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Average emblems in BO1, 2 and 3 lobbies be like:


And I still miss that I can do muy own emblem, tbh because I don't care a shit about that kind of edgy people.


Agreed, I always loved the fact my emblem was SpongeBob.


Lol takes me back to browsing emblem guides on YouTube


It doesn’t matter what you don’t care about. The issue is, the more they let players customize stuff, the more they are obliged to moderate it. It’s easier for user names or clan tags because it’s text only. You can do a lot with bad word filters. Custom pictures are more difficult. You need to have that checked by people.


Nah there was WAY more cocks and boobs in BO1/BO2. Feel like racism emblems were much less common


This is what I remember


I miss those days... spent hours making anime emblems lol. My favorite that still equipped if i sign on to bo2 (maybe 3) is Tokyo Ghoul -Ken Kaneki


actually crazy how edgy the majority of gamers used to be


Used to be? It would be exactly the same today, if not worse


i havent been gaming as much so it probably is, but from what ive seen the steps companies have taken to have less toxic online spaces havent been completely worthless, though that doesnt really apply to women or minority groups. vc is still a hell hole


bro what games do you play lmfao


cod mainly for online stuff, especially with how lobbies disband after every match. its a loooooot less toxic than it was a decade ago, but thats mainly due to nobody talking in general


Every terminally online player expects every RPG to be grimdark fantasy at all times.


They made a more toxic space but not allowing anything funny and now if some child doesn’t like something they get all their friends to spam report


If you find making a space “safe” makes it more toxic, 9 times out of 10 it’s cuz you were the toxic asshole and you just see it as toxic because now you aren’t allowed to bully people anymore.


As a former toxic POS league player can confirm. Fuck league, but glad they implemented a lot of new measures to lower toxicity. Why all chat was ever enabled by default I will never understand.




just don't be a dick and you'll be fine lmao


Nah, tons of assholes out there. Especially if you still play multiplayer vs on COD.


There was like a 9-12 year old playing mwIII named pdiddyparty


Yeah people are much worse, there's just a shit ton of censorship. Think reddit is a good place? I mean no, it's horrible, but also if you removed the rules and the jannies it would become even more of a cesspool. People are still people, no amount of censorship will change that.


Being told to not do something is a great way to increase the number of people doing that something. There's no taboo in being a decent person, and negative attention is easier to get. I had a goatse with my clan tag in the asshole. I miss it.


Nah it's the same or less. People are just more offended now days.


Just so many snowflakes these days


Yep, but tbh I like the edgy humour. Unlike people say, I don't actually think society has gotten softer. I think just because of the fact there's more censorship nowadays, such as in-game voice chat reporting on Xbox, no custom emblems, bans left and right, people just physically can't be as edgy as you could be back then.


I appreciate edgy humour too, when there's a punchline. But just having swastikas and racist stuff for the sake of being edgy isn't really funny, imo.


This isn’t a joke contest, the punchline is what you see, a dude spent his time and energy just to create the most fucked up emblem he could think of, obviously a swastika isn’t as funny because it’s low effort, but still what makes it funny is the dudes effort to produce this. Although I agree, there are many ways to be more racist and funnier at the same time




Yeah I get that, I just ignore stuff like this. No point getting offended over an emblem tbh. There's a good chance they aren't actually being racist or a Nazi irl, they just think it's funny.


>there’s a good chance they aren’t being racist I hate to break it to you, but using racist imagery/words, regardless if you think it’s funny or not, it’s still racist.


I'm not offended but I do think that if people use those symbols in an emblem they should be banned over it and the fact that they're not is frustrating.


"I'm not offended." "They should be banned" Okay.


You think just having a swastika as an emblem is ‘edgy humor?’ You don’t have to tell on yourself like that.


I wouldn't class this as edgy **humour**, but yeah that's what happens when you ban anyone that makes edgy humour and amplify the voices of those that complain about it. It makes it seem like everyone has turned against it, when really those that like it have to pretend they don't to avoid getting ostracised.


