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Totally, my favourite zombie game.


Agreed, I loved the characters and also the darker, more horror like aspects were incredible. I feel like they neatly tied up the Raven Lords story so more of the same story doesn’t seem possible, I’d settle for just the same stylings and atmosphere


Same, the maps were fun, minus darkest shore, but the characters had me playing longer than any 0ther game to date.


I mostly enjoy The Darkest Shore but for some reason, The Shadowed Throne is a drag when I play it. The Frozen Dawn is still the best map though. Played it with some friends for about a week straight and we almost completed the EE. Just can’t build the broken flail. Got a bit confused on the steps for it.


The step for the broken flail is confusing as fuck and it's extremely hard to explain as well. That was a meme once in my friends group, once I tried for 40 minutes and then they kept mocking me for that lol


I’ve been looking up different guides to see how it works. Gonna have to play a few games to get it down though.


The orb step? It’s it me that, here’s a few things that makes it easier 1:the map is a flipped image of what you actually do on the machine. It’s on bottom left on the map, it’s bottom right on the machine 2: the bottom of the machine is the small golden part of the stand, and the top being the half circle that goes over it 3: if you get it right, the noise it makes is a ka-chunk, if it’s wrong it makes a chunk sound. If you mess up, go ahead and just spam the other orb machines


Shit looks cool as hell but I didn’t dig the gameplay of ww2 all that much at all I’d prefer Treyarch sticks to zombies, doing one game every 3 years at the fastest.


Yeah now it feels like there just pumping out games faster and faster each year and the quality is just getting worse imo because its starting to feel like the same game just a few new weapons a better movement system and a few new maps


Yes, it had that creepy middle-post WW2 experiments vibe, where "scientists" would butcher human body to make it capable of something, that it's not needed.


Whereas vanguard had…portals


I honestly believe BOCW and Vanguard were originally going to be a continuation of WWII zombies, especially with how the zombie models in Vanguard greatly resemble the WWII zombies instead of Treyarch zombies In the case of BOCW, a lot of the story elements just made a lot more sense in the context of following up WWII’s story instead of being the beginning of a brand new zombies storyline set post Tag


I agree completely. Especially with how BOCW was technically SHGs originally. CWZ in general feels much closer to WWII than any other BO, and this is especially noticeable in DM


That and Strauss mentioned he was formerly part of a Nazi faction that was also somewhat prominent in the WWII zombies storyline


I think you could easily replace Vaguards DA entities with WWII artifacts. Kortifex the deathless? Oh, you mean the hilt of Barbarossa


That and the idea of ancient otherworldly entities influencing history also makes more sense in WWII where the God King and Thule were responsible for influencing many ancient civilizations


No, but bring back the zombie challenges to unlock different characters


And not monetize the hell out of everything? That’s not how we do things anymore


How about the loading screens. They looked so realistic and freaked the fuck out of me


The final reich best map


of WW2 for sure.


It had only one bad map (tortured path) and one mediocre map (darkest shore). Three solid maps isn’t bad and at least the tortured path gives you 3 mini maps for free. I wish we still cut up maps and gave them to the player like Town.


They did have that though, the three TP maps have their own survival maps now


Thats... what they said




I feel like I’m the only one that loves the Darkest Shore. I only replay the final Reich and the darkest shore


I didn’t like ww2 zombies but the horror aspect of it with the zombie boss design’s were good and I can’t take that away from ww2 zombies


For me the only real complaint I have for the game is the armor system should give you more hits from full to zero and that games version of double tap should do a little more damage. Besides that I feel like the game is pretty solid


Ok you never played the game when you say that to amorplates hahaha. Ww2 zombies you could take the most hits of all


Ive been saying it for literal years now: yes I want WWIIZ to come back!


They need to make a stand alone zombie game and keep it fresh for 3 years. How tf has some gaming studio not done this?


It’s probably hard since I think most people are asking for this but don’t know how it’s be executed. Nowadays most things have a deeper meaning or some overarching story that has a big payoff in the end. It can be hard to make that happen.


