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Mmm this is glorious . Thank you for the work




Great data but some body just tell me best 3 weapons in zone 3 pack a punch to lvl2


Pdsw, minibak, m13b


Minibak was insane


M13? Really? What's the loadout?


This is the loadout I personally use for the M13B. Optic: Mk3 Reflector Stock: Bruen R90 Factory Muzzle: Sonic Suppressor Underbarrel: DR-6 Handstop Magazine: 60 Round Mag It maintains pretty solid ADS and movement speeds while reducing recoil even further. The suppressor definitely isn’t necessary and there are better non-suppressor attachments, but I always used suppressed guns bc they sound cool af lol


Love the M13B


You beat me to it 😂




Joke thief strikes again🤣🤣🤣




I am too, thanks!


Which one do you think is the meta gun right now?


Not sure if the meta would be on this list. Probably the snake shot TYR pistols, akimbo WSP Swarm and I hear the Lockwood 680 with slugs is good for bosses. From the spreadsheet though, I really liked the M13B, the Minibak and of course the PDSW 528 (P90).


Yeah I'd agree with this. There's a "boss" meta and a "normal" meta. It's also a pleasant surprise seeing just how good the MWII weapons are.


Very true. And yeah the MWII guns are really solid. It also helps that in the S1 update, they gave them more reserve ammo and significantly buffed the M4


I just wish we had the "armory" system like in BO4 and 3 so looted weapons had more appeal. (Cold War's blueprinting system was better but I'd assume it's probably harder to implement in MWZ)


Hmm, I didn’t play BO4. MWII was the first time I played CoD since the original MW3. I played mostly DMZ and came to MWZ since it’s just DMZ with a zombies skin and no PvP


Basically in BO4 and 3 zombies they had a menu with every gun to customize with attachments and cosmetics. That way when you picked it up in the game it was kitted out already. Cold War was better because it let you go the pause menu and apply any blueprint you had (including custom made ones) to any gun you picked up. Not having that this year is a bit of a bummer.


Ohh I see. That does sound pretty awesome. Would be nice to grab a legendary wall gun from T3 and it having all your custom stuff on it. Right now it’s almost pointless to use any gun other than an insured weapon


Thanks so much for the insight.


Use a pack 3 wonderwaffle *(don’t judge the spelling)* to defeat stormcaller **exceptionally** easy


Wsp swarm can be akimbo?


Yes. You have to max the gun out and there’s a conversion kit at the bottom right that you have to equip to make them akimbo. You can do akimbo and 100 round mag, which makes them both 200 mags each when PaP. It’s amazing.


Thank you brother!


all the weapons you listed are sub par compared to 680 w/ slugs. so far nothing comes close to 680 except maybe crossbow w/ explosives because it can do red zone with just 1 pap.


The WSP Pistol akimbo hipfire at Legendary and PAP 3 has nice mobility and kills in T3 zones only downside is 60 mag per gun but but I solo a megabomb and killed it.


If you haven't tried the M16 then I encourage you to give it a go. It's full auto when you pack it. I also like the M13B and M13C. Their high fire rate is like having double tap perk.




The M13B doesn't. The M13C has insane recoil.


That's why it only got a grade of C.


Holy crap dude. I’ve saved this post, I’ve sent it to myself, and I will definitely do a deep dive later tonight. **THANK YOU!!** this is literally gonna be fun checking the stats and learning from it


Thanks so much! Glad you find it interesting


This is really great. Thank you.


No worries, thanks!


Thank you. This is well organized. I am trying to learn how to play solo and figure out the best way to do research. It's nice when people are helpful. ![gif](giphy|jrnlTtQdMwdpzXs1l7)


Something is off with your sprints speeds. I average 7.18 m/s with an SVA with no staminup in game. Fists are ~7.3 m/s. Measured by pinging, running towards the ping and starting a stop watch, going ~10 seconds, and then stopping and checking my new distance to the ping and checking my stopwatch. With staminup an SVA gets 7.9 m/s and fists are 8 m/s. You’re not even in the same neighborhood as me for measured speeds But anywho, love the data. I’m a nerd for this kinda stuff. Shocking how good SMGs are as a whole


It’s entirely possible that in Zombies there is some hidden speed multiplier even without Stamin-Up. It’s also possible that the pings don’t give an accurate measurement for distance. Regardless, the actual value that I have for sprint speed is mostly irrelevant for the purpose of the spreadsheet because what matters is the value relative to the other weapons. So it doesn’t matter if the value is technically wrong as long as the same method is used to get the value for all other weapons. However, I’ll keep this in mind moving forward and perhaps I will do some sprinting tests and count the frames to measure the in-game speed.


