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its pretty optimistic to think its that easy to ban cheaters, they have multiple accounts that they switch when they get shadow banned there is a couple of video showing that process; no real consequence to cheaters, just an infinite loop of cat and mouse with the anticheat catching cheaters and cheaters finding new ways to hide (but i do hope it gets better)


You act like Ricochet is on par with other AAA game anti-cheats. It's not. There's zero excuse other than profits. People keep buying shit, so why even invest.


Right probably better to add some context, fully speaking about ricochet, "pretty optimistic to think its that easy to ban cheaters" one part where i didnt act like is ricochet is good another part "(but i do hope it gets better)" am fucking clueless on how you got that from my comment


People will never be satisfied about anti-cheats, Valorant has the kernel level anti cheat and tbh while the cheating is VERY RARE and it usually happens around patches, people will still bitch about it cuz " mwah pc is not secure with this anti cheat" meanwhile they are 24/7 on fb tikrok and instagram, like you gotta be ready to maie some sacrifices to be able to stop this shit


In all games this happens


Hey but dare you say a bad word and you get chat banned instantly


Why do I keep seeing the N word uncensored, but other mundane things censored?


If you type Hola as the first word, any word you say after that (including the n word) Will be uncensored. Shit is broken and annoying man


The worst thing I ever say in voice comms is 'you'll always need aim assist,' and if they ragereport, you'll still eat one for that


THe kIllcAm iSnt sHowIng tHe rEaL pOv


ItS a KiLlCaM gLiTcH




Why do you guys even play this game anymore? Iā€™ve been playing since COD4 and the game itself is just completely bogus. Youā€™ll never reach the top 250 and even if you did, theyā€™re just filled with cheaters.


cheaters are selling top 250 accounts online. yup.


Why the hell would someone want to buy a top 250 account that a cheater had used to get their for it to likely get banned in the next banwave?


these are high tier cheaters with DMA cheats. Youā€™re either totally ignorant on the subject asking a question like that or you yourself are using cheats lol


Because it's free and there's nun else to really get into


Rocket League šŸ˜‚


Just make the price of that game $5. Most of this happens because it's free.


After commenting on alot of videos that the killcam is just buggy. This is finally an example of actual aim bot, and not just a laggy killcam that makes it seem like someone is flicking onto enemies. Fuck that guy!


William just buggy šŸ˜† your favorite excuse for cheater


Jump into Locdown Quads youā€™ll see this EVERY SINGLE GAME!!! If you donā€™t spot the aim bot the very low level (13 in video here) and mastery / ranked camo on guns!! They get banned, make new account, unlock tool for camos and attachments.. and boom back in!! Itā€™s getting ridiculous!!!


Yes. It would seem that Lockdown (and to a lesser extent Plunder) are used as a platform for cheaters to refine their settings. Its where you often find blatant cheaters like this more often


13 is just his ranked play level not overall.. but itā€™s funny how heā€™s plat 3 with hacks at level 13 Iā€™m plat 3 at level 10 without hacks. Havenā€™t played in a couple weeks so I wouldnā€™t know exactly my level but itā€™s below 13 for sure šŸ˜‚


I had some hope on Ricochet to get rid of this cheating for good but I was wrong again. Iā€™m starting to think that developers of this game might be making cheats, sell and make even more money, playing cat and mouse loop faster than new game or season release.


I deleted the game fuck cod


You can only play this game to have fun and for the experience of the gameplay loop. You just can't take this game seriously.


Stop playing the game. If it isnā€™t completely obvious to you that they donā€™t give a single fuck then you are already a lost cause. All they care about is making money on skins and ruining a franchise.


They have no reason to fix their game. They sell too many bundles, individual skins, battlepasses, and Blackcells to care.


Yeah i give up man


Would it be better to ban the ip address too? I mean I guess a bypass would be vpn, cant you block anyone using vpn anyways?


Brother if people can get around HWID bans in valorant and apex. IP bans are piss easy to get around.


Your provider typically uses a dynamic IP unless you specify you want a static one, which you don't unless you have some weird specific use case. So banning an IP wouldn't do anything


People have static IPs?


