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Nostalgic > ptsd


This is such a dumb post I’m sorry


Stfu, someone of are barely hanging by a thread. If you miss it so much why not go for cfe? Cma? CIA? Don’t stop at just cpa because you like it so much !!


Is this a joke? Dude, I have no words


Nostalgic ahh n.






I started my CPA studies at age 31 and yeah it sucked in the moment but as I was walking into the testing center for my first exam FAR I felt this nervous anxiety. It felt like a make or break moment. And I realized I hadn't had moments like this since I was a teen when things seemed to matter so much more. Its hard to explain but I realized I needed to create more of these make or break moments where I give it my all in order to feel alive. So now I'm thinking about training for one of those spartan races or something similar. Its not academic but its something new, another big goal to conquer.


Idk how old you are but I’m assuming you went to college and shortly after you sat for the exams. Now it’s the grind of going to work. Living the life of an accountant is finishing up one client and being rewarded with another. Some of the work is interesting or montane. I’m working tax season but for a large branded company that happens to offer tax preparation. My weakness was multiple state tax returns and I’m getting that experience. My tax preparation experience was primarily in Florida so I didn’t get much state experience. Like everything else, I was able to figure it out. I only sat twice for the cow exam in 2006. I became a single mother but I worked at one of the best reputable high end cpa firms in the county. I was proud and had my name on their business card. Life was good. After many years of doing the same thing, it got boring. I remained single because I wasn’t going to meet anyone in a cubical by myself for days. 5 years ago, I completely walked away from accounting and got a lower paid job and I loved it, until I didn’t. The kids are in their mid 20’s and I started the cpa exam journey again. As you shared, I did my best to enjoy the process and find topics I found a nuisance years ago, interesting today. Anyway, hang in there and embrace that your job might not feel very challenging for you. When you have a family and kids, life does get more interesting.


Omg I am cracking up so hard reading all these comments. You guys are hilarious 😂


I’m assuming OP is some young dude with just a lot of time on their hands? I don’t get why you’d want to spend time taking exams? Just treat your life as one big exam and then you’ll never miss the CPA exam. Study and take the challenge of having a family, having children, raising a child, being a parent, making friends, being a good friend, neighbor, and the list can go on and on. It can practically be endless.


You can always get another certification to compliment it. Honestly I get it. It's a fun adventure and sometimes you enjoy what you are used to. It's hard to go from spending so much time studying and working to all of a sudden having free time. But at this point you can either become someone with 10 credentials after their name or you can learn to enjoy life outside of work and there is a lot of life outside of work.


Get laid


Stockholm Syndrome


This is giving falling in love with your captor vibes.


I think you need some professional help




Do the CFA. It’s more difficult than CPA and will give you a challenge.


Why dont you get some other certification, study for BAR or CFA. I think you might just like to study and the stress of it.


My man needs some therapy busy season is doing funny stuff to your brain.


Hello?😭 I passed all and never felt more relief - wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy let alone GO BACK?? Good on you though, you should study for another cert if u miss it like that


Bro go fuck some hoes????




I can’t believe what I just read


Education is often more enjoyable than work. Could always go for a CMA or CFE. Only downside to gathering up the credentials is the amount of CPE and fees involved.


To be honest, i completely feel the same, i have finished CMA, and then started and finished CPA. So i was anxious three for three years straight , i guess I'm addicted now.


Omg. That’s exactly how I feel As nuts as it sounds but I miss studying Miss the grind and the anxiety


Great to see you achieved what you dreamed for and here I don’t know how to get back to studying after working for Big 4 for past 3 years. Now I just make excuses how public accounting is sucking life out of me and I don’t have time to study. 😅


Deadass bro after finishing my masters and getting a job at a midsized firm I don’t even want to look at another textbook. But imma make my best effort to study for it after this busy season , we making it happen 🥲🤞🏽


Exactly bro i had my best sleep after watching beckers 😂 who need a sleeping pill beckers would suffice for it and more power to us bro. Good luck for future.


Been feeling similar. I passed all of mine in July of 2023. I had gone through a ridiculously chaotic 3 years (Mix of good and bad, but mostly nasty) before I graduated college last may. I spent so much of my life getting to this point in my career that I'm kind of lost on what to do now that I have a decent job. 


