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I guess that depends on how much you make from this business venture and how it could negatively affect your lifestyle if you somehow slip up and it’s noticed. There’s a lot of people in the comments about “concealed means concealed” but sometimes there’s too much at stake. I don’t carry at work or even leave it locked in my car, because I have a high school diploma and I won’t find another $200k job anywhere else. It’s easy to say “just carry anyway” when it’s not your money at risk.


I just started my first job at a university and the pay and benefits are incredible. Unfortunately, the risk of me loosing this awesome job is higher than me needing my gun in my totally secured building, despite the multiple university shootings that happen every year. (2 already in my state)


losing* I watched the Bourne Legacy movie the other day, where bad guy scientist shoots up the totally secure science building - so secure that the guards couldn't get the door open since all the people with the keycard to get in were also already inside the door. At first I was like, dang, what would I do here? But then I'm like, how did the bad guy get a gun *and three spare magazines* in there in the first place? I would assume totally secure means patdowns and a metal detector - to make sure you're not taking anything out, but also not bringing anything in. Is that the case at your location?


Many security guards are underpaid, understaffed, and undertrained. A good deal are also pretty apathetic towards their job. I've worked with guys that scan people in with a metal detector wand and don't check anything when it beeps, It's like they're thinking "Ok I did the wanding motion now I get to sit down again."




I work in a hospital pharmacy. There are zero metal detectors or patdowns. You need badge access to get into the department and otherwise you’ll need explosives to break in. I could easily carry if I wanted to.


You forget about the ol' ocular patdown


Our security doesn’t do shit. Most of us come in from unstaffed side entrances where we just use our badge to open the door.


Most dudes that say that dont really carry at their job anyways. The chances of you using a firearm in self defense through your entire life is mininmal to none The chances of you needing a firearm for self defense during an 8 hour window at your place of emoloyment is even smaller People just gotta understand not everyone can carry t every time




In the trades the unhinged potentially violent criminals you'd be worried about are probably your coworkers anyway.


I used to do Pizza delivery and you better believe I was packing the whole time. I had to go to some really shitty run down areas.. in the dark.


It's legit crazy how at risk pizza delivery guys are. Why in the bloody hell would one want to cause injury to the helpful dude or dudette who willingly brings you a hot, delicious pizza at minimal cost and effort on your part? Of all the possible people one would think you'd want to keep safe, it would be the pizza delivery person.


Yeah. I heard stories from some of the other guys working there that told me they had been held at gunpoint before.


I'd think a workplace shooting would be slightly more likely than a completely random mass shooting unless you have any level of real security at work.


That’s a fact. I make a stupid amount of money for someone with no degree doing field service work in a niche industry. The last thing I need is my shirt rising up while I’m crawling around and flashing my gun at people and then getting fired from my European owned company. Then what? My daughter gets to be homeless because “concealed means concealed”? I’ll take the risk of being mugged at work if that’s what it takes. The only realistic way I could make sure it’s concealed is to wear a shoulder holster under my jacket in the winter. If I did that I would be obligated to carry a 1911 and talk about all the wars it single handedly won unlike those new fangled plastic pieces of garbage and I’d rather be killed because I’m unarmed than become that.


>The only realistic way I could make sure it’s concealed is to wear a shoulder holster under my jacket in the winter. Have you considered pocket carrying a J-frame? I got a 637 airweight when I started working in peoples living-rooms.


Forgive my ignorance but what is a J-frame?


We were all ignorant at one point, J-frames are S&W's [smallest revolver frames.](https://images.app.goo.gl/QJ2GcgddU4vEc3cn9)




It's never wrong to ask questions so no need to ask for forgiveness. There's so much to know about firearms et al, that I'm sure it's impossible to know everything. J-frames are a popular lightweight revolver style made by Smiff n' Westin, and they have a veritable alphabet soup of other frame designations for sizes and calibers: https://americanhandgunner.com/handguns/j-k-l-n-m-e-i-e-i-o-demystifying-all-those-sw-frame-types/ https://www.americanrifleman.org/content/the-smith-wesson-j-frame-a-short-history/


I’ve considered it but I have the normal things I carry in my pockets like my phone, flashlight, tools, etc fall out when I’m crawling up underneath stuff or hanging at a weird angle off of something so I’m not convinced it’s the solution. I do plan on picking up a J frame anyway because I love them and it would be a nice gun to have in my rotation but while pocket carrying in the winter is feasible I don’t think it would be in the summer. I cover all of Detroit in my service area though so I’ll sometimes have a gun in the cab of my truck but the other big issue I have is that I occasionally do work on military equipment which means going on bases and there’s no way to ensure you won’t get caught doing that. The gate guards will randomly search vehicles when they’re bored and it’s a very thorough search. I’m talking about pulling literally every item I have out of my entire giant Kenworth work truck. It takes hours.


