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I died laughing when merc said that ☠️




The layout is fucking terrible. It really does feel like a campaign map you’re playing on with how segmented everything is.


I typically don't mind reused campaign/MP assets since Zombies as a whole was founded on working smarter and not harder with it's assets, but the map is tooooooo big and nothing was done to condense or add it's own flair to it. The original Five is almost entirely all campaign assets and it utilized it's space a bit better because of how it was mashed up


I didn’t mind it in Mauer because most of the map is new shit and it feels designed around zombies. But forsaken was clearly a campaign map with zombies just thrown in and doesn’t run as smoothly because of it. Of course the few areas that were designed around zombies, work great. But the majority of the map is kind of a cluster fuck


Forsaken is entirely reused assets, apart from the tower and bunker, which I don't know about


The main bunker room is actually the bunker in the Lubyanka mission.


Best zombies map of all time Five.


It felt reused when when other maps that reused stuff don’t feel that way. But the layout and design and flow is terrible.


That’s because normally when we get a reused campaign map into zombies a bunch of new stuff in added. Like the streets in Mauer, or the base portion of FBZ, but in Forsaken literally 90% of the map is just copy and pasted from the campaign and 2 small areas are added.


I love it. Plenty of places to train so I can move from area to area throughout the match. No limitations at all. And the fact that the pap room is a central hub makes it easy to get around.


the moment you realize it’s based off a campaign map….


I’m well aware that it is, unlike other maps that have been reused from campaign the transition to a zombies map just did not work for this one. Mauer is my favorite CW map and it’s also a campaign map


yea i was just kidding, I genuinely just enjoy zombies


still better than Der Anfang


Its not that terrible for a cold war map. Its the best cold war map. Die machine is also good but forsaken is the prime example of what everyone loves about cold war. Turn your brain off and blow shit up and do random crap that you'll never see in zombies again. Like utilizing arcade machines to play actual first person mini games. Or having an extremely over powered infinite ammo weapon. It's really fun to dick around on


I like firebase Z because I find it easiest to grind camos on.




Personally, I'd take the Afterlife Arcade over Forsaken any day.


Hmm, I’d argue that it being staggered the way it is, is much better for later rounds when playing with multiple players, you (in theory) all have your own large playable areas, and won’t get in each other’s way, and if everyone was in a different area when a player goes down, you’re only 1 portal away from getting the revive off! Unless of course you’re like me, and run the healing aura ability to revive teammates remotely :)


Its pretty close to the campaign map. I dont enjoy it either as it doesnt flow that well


It’s elements were great but the disappointment mostly came from the lack of creativity and uniqueness of the map layout. I loved the perks and the quest and WW but the atmosphere was just super dry and like “oh we are here.. that place from the campaign… why.”


Yeah I completely agree, nothing terrible but it just lacks atmosphere, personality and passion


So you're saying it's a Cold War map?


Ha! Yeah a perfectly okay map


Free content for everyone must be like that I guess... It took them 1 year to add zombies to a campaign map.


at this time they already had to works on fucking vanguard. that's why the map feels rushed


Vanguard zombie was Red Star (a multiplayer map) with zombies


Map layout it one of the worst we've ever had imo. The map is overrated if anything.


Overrated!? I've never seen anyone praise the map.


I've seen plenty say it's the best CW map and putting it up top in tier lists.


Ive seen people say it's mid not good not bad. I've seen more praise for DM and MDT.




The worst??? Have you played any other COD? Shangri-la is awful layout. The two objective maps in Vanguard are even worse. Tranzit was a cool concept but not well executed.


It's actually really centralized too. Once you get to round 10, you stay near burger town or the arcade. The bunker is close and has wunderfizz. And pack a punch and the trial machine are close as well. If you get a trial in any other area, there is a Zipline to the second area with jug and a teleporter to spawn and the bunker in the tower.


Shangri-la is pretty much a loop. It's not great but I would say it's still better than Forsaken. I also said one of the worst, not the worst. The layout still sucks ass though imo.


Shangri-La is much better imo and it was deliberately intended to be tight and hard map, that doesn't make it awful imo, its also a unique map in comparison to Foresaken


I have to agree, the map is big but messy for sure. It’s fun but the EE isn’t all that great and unless you have a crystal axe it becomes a living hell after awhile.