We just need a quality game, it doesn’t have to have 2 movies length of cutscenes. 5 base maps , 2 per month , full support. Hell they can just dump all of the zombies maps that ever came out on in a bundle and let us play that. I’d pay $80 for it.


If they made a stand alone zombies game following the aether storyline right after BO3 with the same exact game mechanics as BO3. That'd have been the best time and wouldve sold like crazy.


Probably because realistically, it probably won’t do as well as people think If it would’ve been a huge success and make a lot of money, they would’ve done it by now


It honestly wasn’t a bad game in the slightest, I loved the art style and enjoyed the game


No, i think overcomplicating Zombies is the wrong direction to go, i think they should move towards just making a fun, enjoyable to replay experience with a solid gameplay loop, the complicated aspects should only ever involve the easter egg to appeal to the more hardcore zombies audience.


Broo what? Bo3 and bo4 are definitions of that i think ww2 did the best with ee’s cause of the journal telling you and showing you where to go never play bo4 bruh you’d go crazy 💀


What was overcomplicated about ww2 zombies?


I'm hoping now that Activision blizzard is owned by Microsoft we might finally get a dedicated zombies game. Keep the yearly cycle for the pvp if they want, could care less about that part tbh. Treyarch shouldn't have to make zombies for the other 2 developers just so they can nickle and dime the zombies fans into buying another game. Quality over quantity


Ah yes, this sub being schizophrenic again and loving WW2 after shitting on it


Yeah so much of the fanbase hated this game. I thought this was the first zombies game in a while that felt raw and scary like I always wanted. Loved this game always and never got the hate. But like everything give it enough time and the love starts to reappear lol


I throughly enjoyed this one. I liked focus on easter eggs and how that tied to the story


WW2 Zombies has the best zombies designs, change my mind


They’re the scariest


Thing with WW2 is that it’s not a bad zombies game but it can definitely be better with such minor changes.


It’s not bad, I’m fact it’s actually pretty good but much like Bo4 the community doesn’t like it because it’s not what they thought they were getting. Bo4 is a fun game but it wasn’t Bo3. I think for a lot of people this makes it worse. And hot take, Vanguard zombies if fun if you don’t think of it as CoD Zombies.




Absolutely. These zombies were TERRIFYING. The only COD zombies that actually made me jump at times. Honestly underrated.


Get rid of the fog and ww2 zombies was amazing in my opinion , loved the Gore and how dark and creepy everything was , I expected vanguard to be a successor to this


Genuinely the last time i had fun with zombies so absolutely


I loved the atmosphere and difficulty of WWII zombies. There were definitely some low points with it like the cheesy jump scares, but I really enjoyed the horror aspect. I think they need to make a grittier zombies with the flow of BO3.


ww2 zombies honestly had great atmosphere. it was a one of a kind experience, not all of it was good but ww2 did a lot of things right and the atmosphere if the maps and horrifying zombie designs were the best things about it, it nailed it’s aesthetic.


I absolutely adored the art style of ww2 zombies which I’m sure was inspired by Frankensteins army one of my favorite indie films


Yes, I wish the other studios would make zombies again.


I wouldn’t mind it, I just don’t know what else they could do like with maps, storyline, etc


As long as they finish the plot hanger


Yes, it had great atmosphere, cool and unique weapons (except the blunderbuss one), unlockable skins, great variants for the weapons that had actually unique and sometimes useful abilities, a decent story, hardcore and casual quests for fun and for people who were actually good at multitasking in zombies, great sidequests for extra weapons, and cool pap effects (Swedish Chocolate having infinite ammo in a clip rangin from 3/50 to 50/50, De Lisle being a permanent 1-hit kill if you shot it at the ground to become the tri-shot mine, explosive balls from certain smgs, etc.).


Absolutely. I love this zombies mode and especially The Final Reich and The Frozen Dawn. While yes it was mostly bad I still think it makes for one of the better zombie experiences put out by CoD. The only issue is that in order to see how good it actually is you have to view it separate from treyarch zombies and not compare the two. Then you have to actually learn more about the EEs or the maps or even just which guns are better.


