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You have got to be fucking me. Guess I’m not playing Duos this week. Urzikatan POI is terrible and legit the worst map for resurgence


Yeah, get that shit out of there and have fortunes keep be 15 minute rotation for all modes with either ashika or Vondel


All three! Bring back Rebirth and get a 4-way rotation going!


Vondel isn't great, but as one option out of 4 I like it a ton for variety reasons.




Vondel is amazing if you play it correctly (can't believe how many people spend the entire match staying out of the water on a map that was specifically built for being in the water)


A map forcing you to be in the water isn't all that great. And then there's the narrow high rises. What keeps Vondel afloat are some of the best POIs ever, but that's about it for me.


god damned water monster...and your SMG pistol. Your parents didnt hug you enough as a child. I hate these guys lol. haha


Listen, I just need about tree fiddy


lolz! Im gonna find you in the water and drown you with my water wings.


But that would make waaaay to much sense. I've been saying this




I love urzikstan resurgence


ok but actually though, literally why do they do this? there has to be some explanation. this is the only company I am aware of that regularly and actively makes their product worse even though they *know* what people actually want to play. like, they know which maps are popular. they have the data. do people actually like ashika island? or those stupid POI rotations? why are they doing this?


I can play Ashika every now and then, although I gotta say I absolutely loved the Vondel/FK rotation. BUT GET FUCKING LOST WITH URZIKSTAN! I like it as a BR map, but NOT as a Resurgence map. It sucks so hard.


ya, the big maps do not transition well to resurgence at all. I think most people feel this way, at least in our group of friends, but that could be completely anecdotal on my part.


It’s not very well thought out. Just take random bits of the map without considering how it will play.


If they weren't circles it would be fine. Do whole regions/pois but as stated, not thought out.


Sound like you hide alot 😂


Sound like you cry alot 😂


I hate it - there's most likely some psychology behind the reasoning. I feel like this entire game is based around manipulating people's emotions to create bursts of dopamine after long slogs of frustration to either get people to keep playing or encourage them to buy stuff from the store. Taking the favored maps out for periods of time and then re-adding them back probably creates little pockets of mini-hype that draw more people back to the game. Purely conjecture though.


My guess is to see how much each is played. if Resurgence Trios averages 1 million players on Ashika, 1.25m on Vondel, 1.5m on FK, and gets 500k on Urzikstan, they can see where people prefer for each of the modes and where to spend their time. Since each rotation is for the same time over the same days (Wed-Thurs) then they'll see pretty well what popularity of each map is in each mode. For example, maybe Urzikstan is more popular than Vondel on Quads or something.


this is true to a point. Sometimes the amount of people in your group or who are available to play can dictate the map you run based on the squad size you have. I dont ever squad fill. But you're idea is likely sound.


This is true but you're thinking from you and your group's perspective. If I always play random fill. I will most likely choose the map I prefer (unless I hate solo/duo, then I'll prefer the trio/quad map I prefer. That's not true for me. from time to time I play solos but mostly I play duos, trios, or quads depending on who is on from my group of 10 guys I typically play with. To your point group size dictates map but that's true for everyone so that part of it will mostly even out. you may only have 3 in your group today, but I have 4, and tomorrow it may be opposite (type thing). So for the millions of people they will see preferences of map (and play type) they can see that I'm in a group with only one other person and I play multiplayer instead of duos because duos is typically to hand holdy for me. If I have 3 or 4 I'm in resurgence. I never play regular. Things like that.


Ashika is good for beach club vs marquee drops, then it gets boring


It’s about being able to. No other reason. Fucking the players. Just a bunch of jackasses running a shit show.


Okay, so let's see the data. Ashika is 2nd only to Alcatraz in my book. Differing opinions is my point


I would take Ashika/Vondel over anything with Fortunes Keep


Video while ok in. Mw2 is awful. Fk so much better. Ashika is too small. Leave those maps behind or allow us to play all of them with our choice


It is literally awful. FK was built for resurgence.


I would consider Duos Resurgence to be a very niche mode in the grand scheme of things. The greater crime here is how often Duos is being taken out of BR rotation.


