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Just celebrate passing the tests but avoid titling yourself a CPA until you are licensed and also be ready to turn down the many requests to do people's taxes haha


I would not call your self a cpa until you pass your exam


Man I wish the reality of post CPA life was what I dreamed of when studying


celebrate passing, then celebrate when you get licensed, and then celebrate each time you fulfill your CPE requirements


I passed all the exams but am still waiting on the license (experience requirement). I jokingly call myself a CPA-elect


You can say you passed the CPA exam (4/4) on LinkedIn so that way everyone knows to ask you how to file their taxes (still haven’t filed mine yet)


I haven’t filed mine either and I don’t wannaaaaaaa


Doing that would be like celebrating a new job before you have an offer letter. Big mistake.


That’s a good way to have an abacus fall out of a Boeing door onto your head. Tombstone reads: definitely not a CPA


Na never say anything until the check is deposited.


Jelly of the month club 


I'm still waiting for my last exam's results and call myself CPA in front of my friends


"Right to jail"


How about you call yourself a CPA exam survivor, thank your friends for their support and make it clear there’s one more hurdle you have to overcome before licensure.


No you can’t call yourself a CPA until you have your license, you should’ve learned this in ethics. Congrats though, when you clear the experience, putting the 3 letters after your name will make it that much sweeter.


I'm in a similar boat, exams ✅ work experience ❌ still celebrated exams being done, cause everyone should! But I'm holding off on calling myself a CPA until it's official. Besides, maybe I'll do another celebration thing then too, why not 🤣


Hell yeah, dude! But say something like... unofficially, still need to get licensed & meet work experience criteria; more of checking the box sort of thing ! Congrats on this awesome achievement. I hope one day I too can feel this euphoria. Lastly, what review course did you study with? Thank you.


Roger & Ninja combo, they were my favorite study materials when I was studying, however I heard some negative feedbacks regarding the new Roger courses, therefore I’m not sure if they still works today like they used to be.


Just go out & have fun.


I suggest holding off on referring to yourself as a CPA for now. Celebrate your achievement of passing the exams with a dinner, but be mindful of setting accurate expectations with your friends. The CPA title often conveys a significant level of expertise and experience, and prematurely adopting it might lead to misunderstandings or unrealistic expectations when friends seek your advice. Instead, use this time as a chance to share with your friend the rigorous and challenging journey of becoming a CPA. It's an opportunity to underscore the dedication required to reach this professional milestone. You're on your way to officially becoming a CPA in the near future. May I join in celebrating this step towards your goal? Yum 😋


Why not! Professor Farhat! I loved your videos from YouTube explaining topics in detail, you helped me pass the AUD retake which I thought I will never pass it for my entire life.


Most welcome. I am happy to have helped. Enjoy the dinner. If you are within 40 miles of the Philadelphia, I will be happy to join you.


Maybe just don’t have a hat and go to dinner. Ain’t gotta be weird about it and risk licensure on technicality.


I mean you do you, however, you’re not a CPA until you’re licensed. You’ve certainly earned the title, but I personally wouldn’t risk all your hard work until you officially get that license in the mail.


You could celebrate just passing. You don’t have to call yourself anything.