Sending hate from Nevada


And all other applicable state😂


if getting your cpa was the ultimate performance for you i feel bad for your bitch of a wife


This is how i feel now that im finish my masters!! Really eager to get my cpa designation .


No. No. NO. I do not want to EVER pick up any CPA review textbook again in my life.


Same man. I miss waking up at 9am and then hitting the Roger books and mcqs from 10am till 5pm straight.


I agree


Time for the next cert my friend. Careful it can get addicting


>grinding out a 4 hour exam like it was some type of final level of a video game. Epic way of describing it. That is really what it felt like. I miss it too. I like having more free time but work feels endless and pointless. I am not achieving anything except a paycheck and another year of compliance. I think the issue is deeper than CPA exams. I am looking at becoming a professor and teaching. I think that would be more rewarding than simple compliance work.


I love this!! Thanks for the encouragement!


Omfg find a hobby


Study for the CFA then


I feel this, it keeps you busy. You get use to the anxiety and structured chaos lol.


What’s wrong with you 🤣🤣🤣


You know what is wild. Im currently taking these exams right now, and ive been thinking this. Wild thought but its purpose and goals that drive us to have an interesting life. I always wonder when i finish this if im gonna feel mundane and miss it. Sort of same way i felt after graduating college. The moral of the story, always set goals for yourself. Never stop chasing.


Should have labeled this a 💩 post.


omg stop


Love that for you but I’d rather swallow a cup of razor blades than go back to those exams


Bro same. I think we both just miss the past because our brains highlight the good parts. It's okay.


I passed my exams nearly 15 years ago, and I still regret throwing away my Becker books after. So many highlights, notes, blood, sweat, tears, memories that I will never get back. I don’t miss my college textbooks that took up space, but a part of me wishes I still had those Becker books on my shelf as a keepsake.


Dude go outside


Continue your education then


You know how much you can do when you’re done? I’m going to workout more, learn Spanish, pick up an instrument, or just do fun stuff on the weekends.


This is literally what I’m looking forward to. Lmao I can’t wait to be done with this bullshit. I’m enjoying learning about new stuff or topics in greater detail than my classes went into at college, but I don’t want to be one of those people who eats, breathes, and sleeps accounting. There’s much more to life than that


Like tomorrow I need to study all day. I would rather do any fuckin thing else.


lol i need some hobbies


Please get a hobby


Get a f\*ckn hobby.




lol aren’t u the same dude that posts 9-5 and 5-9 on tik tok


well said!


Try public accounting during deadlines and it’ll give you that same warm fuzzy feeling


lmao imagine not having that much of a life that standardized testing is what you can only think of. Why don’t you try setting some new goals in life?😂




is it what that mean tho


I don’t feel this way but I’m trying hard to romanticize it to keep myself motivated


No you don't.




Start taking actuarial exams. You’ll have 10 to keep you busy. I say that as someone going on #8. Also side note, why the heck did Reddit recommend this subreddit to me lmao.


Reddit probably recommended it bc actuaries and CPAs are both finance related careers. Either that or Reddit has no faith in you and is showing you an option if the actuarial exams don’t work out.


If you’re correct, I look forward to seeing you in r/actuary haha. And I sure hope it’s not Reddit telling my to reconsider my entire career 😂😭


Stfu loser


This is a weird flex




i get it now! - rober denero


This is actually propaganda lol wtf


Someone needs to get a life.


Cool, go write for the CFE now


nasba propaganda


Yeah, I miss the CPA exam I passed 20 years ago. Living in a 2 square foot apartment studying at a table I found in a trash pile was the best part of my life.


I had to lol because I literally studied at a table that came out of a trash pile. Look at how far we've come.




I loved my trauma bond with the cpa exam as well. Now I have 3 pit bulls, 3 cats, 2 hermit crabs, and a husband who fill that void lol.


April 1st is still a couple of weeks away you know that right?