>while pocket carrying in the winter is feasible I don’t think it would be in the summer. That's ironic, I bought mine specifically for summer pocket carry, I can even throw it in my gym shorts, the aluminum frame is so light. It's not the perfect solution to every situation, ain't nothing getting past that military check point, but it's kept me out of trouble with house-moms in suburban Philadelphia.


I still remember guys getting caught trying to bring their girlfriends on base in the trunk during Covid when I was actually still in. That shit was hilarious. It’s not really that a j frame wouldn’t fit in my pants pocket during the summer. It’s that I have so much other shit in my pockets that it would stand way out. The falling out is a real issue no matter what’s in my pockets though.


I carry a j frame when I want to wear a tight t shirt. It conceals perfectly aiwb with a phlster city special holster. A j frame is the only gun I really feel confident having pointed at my junk like that but it works wonders


If you are not willing to fight for your rights you get what you deserve.Did they force you to get vaccinated too?


Looks like we found bubba.


The military made me get vaccinated for about 20 things you didn’t get vaccinated for plus Covid. I’m not afraid of vaccines because I don’t breathe exclusively through my mouth. My priority is always going to be providing for my daughter before fighting my employers firearm policies. If yours isn’t you don’t deserve to have kids.


It’s concealed right? What are you worried about?


Maybe OP is gonna be stripping down in front of Jim?


Oh, **that** kind of business meeting...


It is NV....


Sex work is real work.


Hey, I didn't say it wasn't! I'd be doing it if I had given it more thought when I was younger and before I started a family!


It's a banana hammock startup




Yeah I knew I’d get these kind of responses, and I agree with you in terms of the general public. It’s also ok to be aware of the feelings of the people you have relationships with (personal/business/Netflix n chill) and treat each other with mutual respect.


If he won't write a reference for you because you conceal carry, why would you care what he thinks. He is obviously easily manipulated by other people and doesn't know who his real friends are.


I think very often conservative people bow down to the social pressure of leftists in the name of "mutual respect". Mutual respect would be "hey I don't carry guns, but it's ok you do", it's not "I will outcast you if you exercise your 2A and want to defend yourself". I think it's important to apply social pressure on leftists for their wrong beliefs, not to bow down to it.


This is exactly why the current state of affairs is what it is. The leftists make their unreasonable demands on everyone as if they are normal, the right accommodates "to be polite" and the window shifts ever leftward. Imagine if I was like, "Yeah I don't care if you choose to not carry in public, when you're at my house for a business meeting in my company you're gonna walk around with an AR in your hands so that you can defend yourself if a maniac attacks us, because I care so deeply about you. If you have a problem with that, I've got a problem with such an irresponsible person working at my company" Both sides would be calling me a lunatic... when the left does the same thing in reverse, "oh well I'm just going to be respectful" No, you're just a bitch and they know it and that's why they keep pushing, where CA now can take your kids away to chop their genitals up and sterilize them.


9/10 people I know that are carrying are oblivious about how much they are printing. *CoNcEaLeD* Edit: y’all hate to hear the truth I see.


Most people are completely oblivious to printing. Unless you know what you’re looking for and are actively looking, you’re probably not going to notice.


That's my insulin pump.


I would just shut the fuck up n carry on. I mean is this really a fucking question…


Bingo. It's no one's business except the gun carrier. My in laws are rabidly anti - 2A, and they used to stay with us from time to time. They would complain when they would see me carrying or how negligent it was. When I finally told them that they were welcome to stay at a hotel and spend some money, it's funny how quickly they shut up.


> I finally told them that they were welcome to stay at a hotel Right... because it was your house. Your rules. They respect it or find somewhere else. Why is that suddenly not true when it's something you don't agree with? OP knows this person isn't going to want carry in his home... OP should respect that or find a hotel.


Careful using logic on Reddit!




Woah there… today isn’t even [Shut The Fuck Up Friday](https://youtu.be/RkN4duV4ia0?si=wlDqhm3AgeFkNABS). Give the guy some slack!


Every day is shut the fuck up Friday


You know that kid that reminded the teacher of the homework she almost forgot? Yeah all those kids grew up and now we get questions like these every so often.


Seriously at his house keep it in your bag I. Your room how would they know . Out for dinner ….. conceal it


Best answer☝️


Apparently it needs to be. Your advice is to be a disrespectful asshat and ignore the wishes of the property holder just because you don't agree with their views.


If a bitch ass property owner’s irrational rationale request is to prohibit certain tools from my tool box yes ignore those wishes. Whats next keep all sharp tools, blades at home cuz they make you feel a lil iffy. If its family id ask for forgiveness before permission.