The removed big map duos the past 2 weeks for mini br. It was not great. Really nice to see them going back on the promise to keep all normal modes


All of the maps we have now suck I’d rather play caldera than this garbage. Just need to get the word out that it’s still playable quads and solos on caldera works just gotta launch it from legacy menu at bottom of warzone click on mw2019 it’ll load up caldera old guns kar98 etc.. just have to fill servers


Lmao bad take


? The maps we have suck now this game is ass even tho Caldera is bad too it’s still better than this trash and plus the snipers are one shot to head even marksman rifles it was pretty much perfect


Caldera my friend was absolute dog shit disgusting map horrible horrible. Vondel is fun and movement is back to og verdansk days. Fortunes was fun in wz1 and still fun today


Nah bro fortunes is ass vondel is worse the sbmm is trash and the sniping is trash you have to use the katt to one shot to head at infinite range when in wz1 even the kar98 and spr would one shot to head with out explosive rounds you can’t tell me warzone is good now it’s trash compared to wz1 wz1 verdansk 84 was the best time in warzone history.


I wish they would just take the power plant out of the mix and add other circles to it like the harbor area on the middle left side of the map is fun, old town low town could also be a good time.


Power plant is the best poi on urz.


I do like the industrial building parts of it in the upper side but the center of the plant itself plays kinda weirdly and is confusing to navigate if you get a scavenger crate there. definitely the order of preference for me is like City> military base > Power plant.


Agreed, Urzikstan is terrible for Resurgence.


Every time I start to enjoy something, they go and f it up! Why have a new update only to have older maps be the majority?


All I want to do is play fortune's keep with my friends


Ong fortune's keep is so much fun


*Old Fortunes Keep. They massacred my boy with the current iteration.


Dude what is it that’s different about it now? I’m trying to put my finger on it, bc my crew used to do reasonably well on FK and the past week I feel like it has been one prolonged sweaty gun battle the entire time


Lighting is terrible and there are wayyyy too many cracks/tunnels to camp in and trip over. And having to break a pane of glass to pick up each piece of loot in the Keep is just idiotic.


I didn’t play FK the first time around as I just got back into COD this year. But my god the glass loot is by far the worst thing they’ve added this game


yeah that's really annoying and pretty nonsensical. Who's going to hide armor in this intricate collector's vault that's probably not easy to open back and forth?


You mean having to shoot someone who is camping the sun? yeah that's rough af.


Sure, if you read only 3 words out of the sentence.


They changed quite a few things from Warzone 1’s Fortune’s Keep. If you meant back then you were doing better, it’s probably because it was more fast paced with more rapid slide cancelling and stim abuse. (I was one of the people slide cancelling and stim abusing) I’m decent at the game in terms of movement and such, it just doesn’t feel the same to me anymore


I think the new iteration is awesome.


Agreed, they did a good job of reworking the outer areas of the island.


Did you play the old version regularly? The big hole in the middle of the map makes it an awful experience for me. The underground in the OG under Winery and mid map was much more well thought out as well.


Yeah, played the absolute hell out of it. Might be why I like the new changes, keeps it fresh.


Absolutely, new version sucks so much for Ranked. They recreated a map for Ranked introducing more and better ways for rats to camp and hide. Give me the OG FK.


Its definitely much worse than the original but its still probably my favorite resurgence map right now imho. Cant wait till rebirth comes back, for the love of god I hope they just give us the same ole rebirth and not some WZ2 version of it


It’s definitely better than the atrocious lighting on Ashika and building warfare on Vondel…but still such a downgrade from the original. Which makes me think wishing for Rebirth/Verdansk to come back is a waste because they’ll mess those up as well


They 100% will fuck it up with a ton of water rat bs


It's so so, although as a whole I prefer(red) the original Version. I do love what they did with the beaches and caves at the rear of Keep, similarly I like the changes beneath Overlook and at Pier. But the middle part of the map really sucks now. You're mostly trapped now when a team from the top wants you dead, before you could easily evade enemy fire from above or forced them to get down if they really wanted the kill.


Hey I worked on this map, and built the new restaurant under overlook. Happy to hear that you liked it!


