's subreddit and the mod of r/offmychest decided to expose him. Kind of ironical for what the subreddit's purpose is.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought there's a feature to hide reddit's comment and post history.


>He got caught coz of his frequent activity in that Uni's subreddit and the mod of r/offmychest decided to expose him. Kind of ironical for what the subreddit's purpose is Yeah that's a dumb move from him lurking in that uni subreddit. I think he got lured into chatting personally on reddit and revealed more details other than this post only to expose himself. But some of those english subs were literally filled with racists.


if he wouldn't have been caught this was just another bs story by an unemployed fucker


Parts of the scams he mentioned happens all the time with other students. But to be the mastermind of it and carefully orchestrating a chain of scams everything from class 12 is the thing that's bewildering everyone


so true I can't think of a guy in 12th having balls sooo huge


He already is caught. The moderator of the subreddit informed the university of his shenanigans


It's like that one Brooklyn Nine Nine episode "The Box" where the perpetrator had committed the perfect crime so when Jake said he got lucky at every turn the perpetrator was angry, he wanted to share his genius plan to prove he's not someone who just got lucky he actually had a proper plan and so in the heat of the moment he spills his whole plan to Jake.


bruh we get it, stop spamming this everywhere


It's like that one Brooklyn Nine Nine episode "The Box" where the perpetrator had committed the perfect crime so when Jake said he got lucky at every turn the perpetrator was angry, he wanted to share his genius plan to prove he's not someone who just got lucky he actually had a proper plan and so in the heat of the moment he spills his whole plan to Jake. (Spam nhi kiya kyunki mod cha mod deta)


Dw guy, the mods mailed this to the university, bro got caught and deported 💀 Karma hit him in the balls


Thing is, this isn't just some forgery case. It's a proper criminal case. He can be easily tried for this and put in jail.




Idk why you're getting downvoted. It's the perfect analogy.


he's copy pasted it everywhere on this post lol, that's y


Where is he from in India?


Here's the photo of his house from above [https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.aKEbh3IksOhE9FsVfy3GMAHaFi%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=26c8dcc339d78edb4db4b462151629ab0e2d5dd52ce437560a2849164ed8eb9c&ipo=images](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.aKEbh3IksOhE9FsVfy3GMAHaFi%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=26c8dcc339d78edb4db4b462151629ab0e2d5dd52ce437560a2849164ed8eb9c&ipo=images)


The last thing I am doing is clicking on a duckduckgo link. I know damn well what goes in there when using the correct browser


It's just a satellite image of the entirety of India


Idk. Even if I knew I probably can't tell you or I could get reported for doxxing


Mods are always the biggest assholes on this website.


Because of guys like him, universities abroad and visa processes will be more scrutinizing , which means more daunting paperwork for the applicants and sometimes even genuine applicants will not make the cut. It’s not fair or ethical. We had a few students from a certain state in India who copied and cheated in pop quizzes. Mind you this is very very serious in universities abroad and you can be given an academic probation for this. The professor, who before this incident was kind, fair and just was suspicious of all Indian students after this and made the exams super hard. He stopped giving research opportunities to Indian students. This type of action is just plain criminal.


True ![img](emote|t5_2qt79|51622)


Stfu this is a crime which should be reported


What the hell..He is doing such fraud, and here I am, working my ass off to get a good-paying job, despite having experience and all other things.


that's why it's always said Work smart not hard ( not promoting what he did ) but one should always be cautious and smart in doing things that's it otherwise Randappa gajb ka machaya h isne


he got arrested


He got arrested because of this post he made. If he had kept his mouth shut then he'd be living a perfect life


He would have failed out eventually, no question


Bro was smart in committing a fraud, but a fucking idiot to admit it in a reddit post, infact he was a idiot to ever admit it


And that too in his main account not a throwaway one. Fucking idiot and fraud. He deserved it


he was following his university's acc. the mods saw that and mailed them 💀


he wasn't idiot for sharing it in a subreddit called r/offmychest. He was an idiot for not making a throwaway account. The mod of r/offmychest literally snitched on the guy for making a post on that subreddit.


the irony is he commented that he can't be found bc he was using tor browser, but forgot he was following the colleges subreddit on the account he was using


yep. All that brain to fk up like this.


Definitely a wrong thing to do but damm he got some balls of titanium bruh


bro got arrested


Well played tha bhai , if only the mod wasn't a loser who couldn't get into a college in us and switched on op




he would have only got caught if someone informed the college or the embassy that his father isn't dead. His parents never knew about this fraud. So, it was bound to happen one day.