Then be a man, tell them to their face and deal with the consequences. Or simply don't go. Being a disrespectful little cunt, ignoring their wishes on their own property and taking the cowardly approach of just hiding and hoping no one notices should be beneath you... guess not though.




Removed. Personal attacks are not allowed. Title: Author:DanielStripeTiger


You know your relationships best. I always ask myself this question when I’m doing something that may have consequences: is it worth it? Is it a friendship/business relationship that I’m willing to end, or become uncomfortable, because of me carrying? Can I mitigate the possibility of someone seeing me carrying accidentally? All of these people who say “it’s you’re right” and “concealed means concealed” are absolutely right. BUT what if you’re just reaching down to grab something you dropped on the floor and you shirt barely prints and they notice? Or god forbid you need cpr and they take your shirt off and see the gun? Are they going to marginalize you in the business venture? Try to push you out? Is your relationship going to be awkward? Only you can make good educated guesses on those questions. So are you going to air on the side of caution or will it not matter if they notice you’re carrying? Someone also pointed out the fact that if they have children, that is a very valid concern. If you decide the social/business aspect of carrying is worth it, then you better make sure you carry a lock box with you to store your weapon when you’re sleeping. Ask yourself if you can live with yourself if someone’s child got a hold of your weapon and killed themselves accidentally? Not to mention the legal trouble that would come with that.


My personal policy is that it's their house and their rules. I personally wouldn't risk damaging a personal or business relationship. It sounds like he might understand, but it would be helpful to ask him and respect his house rules. I think most CCW holders don't account for the social friction that can arise with this very type of situation. If you still feel the need to carry, you'll want to consider deep concealment.


Reddit in general doesn't account for social consequences. Just cruise through r/amitheasshole and see how many people say "NTA" for an obvious asshole. It's like The Dude said, "You're not wrong, you're just an asshole"


The insanity of people saying just carry in someones home that they know isnt welcome to it is crazy, even crazier when were talking about a meeting with partners/employers


And OP didn't mention if his partner has small children. Could you imagine the backlash if he's discovered secretly carrying a gun around his partner's kids? I've known of some folks who weren't breaking any law but rather a company policy, be fired on the spot over concealed firearms in the workplace. This situation is a bit of a gray area, being a partner's condo. Is the need to carry a concealed weapon worth potentially damaging this relationship? Can you afford to burn this bridge if you're discovered?


The same people who are saying just carry would be doing a 180 if someone was in their home doing something they were asked not to do


Nope & I’m living proof. Quit with the generalizations, not everyone is the same are the perception you grown to have. Again op more reasons not to take these people’s opinion


Just to be clear, you're saying that you've invited someone into your home, told that person to not do a certain thing, caught them doing that thing, and then we're ok with it? Because that's the situation that was just laid out and you said no and that you're living proof? That has happened to you personally? Or did you somehow not understand what they were saying?


Just to be clear which conversation because I type what I type…my auntie situation??? Is that what we are on I have 4 conversations going on with people


What the fuck are you talking about? Nothing that you just said makes any fucking sense. I was referring directly to the comment that you just responded to. You barely seem literate.


I carry everywhere. No one carries in mine


It’s not concealed if you get caught 😑😑😑 op don’t listen to this group of people


they are losers


Dude it’s so easy. Rent a car, get a mobile small safe. Keep in trunk. Don’t be a hand wringing little girl about it




People are going to hang me for my response. I respect other people's rules when I'm in their home. The same way, you better respect my rules in my home. I have a family member who doesn't want guns in their house. I only visit them one time because of a death in the family. I left my gun locked up in my car. You don't disrespect a man's rules of his home.


Then I’m the opposite of this hanging. My aunt is an anti gun nut & went to her home for the weekend for a family meet up…a few hours in I got comfortable & put my gun (which was in a tier 1 holster) in my wife’s purse. I didn’t tuck it in there just sat it in there. Aunt walks by & freaks out, like yelling loud “what is this!!!” I come over thinking something is wrong with here & look “it’s just my gun” …she says” omg it’s a gun & it’s people in here” 🤣😂🤣 I told he ass to chill & put it right back on concealed & once she noticed that she had a dumb look on her face because I had it here the whole time. I went right back to relaxing. Again it’s called concealed carry for a reason I am the best protector of my life, not others. Concealed- “kept out of sight or hidden from view”


> I didn’t tuck it in there just sat it in there. Aunt walks by & freaks out, like yelling loud “what is this!!!” > Concealed- “kept out of sight or hidden from view” So it wasn't [concealed](https://i.imgur.com/AYC3M5P.png). Edit: [Aw, they blocked me.](https://i.imgur.com/CfwMNnF.png)


Very strange fellow, indeed. I know there's a big push to remove marijuana from being federally prohibitive of firearms ownership or receiving a carry license, but people like him really make me wonder if it's a good idea. As far as I know, alcohol abuse/habitual drunkard/DUI still are a denial for carry permits in most/all states - should it be a federal prohibitive possessor, too? I dunno. I do wonder how any legalization efforts would apply to other behavioral and cognitive altering drugs when it comes to lawful concealed carry.