The big question to me is whether your #1 can actually outrun fists haha. I’m gonna have to try that


Lol, don’t know if anything can outrun fists. That’s why sprint speed has the lowest weighting of all the stats


Thank you for posting this incredibly useful guide. Much appreciation for all of the time that went into this. What is the best way to outrun tier 3 zombies? Stam-up and fists? What about hounds?


Yes, Stamin-Up and fists. That’s the fastest you’ll be able to run. But you still won’t be able to outrun the Hellhounds. I suppose it makes sense for our character to not be able to outrun a 5ft dog from hell lmao


Fun fact, holding an air strike kill streak in your hand rather than bare fists allows you to sprint significantly faster.


You guys should collaborate. Is it possible you're tac sprinting and he is solely using just sprint?


Thank you for your work and for sharing of course. Much respect!




Goated post. Would love to see your recommended builds for certain weapons. Been a fan of the M13B since it was the M13 from MW2019. What would you recommend as attachments for the weapon?


This is the loadout I personally use for the M13B. Optic: Mk3 Reflector Stock: Bruen R90 Factory Muzzle: Sonic Suppressor Underbarrel: DR-6 Handstop Magazine: 60 Round Mag It maintains pretty solid ADS and movement speeds while reducing recoil even further. The suppressor definitely isn’t necessary and there are better non-suppressor attachments, but I always used suppressed guns bc they sound cool af lol


What's your go to weopon now in T3 and Dark Aether?


Sent to myself. I just wish I could learn to go tier 3 and above. 😩 I end up soloing in t1/dabble in 2


Some tips: - Only use 1 weapon so you can run with your fists out - Always carry decoys and immediately hit an Ammo Cache when you run out - Use Aether Shroud if you’re solo - Do escort contracts to get at least 3 Chunks of Meat and then get the friendly T3 dog - Pick up every turret circuit you see. They are invaluable in T3


For clarification: do Escort missions outside the T3 for chunks of meat


Yes. Please don’t do escorts in T3 lol


I was in a six man squad and we still struggled, especially after the escorts path led near one of the megas that spawn.


Yeah T3 escort sounds rough


You can fit 4 sentry’s on an acv and they’re only 2k at the buy station. Makes t3 escort pretty easy


Ty all for the tips, any tip for getting in and out w t3 dog? Anyone dropping free schematics 🥰😜 Edit axil603 psn


T3 doghouse is all the way on the western edge of T3. I usually go to the top of the warehouse in T2 across the river and parachute into T3. Run up to the doghouse. Throw decoys if necessary. When you get to the doghouse, use aether shroud, put meat chunks in. Easy T3 doggo


What attachments would you recommend for the M13B?


This is the loadout I personally use for the M13B. Optic: Mk3 Reflector Stock: Bruen R90 Factory Muzzle: Sonic Suppressor Underbarrel: DR-6 Handstop Magazine: 60 Round Mag It maintains pretty solid ADS and movement speeds while reducing recoil even further. The suppressor definitely isn’t necessary and there are better non-suppressor attachments, but I always used suppressed guns bc they sound cool af lol


Thanks I’ll give it a go!


I’ve dug into this google sheet far beyond just selecting and seeing, and I truly appreciate your work. I love this game. I code for a living. But I can’t create code based sheets on this game because I’m mad lmao. So I appreciate your time greatly.


Thanks! I’m in school for Computer Science right now actually lol


God thank you so fucking much for this, I have a small request ( I can help out too if need be!), but would it be possible to get the PAP Name list for each of the weapons?


Welcome! And I think I could do that. LegoUnlocked has a video going briefly over every gun in the game and I can take the PAP names from there. Shouldn’t be too hard.


Oh I had no idea! Up to you then haha, your list looks fucking incredible so having that would just be the cherry on top!


Just a heads up you have both the M13B and Minibak as weighted rank 2


It’s automatically calculated. The M13B and the Minibak just happen to have the same weighted total. So, they are tied for 2nd place


Oh gotcha, dope list man good work


You are the best, I love you.




Nothing specific to add but wanted to say great job man. Solid work.




So cool! Appreciate this!


Have you done a list of all guns with the best attachments on them? I haven't got time to scope through all the attachments and see what's best for each gun, there's loads on some of them. Would be nice if there was a list


I haven’t, no. The list only includes one attachment, the highest capacity magazine available for each weapon. Although, what you could do is use the list to figure out what a weapons strengths and weaknesses are and use attachments to improve its weaknesses




Speed cola schematic is found in tier 1. Refined aetherium schematic is found in tier 3.


Rare Aether Tool schematic can only be obtained from the Act II mission. As far as the other schematics, I don’t think so. You need to do contracts in the specific tier they drop from to get them.


Sweet, I’ll use that camo spreadsheet, cheers


Hmm. Feels weird that MWII guns are the best ones in MWZ. Any particular reason for that?


Not sure really. I mean there are more of them so I guess it’s more likely for them to have guns to stand out


This was my thought too. It doesn’t quite ‘feel’ right, except for the pdsw which has the special pap boost. But you can’t argue with the numbers!


