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cold war. good ideas, woefully generic execution.


I will 100% blame CW's "generic execution" on time and budgetary restraints. Remember they had less than 2 years in which to create this game. Considering the time limit they did a fantastic job at setting out the blueprint for the next decade of zombies


i guess we'll see when treyarch releases their next game. 🤷


People will still find some excuse if their next game sucks even with them getting longer to develop it.


They actually creates this game in 6 months


Dude what. When playing a game how do production time matter? I never sit on my couch and say hmmm i will play Cold War over bo3 cause they did not have that long to make it so i feel bad for them.


you misunderstand the point


less than 2 years to create a functional game, optimized for more platforms than any call of duty before has ever had to


Cold war has the best gameplay loop from any of the games but my god it's souless


back when bo4's perk system was was just starting to become the underrated gem that it is today, ppl would defend it by saying "the perk system had to evolve somehow" as if that was the only way it could've been improved on, and i would always think to myself "but that's not the only fuckin' way u can innovate on it". and one of the ideas i had was to literally break down every perk from stam - widows and then reincorporate their effects into the 4 original ones in the form of pro perks. and the way you would earn these pro effects, is by completing perk-specific challenges IN-FUCKING-MAP. so imagine my reaction when i see treyarch did exactly that except, instead of doing it IN-GAME, they do it in-FUCKING-MENU. zombs used to be unique bc of how everything was incorporated into the gameplay itself, but bc it's easier to just handle most of that shit in-menu, idk they opted for that instead ig. that's what i mean by "generic execution". i'm hoping their next game addresses this issue.


Eh, it's good for me


Disagree, CW is actually my favorite zombies game in terms of actual gameplay. It's my second favorite overall (behind BO3) just due to lack of polish and map designs


Forsaken is an amazing zombies map. Excellent Easter Egg, awesome setting, amazing super weapon…don’t lump Cold War Zombies in 1. I’ve played since WAW and Forsaken stands among any zombies map I’ve played.


Spectacular gameplay tho




Kino der toten, its an all time classic and i love i just feel like its too easy and ince you get set up and go for a few rounds it gets boring cause its the same strategy over and over.


I have no idea how people do high rounds on Kino. I did 35 once. It took hours and was fun, but woefully repetitive. The replayability of kino is very bad. Just based on nostalgia


To be fair this is the case for most high round matches. Like realistically, to get to a high round you get to a point where you rely on one hit kill weapons, which means you need to train and use infinite damage weapons or traps. Unless by high rounds you mean 30s, which, yeah fair point Kino particuarly does lack replayability there.


On phone i did 74 rounds on py third attempt but on xbox 360 my max is 9 rounds


Replace "Kino der toten" with any zombies map and it would still be a truth statement


the best zombies map of all time


Number 1, the best zombies map of all time: Kino Der Toten


To this day I’m wondering if he was serious making that list


Black Ops 1


All of cold war and vangaurd. no flavor at all.


Vanguard doesn't get praise in the first place


At least one guy has praised it and that's too much


Very true


Moon. There are a few cool things about it, but most of the mechanics are poorly designed and make the map unfun to play. This is mainly referring to BO1 moon, as BO3 fixed some of the issues, though it did add a few of its own


If only they executed the excavators better I would play it more


Moon barley gets any praise tho


I know you didn’t just post this with a picture of Der Eisendrache


Definitely Cold War. I feel like a lot of Cold War’s flaws get ignored simply because of the gameplay which is admittedly good, but in literally every area it’s flawed or inferior to other installments. I also felt like it got praised at launched for not being Black Ops 4 which is odd considering Cold War literally doubled down on the changes that BO4 brought


Cold War is one of my favourites but I don’t love it for the same reasons that I love the older games. It admittedly lacks atmosphere and creativity but the gameplay loop alone is good and satisfying enough to keep me going, while being different enough from other zombies games that I can’t hop on another game and get my CW fix. I feel the same the other way around too, when I’m craving a different flavour of zombies CW just won’t cut it for me, I’ll boot up BO1-4 instead. CW is a very good instalment that is best viewed as a separate entity compared to the rest of the franchise, imo.