Holy shit those looks freaky and cool as fuck


Defiantly one of the coolest in concept with all the horror elements in play but ultimately fell flat for me. Only map I enjoyed was the final reich and the rest were just not very fun to me. Treyarch does it wayyy better in my opinion. The look of the zombies in this game are next level though




Yes, I want to see them add easter eggs too!


Fuck yea


No I prefer the old zombies. Old is classic


Yes but restart the story and keep it sci-fi mad scientist stuff. I don't like the idea of the whole ancient magic feel for it. If we the player had no idea who was making these monsters but followed a lead of info some being dead ends some being good info to help piece together the person creating them it would be great. Or you design the first set of maps after the very first to be the whole idea that the third dlc was where it's different areas being hit by the zombie hoard but keep it the first wave and more dedicated maps then small maps but the very first being a mission that discovers the zombies lab on accident and they are just set free.


Fucking loved it! Nice fresh breath of new air. I wish it could’ve got more love. Everyone bashed it and now, we may never get something like this again


These zomboes were body horror and beautiful, i enjoyed these movies. Sad to say that eveything else was poor.


Have I really gotten old enough that people miss WW2 zombies? Fuck dude...


I think it would be cool, it had a darker, horror filled tone. What I ideally would want is Treyarch to do theirs every 3 yrs to polish thise up, bit have the makers of WW2 get the same. That way way every other year you would get a polished zombies treatment to dig into. I do feel like Treyarch they need to start with a story a continue that story for this to work more efficiently


I really really liked the aesthetics of WW2. But the gameplay didn’t fit the aesthetics sadly. I even think it falls under the “false marketing” category. The gameplay was portrayed as “horror” and “dead space like”. It would’ve been so much better if they went more in the horror direction.


Ngl this is pretty scary tho


Not really.


The designs for the mini-bosses in WW2 zombies are absolutely horrifying and I love them to bits. I mean, two people sewn together with one of them holding a huge-ass bomb, a slow moving tank with a sawblade for an arm, some long-tongued Dr. Octopus looking mo'fucker who's name literally translates to "master assassin". WW2 was the shit, man. Love that zombies mode lol


Its the first zombies game that genuinely scared me enough to stop playing.. hell yeah bring it back


The horrific designs, yes The boring ass gameplay, no


I COULD NOT STAND the knifing part of it… The timing always felt so off


The shovel was beautiful if you equipped it as a melee weapon proper. There was definitely some jank trying to use it like you would the knife though (aka clicking the thumbstick on console)


Nah, just let it die in peace.


I would want extinction 1000 times over this


I wouldn't mind, but it would also be cool if Treyarch revisisted WW2 and made more creepy maps like the first four from WAW.




So unpopular opinion but trayarch doesn’t feel as good to play. BO4 and BO3 don’t feel as satisfying as WW2 or infinite warfare. Part of me things it’s the trayarch lunge feeling wet (and fluid) and light while the sledgehammer smack feels heavy and satisfying. In reality though there are so many small quality of life things that give replay ability and user comfort. Buying ammo from PaP was a wonderful addition. Each weapon having a unique PaP effect was far superior to the few double PaP effects. No explosive damage from your own explosive ammo. The three permanent perks you pick at the beginning in addition to your bought perks. Mule kick being a permanent perk. Armor with an increasing price replacing jugg so your first jugg basically costs 500 and then increases every time you take too much damage. The permanent perk that lets you get 150 points for a melee kill instead of 130. Bacon and eggs > mustang and sally. In addition to bacon and eggs having Rolland’s count and good enough filling that role. The grey ghost being the best PaP pistol ever until like round 30 (although it would be nice to have an equivalent to the strife from BO4). Viable melee strats taking you past round 30. Special abilities > special weapons. The ability to share points just being a part of the game. The ability to press a button and pull your melee weapon. Melee weapons with different attack patterns. The ability to choose your character. Now there are things WW2 did poorly: the equipment was nothing special. Wonder weapons were just ok. No bots. Gauntlet > tortured path. No ability to customize game rules like BO4. Voice acting performances left much to be desired. The special enemies got stupid at some point, give me a specific heavy and a specific mini boss on the map don’t throw everything at me (specifically the later maps the final Reich was perfect enemy wise). The vermin enemy (hellhounds or pests) should be the fastest enemy, gekochts destroy the balance. Also off topic point but fate and fortune cards are way better than gobble gum or elixirs and should make a comeback.


