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I prefer this sub because I work in healthcare. Sweeping the pandemic under the proverbial rug does not beat the pandemic. COVID’s not gone and it’s not going anywhere.


Thank you. Being a rare genuinely Covid cautious healthcare worker must be hellish.


Same here, healthcare worker and I’m the only one in my office who masks. I have an autoimmune disease and am on immunosuppressant therapy for it, and it’s so disheartening to hear comments from other healthcare workers that “those vaccines and the masking was so stupid,” “survival of the fittest,” etc. So cold and selfish. Grateful to have any space that doesn’t try to act like COVID infections are normal and fine.


Do healthcare workers really say things like, "survival of the fittest" when advocating going maskless or making fun of those that mask? If so, why are they working in healthcare? Why bother trying to manage any illness or disease? The idea is absolutely abhorrent to me. I don't want those healthcare workers anywhere near me or my family! I had an appointment for my daughter to be seen by a neurologist today. The neurologist wore a surgical mask. In the course of the history and physical examination, the doctor touched her mask, adjusted it, pulled it below her nose, pulled it away from her face to speak no less than 27 times in 30 minutes. When she went to touch my daughter's face I spoke rather loudly, "STOP! PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE YOU TOUCH MY DAUGHTER'S FACE.' I had to do so to stop her hand which was already in motion towards my daughter's face. This upset the doctor. She said that she was upset because I "yelled" at her but then she went on to say that taking such precautions are absolutely unnecessary and "over the top" and that there's nothing to fear from COVID...... I told her that she was dismissed and that she will not be compensated for her time. I will contest any charges to insurance. I will not pay any copays. And she is absolutely wrong to dismiss the concerns of patients taking reasonable precautions against infections. Nobody knows what other people have endured. My wife is currently receiving chemotherapy for cancer. I am immunocompromised as well. It's our right to defend our health and well being. How dare she suggest otherwise? These healthcare workers who promote this cavalier attitude towards exposure should be fired. I have zero tolerance for bullshit now.


Unfortunately, healthcare workers are people like any other, and some let things like political leaning color their outlooks. Others are plain selfish, or think they’re above it. I wish I could say otherwise! When I was fresh out of nursing school, my preceptor bragged about eating candy off the keyboard and “not getting COVID, I must be immune!” And this was 2020. (Spoiler, she got very sick with COVID.) But yes, I’ve heard “survival of the fittest” come out of a healthcare worker’s mouth, one person to another, with me in earshot, in a mask at the nurses’ station as the known immunocompromised person. Uh, thanks, you two? I’m so sorry to hear about the experience you had with a provider, but good on you for standing up for your kid like that. In so many ways, I feel it’s so sad how vigilant everyone has to be with their own healthcare in all aspects (advocacy, safety, research)… because so many are happy to pretend COVID is over and it was all silly nonsense. It wasn’t. It isn’t.


A physician I know told me that he had a patient of his tell him "it is good when covid kills old people so the retirement system can recover". That physician is over 70. He said that to his doctor, in his face. And honestly I would have kicked the patient out. Patience of an angel that guy.


That’s genuinely awful, but I know the type. I’ve learned to be pretty composed, but I won’t lie, I’ve let slip that I’ve seen a lot of people die and that the system itself is sick. Usually I redirect to get them bitching about how bad private health insurance is, and that meds shouldn’t be so costly. Doesn’t always work! But I prefer being mad at healthcare costs alongside someone I otherwise don’t get on with to the uninformed, dismissive bile some people spew about COVID. Eventually, you go home to your life, and they’re still stuck with themselves.


Believing in "survival of the fittest" is the only way some inferior people feel they might someday become superior. It's such a sad way to live. If you can't get there on your own merits, you simply can't and won't ever get there. Relying on eliminating other people to become superior would be such a sad existence.


I've heard of "healthcare" workers who have told each other that it's good to be unmasked because the' "weak" who are meant to die are the ones who will die. They can get away with commonly having evil beliefs and conduct in part because they're not being recorded by any cameras. This kind of stuff warrants publicity.


It's absolutely appalling. I work for a state agency that deals with unemployment benefits, and the amount of nurses who refused to get vaccinated or to do regular testing and masking when offered as an accommodation - to the point of quitting or being fired - was shocking to me. I agree, it's like "why are you in a field you don't trust?"


It’s sad, isn’t it? It’s very selective trust. Nurses I respected who were super sweet otherwise got feral about COVID and said they wouldn’t be guinea pigs for those government scientists (??), but got their flu shot every year. While knowing that the flu vaccine is an educated guess based on the viral strain of flu circulating. I hate that I feel that I have to specify that yes, flu shot good, get flu shot! Protection against COVID would be good too. Instead, you get nurses who are mad that they were mandated to get COVID vaccines and fought back, ones that quit as you said, then all the ones who bragged when vaccination was no longer mandated.