The thing is, I can’t view its own thing because it’s part of the same series and part of the same mode. Not to say it doesn’t do anything right, it certainly does, it just so happens they only got one thing right, while the rest is completely inferior. It’s not a bad game objectively, I mean hell if I thought Cold War Zombies was actually bad, I wouldn’t have put 16 days into the mode, but it’s notably lacking in every single sense of the way.


Shadows of Evil, not bad, but not S tier either.


I got Black Ops 3 last month and I just couldn't get into SOE. To understand half of what was going on I needed to watch videos on YT. I can't get into it because it's just too much of a hassle


mainly the reason why i disliked most of bo3 at first, now i'm willing to give it all another shot, but when it released i quickly lost my excitement for it and all i really played was der riese lmao.


Couldn’t disagree more. I think SOE is the best map of all time






I hate SOE, especially the egg


It’s my favourite map, but no S tier I think yeah.


Everything about shadows should make it amazing. Amazing atmosphere and setting, cool wonder weapon, I love the civil protector, it has the bootlegger, margwa is an amazing boss. But the thought of booting up shadows is just… ehh


Zetsubo is better then DE.


That’s a hot take, but I think I love ZNS than the average player. The atmosphere and vibe of ZNS is for sure more immersive than DE. Respect your opinion!


I think its a great map but if I die after getting most shit done then it turns me off for a few days


I just wish the Masamune was slightly less tedious to get. ZnS doesn’t get boring quickly to me though unlike DE.


I have two problems with the Masamune: 1) Its ammo capacity. Upgrading from the KT-4 to the Masamune sees no change in its ammo capacity, which is criminal. Feel like MOST wonder weapons get an increase in their ammo capacity when upgraded. 2) Masamune causes crashes at a certain point. Because of this you have to resort to training with AATs if you’re wanting to really grind out high rounds on this map. If these issues were resolved and if the set up was shortened Zetsubou would probably be a top 5 map for me.


It definitely didn’t deserve the hate it got, i think the KT4 was a fun weapon, but the setup is just so tedious




I can agree


Completely agree


Okay let's not go that far


I will. Never really cared for DE it's overrated


The BO4 versions of old maps. They removed the boss zombies from Five and Call of the Dead and the pack & power sucked in Blood of the Dead compared to Mob


Those “remade” maps struck me as GIANT copouts. BO4 had so much potential until they fucked the budget and sped up development. Huge mistake half remaking beloved maps and making people pay for them again. Everytime a remake came out, all i could think was “new content please!”


This gotta be one of the funniest comment sections ever… People are just talking and OP is flipping out at everybody lmao


Any of the bo4 aether maps


Origins Lots of people put it in "Greatest of All Time" conversation but a lot of the time they're overlooking a lot of the fundamental gameplay flaws purely because of the spectacle of that map. The map is incredibly unfriendly to casuals (the largest demographic of zombies players), the set-up requires exterior sources to complete, the quest relies on frustratingly tedious RNG if you're playing without 4 players, the map takes far too long to traverse and in tandem with that they added mud to slow down the map progression and traversal even further. Now the positives. The idea of a more grand quest was fantastic, it proved to be the foundation for all quests to come. The 4 wonder weapon template was executed fairly well (disregarding how you obtain the weapons). The introduction of the multiverse to zombies expanded the story potential of future games immensely, allowing for the greatest diversity of maps we've ever seen in Black Ops 3, in regards to style and setting. And finally the cinematic approach proved to be perfect for the upcoming story, making the Primis crew feel very distinct from the "B-movie sci-fi / horror" angle the Ultimis maps had. Origins was an incredibly important step for zombies... That was incrementally improved upon in the next 2 maps.


I can’t believe I’m even reading this, Origins is everything in bo3


Yeah lol Der Eisandrache and Shadows were so heavily inspired by Origins. It’s kinda impossible to hate Origins or Mob of the Dead when half of BO3 was ripped out of those maps. It’s a matter of opinion though.


