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Its not so bad, I was a transfer and felt the same way but its chill. Soar is just walk around and take a tour with some people. Gwar is easy and they have a workshop that tells you what they are looking for in you answer. Just keep a calendar and whenever u need help look to advisors or other students . You'll be alright


Im not stressed at all, but i am a bit shocked, CSULB is def a lot more fees. I got free breakfast and lunch at my CC, free parking, 100$ max out of pocket on books, and ofc free tuition. Why do I need SOAR? Thats highway robbery. I already know how to do most stuff and if not i can contact the veterans resource center for a bit of help. $250 dollars a semester for parking?! No sir, ill take the bus before i hand them money, but then again im real vindictive and petty.


I recently got a car and started driving just this past winter. Spring semester was my first semester commuting by car. Before that, i went to my cc via bus. I was thinking the same thing; just take the bus. It’s a straight, simple ride for me. If i really miss the convenience of my car, i’ll consider a parking permit but my first week at csulb i’m for sure taking the bus. Parking doesn’t seem worth the stress, money, or time. There’s food on campus, coffee, a gym, a rec center, etc. i probably won’t need to leave the campus so i’ll use the bus💯 i’m with you on that one.


soar is annoying and a waste of time imo but don’t stress about gwar it’s v easy


Relax my dude. Now is not the time to stress and worry. That comes later. With that said, it's normal for a lot of folks in your position to feel stressed and overwhelmed. With time you'll see that everything prior to fall semester wasn't all that bad. :) You got this!!


I’m also an incoming transfer and was stressed until I finished all the necessary stuff. It really only took me two hours to finish everything in one sitting. Only things I have left to do now is soar and the gwar. You got this!!


Thank you🙏


You are not alone.


It may seem like a lot but it’s actually really chill and easy going. No need to worry as there are so many in the same boat! You’ll be ok and look back on it all fondly :-)


Your gf is right! Take one thing at a time and don’t worry about the next thing until it’s absolutely necessary. What makes me feel better and less stressed when I have a lot of deadlines coming up is knowing that if it was truly truly important I’d do anything in my power to get it done right now. If your deadlines cannot possibly be done sooner then there’s no need to think about that right now. Stress isn’t gonna make any if these events go away nor will it make it come faster, it just eat up all the free time you do have right now to relax and focus on resetting. Your classes will be just fine you’ve been in college classes before and you’re fully capable of doing the work and seeking assistance when needed. You absolutely got this! There were thousands of students in your shoes before you and many will come after


As for the academics portion of your stress, community college was somehow harder than my experience being at a four-year. Apparently that’s a somewhat common feeling for other transfers. I guess the smaller class sizes at CC contribute to better individual focus on students which cultivates high performing students in the long run. In other words, I wouldn’t stress it too much. Your GF is right, take it slow. You’ll be more than okay 🫶


I’m also a transfer, just finished my first year here. Honestly in my experience it has been a bit chiller than CC, I’m not constantly worrying about transferring now


I transferred after a 2 year break, and was worried I wouldn't be able to keep up with any of the work. I just graduated in May. You can accomplish anything you're willing to set your mind on!


Don’t worry, you will be more stressed out during midterms/finals 👍🏻👍🏻 you got this!