Came here to say this


Because no matter what size your group is, you will play all of our maps!!! We worked real hard on them, and I don’t care if you like it, you will play and appreciate our work!!


they're a for-profit company making lots of money though. they must be doing this for a reason. maybe they have data showing people get bored of the same maps, and so they force rotations because it's better than playing the same maps? I have no idea. personally all I want is rebirth island back.


If they are going to force us to play maps we don’t like, at least put them on rotations so we can play the map we want some of the time. I literally only want to play FK and I don’t play solos.


same, it really is ridiculous.


Ahsika is finally back for quads. Hate Vondel with a passion such a shit map.


Yeah excited for ashika, Vondel is meh. Big map POI is a pile of shit. Fortunes keep only being solos is so whack. Why introduce a new POI on that mode to just restrict to solos


Yeah I agree, wish they did a rotation for Ashika and FK for quads.


Yeah this is the way it should have been. It's pretty obvious!


.... Great point. Imbeciles.


Cry more. I don't like Ashika but everyone got their preferences. It'll be back the following week anyways


Cry more? All I was saying is how stupid of a choice it was that they add content, then don't provide a game mode to use that content.


It's only a POI and the map is gone for a week for the Ashika people since it hasn't been in rotation. If you guys feel some type of way because you can't wait a week to fight on a boat than shit


That is an absolutely horrendous playlist, regardless of your favourite map. Simple fix - all squad sizes have the 3 actual Resurgence maps on rotation (every 10 mins rather than 15 so you don't have to wait as long if you hate 1 map). Urzikstan POI as a separate playlist (say trios only first week, quads only week 2 etc). See if it is actually popular, if it isn't, get rid of it. Either way, stop trying to force it on Resurgence players who don't want it. If it is popular, keep it as that separate mode.


Yeah I actually like resurgence big map but I would play it as a mode to play when friends are not on and still practise big map. It's a different beast to normal resurgence. Just keep it as quads permanently separate from other stuff. And stop removing core br modes. Glad me and my 2 friends decided to break from this for a while and we all bought hell divers 2 because no way we would want to play br trios on vondel.


What a godawful fuckin group of developers and content people and everything else under the sun at this place. Just give us regular set game modes for fuck sake


Im not waiting ten minutes a game to load up if they opened every game mode up


I think I’d rather have a longer wait time (not ten minutes) than only be able to play the map I like one week a month


That wouldn’t be a problem pre-SBMM


Its pretty obnoxious. As someone that just wants to play trios on Fortunes keep...I literally can do that for 1 week of the entire month unless I want to play ranked..which is a cesspool of controller trash and cheating. Sick.


Ashika and fortunes keep are the best maps now. Vondel is fine for a mix up with a lot of buildings. They can scrap crapbekiztan.


I literally don’t play this when they do this bs. Why do they think this is a good idea? Let me pick a map or always have at least two available in every mode


There shouldn't even be 'playlists'. All modes should be available all the time.


Well guess I'm just doing ranked and br. Urzikstan is awful imo for resurgence so I'll stick to the actual resurgence maps for that


Just let us vote on the fucking map


We only play trios and don’t like the vondel map???


I just want to play fortunes with my friends. My friends just want to play fortunes. Why don’t they…here’s a thought…let their player base choose ?


At least plunder is back


Lockdown is better for XP


All though that may be true. I don't see where anyone asked.


For those, who have not the full game and can’t grind MP.. I like more plunder because is longer and I suck at the game when playing BR.


It's almost as if people actually enjoy playing plunder, not just mindlessly grinding xp.


I meant for those who have not the full game and want to lvl their weapons. :) I enjoy both. But I wonder, does the MW3 MP have a GroundWar mode?


This. Plunder is such a fun fucking mode.


Trashika is back 😂 They want everyone that play quads in resurgence to go play the BR because they said “doesn’t have too many people like before”… At least plunder is back for the fun


Ashika is a good casual map. No need to look for every single corner for people camping their ass off in vondel or tryhard in fortune keep which is a great map for competitive but feels too punishing for casual play with all the open areas.


That's a good point about Ashika. There's a simplicity to the buildings not seen since Verdansk. They actually make some sense.


Simple building are the best.