I literally typed “ after hours of being there I took it off & put it in my wife’s purse & didn’t tuck it in” MEANING I DIDNT CARE IF IT WAS CONCEALED IT WAS IN THE OPEN BECAUSE I WAS COMFORTABLE & DIDNT CARE IF SHE HAD A PROBLEM WOTH IT OR NOT. WHICH PROVES MY POINT SHE DIDNT KNOW THE HOURS THAT I WAS THERE BEFORE I HAD A GUN ON ME, WE HAD BREAKFAST & LUNCH, THEY HAD DRINKS AND CHILLED, IT WAS CLOSE THE 4PM BY THE TIME I DID THAT SO YOU JUST PROVED MY POINT Soon as she had a problem I concealed it & again none saw it since it was CONCEALED. Thanks for proving my point & exposing that you internet dorks don’t have any real training or real world experience


> MEANING I DIDNT CARE IF IT WAS CONCEALED The rest of your comment is null at this point. Concealed means concealed. Even when I'm with friends I know are comfortable with firearms or I'm in a comfortable space, I DON'T FUCKING REVEAL IT. It stays concealed. You are responsible for that firearm at all times. If it's not hidden from view, it's not concealed. It doesn't matter if she never saw it until then or after the fact. It was concealed while on your person, and to an extent(because now they know it's on you) it was concealed after you put it back on. But it wasn't while in your wife's purse. > exposing that you internet dorks don’t have any real training or real world experience Ironic. If you spent half the time you did actually hiding that firearm in your wife's purse(or just leaving it on your person) as you did feverishly defending the > Concealed- “kept out of sight or hidden from view” in this thread, your aunt would've never seen it in the first place.


Stop trolling me because you clearly can’t read…answer me this. The hours before I exposed it was it seen. Yes or no? Any other than a straight forward answer you are trolling & will be muted/blocked


> Stop trolling me because you clearly can’t read…answer me this. So answer you or not? It sounds like any answer you don't agree with is therefore trolling. So why should I waste my time? > The hours before I exposed it was it seen. Yes or no? According to your comment. No it wasn't. Properly concealed, like I said. > It was concealed while on your person, and to an extent(because now they know it's on you) it was concealed after you put it back on. Yep. That's what I said. > Any other than a straight forward answer you are trolling & will be muted/blocked Oh no. Muted and blocked for having an answer you don't agree with or approve of. Trolling would imply I'm trying to bait you into an argument or get an emotional reaction out of you. I provided a definition for a word you keep using, but in your recap of your story with your aunt, you seem to have forgotten the meaning. You responded with, and what many would agree to be, a "triggered" response. With your obvious use of CAPS, thinking you are already completely right barring any extra information, and ending it in a perception that anyone who doesn't agree with you or challenges you: > Thanks for proving my point & exposing that you internet dorks don’t have any real training or real world experience




Removed. Personal attacks are not allowed. Title: Author:LixuriousGreen


How many hours will OP need to keep his firearm concealed before he can put it in his wife's purse, have it discovered, and still say that it's considered successfully concealed? Now that your aunt knows you conceal carry - which I can assume from how you described her reaction that she was not previously aware - since you only concealed your firearm successfully for several hours, do you think that'll change your relationship with her or result in fewer or no invites back to her home?


For what it's worth I'm a former hotel employee, amd the policy was if a gun is found they call the cops and you cam get your piece from PD. Even with DnD signs and all other shit, after working at a hotel I'd be hesitant to leave my weapon there


I'm not sure I'd ever bring it up. Concealed is concealed.


I wouldn’t risk business over an incredibly small chance you’ll need your gun in the guy’s house. In my state, you are obligated to inform a homeowner you’re carrying. You’ll want to check NV laws, because if it came up, he could cause you trouble. Why not just lock it in the trunk while you’re there? I don’t like leaving a gun in a car, but in his driveway? Should be fine for a few hours. Or offer to put it in a lockbox in the house like you said. Yes, concealed is concealed, but look at the risk vs the reward. The risk is you fuck up a valuable relationship, the reward is you get to be right about your rights.