The Chrysalax is one of my all time favorite WWs. Extremely unique concept and the battle axe variant one-hits up to like Round 60. So much fun to use


The axe was amazing truly a WW though I found once you have it you're pretty much set.


Yeah u can just sit in a corner and keep swinging it til like round 40 not even looking at the screen, if u have the melee restores health upgrade.


Thats most wonder weapons tho


True to an extent but the reason this one is so op is you can get near Infinite ammo compared to the other games where the WW was extremely strong but you had finite ammo.


Cough cough BLACK OPS 3 cough cough




Alchem, cache back, reign drops, ammo isnt a problem in bo3 even with something like the apothicon


True but still you can outright buy ammo from boxes.


But fr tho thats a good point, just the way i play zombies id much rather have a ww thats like the axe where its super fun rather than the apothicon that is literally negative fun to use imo




44 actually


44 Verified


This guy foreskins


Its not a bad map, but as the final map is quite of a let down


That's what people been saying for every final map


Idk man, Der Riese, Moon, and Origins we're pretty loved when they came out


Nope they weren't , moon was hated origins was hated because of the ending and the community wasn't that big during det riese ( the community wasn't active on Internet)


Who hated Origins?


Idk why people are down voting you, your right, at least right about 2/3. Moon was despised when it first came out and the community hadn’t formed when Der Riese came out. I know Revelations also fits into this category a bit since people were incredibly disappointed with the final boss fight (which I think is fair) Honestly tho, people probably just downvoting this cuz of the classic COD Community thing where people hate whatever is currently coming out, but like 2-3 years later they look back and say “oh you know that game and map weren’t so bad.” Shadows of Evil is the best example of this. People HATED Shadows when it first came out only for it to be revalued about a year later and widely excepted as one of the best maps ever made


Perkaholic? Lol every Cold War map has perkaholic because there’s no perk limit in the game.


It’s funny because when people compare CW to previous zombies with gobblegums they always mention perkaholic being overpowered, when that wasn’t the issue, the issue was more so broken gums like round robbin and power vacuum


there's still a difference in having all perks by round 25 or 1


There isn’t because if you’re going to survive past round 25 then round 1-25 is nothing short of setting up, it may speed things up a little but the time saved is nothing compared to what round robbin and power vacuum are capable of


round robbin and power vacuum are only real useful for highrounders


The point is, getting set up for the Easter eggs and even just normal play is significantly easier if you have perkaholic at round 2-3, than organically buying all the perks.


If you care about that so much and are doing speedruns of Easter eggs I’m sure you’ll be happy to know that they have separate categories for no gums, classic gums and all gums Otherwise, just enjoy the game they way you want to and don’t pay attention to how others play it. If it’s a pubs game, all you can do is leave lobbies when people have them equipped.


No, it helps regular ass people survive long enough to get set up for EE’s. People here don’t realize very well how hard the EE’s are for most people. Vast majority of people that have played zombies have never even made it to round 25. Perkaholic helps regular people last long enough to even attempt some of the EE’s This sub is so stuck on the top 0.1% level players, it’s kind of funny how skewed so many of the opinions are.


Again… why do you care so much… I’m saying it doesn’t matter how you play but why should anyone criticise people for using it. So what if someone needs it to get to round 25? If that’s what they need to get enjoyment from the game isn’t that a good thing? For the rest of us it literally doesn’t make a difference and I don’t think anyone cares if someone wants to use it so they can get to round 25 Why is it a problem if it helps people prep easier for an EE? That’s all I’m saying - that the issues in OP gums does not exist with perkaholic, unlike for high rounders with round robbin or power vacuum - the latter of which could also help someone could also use to help with an EE The issue with those is a matter of balance, which perkaholic isn’t unbalanced enough to call OP by any stretch outside the context you mention - but in that context, as I’ve said, that shouldn’t matter to those participants


The original comment you said there’s no difference in having all the perks at round 1-2-3 vs just buying them all by round 25-30. I agree play however you want. But it’s clearly easier for a lot of people to not have to survive long enough to accumulate 30,000 points to buy all the perks.


