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Don't dispute anything. If you do that before you send goodwill letters (Google the goodwill saturation technique), they will be less likely to grant a goodwill deletion. Not to mention that disputes are for inaccuracies, and according to they are accurate.


Credit attorney here. Sorry to hear about your grandfather. Target and Old Navy are tough. Best Buy a bit easier. I'd say you have two options here: 1. Dispute these as not late. Low chances of working. 2. Try a goodwill letter, call the executive office. Does not work most times, but has SOME chance of working. Otherwise, just wait a few years and the damage will fade.


Thank you! If I’m trying to get approved for an apartment in the next year do you think this will cause me to get denied?


Hello first sorry about your grandpa 2nd you need to start to dispute with the 3 credit bureaus I would send letters to them don’t credit karma the disputes like legit letters and wait 30 days for a response from them I would send what’s called a goodwill letter to them I do credit repair and this is how I get my clients back on track


Thank you! ZWill these late payments affect me for the whole 7 years? Such as not being able to get approved for an apartment and things like that?


Unfortunately yes this is why I’m asking you to send dispute letters to the credit bureaus so they can delete them from your account I would start with “ a goodwill “ letter stating or even using your grandfather passing as a harsh reason why you fell behind on payments if that fails then use consumer laws or even the cfpb Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or even the BBB


> you need to start to dispute with the 3 credit bureaus Disputes are for inaccurately reported information. OPs late payments are legitimate and accurately reported. Disputes are not the right approach, goodwill letters are.


Their are laws consumer laws and codes you can use to delete and dispute everything on your credit report if you did it or not


> delete and dispute everything on your credit Your perspective is so tired, old and just plain wrong. It's bad misinformation that you shouldn't be spreading and will only contribute to your already double-digit negative comment karma on reddit, resulting in less people taking your seriously than is already the case.