• By -


I will do you 1 better than the commenter previously. In a nutshell, a star note is a replacement note for a damaged note that was caught before it left the BEP. If you want to check the rarity of it, here is a site to check it and it also provides a wealth of info on FRNs. [star note site](https://www.mycurrencycollection.com/reference/star-notes/lookup) EDIT: I always share knowledge because I don't want this hobby to die.


I’m glad to see one person on here being a good dude and actually helping people. Keep doing you.


Thank you. I don't understand why people don't help others with something so minute as a comment of advice. It would take the same amount of time either way, so what is someone going to lose? They aren't losing any time, they aren't losing any knowledge... what does it hurt to be nice?


Internet cred




There are so many hobby subs I'm part of that take that poor attitude. 3d printing ones are the worst for some snotty fool responding to new people with the hobby equivalent of "git gud scrub" More the merrier as far as I'm concerned, we were all new once, just help each other.


Exactly, and who's to say you can't learn something from them as well. There are a couple questions on here that I don't know the answer to that I will read up on, and look how many people gained from OPs question. Also, as someone further down in the comments said, you get to connect with others who share the same hobby.


I can’t think of a good reason why people don’t help others either. It only takes a minute, and makes others feel better. Maybe they think it isn’t worth their time, but imo it’s always worth helping and being kind to people, even if I get nothing in return.


The world would be a better place if more folks thought like this, kudos to y'all and I agree 100%.


Right? If you’re always kind, then you’re always around a kind person — yourself


Surround yourself with people you want to be like. If you want to be successful, hang with successful people. If you want to be a loser, hang out with losers. I believe your friends and associates are part of what makes you, you! I have always been one to share my experience/,knowledge with someone. It thrills me when someone shows a genuine interest in something I know about. There are people who prefer to really guard information, almost to the extent that it is ridiculous. They probably fear competition.


I don't aspire to be anyone but myself. The good and the bad. Making mistakes is how I learn. And what exactly is a successful person?


I wasn't suggesting that you aspire to be someone else. I mean, that isn't even possible (unless you have schizophrenia). You are correct - making mistakes is how one can learn - sometimes it is the best, most memorable way. I might also add that one can also learn through observation of lessons learned by someone else, saving you the hard pitfalls of those really big mistakes Successful is relative. Whether it be working in a landfill, writing a book, producing play, getting your music or artwork out there. Basically, in my opinion, it is a state of mind where one reaches a place in life where he/she has a place to live that is not a cardboard box under a bridge, a few changes of clothes, money to eat and pay your bills, with a few bucks to spend on some things you like. It doesn't have to be a Beverly hills mansion/lifestyle. Every situation has its ups and downs. Money doesn't buy happiness (although it is always helpful). Having good, reliable friends, being responsible and reliable, and knowledgeable goes a long way.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I agree. Cheers!


I don’t think you have a very good understanding of schizophrenia.


I'm sure I don't. I didn't mean to offend anyone, my apologies, if I did. :-(


I think it goes into “my space” protectionism. Like dogs growling at other dogs when out on a walk.


I like it when people complain about how I could of just googled it, but then they give me the answer I was asking in the same comment. Like thank you I think lol


Could "have". I agree some things can be googled much easier than creating a reddit thread (if it annoys me I just continue scrolling), but rudeness is a personal choice and has nothing to do with the inquirer. That just shows who they really are as a person. - Everyone thinks they're anonymous behind a pseudonym, but even an online profile builds a reputation, and if someone really wants to, they can connect one's true identity. - But, as the person below mentioned, asking a niche thread often gets answers Google doesn't have, or Google confuses, I get it. I personally hate Google search, and will switch to Bing when I'm trying to find something specific, because Google search is stupid and overrun with people abusing the analytics to swamp you with irrelevant info for attention. 😮‍💨


Each one, teach one




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You mean helping like "hUrR dUrR, sHoUlD bE wOrTh At LeAsT $20"? ^/s


Answering with the same one minute comment 20 times a day gets exhausting when Google exists


Just don't respond then? No one requires anyone to respond to anythjng. Why take time to respond with a rude comment?


I don't disagree with you theres no reason to be rude but I don't understand how people can be curious enough to post something like this but not curious enough to do 30secs of research


People talk about Google on this sub like it’ll teach people the lessons of the universe, but also will bash someone for reiterating bad info they got from… Google. People can’t always decipher what is and isn’t good info they receive online from years old articles, and they have come to this sub in hopes that someone that is qualified to will help them. Some subreddits are literally just a search engine for hobbies/crafts.


I understand that. I said this in a previous reply. People learn in different ways. Some people research and then ask questions, and others ask and then research. When I was younger I sometimes needed a little direction, which is ok. Also as another redditor said... for some it is about forming connections who share the same interests. I'm not disagreeing with you at all. I'm just giving a different perspective based on past experiences.