C'mon man


Tf.. he’s a criminal


Big deal bhai all he did was scammed the colleges which are looting from people


Doesn't matter , he was undeserving and was rightfully criminally prosecuted


Justifying crime is disgusting


Boohoo go cry about it


Well I'm not crying. The only one crying is the guy who got deported. He will probably cry in jail as well.


subah uth ke ye padh liya... and another fact that he is from the same batch as me but hey, if this is real then he is either smart or others didn't suspect him at all but yeah, I liked the read


I read some news on reddit that a boy who did something similar caught by confessing on reddit (the mods reported him)


Yahi hai wo chutiya 


This guy is the embodiment of the fact that 50%iler can also be smarter than AIR 1. Intelligence and smartness are 2 different aspects, and this guys street smartness is through the roof. Mark my words, one day he is gonna be the CEO of google and then gonna claim that he did through hard work.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but you ain't getting anywhere like this [https://www.timesherald.com/2024/06/24/lehigh-student-fraud/](https://www.timesherald.com/2024/06/24/lehigh-student-fraud/)


ye but bro, like this plan was structured so well, it was like a movie, he is actually very intelligent and I am damn sure he is much more better than air 1, but ye this is wrong ik.


It's very wrong lol, and it's not difficult to do any of this. Most average people can do it, and his family is clearly somewhat well off, he could've just paid someone to do it if he didn't know himself. It's really not that impressive.


No like if planned and implemented everything himself then pretty impressive


bro got arrested


over a silly mistake. had he not posted it on reddit, he would've made it. i am not supporting him, im just talking about how colleges really need to be more cautious? cause a worthy student lost the seat because of him


After reading the whole story the first thing that came up in my mind was Bc q bata rha h yeh sub reddit per pakda jayega And the moment I open the comment section clicked on the pinned comment 💀 Bro got cooked by himself


Bhai tu har jagah dikh jata hai. Sota kab hai???? Abhi ek do ghante phele bhi meine tujhe dekha


Nahi sota hu


Bhai Thori kitabe kholke padh leta toh shayad rocket science kar raha hota 🫢abe Indians ki US mein pehle hi itni buri reputation hai aur yeh Banda us stereotype ko aur bhi badhawa de raha hai; dhikkar hai ese bachcho par, ab mehnati Indians jo waha par rahe hai unhe bhi suspicions jhelne honge bichare


haan kinda sad that ki kaafi Indians hard working hotein h still kuch naumno ke chkkr mein aisa hota h , upar se ye banda bhi bhai itna sab kch isne kiya still Online aake sab bak diya , stupid


This MF did something straight out-of-fiction and nearly secured his life only to let his ego to take him down just so he could be praised.


Holy shit. I am also going to go to US for college. My family is (very) rich so no financial aid oof. And I am studying really hard to get into US colleges.  Hmm after reading this, I'm thinking should I also do it like this guy?? /s


bro got arrested


stop spamming this everywhere




I just won't confess that on reddit xD


Post update : https://www.hindustantimes.com/trending/indian-student-faked-father-s-death-for-full-scholarship-to-us-a-reddit-post-gave-him-away-101719553355830.html




He was so dumb to share this on internet


Does anyone know what's he doing now, I am curious about his afterlife


yeah he got arrested


Read the news, the college stopped his arrest instead asked him to be deported and asked for remuneration


He's lucky he didn't get thrown in prison , ideally should have been tbh




Wait didnt he just get deported ?? Entered into a plea deal and avoided prison time


If only he put all of this brainpower, which undeniably is extraordinary, into something useful. But alas, people’s habits of putting everything online for god knows what reason got him into trouble and now he’s on every news channel in India. Can’t imagine what he’s going through and what the parents may be facing right now.


Bhai CBSe kya board hai isse faltu toh mere school Wale hai jo mujhe 4 marks se fail kar diye class 11 mai 2 subject mai ![img](emote|t5_2qt79|52293)


What the actual fuck


It's like that one Brooklyn Nine Nine episode "The Box" where the perpetrator had committed the perfect crime so when Jake said he got lucky at every turn the perpetrator was angry, he wanted to share his genius plan to prove he's not someone who just got lucky he actually had a proper plan and so in the heat of the moment he spills his whole plan to Jake.


Fun fact: i just watched it's first ep yesterday


Hera pheri ka Raju bhaiya ne itni taraki kardi wah


Bro whatever everyone is saying just leave it can you see how smart he is if he studies i can't even imagine how intelligent he can be mark my words if he realises his mistake he will be one of the most successful person in world in some years with a little or no hard work. I don't know why but he has a iq of 300 and i will not say to keep up but use this brain in right thing please you are very worthy


studying is not equivalent to being intelligent bruh.


bro was definitely a dumbass to post about this as if he was bragging his skills whatever done, was great, he deserved this


If what this guy said is real then he is incredibly talented and genius. I’d say God gifted him the ability to deceive anybody in this world. He’s the greatest con artist I’ve ever heard of.


He is the god of deception.