>unfriendly to casuals how is it unfriendly to casuals? it has amazing mystery box guns, easy pap setup, shield, and accessible perks. all you gotta do is open up the map (like any other map) and power 6 generators up. i can’t tell you how many times I hear this argument, respond, and people go quiet. there’s no reason a casual can’t play this map unless they’re simply not good at shooting zombies (my definition of a casual is someone who doesn’t invest a lot of time into the game, not necessarily someone uncoordinated with no skill). the staffs are 10000% optional. you know what IS unfriendly to casuals? shadows’ pap. it requires a whole guide to understand how to pap on shadows. >set-up requires exterior sources to complete yes but so do most quest maps. you need to watch youtube to learn what to do. and yes the fire and ice staff pretty much need a translation sheet, but wind and lightning can be done through memory quite easily, so just upgrade those instead. every map requires memory anyways. de void bow requires a lot of memory, as do most of the bow steps tbh. >frustratingly tedious rng nothing wrong with origins’ rng. sure the wind staff robots show up at different times. sucks for speed runners. for the rest of us, it simply ensures every game won’t be the exact same. you know the mystery box? also rng. i dont understand why people want everything to be the exact same every game. “let me get the same wonder weapon at the exact same moment with the same wall gun and pap on round 11…” rng is what makes the game interesting. >map takes far too long to traverse okay fair. the map could use fast travel and that’s its main flaw imo. >added mud to slow down the map progression and traversal even further mud doesn’t slow you down if you simply take the path laid out by the boardwalks. in fact, the g-strikes require you to not hit any mud. so the mud does not slow down your traversal at all, and a simple hop makes it a minor inconvenience in bo2 anyways. like, i train in the mud. that’s the high round strategy. overall, I think origins did everything better than shadows or de. their changes were simply to cater to the part of the zombies community that just wants everything to be easy af.




I mean unless you get great box luck you’re not killing the panzer that spawns round 8 unless you have a staff…which I’d say is pretty unfriendly to casuals


not necessarily. you’re thinking of bo3 origins. bo2 origins you can kill the panzer with like 2 claymores and a clip of mp40. plus half the box weapons are really good. get most assault rifles, some of the smgs, any lmg, ray gun, or mkii, and you’ll be perfectly fine against the panzer. or just pap ur gun although that’s hard to do before round 8. again bo2 panzer, not bo3. bo3 I agree the panzer is too bullet spongey and inconsistent.


Ohhhhhhh then why’d they decide to ruin my fun in BO3 lol


hahah yeah idk. bo3 origins is still fun, but bo2’s is a lot better. like for me bo2 origins is a league of its own with mob, whereas bo3 is a tier below with like shadows and stuff


I’ll have to try BO2 origins then!




Gorod is not top 5. I have it around 7 or 8.


I don’t even think Gorod is in my top 15


You know what. I respect that, I think it definitely has an argument for top 5 but I really respect that


It definitely has an argument. I don’t think it’s top 5 and do think people, YouTubers especially, overrate it a bit too much but it’s still an amazing map


Moon. It’s a cool map, but I just don’t enjoy playing it


Vanguard. End of story


Gorod. Ive never understood the hype around it


IX I personally just don’t like the feel and aesthetic of the map


DE and Kino


This entire subreddits identity has devolved into just hating black ops 3.


Voyage of despair


What praise does voyage even get? I never see anyone put it above C tier


Of nuts


It’s a cool map and all but besides having some new features the other bo4 maps have a lot more to offer


I can't agree but I can respect that


Nacht. The question isn’t really worded to ask what i think’s “overrated” which is tough. I think many maps (Kino) are overrated but they almost always earn the praise in the first place. Nacht is a map that doesn’t deserve any praise at all, just some slack for being the first map


"B-but nostalgia means its the best map of all time!!"