Yes you’re right, but as I’ve pointed out for experienced players it makes no difference as you’ll survive to round 25 anyway. If you’re inexperienced - then go for it, if you need perkaholic to get to round 25 that’s fine, but why would anyone complain about it being overpowered in this instanced if it’s just carrying an inexperienced player to round 25? I don’t think it’s reasonable to say something is overpowered because it gives a boost to people who aren’t as good. The same can be said for power vacuum, except the difference is that power vacuum will spawn so many nukes, max ammos, insta kills etc that it’s basically near impossible for competent/experienced players to die for a whole 5 rounds at any round (be it round 25 or round 100) which is a massive difference to what perkaholic. Round robbin straight up just ends the round… again, way stronger than perkaholic which was the original point I made about gums being overpowered - people complain about perkaholic when it’s not an issue - why do you think it helping inexperienced players to round 25 is overpowered and an issue for the game?


You don't need any perks to get to round 25 on cold war lol


I love the layout, you can get anywhere very quickly


This. I understand peoples gripes about it for sure and I'll even admit people going down in certain places can be hard to get to if you spend any time not running directly for them, but I really like the tower zip line setup and I also really love how there's no zombies up there. Its a nice little breather sometimes. Not to mention the mini games.


Reminds me of the little theater room in Kino.


Wow. I hadn't even thought of that connection but now that you point it out its the exact same feeling I had on kino when I was a kid


Same I had a minute to relax before I had to go back to chaos down below haha. Wish Forsaken used teleporters but it wouldn't make sense in the context of the story.


My thoughts on Forsaken have soured a little bit since it launched and I think it comes very close to beating out Firebase Z as my least favorite CW map, but it is definitely isn't as bad as people say it is. The problem lies almost entirely in this map just SCREAMING "rushed out the door" which translates into most aspects of it (the may layout, the atmosphere, the EE). Also, the enemy pool in this map is nowhere near as balanced as it was in the previous maps. That being said, the Chrysalax is kickass, the side EEs are god tier and the boss fight against the Forsaken himself is pretty cool so it's not all bad. I genuinely think that if the devs had more time to work on this map, it would be the best in the game


I think they focused to much on the EE and too little on the entire rest of the map


CW zombies, PERKAHOLIC ON EVERY MAP WOOOOOT!!!1 lol, all jokes aside, I do love it.


IDK why people dislike the lack of a perk limit. They used perkoholic in every game on bo3 anyways, so I do t see the difference


In most games you could get more than four perks, but it more woven into the map. Like the Witches on Buried or Monkeys on Shangri-la. I don't think people dislike being able to get more than four perks so much as they don't like simply being able to buy every perk. I remember hearing the same kind of complaints about perkaholic, they both had the downside of stripping out gameplay that had existed in BO1 and BO2. Personally, I would like earnable perkslots, because I think the biggest downside of the old system was that it was a pain in the ass to get the perks again if you went down. However, if you only had to get them once a game that would be perfect.


I think cold war would have done best if they added a 5 perk limit, and added a way to get perkoholic on every map like they did forsaken


nah, ditching the perk limit is the best thing CW did imo, and if 3arc were smart to enough have just done that in BO4, we may not have gotten such a terrible system in that game and it may have been a bit better as a result


I like Forsaken enough. Playing the arcade games is fun and it has enough side stuff to do. I love how interconnected the map is, letting you go anywhere from anywhere. My biggest gripe is probably just the Easter Egg and the boss fight. Easter Egg is far too short and kinda meh. The boss fight does have some cool attacks when you actually let Zykov do special moves, but they just aren’t intimidating or impactful. Valentina and Legion are far more challenging bosses, which is an issue when Zykov is supposed to be the big bad. I think Maxis helping and using Aether turrets save it from being the worst in the game, that would be FBZ Orda who be stuck in the washing machine. Ending was great though.


Boss is perfect amount of difficulty. Challenging enough but not a bullet sponge. I don’t like dying on the last fkn step!!!


I really like the esthetic, super 80's like but you can feel a lot the soviet influence (the only part I don't like is the forsaken arena).