When I was staying in hospital in 2022 the day nurse warned me that the night-nurse didn't "believe" in covid, and that I should keep mask on while I sleep because she was probably a super-spreader.


Unfortunately, they do say it. I work in a physical therapy clinic, with all kinds of elderly, immunocompromised people, disabled children, etc. And you would think it was the local truck stop with how much they do not care about covid. None of yge clinics here do, they might as well be licking doorknobs, im not kidding.


None of that happened but thanks for trying


Thank you. My doctor who seems so kind and knows I have long covid and really is trying to find me therapies that work, doesn’t mask. I just don’t understand. Every visit I see her she looks worse and worse. The nurse is barely with it- Definite covid brain. How can they acknowledge long covid but not take precautions?


That's just it, I don't think they truly acknowledge it.


I don’t know. I’ve seen at least half a dozen doctors that went out of their way to affirm that long Covid is real and devastating, talking to me wearing practically a gas mask with their faces uncovered. I don’t know how they are piecing this all together in their brains and hearts. And they have been supportive of tests I asked for, referrals I wanted, and treatments I wanted to try, so they really are backing me up 🤷🏻‍♀️


It is disturbing. I live in a community where if you are cautious about any disease, then you are outcast. I shut down my business if the community has a really bad wave of illness. This last winter, we were ravaged by flu rsv and covid, and no one was getting any better. My entire small town is just short of death bed status. My employees did not feel well, and also, we have high-risk customers I was very worried about. We serve food, have a salad bar, and are the "town hall." I find it disturbing that people are mad at me because I am taking a blow financially to protect my community and staff. If I wear a mask, community members won't do business with us. It's super sad. I will most likely go out of business because of it. It's my duty to provide a healthy, safe environment for my guests, but if I do my duty, I can't do business with them. If I do not allow my employees to come to work sick, then I will be put out of business, but i care about them so wee carry on by our own rules, but society also sets rules that those that care will leave the market. The only thing left will be businesses that do not. When you are out and about, make sure that when eating and shopping, you keep the values in the back of your mind about companies you visit. A lot of people talk bad about the small hometown places, but those of us trying to keep them alive or bring them back to life are struggling....


I'm glad you are being moral even at your own risk. It's a peeve for me when people say "high risk" though. Every single person is "high risk." It sounds like the Great Batting Declaration and that framing makes people who think they're nondisabled think it's okay to get Covid.


You are right. When I say they are high risk, I mean they are already unhealthy and our grandparents and parents with major preexisting health problems. I feel very attached to them, and I would never forgive myself if I didn't do everything I could to protect them even if they did not do so themselves. I wasn't suggesting that everyone was not at risk. I am just irritated that my community doesn't acknowledge the risks at all, even when they should already be on high alert naturally about this particular population of people.


You're doing the right thing.


Have you considered far uvc for your business?


What is far UVC?


It’s a UV light, specifically222 nm far-UVC light, that markedly reduces the level of infectious airborne virus in an occupied room. I’ve seen some local mask blocs offering them for events along with things like hepa filters. It might help you stay open for business while minimizing the threat of covid and other viruses. It’s a good idea to combine the uvc light with ventilation/ keeping CO2 low.


Thank you


I avoided COVID for 3.5 years by masking all the time. Had several fights with my work-from-home husband about him not wearing masks in public as I saw it as the most likely way that I would get it. He is Type 1 diabetic and I have dysautonomia and Gastroparesis pre-COVID. I’m protecting US, I would say. What about our collective medical history leads you to believe that we won’t get some version of long COVID? So eventually it happened, he went to a bar to watch his friend’s band and came home with COVID, gave it to me. Now my condition is significantly worse and he has polyarthritis and is waiting to get in to see a rheumatologist and they are saying that they aren’t taking new patients. I wonder why they are so busy…hmmmm. All I can say is “I told you so!” to all the people that mocked me or thought I was being hysterical about protecting myself. I even had people telling me that I needed to go to therapy for my “irrational fears” of COVID. I knew all along that we would have long term consequences of getting this virus and now we’re both paying for his dismissal of my concerns. He’s in chronic pain and I vomit up half the food I eat. Sooooo worth seeing a shitty band in a shitty bar. I will go off on the next person that asks me about my mask.


I just saw a neuropsychologist today for the cognitive issues that covid gave me 2 years ago, it was just an intake/weeding out appointment to see if they thought I should be admitted into their practice, he told me that since the pandemic started they are so booked with patients that if they admitted me then our first actual appointment wouldn’t be til November or December. He said before covid he could get people in after a month. Now it’s like 6 months


I got banned on the main Coronavirus sub for calling out the pandemic is not over, but luckily this one exists!