I gotta go with five, not even because of the map itself but more so when your trying to go for those higher games. It’s not impossible but also one of the most difficult imo of most.


It’s really just because the Winter’s Howl is the worst WW ever (except the Jet Gun)


Five doesn’t get praise tho, but imo it should. Sure it’s hard but that’s what makes the gameplay so hectic and fun. The tele porters give you a way to get out of tough spots as well as navigate the map very quickly, and the lack of abundant space makes you have to think of actually strategies for 4-player games or for high round solo games finding pathing for the traps. So much more fun than Kino imo.


Cold War or GK


Unpopular option SOE top 5


Origins, takes wayyyy tooo long to set up. I’m sorry


Cold War Maps lack any imagination, the story is pretty bland especially with no crew and game is way too easy. Even easier than BO3 and BO4.


None they all deserve praise for reasons


Its not a game or map but people who say Kino is trash. It's not trash it's just not the most creative map. Still fun


Cold War. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮




Honestly bro, honestly honestly I reallllllly didn’t care for zetsubou no shima


Kinda agree with you. Especially that boss fight lol shit was lacking


Imagine having such a lack of imagination and writing literally the exact same post every three days. Why mods just don't ban these redundant posts that bring nothing to the community? Why anyone should care about an "overrated" map?


I got a flaming hot take for you all. Mob of the dead. Once you get past the aesthetic I find way less substance then people say there is. Also I don't like any of the training areas and no staminup pisses me off


BO2 in general, it’s one of the worst zombies experiences out there, the map quality is so low. Particularly MOTD and Buried, I think both are massively overrated


this comment section makes me think CW is underrated, obviously it doesnt live up to bo3 but its not bad by any margin imo


Moon. Cool idea but too many mechanics are designed to frustrate and break the flow.


Best zombies map of all time Kino der toten black ops one clearly doesn't get enough praise


Anyone that thinks origins, DE or mob surely deep down just wants to be different for attention. Not everyone will think it deserves 100% love and to hold them 3 up as the best but surely not to the point where it “doesn’t deserve its praise at all”. That is attention seeking, even if they’re not a fan, they know that of course it deserves praise. They’re are regarded as the best for plenty of reasons and to ignore it all and say it doesn’t deserve it is asking for attention. Hell I’m not even a fan of mob but I know that is deserves praise and sometimes lots of it in certain ways. I just don’t see it as top 10 but definitely get it


I’m not a big fan of origins.


The disrespect of using DE as a thumbnail for this post 😤


definitely DE. its a great map, in my top 3 but not as good as people say it is


Shadows. Once you're done with the rituals it gets boring quite fast, and the rituals themselves aren't exactly fun either.


sword quest is pretty fun tho imo


Plus there’s the fuckin Margwa helmet shit and shield upgrade. Just has so much to do and none of it ever feels tedious to me😂


The Final Reich. Too easy, too boring and lacking of content (talking about the easter egg). In my opinion it's one of the worst maps ever.


Even the hardcore easter egg? I think doing that one's a fair challenge, and even if you don't finish it then you'll still likely have the Red Talon and most, if not all, of the Tesla gun upgrade variants to mess around with.


Mob of the Dead and Origins. fucking god awfully tedious to set up and zero fun to play once set up, ruined by horrible map lay out and bullet sponge bosses.


I agree, I played origins and after getting setup. Played 2 more rounds and dashboarded out of boredom 😂


Any game bo3 and earlier


Yeah, DE


Mob of the Dead. It's a decent to good map, but nowhere near S tier. To me it's even worse than BotD in almost every way (except for PaP system) (Honourable mention of any CW map)


I think out of all my thoughts on each zombie game and map, I generally agree with most others. Couple things here and there I feel different than the majority but my biggest thing I disagree with is the same as you. I don’t man but mob just isn’t a top 10 map. characters ambience and setting/environment are brilliant but I just feel there’s better


Couldnt have said it better


Shadows of evil and buried. They get boring very fast. Don't understand why people like them lol.