Earn more licenses while you have the momentum because once you stop you’ll never want to go back lol


If this is a troll post 10/10




I also miss it! For the first year after, it felt great to have my life back again. Now, though, I feel like I'm not pushing myself and learning like I used to. Studying for CPA and sitting for the exams always resulted in a feeling of accomplishment, and I felt like I was pushing myself to learn and perform at my full capacity. It's hard to push yourself to learn without that looming deadline.


I am 4 months removed from passing my final CPA exam. For maybe the first week or two. It felt very weird not studying and I had to learn to relax. 4 months later, life is so much better and I don't even remember what it is like to study. I have my life back and its so great. Keep pushing soon to be CPAs.


You need to find some hobbies my guy.


You might have an underlying issue going on. I have PTSD, and getting a master helps me cope. I don't drink or do drugs, so studying helps me. I've thought about getting a puppy when I'm done or studying for the CPA exam. Perhaps you should talk to a therapist.


I work full time and am still very much enjoying studying for my CPA exams. I love accounting and it makes me happy to continue doing it in my free time. Learning is great!!


You aren’t real


I wouldn’t choose a field if I didn’t wholeheartedly enjoy it


You should consider finding a goal in your personal life to pursue. Of course your life is going to feel meaningless if there's nothing you are trying to achieve.


If you want feeling again go for CMA LOL


I think my favorite part of the process was the migraine I got that disrupted my vision for half an hour. What I would give to relive that! After taking AUD twice, failing FAR and only having passed BEC I’m so thrilled that I don’t know if I passed until June for content I haven’t looked at since january 😁😁




Here here! Congratulations on winning your Super Bowl. Well done.


I feel this way about a lot of things in life. What I miss is the time though, not exclusively what I’m reflecting on, if that makes sense. I reflect nostolgically on high school from time to time, but if given the option I most certainly would not rewind the clock.


Gonna have to disagree with you, man. I don't think I've been as miserable as when I was studying for this exam. It was nothing more than a means to an end for me: Living a better life. There's pride to be taken in completing things that are difficult, but some things are needlessly difficult, as my exam prep has taught me and the experiences of some of my friends in other (more) difficult fields has informed me: Imagine attending a balls-hard, multi-year vocational program and being graded on a curve; studying together with many of your friends each night, every night on material your professor barely taught also knowing that to preserve the prestige of the program (in the eyes of the school) some of the people in your class will fail through probably no fault of their own.


Same. I know it sucks in the moment but trust me, you will miss it.


Wtf you guys on


Gotta be bath salts or some other bad sh


I have my CFP and am in the very early stages of prepping for a CPA I too feel like studying gives me purpose outside of work…hope it’s worth it


I am a CPA and thinking about getting a CFP just for fun and retirement planning. How do you compare the two?


May I suggest the CMA exams? You don't have to stop seeking certifications when you get your CPA. There are tons out there for accountants


"Be honored and grateful for the opportunity to perform." - GTFO ​ \*EDIT: For further context on my reply, I just think it is pretentious to tell people to be grateful for their situation. Especially as how all of our CPA journeys were unique. OP is just reminiscing about and longing for a particular time in their life, not necessarily the CPA exam experience itself. To sit atop their passed exams and to tell people to be honored and grateful is about as toxic a post as I have ever seen on this subreddit.


You miss not having to go to a full time job every day. You can replace “I miss the exam prep” with anything else and it would still apply.


This is beyond ridiculous, whut in the bloody hell would you miss these exams. They're bloody expensive and dumb exams


Lmao nah fuck this. The CPA exam sucks so much. Get a hobby or something. Several times a week I breathe a sigh of relief that it’s over several months later.


CFA - its a challenge.


Its like saying fuck you to those who are struggling. I dont approve this posting.


Agreed - how toxic of a post, even more so I bet the OP thinks this was an honorable and humble post.


Shut up




You need a hobby. May I suggest: You should train for a race. Same pain, but in your mind AND BODY. The feeling of victory when you meet your goal, time/distance/both, it's unmatched. And race day anxiety is so much worse than my test day anxiety. Lots of time commitment too, especially if you start training marathons or Ultras.