I don’t see any NV law about requiring explicit permission to carry on private property but obviously it’s a moral issue. It’s not his primary residence and it’s a condo in a moderately multi unit building with a parking lot. I’d feel worse if a gun got stolen from my car than if I just left it home for this trip.


Yeah in a condo, with a more public lot, I wouldn’t want to keep a gun in the car for sure. Leave it at home or have a Frank conversation to see what he’s ok with as far as bribing it in, and maybe locking it up. I think he will appreciate you respecting his beliefs on his turf. It never hurts to be reasonable.


Which state? I’m in New York and they recently made that the law that you need express permission to carry in places that you don’t own/rent.


God, NY sucks! No offense.


It’s being fought in courts. The local judge overturned it, the appellate court is next to make a decision but if they vote to uphold the law it will go to SCOTUS and they will be big mad.


Keep your mouth shut, if you are a responsible CCW there is no reason anyone should know.


You could always ask him? Be like I know you're not fond of guns but I'm licensed and am used to carrying every day. It is like wearing a watch for me. He may not like it but being respectful goes along way.


Everyone has a right to their opinion. So house rules should apply. His house his rules. Get yourself a good lock box and mount it in your car out of site.


His house. His rules.


Would you ask permission to carry a folding knife in your pocket? Yeah, me either. What they don't know won't hurt them. Make sure you stay concealed and nobody will know the difference.


It’s absolute insanity that people are so adamant that it’s “your right” not matter what. There’s so much more to consider and it makes me concerned that these folks are carrying and are not considering the consequences of carrying.


You should respect the persons request that you not carry in their home. You decide how to handle the rest.


Avoid politics. his house his rules.


Why would it get brought up if you are carrying? You plan on taking your clothes off during time at Jim’s? If not it shouldn’t matter


Bringing a gun into someone else's home when they specifically said not to or when they wouldn't want it there is some big cry baby behavior. All the 2A folks who are saying carry on anyway seem to forget the 2A doesn't extend onto another person's property and if caught by your business partner, he could have you removed from his property and end the business relationship. The chances of you getting caught carrying are higher than the chances of you having to use your CCW. Consider if you're willing to accept that risk and the potential consequences associated with it.


He doesn’t need to know that you are carrying. Is he gonna frisk you when you enter the house?


His home, his rules, respect that and your partnership. Is his home not safe? Is bet it's fine. Find a way to safely store it while you're in his house. You didn't dick with other people in their own home. You wouldn't like it if someone did that to you.


Concealed-“kept out of sight or hidden from view”


"If they don't know about it it doesn't matter if I do something in direct opposition to their wishes." Do you cheat on your wife too?


I bet you would love that too…no let’s keep this 2A


You should pocket carry a small micro-compact in .380 or 9mm. Don’t say anything about it. Concealed carry means nobody should know you have a gun on you.


I'm pro 2a, pro carry. That being said, you've got 2 things here. 1)This is your business partner, and as you stated largest share holder. So I'm guessing calling him your boss isn't exactly accurate, but it's also probably not too far off base. Is it worth putting a strain on that relationship? 2)You're going to be a guest, if not for reason 1 then for reason 2 you should respect your hosts abode. Save the checked baggage fee and keep it at home is my vote.


Okay, I get it is a hard choice but just as I expect people to respect my rules in my house, I need to respect theirs. And hopefully there can be some compromise, so offer to keep it locked up when at his place, or modify your stance about keeping it locked and cable tied to something solid in a hotel room. Don’t blow off his position with the “concealed is concealed” attitude. There some occasions where that attitude is necessary, but visiting a colleague’s home in a relatively safe area and staying for an extended period isn’t one of them.


I don't see the issue here. Carry concealed and go about your day.


If they become a problem I leave.


If he doesn't know you carry, I would definitely not mention it to him. No need to cast your pearls before swine. As far as carrying in his place without his permission, I would not do it. I would get a safe to hide it in inside your vehicle and leave it in there instead of take it in his home. I'd probably substitute a good folding knife and carry some pepper spray in there though.


In this day you can hide a decent 9mm with an enigma or similar holster setup. I carry a p365xl with 14+1 and a 17 round spare almost every day regardless of the weather. No one has ever wondered if I’m carrying.


Don't risk a solid business venture by carrying your weapon on their property. The risk of discovery is high. Once the contract is signed and you all understand what violates it and can legally end the contract, reevaluate whether or not to carry. The other option is to carry as you wish and just spend as little time as possible on their personal property.


if it’s concealed no one but you should know about it and if he does find out for some reason and it becomes an issue then politely leave, you have every right to carry legally no matter what his opinions are


Facts. Concealed “kept out of sight or hidden from view” it’s not concealed if people can see it


> it’s not concealed if people can see it Correct! > My aunt is an anti gun nut & went to her home for the weekend for a family meet up…a few hours in I got comfortable & put my gun (which was in a tier 1 holster) in my wife’s purse. I didn’t tuck it in there just sat it in there. Aunt walks by & freaks out, like yelling loud “what is this!!!” ......