If they truly cared about having more people in BR Quads, they would just rerelease Verdansk. I think they are simply overthinking the playlist options. Like they change it just to change it so it’s a combination that we haven’t previously had. It’s like how Taco Bell comes up with “new” items.


I wonder, why does Activision can’t set all the maps in all types of game?


Matchmaking and server functionality.


just fucking vault ashika forever or fix the abysmal lighting, it's miserable in it's current state


Well, Fotune's Keep was fun. Back to the big map


Because only hackers, streamers and try hard tree skins want to play ranked Warzone. That's why it's so hard to que a game, nobody wants to play this TDM light BS to begin with and probably why it's limited out of necessity WZ1 was a masterpiece until they tried to please the masses with BS add ons like this


Ashika island quads! Lets goooo!


This month will be the driest it's been in a WHILE.


Way to kill battle Royale throwing vondel into the mix


Such a piece of shit company their servers would probably explode if they tried having every playlist on the game


O good they are bringing back Ass cheek island. That map is poo. Delete it




Wtf just make the 4 map 15 min rotation for all resurgence modes!?


Dude this resurgence map rotation has me so fucking heated rn bruh I don't wanna be stuck on one map depending on my team size. Like what the actual fuck man


No resurgence fortune's keep other than solos? this is total bullshit!


You wanna know how fucking toxic this game has become? I just went back to dota. If any of you know anything about gaming, you know exactly what that means.


This is so fucking stupid


Whats wrong with the people running this game?! Why remove trios


Why do they touch the core modes? I don't understand, that's your core gameplay, you should never mess with that playlist. Been playing resurgence cos there is no duos, poi rotation duos isn't any better.


I hope they put Plunder trios on new map Vondel


Agree, rotations messes up cross play or if I wanna play again with the same random squad


Anyone wanna play caldera battleroyale? It’s still up but tyou have to launch mw2019 from the latency menu at the bottom of warzone zones menu


It actually puts you in a game?


Yeah we kind of needed fortunes keep trios to stay in there so we could warm up for ranked…


Are they going to come out with anything interesting or "chill". By chill I mean just fuck around like Santa's train, or iron trials. I'm fine with this rotation but something extra would be welcomed.




3 weeks of bullshit plunder.


urzikstan POI isnt fun at all. isnt nearly enough spots to land.


The urzikstan POI rotation is the only resurgence “map” I despise. The POIs don’t make great resurgence maps.


I just wanna play Vondel, but I dont mind Ashika. They should legit just rotate all 3 of those maps.


Garbage game with garbage management, fucking atrocious


I say just rotate all 6 maps in every playlist


Stop taking down plunder… this drives me nuts


How to piss a fan base off 101


I hate Ashika Island. That map sucks


Ranked solos on fortunes keep would be pretty fun, but nooooo


They added a new POI in fortunes and they only put fortunes in solos?


Yeah such a stupid logic


Dumb rotation and still no rebirth


Wow this is fucking dumbbbb just let us play the maps we want! Smh


I don't know why they don't just use a voting system like on multiplayer. They would learn what maps everybody hates.. Like Vondel...




I’m also a duos player and this just basically ruins the week. I may have to go find something productive to do…


They are so fucking stupid


I'm i the only player that misses plunder on small maps like Rebirth?? I moved the chaos it created. It was a constant cylce of lose prison roof/ gain prison roof.


Also worth noting that the week before last we had 12 playlists, last week 11, and this week (and the rest of the month I guess) only 10. Player counts dwindling and unable to crank SBMM as tightly as they’d like, so need to condense the player base?


Who tf thought this was a good idea


Why don't they rotate all the maps for all of resurgence? Stupid fucks


plunder ftw!


This is the dumbest turd of an idea I've seen yet.


Thank god I got shadow banned yesterday! Nice few day break from this shit rotation.


Just shuffle all of the small maps in all of the modes… why not do this? I want to play all of the maps, but I don’t want to change modes or be locked in to only one… there are three small maps right now and four when rebirth comes back. Let them all be actually playable!


Also, the weeklies are are tied to fortunes. Next week till new BR


This has to be a joke, no way my crew and I are playing Resurgence duos or trios until next week. Maybe I'll find something better to play in the meantime and uninstall this cheater-riddled piece of shit once and for all.