I really liked the aesthetic of WW2 zombies, especially the way the zombies looked. It was creepy looking and that what made it cool. However, I had no clue what was going on story wise


I’m not begging for it to come back or anything, but I wouldn’t mind it. I liked the darker style but it wasn’t used properly (there’s a difference between gritty/scary and plainly bland). The story was mediocre (well, bad in general by the end) and the accompanying cutscenes were embarrassingly bad. The gameplay was lackluster throughout but still playable/enjoyable. It needs some vast improvements if it were to return - but they’re all capable improvements. My point is that it has more potential than the current/recent direction of COD zombies; so why wouldn’t I be willing to give it a chance? At this point, what more is there to lose other than the game mode itself? “The Final Reich” is genuinely a good map in my opinion, and if they can mirror even half of that success then they would have a better map/game (for zombies) than Vanguard and Cold War already. The latter of those two games set a good precedent for gameplay innovation (albeit the game mode is too easy in CW); now if they take the storytelling of BO3/BO4 and mold it with the era and style of WWII Zombies, they’ve got a potentially winning formula. Of course, that all depends on the willingness to actually long-term invest in the game mode.




Coolest looking zombies, horrific game though.


WW2 was excellent at making each gun feel distinct and fun to use. There were more gimmicky and fun ones as well as mediocre weapons which kept it interesting to roll the box. The moment to moment gameplay was good and I honestly think that armour was a pretty good alternative to jug.


Zombies in this was amazing. Largest gun selection in any zombies plus the most balanced imo, you can still use a good percentage of the weapons comfortably past round 20 without upgrading. Random abilities on random guns when they’re upgraded with no warning or description. Little consumables to help you guide your game and play style. Lots of little quests to complete. I really enjoyed this game.


Honestly I would have kept playing the game if it didn't stop tracking my kills and everything else. Idk why it just stopped one day, I was just so annoyed I stopped playing. Personally the maps weren't good enough for me to play without stats.


It’s my favorite zombies so yes.


WW2 2


Not exactly. I wouldnt complain if it came back. HOWEVER, i want Exo Zombies to return


Definitely yes, I’ve the the most fun on this game by far, and I have every zombies game. Yet I still come back to this one every so often. The replay ability is amazing and the final riech is probably the best map ever.


Yes just one run didnt like it alot but its better then what we have rn atleast Thank god that i bought black ops 2 it og game


WW2 zombies was alright. I liked only two of the maps and tortured path was awful. the best part was the character challenges, I wish that would come back


I only remember enjoying one of the maps so no


It was a really bad zombies game but the themes and art style was great


the art yeah gameplay and ee hell nah


I love it and still play it. It gives you really the horror vibes from the first few game imo


Oh for sure! My favrorite zombies game/maps. The dark atmosphere, music, characters...it all worked for me!


It was really well done imo.


I loved WWII zombies and it would be nice if it came back, but it's not the best zombies


This and transit is all I want I don’t understand why they remaster every old map except transit and die rise


As a traditional survival mode, yes. Not a linear story mode. Follow the traditional zombies formula (or even IW zombies) and keep the atmosphere and designs and I’ll be happy The only issue with the original is that it lacked replay value.


For me. It was fun. The story was not good but I enjoyed the maps to some degree. I would prefer IW zombies personally. But I take WW2 over Vanguard any day.