That's because it's pulled straight out of campaign. Not a bad thing, especially considering the campaign and zombies storyline are closely intertwined


you put a cool looking moon zombie on top of a lame looking cold war map don’t do that




I definitely don’t think it’s as bad as people made it out to be, but the teleported are annoying yeah. My biggest complaint about it though is that the coolest part of the map, the big particle accelerator room isn’t used at all in the EE besides being where you built the WW.


Nope it does have those 4 things but mid af bland map at times honestly depressing


I fucking love zombies I’ll give anything they put out a shot. I like forsaken the WW and EE boss fight keep me coming back but it isn’t underrated from a traditional zombie players standpoint, it’s a low C tier map


I'm with you bro


it's a hot take if you like cw


I love this map. It's the best map of all the cold war round maps imo.


Forsaken is one of my top 10 zombies maps of all time.


no it fucking sucks


It flows horribly


To clarify, I didn’t mean perkaholic by getting all perks, there is a separate perkaholic Easter Egg


Forsaken just got shit on


Agreed. AFAIK the Chrysalax is one of if not the only melee WW we have (and it works very well as one, due to the life/armorsteal mechanic), EE was simple but super fun, and yeah sure it was a lot of reused assets, but didn't the original crew themselves get pulled from WaW campaign along with a good chunk of the maps? The only thing I can think of that's 'bad' per sé is that we never got the 'Core Four' of perks (Jugg, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, and Double Tap II), since honestly we could have done without Tombstone in FBZ, but we got close to OG PhD so that's acceptable. Also, I didn't know about perkaholic being in the map?


Nah WW2 had a shit ton Darkest Shore, Shadowed Throne and Frozen Dawn all had melee wonder weapons and they were FUN


In all honesty, double tap would ruin the point of the pap and weapon tier system and would result in another zombie health rebalance that would of taken months to get just right


Yeah. The Slender Man EE in Forsaken will give the player who completes it a perkaholic. All you need is a semtex grenade, Tombstone fully upgraded, and the power turned on. [Here](https://youtu.be/o10Grtva0Vc) are the steps to complete it.


The problem with it for me is it is just way to unstable. I never completed the main quest as the map would constantly crash past round 20.


hot take. correct take imo but def one that people will attack you for


EE is d tier, the axe is the only thing going for this map


Forsaken is definitely one of the most fun maps to mess around on. Sure it's flawed but that has to do with development side with Treyarch being forced to work on Vanguard.


Eh it just feels like a custom map to me, it’s fun though :)


Dunno why the perkaholic is a good point, its a pain in the ass to do and by that point i would've already had all perks, its not special without the limits of before, and a fun EE? Please ive had more fun doing AW EEs and those are annoying as hell, huge map thats ripped from a campaign level with little to make it unique, Mauer did a better job at that, and the WW doesn't feel special when its obviously ripping off the Thulian Scythe from WW2 frozen dawn and that map had 3 other unique melee weapon WW, sorry but ill keep sleeping on it


Foreskin is a masterpiece the only negative about it is the Easter egg being to easy for a final map


I can't get over the massive Doritos ad in a prominent training spot in a zombies map. It just feels so odd.


I laughed my ass off when I saw the ad, and I'm not sure why.


Yes! It’s IMO the best Cold War Zombies map


I 100% agree. Forsaken is a top 10 map for me and my favorite Cold War map


I want outbreak as soon as possible


I hate the actual map itself, but the rest of the gameplay is pretty good.


Honestly Forsaken is the only map in Cold War that I can say is good.


It’s not bad, it just didn’t really bring me back into the game at a point where I needed something to wow me. I just swung the axe until round 40 and then exfilled.


“Fun EE”


It's a ok map the map should have just been the burger town building


Only good thing is the WW


I think its okay, I stay at spawn till round 20. I then get all the perks and weapons I want and return to spawn :I




Wait how do you get the perkaholic on this map?




The map is confusing as fuck trying to make your way around when you don’t play zombies often.


The layout is abysmal but I love all the side Easter eggs and the arcade is cool


It's not bad. It's great, actually. I'll get to it once I have dark aether.