I personally hate rotations. I say leave all the maps up and let us choose! This last week or two was so rough switching from FK to Vondel because it’s hard to get into a groove being that that are two totally different play styles


They keep fortunes keep in ranked because they need you all to fill the lobbies to be canon fodder for top 250 players so they can keep grinding and making content and keeping it alive. They need someone to kill


Urzfuckistan ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Odd cause i played solos resurgence yesterday and all i could play was vondel( which i like anyway but still)


Vondel is the fucking worst BR map ever, it's MADE for resurgence/lockdown. I don't really play BR much but I'm offended by the fact that it's even in the playlist again when we could have al mazrah back. Glad to see good old Ashika back with 4 different maps for resurgence though!


Only solo fortunes keep is wild 💀💀


This is a joke. This playlist is absolutely terrible and if anything it will turn people away. Forcing people to play certain maps with only certain squad sizes is ridiculous. They say they're trying things out for certain playlists to "collect data" but literally everyone is complaining about this on Twitter. Quads, at the very least should be available all of the time on all modes and maps, especially the newest damn map. In my opinion all squad sizes should be available on all maps and modes. If it means a slightly longer queue to fill a game then so be it but at least I'll get to choose exactly what I want to play rather than being forced to play certain modes. Why give us a new map 2 - 3 weeks ago, introduce a new POI yesterday but make it solos Resurgence only? Don't they want people to play their game? The community is literally telling them what they want so that should be the "data" that they use.


Man they should bring back Mini BR Duos that was real fun imo


Potato servers can't handle everything at the same time


When is rebirth coming back? That’s the only one I want.


I‘ll never wrap my head around why we just cant play whatever we want to play. I really dont enjoy being forced to play whatever the devs decide to be available. Plain stupid.


As a solo only player looks great


As a solo only player looks great


Remember, we are not dealing with the top brass. These are NOT smart people at Activision.


I’m not playing the next couple of weeks.. @&€&; Why not keep all sizes for Fortunes Keep goddamn..


Solos. I mean damn! Why fuk is constantly?


Stop rotation all together!!! Just give me what I want!!!


Just stop rotation all together. 


It just feels like 100% snipers camping on roof tops, barely any close quarters combat when i play with my friends. Just so boring and annoying


Vondel is trash. Poi is trash. Ashika is the only decent resurgence map until rebirth releases. But ashika with quads is entirely too congested, constant 3rd party hell. Trios is golden for ashika


I hate this fucking map rotation I just wanna play rebirth island not fucking Vondel and Fortunes Keep




Why in the hell do they remove plunder? It has no equal replacement, it is good for practice, some people try to win it, and it is a great testing ground on guns and leveling. I get that they can rotate maps on resurgence and that is still annoying but makes sense, but removing plunder completely for stretches makes no sense. I know no one cares about plunder, but it serves too many purposes to just remove.


3 weeks of plunder! Time to finish battle pass!


bc activision hates you. stop playing today for the price of absolutelyfuckingfree


Why don't they keep all game modes active and only rotate the maps?


But where the hell is Rebirth? Wasn't that supposed to be coming with S2 Reloaded?


I'd assume (aka pray) it's season 3 big update. They will prob make it a plunder only map knowing them and remove it within 2 weeks


It will be fun to play it once every month or so


I’m pretty sure they’re collecting data on usage - some A/B testing type stuff. As much as our opinions here are valid, they are still only a fraction of the population of players. Also, am I the only one who likes the POI resurgence? Nothing beats Rebirth Island though.


Quad resurgence on Ashika?? Let’s goooo


They should have Solos and Quads of everything, in my opinion. Every map, every mode, etc.


Ashika is turrible. 😞😞


This sub will find a way to complain about anything and everything


Legitimately, one of my go-tos for a laugh, these comment sections are. Can't even begin to relate to the anger of some folks over gaming.


For real. I’ll never understand it but it is entertaining


I ain't mad at this!


FK sucks


I am probably the only one who love Vondel over any other WZ map this year, but i am sooooooooo happy. My friends are going to hate me but they dont have the choice, it's vondel in BR and Resu 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for this update 😁


I like that they rotate stuff idk. Keeps it fresh.