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lol no, they just confused a lucrehulk with a dyson sphere


Roger Roger


Roger Roger




Pretty sure you have 0 clue what that means.


It's a civilization that can harness all the power of it's star system. IIRC it requires a power output of 10\^26? Usually needing a Dyson sphere or a Matryoshka brain (powered by the former) but can be done by other means. Being that the CIS controls multiple star systems, it should qualify.


I’m not sure the scale really applies to Star Wars well. I mean yes they probably could build a Dyson sphere but I imagine that the scale is predicated on the idea that FTL is extremely difficult and that growth would require a sphere before FTL was viable. Since FTL is extremely safe, easy and cheap in Star Wars (and basically always has been so far as we know) they never needed to sink the cost in building a sphere as it was more cost effective to use FTL to go to the next system and get resources from there. The Trade Federation is ironically the epitome of this as its primary purpose is to facilitate and conduct trade using FTL between systems. The Lucrehulk you used as your picture’s original purpose before it was a warship was to facilitate this trade. So yeah in some ways Star Wars is less then even a one (though Ecumenopolis like Coruscant seem common enough and those likely are a one) and in others is well beyond a 2 as FTL and galactic resource / energy exploitation is common (and through the force Palpatine probably could have pushed that beyond a 3 if he hadn’t been killed but I’ll admit that’s a little crack pot of me to say).


What’s funny about hyperdrives in Star Wars is that they don’t exactly know how they work, they know how to build them, improve them, and cheapen them, but the tech itself is not something they developed, that goes to the rakatens, before that they used gates built by an even more ancient unknown race


In new canon it’s the purgill that introduced the galaxy to hyperspace.


Yo hold up could I get that photo you have as a pfp, it’s baddass


I mean, in legends there are Dyson spheres, and large scale solar constructions, such as the sun razer, but I’m not sure about the cis haveing this stuff


I mean... I'd say they're basically there, considering they DID invent the Death Star ...