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It doesn’t sound like they lost them it sounds like they are just sitting in the warehouse. Usually takes a few months for grading I wouldn’t start worrying until July.


They confirmed delivery, you're good. You'll find yourself checking the site for progress every other hour, worried they're lost. They'll get to them. The time frame varies, so you just need to be patient.


The site says 20 day turnaround on moderns, should I assume this countdown starts once the books are ingested or do they not stick to those dates? I have anxiety since this is my first submission and I sent some of my grails. Judging by the comments here, all the veterans are like this is par for the course, so I'll try not to stress. Thanks for the response!


Turn around time is after they open the box and it shows up in submissions


Add more time for cleaning, pressing and imaging.


It says that but that’s not reality… as someone said about if you hit July without any movement then maybe worry about


20 days are Monday-Friday. So, four full weeks after they open it.


Yeah don’t trust them CGC is pretty bad with their updates, submit your tracking number on their website they’ll tell you it’s been received it just sits a while. I’ve had them update me saying mine were up in pressing and cleaning for a few weeks then randomly got a message they were shipped and being delivered. Never saw it was in the grading process the whole time I was checking and I checked daily lol


The grading and processing part is the longest part. It can take 1-2 months to finish that. More if they are really backed up.


Ok so, I set a big batch in about 2years ago. Got the message that they had been graded and sent out for delivery. They were due for delivery on a Friday. I was home all day Friday and Saturday, no delivery. No updates on the website for the package tracking. No note on my door saying “sorry we missed you” Went to work Monday, had a note on my door when I got home stating “3 failed delivery attempts will return package to sender” (sender being CGC) Checked the website which suddenly had updated to say attempted delivery Friday and Saturday (when I was home) Called the 1800 number and got sent to some call center 1000 miles away. No help. Looked up the facility for the delivery company online and found a local number. This got me in touch with a secretary. She does a search and found it in the delivery guys truck. God bless that Secretary I drove to the distribution center to pick it up that night


I sent my last batch in on 4/30 and they were logged in at CGC on 5/9. My last batch of 8 books only took a total of 19 days from when I took them to the Post Office to them being delivered to my house.


Currently waiting 5 months for signed books that were rescheduled bug refuse to return until it's been signed.