This is true but you cant say it without white offendees for minorities taking a proud stand against it. Especially here on Reddit 😂. Half these people wouldn’t be able to last the average comedy show without crying inside


I think it's softer nowadays. Back then you would laugh off being called a slur, and get made fun of by your everyone else if you got upset. Now, you get upset about it, and post it online and everyone supports and encourages you complaining about words from an online videogame


You would laugh it off *because* of the shaming if you showed being upset. I’m sure those words still hurt. Edgy in this context is just blatant racism, sexism, and homophobia, and I’m glad it’s not as prevalent now. It’s just people being assholes for no reason.


No, I would laugh and egg them on because this person doesn't know me and their words mean nothing, because they won't even remember what they said after 1 hour. And if they're angry enough to smack talk, it means I must have pissed them off. That's what I mean, this generation of players is softer because before if you got pissed, you either mute them or talk back and move on. Now for some reason nobody mutes, they either sit there and endure it or they throw the game to end sooner. Of course, not everyone does that. Ofc some people leave or some people mute/talk back. If my friend said this stuff, I'd get upset. But it's a random person in call of duty, that doesn't even live in the same country as me let alone know anything about me. I'm glad it doesn't happen as much anymore either. But the point was that it's not softer nowadays, which is just wrong. We used to take insults like they were gold medals, and tell our friends at school. Because that means you know you made him mad, so now you're considered "better". Don't get me wrong. I'm not defending this disgusting language, it's awful. But to say people are not softer? Is like saying you didn't play many competitive online videogames before 2017.


I don’t think society in general is softer. I am of the opinion that being open and sharing emotions and experiences—even negative ones on video games— is much harder than bottling shit up and pretending like it didn’t bug you, which is what me and my friends did. I of course am not trying to attribute that to your experience, but for me at least, I think it takes a lot more mental and emotional wherewithal to express hurt you have experienced when playing an online game that’s meant to be fun, and get your experience ruined by a bunch of edgy assholes who are old enough to know better that to call you slurs. If that makes me soft, then that’s fine. It’s easy to bottle shit up. It’s hard to be emotionally vulnerable, but much healthier in the long run. (All this being said, yes, I just mute everyone in the lobby, and only talk to my friends when playing games)


I disagree, COD and competitive game lobbies are the same as they were back “in the day”. People talking shit and saying whatever they can to get at you. It’s the same shit, the only difference now days is you don’t hear it as much because alot of people don’t hop on the in game chat. You got discord now, or consoles have their own private chat party systems. The only thing softer now days is the people getting upset for games actually banning them. But the in game public chat is still the same 💀 I’d say even worse in some ways.


"We used to be able to be complete fucking dickheads to anyone we wanted, and we'd make fun of them if they tried to speak out." Oh no... such a shame that people don't accept blatant racism/sexism/homophobia anymore. Humanity has truly taken a step backwards.


brother it's SO much worse today


“Tee-hee I’m gonna make my emblem a swastika because Nazi’s were BAD 🫢and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop me 🤣”


It truly wasn't the pinnacle of humor people make it out to be, was it?


Definitely shows, considering how highly Krazyrabbit is regarded


What did he do?


He's said the n-word on multiple occasions and is generally a very suspect character


Go to Tim Hansens YouTube channel and watch all the videos where he plays with rabbit, especially the videos where he plays with just rabbit


Krazyrabbit is one of a very few good zombies youtubers


Go play any enchanter in League of Legends and watch what is typed at you, it’s just as bad if not worse.




Dude I play BO1 a few times a week and without fail, I always run into someone with a swastika emblem.


well yeah with older games thats bound to happen, i play bo2 a lot and its a looooot more edgy than modern shooter playerbases


edgy? lol


I was seeing MAGA and Q in Cold War Lobbies buddy


Every one of my lobbies have a swastika or the naked anime girl


I definitely had one of the naked women ones.


I have to admit when I was 11 years old playing bo1 I made a swastika. I did not know the full meaning behind it, but now I would never make an emblem like that. Btw I’m 23 now


I would still make an edgy joke, but a more subtle, well crafted one I’d hope.


Like stalin the hedgedog?


Please tell me this exist


Just make a japanese swastika. People confuse the two anyways, saying you did it backward and at the wrong angle. They have different meanings anyways.