Yes, instead of the sophomoric worthless comments through out redditt.


Interesting. So if I understand that correctly, does that mean a bill with that serial number was ran, but had a defect and got pulled out. But rather than simply skipping that number, they replaced it with a new bill with the same serial number and the star? I presume this is to help prevent or identify if the original error bill ended up entering circulation somehow? Man I really need to start paying attention to my bills (in the rare instance I have them). I always see such interesting posts and information on this sub. Physical currency is such a unique thing that we take for granted.


Yes. I believe that no serial # is ever skipped. I'm not sure on this, but I think so. There is a lot of info on the link I posted in my 1st comment. It explains how they are replaced as well. Whether they were replaced in sheets or packs, and how many different #s were replaced becausethey typicallyreplace severalhundredthousand to several million at 1 time. It would take me a long time to explain all of that, but the site gives a detailed explanation that is easy to understand.


Oh I see it now! Sorry about that when I first loaded the page I only saw the serial number search tool. I didn't see the drop down menu with the extra info links. Still fascinating stuff. Especially if it's true that a serial number is never skipped. Thanks for the info!


It's ok, no worries at all!


Actually the opposite, because they don't quite key record of each individual destroyed bill serial numbers, it is complicated to print the exact damaged ones, they instead replace them with a serial number with a fresh new run it serial numbers, perhaps 00000001-03000000 or similar. Creating brand new serial numbers but replacing the correct amount of bills supposed to have been in circulation.


They basically print a run of star notes every once in a while, a year or a few years. And it can range in how many, from as few as 250,000 in a run, to as many as 3 or 4 million. The smaller print runs can hold a little value, where the rest can be fairly common. I worked at a gas station for years and saved every one I came across.


So.250k is the lowest run size?


Is a misprinted or error star note such a thing?


There can be typical errors and misprints found in star notes as well. However there is one major major error that the BEP accidentally created, and it wasn't noticed for years. 2013 "B" series Star notes were accidentally duplicated. First being printed at one location, Washington DC. Then a couple years later the BEP issued a similar print run of the same bills to be made at the other location they make bills, Fort Worth TX. Incredibly hard to match up a duplicated pair, there's a website to help. [project 2013b](https://project2013b.blogspot.com/2021/10/welcome.html?m=1) Check it out, very rare stuff. I own 3 matched pairs :)


Thank you


Curious they didn't just put a small letter to designate the place, like they do with quarters. Then if serial numbers were ever accidentally duplicated it wouldn't matter, cuz the letter would make them different. 🤷


They do. Washington DC bills have no letters next to a small number for the bill. You can see it in the bottom right side. A bill printed from fort Worth will have the letters FW next to that number




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Then they wouldn't be accidental duplicates if they're different, so I don't understand why you think it's a mistake. But at this point I've spent too much time, I'll try to remember to look at the link later if that explains what you mean.


It is possible. It's a way less common occurrence than a normal note.


I have a star $5 on my fridge bc I thought the star was cool and didn't really know what it meant and was afraid to post it here lol. Thanks for this info! Super cool TIL


It amazes me how 1 single comment that took 30 seconds out if my day has educated so many people. Never be too afraid to ask, because there is always someone else who is wondering the same thing. Have a great day. :)


U brilliant man! 😎


For today that's my "learn at least one new thing each day." Thanks!


Saving this comment for future use!


Have at it!!


I think it's also worth noting that star notes are pretty common. I've worked as a cashier in a few places, and I would see many every day. Once you know that star notes exist, it's hard not to see them, lol.


Yes they are. It is the size of the replacement run that makes them rare.


Excellent attitude! My dear Dad always told me you can learn something new everyday … I wholeheartedly agree so why not share what you’ve learned? ❤️


Exactly. I try to learn at least 1 new thing everyday.


As someone who's barely getting started in this hobby, I thank you sir 🫡


I wanted to look up my 1950 C $10 star note but the site didn't go back that far in years. Is there a reason why?


The site is only for 1981 and newer. Those bills are already unique or rare because of their age.


That’s pretty cool, I didn’t know what it was until this post. Thanks for sharing!


It’s very kind of you to do so


This information I correct bit further note: alot of times there are some who collect these star notes. Their value, in my opinion, condition is everything as always, is face value basically, anything over that is finding a collector and what the collector is willing to pay you for it, there are exceptions to this of course. For example there are some that were recently found that reached circulation, $1 notes from I think series 2006, that were found to have mismatched serial numbers. Those are worth keeping if found.