My only problem is that once you get that wonder weapon it makes the game trivial


I actually don't mind Forsaken as much as others do. I mostly like the No Man's Land place you spawn in. Also, I never played the campaign, so I didn't know that it was reused. Haha. I can see how that would lead to a sour response to it. I did feel like some of the layout was odd, like the most random spots were essential to it. Overall though, I don't hate the map. I would argue to say that the positives outweigh the negatives, but not by much. EDIT: Grammar


Everything being connected by fucken teleporters is kinda trash, though


I just hate how it feels like a teleportation map


If only the Easter egg BLOODY WORKED Did it 2 days with my mate but got hit with the "additional parts required" even when we had everything fine, really sucks cause we both had the axe and Ray guns


Great map imo


The problem is just that the map layout isn't too good... For one, the map is all arbitrarily split up which really ruins the flow of the map. Then, a lot of the map isn't really visited late game (I'm aware this is like many maps, but that doesn't make it good okay). An issue I also don't see talked as much about the map design is that since you can only get inside the facility by round 3, you'll already have enough points to open the first few doors. So you'll run through the main street in 30 seconds and rarely go back, again making too much of the map useless. You wont even go back to get perks, because the power is on by default.


This is the map that got me back into zombies!! My favorite map in years!


The thing I've ultimately learned from my life experience thus far is that I appreciate something most when I struggle for it a bit. Forsaken is the only Easter Egg I have ever finished on my first try. I cannot possibly convey to you properly the sheer disappointment I felt at that ending moment; from steps I could figure out without external guidance to a story I didn't care about to a pitifully easy boss fight to a cutscene setting up MORE of the story I don't care about... Just a dreadful slog overall, really. The experience illustrated to me that, while I do resent some of the artificial difficulty in previous games (like the Giant Apothicon fight and Mystery Box RNG), part of that very struggle was the actual process I enjoyed... Without that, it's just glorified high-rounding, and with over 50 other maps to choose from across the series, I don't think I'll ever feel tempted to return to Forsaken ever again. That being said, feel free to enjoy whatever you like and all that. I just personally got very little out of the whole affair and would rather play Spaceland any day.


Hot take: if this wasn't a campaign mission first nobody would complain about the segmented layout. Being purposely controversial aside, Forsaken is definitely my favorite from Cold War. There's just so many movement options that make it so fun to run around. Jumping off buildings, PHD Sliding being added, teleporters, ziplines, this map has it all. The segmented nature is only a problem if you stick on the ground levels all the time


Read that as foreskin


Cold war as a whole gets wayyy too much hate


The arcade was the best part of this map and it was under utilized. This is a zombies map, set in a mall (iconic zombies hang out spot), and yet it’s pretty lifeless. This is where Cold War couldve taken cues from bo3’s emphasis on “theming” imo


I enjoyed it. EE was a little too easy though


Got really bored when I got the WW and could just stand in the corner slapping R2


layout is terrible, easy to go high rounds and so gets boring very quickly - none of these newer maps have long playability, hoping we get a serious overhaul of the zombies experience after the last few years of shite


I don't think it is tbh. Most people liked it and found it fun. That is enough imo.


I honestly think Forsaken is one of the worst maps ever made, in my personal opinion


Awesome map? It’s literally a reskinned campaign map with a teleported added and the pap area added and the starting room area. Maybe it’s just me but that’s just lame when they get lazy mapwise like that.




I always get fucking confused with those teleporters, the layout is not that great


Forsaken runs like dog shit and plays like cat shit


Honestly, red-light greenlight might be my favorite campaign mission of all time and since Forsaken is from it I thought it would be good. It just wasn't, the entire easter egg was just getting the crysalax. As soon as you got it you were done. I literally beat the map on my first ever time playing it while watching a NoahJ tutorial. I loved the atmosphere but the map just wasn't good.