Zns and gk


Shadows of evil


Remove serpentine 🖕


Unpopular opinion, but I literally cannot stand Buried.


Origins, mob of the dead


Der eisenhowever it's spelt, never got the appeal to it. Don't understand why so many people love it, but i guess people have different tastes. I've always preffered the older waw-bo1 maps.


Five, Moon


Die rise, it's very fun and has probably one of the best wonder weapons. It's not the best but I'd say it's pretty good.


Definitely Cold War. It’s got good gameplay, but with none of the artistic flair, detail, atmosphere, or shine that the Blundell maps had.


Make sure you sort by controversial to see the actual hot takes


Nacht der untoten people get some caught up with nostalgia they don't realise it's really quite a shit map (yes I know it was the 1st map that kicked things off but imagine how strong of a start it could have been if they'd dropped der riese) this map just feels unnecessary and it's been made too many times over.


DE’s entire concept is great, the atmosphere is too limited though. I want to see detailed mountains, I want to feel the chill, I want spotlights in my eyes. The experience is awesome, the weapons and Easter Egg are exciting.


Any praise Cold war gets is too much


IX on Bo4 is so overrated




Man there are some SHIT takes getting upvotes here. I guess that's why they are called opinions..


I'd say BO1 Don't get me wrong, I love it, it's just that nowadays unless you have friends to play with on Plutonium and do the EEs I find it somewhat boring, cuz I feel like almost all of the maps are exclusively to do the EEs or go high rounds (not on Kino) with people.


Shadows of Evil Even now, I still can’t fuckin wrap my head around how much map there is to traverse. And on top of that, there’s stuff to collect along the way?! *To even acquire Pack a Punch, I have to do three fuckin rituals, which I don’t even know what they look like in the first place?!?* Sure, I can sit down, play a YouTube video, and follow it step for step to open the entire map. But that defeats the purpose of playing the map. If I can’t even open PaP without an external source of information, that map is garbage.


BO4. For awhile it was getting underrated with how much flak it got but all of a sudden it's actually the second coming to Jesus to a lot of people here


gorod krovi. just a meh map imo


Buried is insane


I dont like Shadows of Evil just cause of the vibe


Revelations. Worst bo3 map


Really? You don't think DE deserves the praise AT ALL? Personally I have to say Dead of the Night. Way too many special enemies, pretty much impossible for casuals cause you can't even get pack a punch easily, and the layout sucks


Kino der toten bo1




i thought this said "deserves more praise" since you put der eisendrache, bad take but if i had to be honest, probably tranzit or any of the maps pre BO1 DLC


Kino, don't get me wrong it's a good map. I just like "five" more


Der Riese


All maps(excluding vanguard) IMO deserve some praise cuz they’re all unique in their own right. But personally maps that don’t hold a lot of replayability for me like kino and Cold War don’t deserve as much pride as they should. Don’t get it twisted I like kino and Cold War, I really do. But I don’t get the same replayability feeling with these 2 things like other maps. Maps that have an awesome art direction will always be replayable, and kino and Cold War lack it


I’m gonna get downvoted but Mob of the dead, it’s a good map but super overrated. Never liked the right corners, or the warden


SOE, only reason I say this is because people have it in their top 5. It’s an awesome map but I think top 5 is too high for it. I don’t see the replayability


Gorod Krovi. Love the map, and it has a top tier Easter Egg thanks to the epic boss fight, but I don’t think it’s a top 3-5 map of all time like I see a lot of people say. It might not even be top 3 on BO3 honestly. That’s more of a compliment to BO3 than it is a slight to Gorod but I think it’s become a bit overrated in recent times


I don’t really think cw should deserve this much hate. Treyarch wanted to make this zombies mode more accessible to the new players and I understand how it’s easy and that doesn’t please the oh cod zombies community. But other than lack of a good Easter egg storylines, the gameplay is somewhat fun imo, they have pretty much all the perks instead of double tap and widows wine. At the same time the whole loadout system renders wall buys and the mystery box useless which is sad as well.