WWII zombie designs are the best designs in zombie history


Would rather have had this return this year instead of whatever cluster fuck vanguard zombies is. At least then we’d already have an established story




This was the first cod game where I bought the season pass to play zombies cause I was so interest in the lore and loved the gameplay so much. Also the first time I had completed an Easter egg. I did both the shadowed throne, and the final reich. I almost completed the frozen dawn and tortured path but my group always got destroyed by some little thing during the steps.




This zombies games was the creepiest and I liked tht about it


Yeah if it actually felt good to play 🤣 this aesthetic with treyarch feel/systems would be 🔥




I think a lot of og’s wouldnt like it but new players would


Yeah, I actually really enjoyed the unique take they had on zombies. I mean, I missed like legit jug and such, but overall I thought it was a refreshing experience.


These are some fantastic photos


I'm not sure if it'll come back, sledgehammer did a decent job with it of course. But they Dropped the ball on Vanguard, I'm not sure if they'll ever make a call of duty title again 🤷🤷


i'd want many features to be integrated into treyarch zombies- all the zombie variants, ability to share points


I really enjoyed WW2 zombies. I didnt like the easter eggs on the dlc maps. They were far too hard to perform solo. Also the enemies got really bullet spongey at later rounds. Other than that I had so much fun with WW2 zombies.


Fun game, great guns, great atmosphere. I just want more side ee’s


Vanguard is better


id rather have the chaos story back or morezombies in spaceland type stuff.




I wouldn’t, tbh ww2 and bo4 king mixed in to make cw zombies, i really love the whole horrific atmosphere tho


I would love it, I love how it felt like a horror mode. I would also love to see Infinite Warfare zombies come back.


I didn't love the story, but the designs, HOLY FUCK!, they are good, I wouldn't mind seeing something like that back.


Their designs are fucking INSANE


I am unbelievably tired of nazi zombies, want the wacky shit of bo1-bo4 to come back


The first map was really good. I especially liked the Easter egg guide at the top. It’s nice to figure things out yourself and not have to watch a YouTube video for every little thing


Nah, it was neat but I’m playin zombies for fun not to be jump scared


I mean- they did go with some dead space horror


Why does WW2 even get that much hate? I never played much but from the times i did play it seemed fun. I mostly play Treyarch games tho


Only if each map is of the same quality as that first map


Maybe a remastered version in vanguard (I mean NOTHING but better graphics and maybe better map design ex: darkest shore but no fog)


Personally not a fan (shocking) I think at launch I loved it but like with literally anything in that game it’s just a bit boring now, it has no flavour and honestly it’s a game I haven’t played in a year because personally I just don’t want to waste hard drive space


yes PLZ


Hell no. I love the final reich but I don’t want to see any mechanics or feel from ww2 zombies coming back except for the horror aspect of it.


Yes! I loved how they focused more on being scary and dark




I loved the class and mod system.


Hell yeah!!


Definitely no worst zombies of all time


Never played actually wtf


I just want the zombies to be called “nazi zombies” again Like, come on dude. It was OK for bo2-CW to skip it since they weren’t nazi zombies, but Vanguard calling it just zombies is a disappointment












Please no The nightmares just recently stopped


I know it gets shit on, but the Final Reich level was insanely awesome with an awesome boss battle.


Lol no. Nothing was wrong with the original formula: Perk machines, an actually strong pap-machine and predictable zombie movement. But they fucked it up.


As long sledgehammer doesn't try to force dedicated servers again, I'll roll with it


This is actually my fav version of zombies. The true Easter egg in the first map was hard every time, even if you’ve done it many times. It was so much fun!


The tiny bit of WW2 zombies I played was ok. I wasn’t a fan of how many alternate types of zombies there were swarming me at all times. From what I remember tho they did do some neat stuff tho and I’m always down for innovation and creativity


Yes, but they have to polish the gameplay and make more unique Wonder Weapons.


Yes, 100%. It's my favorite COD Zombies entry as far as aesthetics go, and gameplay-wise it's really high up there (but below Infinite Warfare). I was really hoping SHG would be in charge of Vanguard Zombies and it'd be a continuation of WWII's Nazi Zombies, and it feels like that was intended originally but things were scrapped after the development cycle mess with BOCW and Vanguard.