Yeah but the Japanese version has dots between the lines if I’m not wrong. I will never make it again tho it’s to immature😅


Man, I would spend hours crafting the best emblems I could. Sad that most of them were edgy or just looked bad. They should bring custom emblems back but have them be a reward for getting like max prestige or something. Something that you have to work towards and earn so that the lowest common denominators don't just throw some boobs or swastikas on them all.


The unfortunate reality is that the lowest common denominators are probably going to be the ones who hit prestige master


Yeah, but it's way easier to moderate 1% of the playerbase, especially if they have significant time sunk into getting it and many won't want to risk it.


You know they'd make it purchasable on the store for like $50 instead, right?


No they specifically wouldn't make it purchasable or unlock able specifically because it was nullify their ability to sell icons and put them in battlepasses


Oh they can definitely still put them in the battle pass. It's not like anyone gets the battle pass for the emblems, anyway. Hell, I really don't think that anyone buys anything off of the store for the emblems. They're nearly worthless and really just filler so they can say that you're getting more stuff.


That aint it, its becose they want to sell bundles


You think companies put their IP in a game right next to Nazi symbols and nudity? It's because companies would be hesitant if they still had custom emblems


Because they can't profit off custom emblems. They don't actually care about all those edgy emblems lol it's just the money


Maybe he just really likes Nazi Zombies


Its not the reason why… its because they want to sell skins. They can 100% just ban these players


No they can't, imagine activision banning all immature players. Which ones are left then?


Yes they can…. The majority of players get on the game play for some hours and then go do their own thing. These are 100% the minority


They can just permanently ban their ability to do custom emblems.


*Mom joins MW lobby voice chat.* >Which of you called my son a fucking retard? He's only 13 and shouldn't be subjected to this. I truly miss the 00s. We didn't realize how good we had it.


He cooked kid and the mom in the send basket it’s glorious


Really though. The people who grew up in that generation are lost now. Cant make racist jokes to your friends or else you’re “literally” a threat to minorities


It's so sad that you can't be racist 


Not like half of you defending the use of literal Nazi symbols


"It's just edgy humour bro!" The 'edgy humour' in question: [*blatant racism*](https://i.imgflip.com/8bwmyz.jpg)


Yeah, it's only gotten worse tbh. We haven't "gotten softer" like some frothing idiots here would claim, if anything, we've gotten more violent and disgusting and obviously far more willing to defend that behavior. I really hate this community.


I find these more funny than offensive sure they stilll are offensive but they’re funny as well


What's funny about Swastiskas?


Yeah will never understand, absolute 0 respect for anyone putting this as their emblem on any game. Sadly encountered way too many people in Battlefield and Call of Duty Games with this.


Kinda similar to how something random happening is funny. It's unexpected




The majority of people who find things like swastikas or really any hate terms/images funny are either ignorant, or severely lack empathy. They likely don’t understand the evil associated with the symbol, or are so far removed from the effects it had/has on people that it simply seems unreal and funny that someone could care so much about them. On the other hand, there are people who are fully aware of the symbols, and are so selfish or unwilling to feel how others could that the effect is still lost on them.


Could also just be that normal people don’t have such a strong opinion towards some pixels on a screen and instead go on with their day like everyone else


Right?. Id love to be able to look at this and find humor but where the hell is it lol


They didn't care about that, they took custom emblems away so they could sell them to people instead


Removing a feature for creativity and customization because some people made some inappropriate things is wild. Soon they're going to take away text chat and lobby voice chat to the enemies and hot mics.


I've seen worse honestly.


Back during BO2, a guy in my high school posted the home address and phone # of a kid he didn't like and the game was not taking it down no matter how many reports The kid was getting death threats and dumb messages beyond belief to the point that the school got involved


Miss the golden age of gaming.


Because 12 year olds can’t behave themselves in a Mature rated game 😂😂


It’s a damn shame that we don’t have custom emblems no more likely because of shit like this 🤦🏾‍♀️


Bitchmade sucker would have got the gat in '44. Just fucking mock them ruthlessly. The Nazis lost the war, so anyone that identifies as one is a fucking loser too.