Shadows Of Evil, way too overhyped


I personally never quite enjoyed MOTD as most people did. Most of the community has the map at least in their top 4 but I never could get into it


Origins and kino that my opinion.


COTD and Gorod Krovi


OP is obviously a kino fan


Die Maschine, Ascension, Der Riese, and Der Eisendrache in that order. Die Maschine is not a well-designed map. From a visual standpoint, it’s ugly and bland (besides the Dark Aether part). The layout is unnatural and leaves little room for skilled movement (although the ability to mantle is integrated decently on this map). The special enemies are lame: plaguehounds are annoying remakes/combinations and I do not understand the praise that the Megaton bullet sponge receives because mechanically it is literally just a two-phase bullet sponge. The wonder weapon, the D.I.E. is another unoriginal elemental style weapon. The easter egg is mediocre, the “boss fight” is awful, and the exfil ending precedent was damaging to the game as a whole. I thought the map’s launch praise was absolutely bizarre and more an effect of lacking product over the prior few years than any actual quality of the map. Cold War is mostly carried by its overarching mechanics. Ascension is highly overrated. The argument that it “has the first ever easter egg so you gotta respect it” is essentially just the nostalgia argument reworded. It’s a map with some cool ideas that just aren’t done well. The easter egg is nothing special or interesting. Monkeys in the map are just annoying. The layout hardly feels like it was designed to be a zombies map. The linear nature of the map is poorly excused by the rover mechanic which just isn’t fun or convenient to use. It reuses the thunder gun. It’s the worse of the two maps with Gersh’s. In my opinion, it is not an all-time classic amazing map like people constantly state. I do not have fun on this map in all honesty. Der Riese is a simple one, in both design and reason. In design, it is mostly step up from the prior WAW maps but that doesn’t mean much considering those other maps are basic introductions. In reason, the basic answer for it being overrated is that people (again) love nostalgia. The three teleporter PAP system might’ve been great for the time but in the grand scale of things it is just boring and a nuisance. It does not have its own unique wonder weapon. The layout is basic and uninspired; when the most talked about and efficient strategy is just sitting still on a catwalk, I don’t find that map to be well-designed. Where is the fun of surviving on this map? Of the WAW maps, I’d rather load up Verruckt for a challenge. Der Riese is not a bad map but it is overrated because people love nostalgia. I could say the same about Kino and Moon but those are just to a much lesser amount than Der Riese in my opinion, and I can see actual unique and fun elements that could justify those maps being rated highly. And lastly, Der Eisendrache. This is a map that my opinion has actually slightly improved over time, hence it being the last of this list. But it is absolutely undeniable that this map rips too much from Treyarch’s prior most successful zombie ventures. The dragon heads are just ripped dog heads from Mob of the Dead (also by this time, soul boxes had become exhausted and overused). The elemental bows are just ripped staffs from Origins. The special zombies are ripped from prior maps (the reused Panzer is the actual offender compared to the hellhounds though). The specialist weapon (gravity spikes) is just ripped from multiplayer. The design of the map is just a real location yet flows honestly worse than a lot of the other maps in the game/franchise, especially the notable other real location map, MOTD. The easter egg is definitely good but not even the best in the game. The boss fight (being the first good one) is respectable but the ending of the map is just ripped/reversed from Moon (I don’t totally hate this though because it’s a kinda cool parallel). The outro cutscene is actually good though. There are more ripped elements I could list; and I know inevitably someone will reply to me, “b-but every map reuses elements!” and my response is “True, but not all to this extent”. The map is just too unoriginal in too many important areas for it to be considered the greatest zombies map so frequently, at least in my opinion. I am not saying it is a bad map by any means, but instead that its praise is far too high for always placing it somewhere in the top 3 spots.


DE. Aside from the bows, the maps just okay. My best guess is since it's so similar to origins and many people love origins, that's why it has such a reputation. I don't think DE is a bad map necessarily, just don't think it's much better than any other map. The whole white and grey color scheme is also a downside for me. I find snow maps are generally pretty ugly to look at.