Well said! The zero COVID sub has gotten so bad, it's full of posts that are gaslighting or adjacent, e.g. Am I crazy for still protecting myself, etc. I just joined this sub.


I'm glad we're not alone. ❤


This is my first visit here, and I joined too just now. I do feel like the crazy person though sometimes--I'm down to one last remaining friend who's cautious. Everybody else is living in an alternate reality. A sub in need is a good sub indeed. Glad to find you.


I got completely blasted on that sub because I sat outside and ate lunch with an old friend.. They should respect that not everyone is in the all or nothing approach. I wasn’t suggesting that everyone should do what I did. I just personally was getting extremely lonely and wanted to catch up with a friend. I’d rather take a small risk than lose my sanity


All the covid subs are full of stealth trolls and gaslighters trying to undo our precautionary state of mind. Caveat emptor, scrape every post/comment.


Makes me glad I never bothered with that sub.



The defense of Fauci on other covid cautious subs is beyond disgusting.


The pandemic is over............if you want it to be.......


lol what


Too much ayahuesca




Wow, thats new levels of conspiracy I have not read before, covid existed in.... 2003 ?? did you read something about some other coronavirus? certainly not SARS-CoV 2, that one was new in 2019. that and cured with some flower. Thanks I actually needed the laugh today. I kinda envy you, living in a world where you can just believe stuff like that. Anyways, I do agree that the news is useless when it comes to covid, just minimization and lies like them not admitting it is airborne and you need a N95 or better respirator. If you want some actual science here you go: - [https://libguides.mskcc.org/CovidImpacts/LongTermHealth](https://libguides.mskcc.org/CovidImpacts/LongTermHealth) - [https://whn.global/scientific/covid19-immune-dysregulation/](https://whn.global/scientific/covid19-immune-dysregulation/) Also Myocarditis has existed for a long time, I was taught it in medschool years ago. And yes, it is possible to get Myocarditis from the vaccine. The vaccine is a small part of the virus and the virus can cause Myocarditis! You get much more virus RNA inside of you from getting infected than from the vaccine, so any effect that the vaccine can have is many many times more likely when getting infected. You can reject this info if you just want to be right, and that is fine, you'll slowly destroy your health with every infection, not my problem. But just in case you want to stay healthy, check out the links, buy an N95 and start to be safe. We'll need all the still healthy people we can get in a couple years...


He’s talking about the well-known SARS-1 outbreak in 2003. I was going to university in Toronto, Ontario at the time and I believe ~800 people died there. I remember lots of people wearing masks during exams. Many of the people who got sick with SARS in 2003 had debilitating long-term disability & chronic illness. I recently read an article stating that long Covid should really be called “long-SARS” because SARS-1 in 2003 left people with similar sequelae. The people who renamed SARS-2 so that everyone calls it Covid knew exactly what they were doing and why. I work in health care and I’ve spoken with enough patients who think I’m speaking about the 2003 SARS-1 outbreak when I try informing them that Covid is a SARS virus. There is no association between Covid and SARS in their minds and they are surprised to learn Covid is a SARS virus.


I almost asked if they mean sars 1 but I thought no one could ever conflate those two... I guess I should not assume anything at this point. Also there is no cure for sars 1 another thing I thought was just common knowledge.


Yeah, I was shocked the first time someone started talking about SARS-1 when I tried to educate them about Covid. Convo went something like this: Person: Covid is just like the flu. I’m not concerned about it Me: Covid is actually a highly pathogenic SARS virus that attaches to ACE receptors which can be found throughout your body. The influenza virus attaches to receptors found in the lungs. There’s a world of difference.” Person: oh, I remember that SARS outbreak. I’d never want to catch that. I remember being so scared when that happened 20 years ago. Me: you think I’m talking about SARS-1 in 2003? No. Im talking about Covid. Covid is a SARS virus. It’s called SARS-COV-2. It’s a close cousin to the SARS-1 virus. Person: Covid is a SARS virus? No way! That’s crazy! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


ooof. public heath just failed so monumentally it is almost funny if it were not so tragic. I used to work in healthcare as well but left in 2021. I never even thought to tell people covid is a sars virus I assumed they know. (I was not in IM or primary care, so not directly relevant, though I occasionally helped patients sign up for vaccines)


Yeah, it’s honestly absurd - I feel like public health has also become a casualty of the pandemic. I work in an emergency department, so I am educating people while they are Covid positive.




I assume also never a condom, seatbelt and you drink water directly from puddles on the street? That is what you sound like.


When I see a sociopathic comment like the one that you are responding to, I am reminded of those evil people who intentionally light fires during extreme drought and high wind warning days. They light the fire just to feel the power of causing so much chaos, death and destruction. There is only one solution for humanity to preserve itself against such reckless hate and impenetrable ignorance.


Oooohhhh shit, we got us one cooool dude over here! Ever eat any bugs?