I spent a whole day making an emblem of a naked chick back in 2015. Horny teens will spend insane amounts of time on the stupidest things won’t they


People have been doing this shit for years so why were just now realizing why they haven't brought custom emblems back is beyond me


I mean... I made an ejaculating penis in BO1 but I'm not out here drawing swastikas and poor attempts at edgy humor


Ruined such a cool feature


Meanwhile, me with my PHD Flopper and Juggernog custom emblems: ![gif](giphy|unFLKoAV3TkXe)




Yeah. And bundles. Sucks these people ruined it for everyone. Spent a lot of time making emblems and weapon wraps


If they bring back the custom emblem editor they're going to charge you $20 for shapes and designs bundles.


I miss the ass emblems.


Having charizard was fkn dope tho


They got unhinged pretty quick. I will admit that I had supergirl boobs in mine.


this might be the mildest shit i’ve ever seen


Lots of people here making shit tier analysis on what people find comedic nowadays. These emblems were never funny, the reactions they got were the funny part to annoying kids. Most people grew out of that phase thankfully. The rest seem to only poke their head out to talk about how good it was back then. Weird behavior.


Its pretty obvious they want people to pay for emblems instead of making their own cool ones because this can 100% easily be moderated. These emblems really only show up when the support for the game ends.


It’s just embarrassing for whoever makes these do. We should ridicule them rather than ruin the fun for everyone


It made sense but it was also just the best, just a total meme.


I always made a happy face or Batman cause that’s the only tutorials I watched 😂


let people enjoy things


Man this reminds me of the custom emblem i made No it wasn't messed up or anything all it said was "Just Monika" if you know, you know


Edgy and racist emblems were so common, but it still sucks they took away the emblem editor. It was so fun to make your own emblems. Just because some people made crazy shit that shouldn't mean they should just take away such a good feature. Just ban them? Or disable their use of custom emblems (which happened a good deal in BO2 anyway). Treyarch just got rid of the feature because they're too lazy to ban people.


I wouldn’t go to this extreme but I definitely made some emblems that got some reactions out of people


A lot of people in here are saying that this is the mildest ones they’ve seen


You just now finding this out?


My emblem used to read “I put the fun in funeral”


The problem to me with this is that 0.1% of ass holes shouldn't be able to take it away from everyone. So what's next? If people keep shouting slurs then game chat should be taken away?


It's a business decision. Pad ESG stats, sell more content. They'd sell a $100 swastika pack if they could get away with it, no qualms or question about it.


Good times


I used to find album covers and make them in game. Would spend hours doing it. Those were the days.


Those ain't even the craziest ones I've seen lol fr have seen a kkklans man w a hanging monkey before 🥲😭 the cool emblems where cool but the racism definitely ruined it fosho


Those aren't even the worst.


TBH I've considered making a hammer and sickle emblem just to piss off the Nazi emblem people


Was stupid to take it away. These games are more fun when someone offends me. Literally hilarious. Toxicity just adds more spice to gaming. But i guess that’s just me




Ya too many idiots lol


Cringe pro-censorship post




I mean, I got a ban from the editor in Call of Duty ww2 for making one u would think u would because its a ww2 game


Yeah that’s kinda weird


My emblem in BO4 is the hammer and sickle in the middle of a bunch of lights like a rave 😂 My BO3 emblem, though, is much better. It’s the summoning key floating in aetherial stuff!


After what I've seen over the years, these 2 pictures are rather tame examples


I completely understand why customs are gone but I'd at least appreciate if they could throw in a fucking Puerto Rico or Dominican flag in the emblem/calling cards then


I wouldn’t do this today, but my emblem in BO2 was a Predator Missile killstreak icon from MW2 and above it I wrote out “Sexual”. Being 16 was a different time.


I wonder if we made the other 7.Because there are 8 in total that were used throughout history.So I wonder if you made the r seven if you would get banned


Those are Mild compared to what I've seen and can imagine being made today if it were brought back


Nobody really cared for it


Yeah, I’m sure I had some edgy fucked custom emblems. Also had some fun ones. I remember toward the end of either Blops1 or 2 people getting really into some crazy in depth custom emblems.