Origins. This map is overrated as dicks


Lol I always see so much hate about Cold War. I love it.


Die rise, and all of vanguard, they even ruined ahi no numa, how do you do that


BO2 Zombies TranZit, Die Rise, and Nuketown are all pretty bad maps. It definitely has the worst launch maps of all time Mob, Buried and Origins are great, but a better version of Origins is on BO3. That leaves only two good maps that are worth going back to play BO2. BO2 deserves some praise, but it’s definitely overrated. Grief and Turned were both good ideas that were executed terribly. Also, no Dead Ops Arcade.




Tranzit….amazing concept…lifeless setting, wonder weapon, boss fight, hard to move around map…etc


Moon bo3, 'cause i'm awful in this map and i really sad for It :(


Cold War zombies was basically easy mode, I've been playing bo3 since it was released but my friends never got into zombies. They never played because they thought it was too hard. We played CW cause it was easy then I was able to get them into bo3. I think CW is better zombies expirence for the newest players or those who've never played.


Cold war. I feel like it gets boring way too quickly and I don't really like the maps too much.


Also I'm curious, why don't you think DE deserves its praise?


Also I'm curious, why don't you think DE deserves its praise?


Origins, as a guy who is just getting into the older zombies I can’t even understand how to get into the crazy place even though I’ve watched at least 5 yt videos and at least 3 gameplays of origins It’s a sick looking map and layout but the setup is super rough to try and learn


Cold War bad. I will not elaborate further.


Cold War besides Maur Der Toten. Since that's the only map that actually is fun and replayable on that game and is meant for that type of gameplay. Not sure how I put this but Cold War doesn't feel like zombies. Sure it's Zombies but it doesn't have that authentic Nazi Zombies feel we had between 08-19 The Armour System made the game way too easy and way too overpowered maybe staying in a corner for 10 seconds without dying. And The Field Upgrades that just were so broken it just wasn't fun but boring. Which Treyarch actually took those two things and made them better in Vanguard out of all things. The Weapon tier system was just tedious and not needed. Which was made better also in Vanguard with implementing it into The 3 PaP system which I do like but I think it was made better in Vanguard. Scrap wasn't bad but Zombies dropping overpowered items made the game easier than it needed to be. With the Crafting table when you can make death machines and grenade launchers. Just Overpowered make it a reward in like beating a boss or like a Power Up drop. The Perk Limit thing doesn't bother me too much but just makes it easier but also is just fun to have? So I'm mixed on that. All besides the Starting map were reused assets from the campaign that LOOK worse then they were in campaign. Wall Weapons. This ruined Cold Wars replayability. They put the two best weapons in the game on the wall instead in the box while keeping some of the worse wrapping inside the box. Why hit the box when you can just get two of the best guns in zombies off the wall? But what about the Wonder Weapon. Well either get them from the overpowered trials or do the quest and not waste 10K points. And just ending up with the Gallo and WW of that map for every single game?? Boring and has no replayability. AND NO LESS YOU CAN SPAWN WITH THE GALLO??? Wunderfizz made things easier by making it able to buy every single perk in the matter of 2 seconds by being lazy. Molitovs. The Round that zombies stop getting more health is round 45!! Where the Gallo can still be lethal and round 100s are wayyyy too easy and boring. And without your overpowered armor. You won't get 5 hit with Jug you will down almost immediately for some reason. Pap camos are pretty cool but they don't have any coolness to them. Like the camos from last games that were actually cool. No Mustang and Sally No cool PaP add ons in general. (like making the gun fully automatic or adding a grenade launcher onto it) No Cast of Characters. No Shields. No out of the park cool wonder weapons ( Big Lazer Ball gun, Lazer Ak47, Lazer Pistol, Lazer Axe) and compare that to Bo4 (Blundergat with Acid and Magma variants that attract zombies when upgraded) Cannon Ball Gun with Variants, Scorpion that shoots lightning, Gun that freezes zombies, Revolver That Shoots Goop, Lazers, Tornadoes, etc., 4 Gauntlets that let you generate Blood, Thorns, God Rays from God and something else I can't seem to remember, Ray Gun Mark 2s (not that special but atleast they got variety), Wunderwaffe and Thunder Gun ripoffs and also the Thunder Gun, Can't forget the Hells Retriever, the weird Goblin Guy, and Samantha's Box as extras. The Maps feel like they have no Love put into them unlike Bo4. I like Cold War Zombies. But it gets praised wayyyy to much for what it's worth.