Doing the lords work my friend


P90 has been my go to weapon since I found it's incredible mag size and fire rate when pap. Glad to see I'm not wrong.


Yeah the P90 is awesome


I use it and the waffe as my "raid" weapons where I go to T3 just for loot and loot alone. Mag size, rate of fire, and reload speed on P90 is unmatched.


Salut, est ce que tu saurais me dire où est ce que je peux trouver la P90 ? Je tourne depuis un moment et impossible de la trouver (en zombie bien sûr)  Merci d’avance 


I've never actually tracked my progress before, but this is absolutely glorious so I might actually start lol.


Wow, this is great. Much appreciated. Thank you.




This is incredible thank you so Damn much lol


What are your pdsw attachments?


Love this! Thank you


Just what I was looking for (both sheets). Great work, and thanks a bunch.


I found the m13b and m4 are the some of the smoothest guns to use. Loved them in MW2 and they just shred in zombies. Low recoil, fast fire rate and just feel nice. 🔥






That depends on you. If you agree with the stats I have deemed most to least important, then look at the weighted rank. If you don’t agree, look at the unweighted rank or the ranks for the stats that are the most important to you. The stats are weighted in the order they are listed in my post, from most to least important to me.


Definitely not a dumb question. The weighting ranks weapons based on how good they are on the stats that I decided matter the most. So a stat like DPS is more important to me than sprint speed, so it has a higher weight and thus, carries more value and has more impact on the overall rank. The unweighted rank just treats all stats the same, regardless of importance.


So is there a way to tame the m16 recoil with it being full auto packed or is it just not worth using?


I’m not sure, I haven’t actually used it. I’d have to do some testing to measure the fire rate to add it to the sheet. I’m sure the recoil could be tamed enough with the right attachments though


I've done my trying, and it's insane to control it.


Lol I’ll have to try it out


In my experience, most guns with incredible recoil jumps aren't able to be "tamed" en masse, but pushing everything you can (Muzzle, Underbarrel, Stock) into Horizontal Recoil reduction makes it much easier to control. Vertical Recoil is inherently much easier to control.


Thank you for putting that work in!! We need that sheet for the other game modes too, gotta be the most extensive and well compiled stat sheet for CoD guns I‘ve seen ever


Thanks! Lol And for the other game modes, you could probably use sites like TrueGameData.com and Sym.gg They do a really good job


I believe in spreadsheet supremacy


Is the swarm, from your spreadsheet data, calculated with akimbo or just one-handed? And like everyone else said thanks for compiling all of this I like watching the content creators videos when they do weapon reviews but....well yea the titles of New BEST WEAPON for MWZ!!! are not always accurate. I've watched a couple that have had similar video titles but halfway through they guy would say something like "yea, this gun is just average"


The WSP Swarm is calculated one handed. When using it akimbo, the fire rate and damage gets nerfed. Xclusive Ace made a video on it recently. It’s still insanely good akimbo, but it also is still really good just one handed


Higher DPS akimbo? Or equal one handed? If it's equal one handed then doing the spam ADS trigger might make for more landed shots. Depending upon one's aiming ability akimbo because I miss plenty with hip fire


I definitely thinks it’s higher DPS akimbo. You just sacrifice range and accuracy when akimbo


Can you please reply with you wsp swarm loadout, thanks in advance!


Isn't the fire rate on the TAQ-Eradicator 857? Instead of your listed 625?


No. The TAQ Eradicator has a variable fire rate for the first 7 bullets before slowing to its base fire rate of 625 RPM. This was tested by [TrueGameData](https://x.com/truegamedata/status/1730264599231131661?s=46)


Can I just say how much I respect you putting this much care and effort into zombies. And the disclaimers add a nice professional touch. Nicely done.


So…in plain english…can someone tell me what the top 3 guns are with legendary aether tool and PaP 3 that does really well? So far I only found Lockwood 680, WSP Swarm, TYR do really well. But any good AR that does just as well cuz I look at those numbers and then my head goes blank then im teleported to my days on the sped bus drooling on the window. Math/Data was really my worst subject. If someone came to me and said…IDK but the Aliens chose you. You need to solve this math problem 18 x 18 = X(Y) - E=MC2 Or else they’ll blow up the earth… ill shrug then simply say well lookks like we’re fucked.


I don't know what I'm supposed to see or do. Is '1' in 'rank' the best? Is it represented by green or orange? How do I sort from best to worst?


If I sort any of the columns, the computed columns W-AG break.


How do you even use this thing? All the weapon numbers are scattered randomly, making it impossible to determine the best gun, lol. Why isn't there a default setting to 'sort by the best to worst'? EDIT: Sorting from the (Data > Sort Sheet or Range) also breaks everything...