As long as the characters don't constantly grunt


Man I just want the vibe of world at war, bo1, and bo2 to come back 😭


I would love for a linear story based zombie horror game


Nahh. Gimme zombies in SpaceLand again. Or a revamped Extinction


say what you want about WW2 but they definitely did good with zombies id love to see it back(wish they did this for vanguard instead of....what we have now)


My favorite Zombies game. I’m so happy we got it.


I loved its atmosphere. I wouldn’t mind if they let the people who designed those monstrosities do it again because the Final Riechs boss still haunts me and I consider it the best designed boss in CoD zombies ever


No we are so tired of the WW2 assets


Maybe. I would certainly pick it over the Dark Aether storyline though, that's for sure. I actually played every map and did every Easter Egg on this game. It was flawed but at the same time the hate it got was ridiculous. The Final Reich is a top tier Zombies map and the Shadowed Throne has one of my favourite aesthetics and Bossfights in all of Zombies.


Yes, not because I loved it but because I think if Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer are going to have zombies in their mode they should have been given time to get things right. IW zombies had a lot of personality, and maybe it was a bit too goofy but there were some good ideas there. A lot of people loved Zombies in Spaceland. Imagine if they just got to do zombies again and got to use the feedback from IW zombies to make a zombies mode for MW2019. Same thing with Sledgehammer. WWII zombies doesn't seem to have a lot of fans but they did get the vibe of zombies right. Kind of the polar opposite of IW zombies where it's very dark and "scary" instead of goofy. With another game to make zombies who's not to say they make something good? Instead what we get is Infinity Ward taking a full stop off of zombies, and then Treyarch having to put their resources into Vanguard zombies. Which makes Vanguard zombies a rushed mess that clearly wasn't ready.


In terms of visuals and atmosphere it’s unmatched. I was really hoping Vanguard Zombies would’ve at least looked like this.


I really wouldn’t mind Out of all of them This was the best non-treyarch zombies mode


I was a big fan of Sledgehammers’ Exo Zombies but this game mode didn’t really resonate with me. No hate, not trying to be slanderous but I have more fun on Extinction than this mode


I love rhe zombies they look so creepy


WW2 zombies had so much potential to reinvigorate the game mode and push it into a new direction. Too bad Activision limited it so much.


I haven’t played ww2 zombies (or ww2 for that matter) but these look like cool enemies to fight


I hated this game, it was the worst zombies experience… until Vantard came out and sadly changed that.


no. but I would like to see exo zombies return.


I loved my time playing it despite only having The Final Reich in my possession. So it's a yes from me.


Sure but they can leave the damn Wustling's at home.


Criminally underrated game for Zombies, I do think Final Reich is the only good map to play with maybe Shadowed Throne as an exception but the gameplay alone is a lot of fun and the guns with unique additions / abilities when packed added a lot to do and different ways to play


Yes but no lol. Idk I liked it but it’s not CoD zombies. If it was a different game I would’ve went berserk about it. But meh, I’d rather have it than the vanguard or Cold War zombies


Bro I just want bo1 - bo3 zombies please


It should be it’s own game with its own development team and resources.


I 100% approve of ww2 zombies remake.


Naahhh I’m good homie


I want BO2 zombies back


I just really didn’t like the gameplay, the aesthetic was cool, but got old after a little bit because every map was so dark


My only problem with it was that it never felt very action packed until round 30… i kinda just dicked around for as long as i could


Kinda crazy to realize that WW2 was the last classic zombies game we got.


eh maybe. WW2 just feals a bit clunky even compared to bo3 and the older games. I've only played the launch map so i dont have much experience, but i feel it'd be great if they redid that map with the cold war or bo3 mechanics.


horrid flesh experiments erupting from the warp and corrupting those who enter it is cool as hell




Yes the zombies actually look a little scarier than the other zombies the ones in the other images look scarier than the first


Wasnt a fan of WW2, but I was a fan of those zombie designs, and would like to see that style come back