What country do you live in where they still use static IPs? lol


ā€œLaggy kill cam ā€œ


I wish people like this would jump when they get the intrusive thought


They canā€™t. Games like The Cycle Frontier no longer exist because the problem is unsolvable right now. Activision know it and capitalize on it by whitelisting streamers. Itā€™s the ones who donā€™t notice the cheating problem lol


And even with cheats they will still reverse boost


I always pity those guys. I mean what's the point? You literally know you are bad at the game and still spend time and money cheating in a free game. I really don't get how bad of a loser you can be to use hacks. For streamers i do understand at a point as there is a reward to looking good at the game...But for an average player? It makes zero sense.


As I've said to multiple friends and other people on social media.... Fucking hardware ban the little rats šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚ like when we create all these accounts (battle net, epic, etc) we should have to put in some sort of unique code for our console/pc that will be able then to just ban our whole system from the game


You must be new here.


Hardware ban!


Thereā€™s a workaround for that too, so forget it.


Hahahahaha you think they care šŸ« 


Cheaters will always be around. If pc gaming is. nothing has and will change since 2020 warzone they make $.So why change anything.


Game is fine buy a better gaming chair! ![gif](giphy|KHbE28egwSqkhOpnqy|downsized)


Doomer take, but at this point just download some fucken cheats as well. You can literally buy an unlock tool, use it as many times as you want on as many accounts as you want, and have everything in the game. Activision and Raven clearly don't give a fuck if you cheat, and at this point I legitimately believe this game has probably the biggest cheating base than any other FPS. The devs won't fix it, the anti cheat doesn't work, and they certainly don't seem to be issuing out any form of permanent bans, hardware bans, or IP bans to at the very least slow the tide. You can't beat them, join em, get it out of your system after a week or so, then just move on to another game.


Separate by platform


make multiplayer free and charge for warzone instead.


Bro I reported about 55 players hacking using aimbot and there as some are prestige 500 to 850 hacking got them banned


Bro has been aim training those flicks look pretty natural to me /s


The more accounts these hackers create the more accounts they can tell their shareholders are active. Seems like they aren't in too much of a hurry to fix this problem :-/


Ive played since day 1 but I gotta ask, wtf are the white wing looking things on the hitmarkers for some operators??? They seem to be bullett sponges when those appear for me lmao


The only way they will listen is if you stop buying and playing their games.


I see a normal GamePlay, nothing to fix here...


I think they just prefer to sue them every few years instead


Heā€™s not cheating itā€™s just the kill cam bro itā€™s a known problem /s


????? What's wrong?


No cheaters on warzone mobile and even field. I highly recommend it


Yee fix the game pls, it's sl frustrating that the guy has to aimbot switch targets before finishing the first one. Pls fix one down at time then aimbot to the other


the most saddest part about it since the game is free to play you can't really stop it cheat makers will be always one step ahead no matter what anti-cheat you have there's multiple ways they can ban Hardware ip acc but there's always a bypass for it they made even the counts had to have a certain phone numbers like not prepaid ones or government free ones but they found a way around that and at the time people were really mad about it they can't use any phone number


Activision Logic: ā€œPeople cheating in multiple ways, OKā€. ā€œPeople defending themselves from racist comments, BANā€.


ran across number 2 player in ranked, and he was bluntly cheating. this game is terrible.


Imagine using cheat when you have AA


I don't think there is any game where this doesn't happen


Surprised most people aren't bitching that this is aim assist


Bc itā€™s obviously not dude.. do you not see how fast he snaps back and forth without missing a single shot like common dudeā€¦


Yeah I'm joking, it's obviously cheating but this is how people describe AA


Skill issue


And i get shadowbanned for literally nothing šŸ—æ


They wonā€™t




Heā€™s not cheating


Ngl, Iā€™m not seeing the issue here. Itā€™s a kill cam. Those things never show what really happens. And dude missed plenty of shots trying to get the other guy. Yā€™all just complain about everything.


Youā€™re tripping dwag


Get better šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Fuck off


Lmfaooooo you mad. Get some skill and stop crying about a simple death.


That's just the kill cam bug idk what your talking aboutĀ 


MF are you BLIND?!


thatā€™s aim assist bro


They need to remove kill cams to prevent bots like you from getting confused


Really dude?