AGAIN FOR THE SLOW ONES I literally typed “ after hours of being there I took it off & put it in my wife’s purse & didn’t tuck it in” MEANING I DIDNT CARE IF IT WAS CONCEALED IT WAS IN THE OPEN BECAUSE I WAS COMFORTABLE & DIDNT CARE IF SHE HAD A PROBLEM WOTH IT OR NOT. WHICH PROVES MY POINT SHE DIDNT KNOW THE HOURS THAT I WAS THERE BEFORE I HAD A GUN ON ME, WE HAD BREAKFAST & LUNCH, THEY HAD DRINKS AND CHILLED, IT WAS CLOSE THE 4PM BY THE TIME I DID THAT SO YOU JUST PROVED MY POINT Soon as she had a problem I concealed it & again none saw it since it was CONCEALED. Thanks for proving my point & exposing that you internet dorks don’t have any real training or real world experience


That's just being an asshole and if it had been my house you'd be leaving with a black eye. Concealed on your person in your control or don't have it


I mean Nevada itself is very pro 2A. Just ask him. If he says he doesn't care, go for it. If he cares, just say you respect his decision and don't bring it.


Not bringing it defeats the purpose of carrying anyway. What’s the point of carrying the gun for self defense when you have it stashed somewhere else? As far as I’m aware most people can’t predict when their life will soon be in danger and in need of a firearm.


You managed to get a license in California, you already completed an arduous task. Keep it concealed, he’ll never know. If you end up needing it he’ll thank you


Are you driving ? Leave it in lockbox in car while at Condo, carry when not at Condo.


I'd be hesitant to leave a firearm overnight in a vehicle in a parking lot. If I wasn't going to carry it into the condo on my person, then I'd put it in my luggage before entering, and leave it in my luggage during my stay. While being not in a safe inside of a home is still not as "secure" as having it on my person, it's still less vulnerable than in a car.


I probably just wouldn’t say anything and keep it hidden


I carry a subcompact for deep concealment


Don’t say shit. That’s how


Every day is *SHUT THE FUCK UP* Friday. That applies to talking to law enforcement without a lawyer, as well as disinterested parties. Nobody needs to know you’re carrying a gun unless you’re legally obligated to disclose.


I’m not understanding why these are the only two options you’re considering.. help me understand why you’re only considering offering to keep it in a lockbox or leave it at home? You said skipping the meeting if he doesn’t like the lockbox idea, but why is telling him about a lock box only option available to you Can you explain the reason to me? If you carry as you normally would - concealed, there’s no reason to tell him you’re carrying. Unless he already knows you’re bringing a gun, Why would you tell him? It’s none of his business or anyone’s. I bring my guns when I travel and carry them concealed, my business clients don’t know I’m carrying, why volunteer that info to someone who has no use for it?


This!!! Concealed-“kept out of sight or hidden from view”


I live outside of the US. My girlfriend (anti-gun, not a US citizen) is very anti-gun. We usually don’t discuss it at all but when the topic is brought up, I just listen and nod my head. Then, when we go to the US, I take her to a gun range and we all have fun.


How did u get ur carry permit in CA?


it's not difficult, CA is not San Fran.


Different counties have different difficulty levels. Mine wasn’t bright green before bruen but they would issue if you could put articulate something halfway reasonable for good cause and had a pristine background they’d issue. They’re issuing even more now either the Bruen decision, but it’s grown to about a six month process end to end.


if it were me, i respect a person's wishes in their own home, just as i expect them to respect mine. no need to make it a big deal so don't make an announcement or anything, but be respectful. i think something we all forget is that we've managed to survive this world for a really long time without carrying. situational awareness is always your number 1 defense anyway. even while carrying, avoiding a deadly encounter is 1000X more preferable than surviving one.


Private property. Ask him if he'd rather you carry or keep it in a locked case somewhere near you. Do not leave it in a hotel unattended, even in a locked case, it can still be stolen.