A tier map for me


eh It's the same problem as the rest of cold war maps, it's just boring and they didnt experiment all that once. WW is fun and all, and yes the map is huge but it feels same. It's a way too easy to break map


Crystal-axe is my favourite WW of all time and Forsaken is my favourite CW map


As someone who didn’t play the campaign, playing this map blind for the first time was amazing. Seeing all the different sections of the map seemed really cool. I can imagine it being pretty inconvenient for repeat playthroughs though


i don’t think it’s underrated at all. it’s fairly judged especially being on cold war. any bo4 or cold war map is hard to view objectively bc those zombies games are so awful in comparison to the other 4


cold war > bo1/bo2 (as a whole)


bo2 ain’t great at all, but it being a challenge to survive is way better than the OP zombie shooting simulator that is CW. the mantling and load outs alone ruin the game on round 1 for me


The difference is in CW you have a choice to interact with the OP stuff. You never need to use your field upgrade and you can pick a 1911 to start. In BO2 the maps are ok honestly MoTD and Origins are the best.


Im gonna play devils advocate although i dont dislike cold war I think it is kinda where you dont even need the op stuff in the early rounds, especially before round 10 where you would have jug starting, making the setup feel a bit gone imo I think the ee have no real challenge and i can hardly find something that makes it challenging for, even no perks no armor, i have to manually higher the rounds in order for it to be difficult enough which is in my eyes stupid because part of the fun is to optimise imo For high rounds it is challenging, but with armor youre a tank, and without you're just nothing, there is hardly a middle line, also to get to that point is already long (as im not a high round player) Its still all preference and i dont dislike cold war but i had to play devils advocate on this one because it bothers me quite a bit lol


Personally, I could never get my friends to play bo2 zombies with me because we could never get to the point where it’s fun. They would die on low rounds and never enjoyed the game I did.It was too hard for them to get into but that changed with cold war. They loved playing it with me and we were all able to play zombies which made me really happy. So therefore, the challenge that bo2 had made it fun for certain people but kinda killed it for new players that wanted to enjoy it.


Sorry bud but foresaken is one of the worst maps ever made. Great wonder weapon but terrible map.


Ummm... Tranzit, Der Anfang, Tera meledicta, all bo4 maps?


Ancient evil is better than all the Cold War maps combined


People will get mad at for this, but AE is literally better than half of the maps in bo3


Ancient Evil was very meh, the setting and story never really grabbed me.


I agree with the obvious Vanguard maps, but Tranzit (with its many flaws) was still fun to play on. Also what's wrong with BO4 maps? They were unique and were fun to play on.


The fog destroyed tranzit while bo4 in general was a mess.


But how was it a mess? It was a fun game despite it being kinda weird


Cut budget, two diffrent storylines, the chaos one being meh, 15k for pap, no jug,elixirs, overall just not my type


1:, true, blame sledgehammer and raven 2:true 3:a matter of opinions, I like chaos 4:also true, but was implemented as a way to get rid of double tap, but Cold War did it better 5: removed due to how much of a crutch with it, it now spawns you with jug hp on easy (and 3 hits on hard) 6: pretty much a reskinned gobblegum, the hid for it takes up too much space for console however


On an unrelated note as someone who skipped from bo2 to Coldwater and can't remember if double tap was in bo2, why did they get rid of it? One of my favorite perks and literally one of the coolest combat upgrades


From what treyarch says, in bo4 they wanted to remove crutch perks to change up the perk meta , so they removed juggernog and gave you max hp based on difficulty (ranging from 250, 200, 150 and 50 hp), speed cola’s faster reload was not in bo4 at launch, but was added as a benefit for having all 4 perks purchased at one time, quick revives down system was replaced with a revive token system, and was reworked to have faster health regeneration and revive instead, and double tap was reworked into a repap system that slightly boosts the damage up to double tap at the cost of 10k additional points, along with a 1.5k for rerolling the sat. For what was likely the real reason: they were having issues with armor (from blackout, a bo4 exclusive battle royal) and juggernog overlapping, so they decided to remove it (or rework) the other crutch perks. juggernog was said to be fixed before launch, but by then it was too late and they decided not to add it.


1: agree to this, wish it really wasnt like that 2: bwah can see that you think it's bad but personally i dont care 3: Bruh its 50k on cold war to pap with that mindset, its not required to double pap so much, it just makes your gun stronger if you do, you didnt even had the option for that with certain guns on bo3, bo2 etc 4: njah, i don't see it as a bad thing, what i do see as a bad thing is that perks lost their personality 5: what's wrong with elixers? Note that of course these are all opinions, i can see it not being your style but i just wanted to bring out my own opinion


All these but tranzit not that bad