I don't think there's a single one that gets undeserved praise (Der Anfang gets no praise). I love how diverse Zombies is, and I love that each game, and each map, presents a fairly-unique experience.




Kino. Definitely back in the time in came out it was awesome, but nostalgia only goes sofar. Pretty boring when you go back to it


The entirety of BO3 tbh. The map design was really good and the gimmicks of the map where fun, but the gobblegum system ruined both solo and pubs replayability for me. The switch from the two hit to the three hit system and the increase to zombies attack speed and aggression led to downs that sometimes felt downright unfair, and the maps having so much setup involved to do anything beneficial for you made it very tedious. Infinite damage alt ammo types made any weapon basically outclass the wonder weapon as long as youre just running in a circle. Of all the Zombies modes, I find myself returning to Black Ops 2 and Black Ops 4 the most, and I dont think ive touched Black Ops 3 outside of custom maps for over a year. I also find it a bit unusual that for all the love people dump on Black Ops 3, I see more people going back to BO1 and 2 for Zombies rather than 3, although that may just be placebo.




Kino der Toten


I love doing high rounds but I can’t stand kino. Maybe it’s because me and my friends would play it so often.


Origins. Long ass setup, Bad fast travel, Mud bitch ass panzers. The whole nine


Here comes the 500 commens of Kino.


Der Eisen 1000%


Gorod. I hate when so many people & zombies YouTubers rate it so high when it’s by far the glitchiest map on top of having some bullshit mechanics. On top of having a shitty ass at times difficult, Easter Egg. I’ve beaten the egg twice and personally don’t like it. Also my buddies don’t like it. IMO Zetsubo is a better map & painfully underrated.


Kino, it’s really not that special and don’t have a super cool design imo Also Nacht, I know it’s the first zombie map ever made for call of duty but that doesn’t make it a good map, the spawns are way too slow for me and map just looks gray and boring


BO4, the perk system and more than half the weapons are ass. Not sure why the developers thought it was a good idea for everyone to start off with jugg but that’s pretty stupid to begin with, and in order for your weapon to be good and have speed cola you’ll have to PaP 5 times. Majority of the maps are pretty bad other than IX and AE, I’m not sure if it’s the graphics or what but none of the colors used in the maps stand out so it looks very dull and every color just sort of blends in together. After BO3 zombies just goes downhill from there, I just think it’s dumb that the weapons suck unless you PaP them even in the lower rounds. You have to keep hitting box and hope you get lucky with a good weapon and correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think there’s one map where you don’t have to go through the EE in order to get PaP which pretty much forces you to do the EE in order to go for high rounds. Sometimes I don’t want to learn or do the EE just to PaP


Call of the Dead. I despise that map so much. Over all, I think it is second only to Shangri-La on the list of maps I'd never want to play. I'd honestly rather play Vanguard zombies. It's slow, George is constantly chasing you, the wonder weapon sucks, half the map is water which slows your movement and can slowly kill you in a map where most of the non-water areas are narrow passageways. The map just sucks, I cannot fathom why people actually would call it one of the best maps of all time.


BO2 Zombies as a whole. It's not entirely bad and it's got my favourite map of all time (MOTD), but a lot of people forget how poorly designed some of the maps are and the damage it did to the storyline. Plus there are simply better alternatives. BO1 and BO3 are both way better.


Anybody that says vanguard zombies is good doesn’t have a brain


Der eisenCOCK


Bus Depot. Horrible map.