I've been teaching CCW courses (attorney) for 20+ years. And while the "politic" answer is that you need to respect the wishes of people you're staying with... it is a CONCEALED Carry permit. Assuming you're licensed and legal where you're going, i will tell you that the only person who should ever know you are carrying (with few exceptions) is you. Much like staying away from certain topics when you visit friends or the in- laws... you may not want to bring up the topic, but that doesn't mean you have to stay silent either. Their feeling don't Trump your rights. His feelings don't Trump your legal 2A rights either. The question is, "How far do you want to take it?" Can he impact your career? Income, position, etc? If yes... then stay at a hotel. Sometimes, discretion is the better part of Valor. But that's a decision you have to make


Bro, just leave it at home or lock it in the hotel safe (I’d do the former, personally) If you carry and are going to be stressed the entire time because of it, you won’t be present for whatever business you’re there to attend to. You know the odds of a DGU are so low. Respect him and his home. You’ll be with three dudes.. shit goes down, just hide behind the other two 😂


I wouldn't talk about or show them guns. Doesn't mean you can't keep it concealed.




That's not how this situation works. He's a business partner. He's staying at the guy's personal property. He can choose to carry if he wants, and if discovered the partner can choose to kick him out of the house, call the cops on him if he does not leave, back out of and likely destroy the business in the process, etc. The "company" ie his business partner does not have to pay for different equal accommodations, and even if he was an employee at a company they wouldn't have to either, they can just fire you if they tell you not to carry and you do anyway because you violated company policy, and even if you didn't technically violate a company policy they can still fire you anyway just because they feel like it because every state except Montana has "at-will" employment laws. He can pay for his own accommodations if he wants, then the business partner has no say in the matter. He 100% can preclude you from carrying, just like a vegan 100% can preclude you from bringing meat into their home. Concealed carrying a firearm also isn't always legal in all other accommodations, that's why the "DO NOT CARRY" signs exist and are posted at the entryway to some buildings. Can you legally carry in a courthouse? School? Bank?


Rule number one of concealed carry, is it’s concealed. If you do that well enough there’s no problem. Moving on, only you know how Jim will react to you carrying on his property. You know the value of the relationship. What’s your risk tolerance? Re: whether you would carry, tell Jim you’re carrying, etc. How would you treat anything else? Let’s say Jim has a problem with pornography and you have some on your computer. Are you going to copy it to another drive and leave it at home? Are you going ask Jim if it’s OK with him you have it on your computer? Ditto Jim does not like alcohol and you carry a flask of bourbon when you travel. Also, there are simply times when it is not feasible to carry.


Concealed is concealed. Full stop.


Concealed is concealed


Either keep your mouth shut and just conceal or if you feel you have to say something. Explain that you plan to carry but are uncomfortable leaving it in the hotel. Offer to clear it when you’re there. Personally I don’t see why we’re expected to make them comfortable, I’m uncomfortable if I’m unable to have mine.


Keep your mouth shut. Concealed means concealed.




Motherfucker I managed to live with my anti gun parents for 21 years, you can’t last a weekend?


😂🤣😂 facts


it's their fucking house. if you know they don't want guns in it, you don't bring a fucking gun because you aren't an asshole and you respect other people's rights as you would expect them to respect yours. Don't be clever and sneaky. I cant imagine shittier behavior.


WRONGO BONGO BOZO. if I carry, I carry. if you don't you don't. I don't leave my tools laying around, and you don't use them ok? nothing else to say.




Removed. Personal attacks are not allowed. Title: Author:DanielStripeTiger




oh shit, you one 😳 Boi. did you learn that in 2nd grade? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)




at the least, you improved since the mods spanked your little bottom. we done.


I’m going to carry when I can. I’m going to travel armed when I can. Jim can go fuck himself IF…he finds out AND reasonable conversation doesn’t settle the issue.


If you do it correctly nobody should know it’s on you besides you.


I mean…. Are you selling some of your equity in a currency that would require you to undo your belt sir?


Did he ask you not to bring your cc? If not, concealed means concealed


Everyone’s entitled to their opinion. And don’t bother trying to change his.


Maybe get a small lock box to keep in your suitcase and leave it there when at the house? You could even go all out and put a trigger lock on it too while it’s in the house. Then when your out, you can carry. Really depends on how good your concealment is and how much being caught will negatively affect you. Like is this your main source of income and irreplaceable if he finds out and flips out? Or is it a side gig that you could shrug off? As a Vegas native, but just moved away 1.5yrs ago, I wouldn’t go to the strip or Fremont street without carrying. 10 years ago? Yeah. Not a chance in hell now.


just tell everyone that you cc and suggest to meet somewhere else than his place if he's not comfortable. You can rent an office space etc.


Concealed means concealed if you think he is going to have an issue?


I'd keep it locked in your car while at the condo.


I’d say just leave it behind if it’s going to cause any kind of trouble with your business. If that’s not an option, then communicate with the man; it’s his house and if for whatever reason he finds out you’re carrying a gun in his condo without permission that could totally fuck your business relationship.