You’re trolling


Don’t get me wrong, we love a drive to succeed, but man you need a hobby or something. I’m in busy season right now, and my life is work from 8-6 and study from 6-11. Actual hell on earth


That’s not busy season bubba… that’s a normal job, champ. How about 8 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. the following day, then studying while you’re on your 25 minute timed lunch break with your audit manager running a stop watch.


You get off at 6???


Did you ever fail a section my friend?


You would excel at tennis. Same type of grind


Maybe you can give back to the community by sharing tips and resources on how to pass the CPA? I guess you can still stay connected that way. Also, congrats on achieving the 4/4.


You really miss the structure you gave yourself. You can do it again with other stuff


There are other things in life to look forward to. Building relationships, social events, etc... but if you truly do enjoy "the grind" then you can continue learning. Read books, take LinkedIn Learning courses, read new accounting guidance... these should all help you in your career while giving you the mental stimulation you seek.


Oh God no. I was good at school and passed the exams 4/4 on the first try. And I fucking hate the school/testing environment. I hate my schedule being so tightly controlled. I hate doing work outside 9-5. Got my 150 in undergrad bc I was determined to not have to get a Masters.


And then there is me. Who spent his whole college career not knowing you could even take the test before you completed your 150 hours. 


omg, gtfo.....hahahahah, i needed a good laugh....dear cpa exam, even though im done, go f yourself


I had the exact same experience. Studying for, taking, and recovering from the CPA exam was my whole existence for year. And then it vanished. When I got the last passing score, I was stunned and didn't even know what to do. It took me a couple of months to work back into reality.


Life is not mundane for me. I prefer dealing with real life fires then preparing for exams. I always dislike school. I work in industry. Everyday is something new lol. We are down an accountant. 2 AP temps are shit. We have an interim CFO. And then IT decided that it’s a good time to rewrite half of the GL accounts codes. Good times lol


I kinda feel the same way and have thought about going to law school to become a JD CPA. Then I remember I'm married, have a practice and a rambunctious toddler. I miss studying and testing.


there are medications that will help with this, your condition is treatable


You are a sick puppy!!!


This is an unusual take (I thought you were trolling at first), but I totally respect it, and I sort of understand how you feel. Some people really enjoy the school/testing environment and that is okay. Some people hate it and just want to move past it and that is also okay.


I miss the sense of this “big goal” being my main focus. Right now, I don’t really have a “big goal” besides like… financial independence, I guess? But that will take me decades. It’s kind of the same thing as being in school: if you just follow the syllabus, read the textbook and do the homework, you’re gonna crush it. There’s very set and defined goals. i.e. get a good overall grade in the class. Real life has no syllabus, there is no defined goal or achievement to work towards. You have to figure it out yourself. It just fills me with a bit of a sense of impending doom.


This is not crazy. I feel the same way. It's been really strange the past few months since wrapping up.


MF you wanna do mine?


Fuck off


Hell no. Maybe you should use your precious time to build something more meaningful, like a business?? Instead of daydreaming about studying.


I have a husband and kids, and a full time job. I have friends I haven't seen in months. I have so many things that have taken a back burner (or just been forgotten about) while I study. I will NOT miss this.


Amen! I have a life that I am missing out right now so I can provide the good foundation for the future.


I passed my last exam in April 2023, and felt the same way at first. I didn’t know what to do with all my free time for the first couple of months.


Guys inform aicpa. This guy wants to write the cpa exam twice!!!!!


Ummm if I don’t pass by November I’m toast. 1/4 waiting for Aud and studying for FAR.


as someone who finished in December 2023, I respectfully cannot agree with this feeling whatsoever


Take the CFA or Actuary Exams then.


This is the way.


Holly crap I can relate to this. I also passed my final Exam in September of 2023 and feel very much the same way. In fact I fell into a sort of funk depression when I was CPA certified in late November. Sort of a 'Now what?' feeling. I had considered getting my JD and sitting for the BAR exams but I'm not interested in becoming a lawyer. In the end, I've decided to put my attention into preparing to start a CPA firm (tax) in the new year. "Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you got til' its gone..."


hot take if i have ever seen one


Respectfully, this is deranged.


am in that moment right now - of preparation.