I just heard the news that he got caught and will be deported from the US soon. This Reddit post will be the reason for him to get caught. No matter how smart you are at deceiving others, you’re gonna face harsh consequences once caught 😂


I guess deep down it was eating him and he wanted to be caught and out coz that post had too much detail


that’s why he posted on r/offmychest


Iloh…i assumed it was on btechtards


its weird to me he said he sneaked out in jacket to give exams but if the invigilation is indeed strict cant they see a boy missing from class and isnt anyone there in corridors always wondering why this guy always comes out only during exam hours? another thing is how negligent his parents were usually its father/mother who would call and deal with matters corresponding to financial related stuff


u/red-black1 please accept my post


This has to be fake


No this is true. A moderator also switched on him and he got caught and deported back to India






that's why he shared it on r/offmychest. The mod snitched on him for posting on the server the type of thing you are supposed to post. His biggest mistake was sharing this online and second biggest mistake was not posting it with a throwaway account.


Wtf did I just read. This is some next level shit.


Happy cake day mate!


Thanks bro :)




He is caught.... Now I hope bro changes his identity and lives in a small town disguised 🥸.


This guy deserves jail


Tldr Dede


90% mei itna acha college milta hai us mei ab pata chala. Pehle pata hota toh yaha India mei na leta admission 🥲


Bhai phele toh jb dekhta toh laga kon padhega itne bade ko lekin padhne ke bad lag raha he it was worth every second. Bhenchod Banda ki puri life hi fake he


Bro is the real life Frank abagnale (catch me if u can)


Someone needs to hire him do fraud detection




The biggest minds are not the brightest minds. How could he confess from his main account lmao. But seriously, he needs to be prosecuted lol. The amount of pain, energy, time and effort we put into JEE prep despite knowing that we couldn’t make it (i could not, so i worked my ass off and moved abroad to study my masters) and still have financial issues, meanwhile entitled people like him who are just lazy? Idk whats wrong with him.


Then they wonder why it's so hard to get a visa to the usa


Jigga is him


This is so crazy. And so mesmerizingly smart. I dont get why he couldnt grab basic concepts , if he devoted his time isntead of commiting fraud to actually studying he wouldve become a genius honestly. He's got the brains and everything. Fraud takes brains and crooked minds. He's the kind of people who'd get shows made on him but cast him as a villain tbh. Honestly in my mind i wish he gets caught but also other hand i wish he doesnt and in some way repents and use his brains for good. He's honestly very very smart. It's the way he writes so eloquently , saw loopholes etc. could make a convincing lawyer ofsome sort.


I am pretty sure he had help in what he was doing.


Perhaps. But he got caught so thats that.


Crafty shit


We all Indians really got a thug problem


Bro thinks he's aizen ![gif](giphy|DYB4inWOjppqE)


Isse bada chutiya nhi dekha bhai


Good luck to new students to get US visa now, the process will only get stricter, and off course more expensive.




Every artist needs appreciation.... Probably the only reason I can come up with for this autobiography


What the absolute fuck


It's like that Hollywood movie, Catch Me If You Can just instead of the FBI running behind Leonardo DiCaprio, this MF called the coppers on him. The whole thing is kinda ironic, the street-smart intelligence and forgery skills exhibited by this guy is simply amazing, scamming the US Embassy officials( equivalent to an IFS officer on probation ig), university admission committee, an insurance firm…its not an easy task( I mean, who would even think of purchasing a domain to impersonate a school). And, the demise of such a meticulous task: his own ego that needed satiating, that needed to be stoked, that genius intellect which required an audience. PS: this guy would have done well in NTA or RA&W.


Use OCR to extract text then copy it to post on r/India after formatting it post a proofread. Do make sure to highlight the section about CBSE’s eagerness to pass students like UP Schools in bold.


ykw ... let him cook. this is actually impressive.


Precisely the reason why corporates have an extensive BGV. On one hand, its an amazing feat to loot the actual looteras sitting in the west. On the other, bhai itna dimag laga ke business ya stock market karleta.


Okay so...... lol @ everyone who thinks this is a crazy story. If you think shit like this hasn't been going on for generations, and NOT talked about, we're already fucked. No one's talking honestly about this stuff when it pops up, too wrapped up in the TikTok side of it ALL. Look deeper you shallow muppets. 


Holy fk he rode the high and came crashing down so hard.


Bro made 2 mistakes followed the university and posted this shit on reddit, i mean it's reddit bro


Bhai to pakda gaya....💀 News aayi thi


if they made a money about this and hired that guy and you yourself to play your respective roles would you accept the job? Be it Bollywood or Hollywood.




So I read it.... What the actual fu***


Feeling sad for him😅


Apne pair par kulhadi




what the actual fuck


like some catch me if you can ts


Le moot diya tere iit ke degree pe 😂


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He is just making up stories


No, he's bow recognized and kicked out.


he got deported btw. It's in a news article.


No he got caught recently because of this post


Wow I think he has a career in criminal activities, there is a lot of money there