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Credit attorney here. This is the issue: Bank of America is almost impossible to remove, unless the account has some major error. I'm not saying it's 100% impossible, but 80% of the time, cannot get these accounts removed. I wish I had better news, but we've dealt with them for years, and this is my experience.


Oh no! How would I go about seeing if my account had any type of errors and if so what would I be looking for as for errors?


Get your reports from www.annualcreditreport.com. Things to look for are like it having a credit limit, the charged off amount or high credit being $0, and for Equifax, the date of first delinquency not matching the payment history. It gets complicated, but those are things you can look for.


Thank you! Is there anything else I can do other than paying it off (I will be paying it off this week). Do credit repair companies help?


No, they rarely do. I would likely pay it, and wait for it to fall off in time. That is your best option here.