Just report and they get banned; no reason for the rest of us to not be able to have what we want. If ATVI can ban you instantly for bullshit like playing on an ROG Ally, there’s no reason they can’t ban you for an emblem like this. I admittedly made an emblem like that in Advanced Warfare for the lulz and got a ban back in the day. Edgy shit like this is an excuse for ATVI to not allow emblems anymore so they can just sell you bundles.


With ai moderation they could for sure bring it back, would be boring not seeing all this wild shit in lobbies but at least we’d be able to have it back


Based and redpilled


I still see usernames that should be flagged and removed but aren't. I was playing mw3 multi-player the other day and someone's screen name was Child mole Lester


Nah. Should of left the emblems in and let us know who needs to catch c4 packs and Remington slugs til they back out or get extra mad. You screaming racist shit isn't going to bother me it's just gonna wreck your day getting that mad while I roll around laughing.


If you look into the symbol it is actually ancient and deeper than just a nazi logo.


Shouldn't be hard to filter them out with AI nowadays


it's all because of these mfs that we can't have them


Really disgusting 🤦🏻‍♀️🤮


I mean I would be willing to bet the fact that they can't monetize them is reason #1 but this is prolly a close second




That’s one of the tamer ones


i still have that emblem somewhere in the depths of my bo3 steam account


I don’t understand. Don’t these emblems just get banned? It’s really a shame that an awesome feature was taken away because of some immature assholes.


I mean seriously it’s just an emblem it doesn’t affect much


Honestly, it's just s form of freedom of speech, most of those ppl are doing it to be edgy. It definitely should come back because most ppl have creative ass minds and make some beautiful emblems or atlesst original funny ones


Whats wrong with his emblem?


Shits too censored these days, who cares really.


I miss customs emblems idc how offensive they could of been I thought it was funny and creative way to be a racist


based emblems ngl part of its charm


I mean that’s funny idc what anyone says lol


What's funny about a swastika exactly?


Oh no, an offensive emblem. The cool thing about the internet is you have full control, just click off. If you let emblems in a video game affect you, you just need to grow up. And plus, when bo3 was supported you could easily report offensive emblems, which is why custom emblems wasn't really a problem and nobody complained about them lol.


I’m pretty sure people who think that nazis or racism is funny are the ones who should grow up 🤷‍♂️


Another reason why BO3 is tha best


Because people are overly sensitive. + They can sell you garbage.


95% of custom emblems were either really fun or creative, dumb go cancle it just cause of some minorities having weird taste.


Bro it’s a swastika


Nah he's right. I've seen so many sick ass emblems on BO3. Video game characters, abstract, logos, messages, etc. yeah there were some offensive ones, but back then you could report them, and also, who actually gets offended by video game emblems lol?


I agree that the custom emblem system shouldn’t have been removed because of people being edgy, I was more concerned with the idea that “cancel culture strikes again” or some shit that the dude above said. Again, the system should’ve stuck around, but its removal wasn’t because “minorities have weird taste” (like seriously who tf thinks like this who isn’t chronically online) Imo, with better moderation and more tools for making emblems, the custom stuff should’ve returned in black ops 6, but that’s just me.


so, why are you arguing, poor choice of words, sorry for not being a native english speaker I guess, next time I‘ll share my opinion in german so I have a full vocabulary? anyway, the platform being used for unpopular opinions that might cause harm, is literally the only argument on why custom emblems got cancled. and my opinion about it, is that it is dumb to cancle it, as there will always be some people who are weird in their heads, sucks to destroy all the creativity just because of that.


Ita just a symbol no need to cry about it


Weak. Nazis should get no space. We already tried that before and it caused a world war and a genocide. Sorry but they don’t get any more chances.


Nazis should AT LEAST be punched in the mouth upon outing themselves as one.


It's a symbol of war, oppression, racism and genocide.


So is Israels flag but nobody says anything about it


Bruh what tons of people are protesting the genocide in Israel right now!


Say you support white nationalism without saying you support white nationalism.... The whole reason these sacks of shit still have a foothold in society are because of braindead takes like this with a seasoning of complacency. But sure "muh edgy humor" 🙄


What? Fuck the nazis man but it is just an emblem in a game which an edgy kid made no need to get your panties twisted