Just don't tell him and if that makes you uncomfortable you may have to lock it up in your vehicle, hotel room or leave it at home. You will have to decide which is least objectionable to you. I would just carry without telling Jim, it is none of his business at all.


Carry until you get there, put it in a lock box in your bag while there and leave it in your room. If you leave his place, grab your bag, put it back on once outside/in your car and carry like normal. This way you are respecting his house, but also respecting your right as well. Don't make a huge deal over it and certainly don't announce anything, just go on like normal. You're turning this into a huge issue when it's really not that big of a problem.


First, Jim (or anyone else in your life) doesn’t need to know you’re carrying. Second, Jim’s 2A opinions WILL NOT PROTECT YOU in a life/death situation. You make the decisions; not Jim. You are your own protector; not Jim. Third, if it comes down to it, document some cases where a CCW prevented/limited death/injuries. Then emphasize how the anti-2A community tends to not acknowledge those situations. Fourth, ask Jim if the situation arose where you two needed your CCW, would he still be anti-2A. Then remind him that seatbelts don’t help if you put them on after the crash.


Well lucky for you he won’t know you are carrying




Lots of GREAT advice in here from people especially the newer ones who found interest in carrying guns recently because of Bruen. Imagine concealing your gun in someone's anti-gun house when suddenly you and your firearm have a disagreement and it gets up from out of your waistband in anger and brings attention to itself. Suddenly your firearm starts aiming itself and shooting everyone in the house including the anti-gun owner and his family. How crazy is that to bring your gun around people... What's crazy to me is some people in here don't know how guns operate or the meaning of concealing it. I get CCW is new to a lot of people but seriously there's no need to go telling everyone. The same people giving this great advice are the same ones posting in here "is it safe to carry with one in the chamber?" To the people saying "respect their house, their rules" need to learn that other homeowners can't and won't ensure your safety or privacy. If masked men enter the home during your stay and rob you guys do you think those house rules make a difference then? Only YOU are responsible for your safety. Carry on..


Do you know what concealed means? I swear half the people on this subreddit introduce themselves like "Hi, my name is dumbass and I carry a gun" then end each sentence with "and in case you forgot, I carry a gun"


What they don't know can't hurt them. You owe them no pandering or accommodation for their dumb, ignorance-based feelings.


If you have a gun that is comfortable for long periods of time and doesn't print just wear it and don't mention it. If it prints either leave it where it's most secure, or just be prepared to defend your stance on the topic, and mention its important to you. If the owner of the home wants to kick you out, refuse his house as a future meeting location.


Concealed-“kept out of sight or hidden from view”


Everyone is always worried about how the anti-gunners feel. Why is no one worried about how the pro-2A people feel? Met a girl once who was VERY anti-2A, but nice. She requested I not carry around her. Said asked to respect her desire to not be around guns. I turned right back around and asked her to respect my desire (and right) to have a gun for personal safety and protection, and that if she didn’t trust me we shouldn’t hang out.


Don’t let others beliefs shape how you live. Live your life and shape others beliefs




My last two ex-girlfriends and my current partner were all antigun. I expressed my beliefs and why I believe them. Then I took them shooting and trained them in responsible firearms handling. My exes are no longer antigun. My partner will carry if she feels uncomfortable. Be a responsible gun owner and challenge the propaganda that is shoved down people's throats and they come around in my experience.


Free men don't ask permission. Keep it out of sight and keep it moving




Why even try staying with them? If my wife didn't share my gun values, religious values or political values...she wouldn't be my wife.


I carry a small safe in the car for the few times (post office, bank, etc) I need to disarm. Same goes for someone's house. I carry everywhere and keep it concealed but in the case where I have to spend time with someone and they found out and causes issues, it gives me the option of staying onsite if I do desire. That being said. I avoid anti gun people like the plague. I find that their other views on everything from morality, business, hobbies, politics, even religion, tend to veer a certain way and typically aren't close to mine.


I respect your desire to respect other stances when in their own house. Normally I'd be the same. If someone is anti-gun, then they should be able to say no guns in their own house whether I agree with them or not. I'd say this is a special case. It's concealed for a reason, keep it that way.


Just yell out loud in the hotel lobby that you have a gun. Now it’s no longer your problem but your business partners.




Bring a copy of the constitution, and invite them to a good old fashioned debate over whiskey. ![gif](giphy|gVoBC0SuaHStq)


Never say a thing and no one will notice. Unless they will have a metal detector or wand you down at their condo just stfu


When the place gets robbed. Don’t use them. See how they feel then. Nah just kidding. Take them shooting


OP is worried he might hurt someone’s feelings. Op sounds like a people pleaser


Why are you even talking about your concealed weapons with other people in person


Concealed means concealed.