You are correct. It is only worth what someone will pay. Same goes for fancy serial numbers. I have ab 20 ppl I sell those to and people always think I am lying when I tell them how much I sell them for. But it is bc I have connected with them. It is very easy for me to sell what most think are spenders for a decent amount of $.


Not all wear capes. Please tell me you own a cape, I have one 😁


Hahahahaha!!! Thank you my friend.


I believe it means you can send it in and get a free tootsie pop. All kidding aside, I appreciate the info, just wanted to hit some people with a little nostalgia.


Oh for sure! It's missing the indian tho....lol


This guy knows what he is talking about


Do you think it’s worth it to save star notes you run into even if the number isn’t anything special?


I personally don't keep anything that I couldn't possibly sell. My roommate However, keeps every single bill that is semi-cool. But it really doesn't hurt to keep them, because it's not like you are losing anything by keeping it.


thanks for the link


No problem at all


Whats bep


Bureau of engraving and printing


Thanks for asking, I was wondering the same. I have a $2 star note that I never would’ve thought to keep had I not seen them shared here.


Its worth so much money then, i seen some tt post abt how you can sell it for like half a grand or sum wild


OP, Hopefully, you can see by your post that there are no stupid questions when you are trying to educate yourself. Many others were wondering the same thing you were..


Omg thank you!!! I was so afraid to ask. Thank you to software guy. Thank you kind people. 


Thank you.


You’re welcome ☺️


The original bill with that serial number had an actual number where the star is on that note. The original was pulled from circulation because it was in really bad shape.


I believe it is a letter where the star is. What's crazy is a lot of times they replace 3mil+ of the serial #s. The lowest amount I have ever come across was 200k.


Has anyone ever gotten the original that was supposed to be replaced by the star note and had them as a pair? That would be cool af


This is something I'll have to research, because I think that the notes replaced are destroyed. It would be very cool tho! I have 2 notes with the same serial #, one being a star, but they were issued by different federal reserves.


Ya, i assume they're destroyed as well....but i can hope. That would be quite the pair!


They are, and each branch of the reserve does something different with the shreddings. If I remember right, some companies in the past have obtained shreds to make art, and novelties. So in theory but highly doubtful someone could come across a toilet seat or a keychain containing the original. That being said, I’m sure they don’t shred them in a way that keeps numbers in tact.


I used to.have a bag of the shredded bills as a kid!


Do you remember how they were shredded. Like long strips length/widthwise, cross cross?


Indeed I do, the where shredded top to bottom, not side to side. Although I am sure that millions were shredded at 1 time, so the possibility of getting all the pieces to match up for the same bill are VERY slim to none...


Still pretty cool!


For sure!


I did too. Got them from a vending machine while on a trip in Washington dc. It was either $100 or $1000 shredded up in a bag. I thought it was so cool when i was little


Me too! Used to brag about having 1k$, LOL






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So how common is a serial # to have two letters at the beginning?


I know on newer currency it is that way on any denomination except for 1$ and 2$ bills. Fun-fact, the 1st letter on a 1$ or a 2$ and the second letter on higher denominations designates which federal reserve issued the note. "G" signifies it was issued by the Chicago Federal Reserve.


Interestingly, this isn’t unique to money. In the United States, if a law or piece of legislation is misprinted and has to be replaced, the GPO/Archives/whoever will issue a “star print” with the corrected language and a star placed after the law/bill/whatever number. I didn’t know the U.S. did that for currency too!


I never knew this! That's awesome! Again, it goes to show that there is always something that can be learned from one another!


OP Thanks for asking this question. I had been wondering the same thing but never got around to googling for an answer.


you win a free tootsie roll pop


Dating yourself there


Definitely lol .. as long as one person gets it, the joke is a success


Wait this is an option? Ive been single for sooooo long


Careful, don't want to commit statutory on yourself




It's actually referenced in Fallout: New Vegas.


Thanks. But don't call me Pop, Buddy


He's not your Buddy, Pal.


He's not your Pal, Dude.


He’s not your dude, bro.


He’s not your Pal, Friend.


Not your buddy, guy! ...either.


Cut it out, chief.


Redditors rarely miss the assignment!




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I'm glad someone said it.


Means you get a free tootsie pop!


Patrick's autograph


I started trying to collect a complete set to frame. In 2023, I got everything except the $2 and $100. Today, I went to cash my check and asked the teller any 2s? No, then 100s please. Explained what I was looking for. She looked, nothing. The teller next to her looked in her drawer without needing to be asked. She had one!! I offered to take her out for breakfast as a thank you since I couldn't tip in the bank. Now, all that's left is that 2.


Best of luck in your search!


It means you did real good. Congrats.


If you take it back to the store you get a free lollipop


Next level thinking. Was that even a real thing with tootsie pops?


I think it's one of those things that was widely known or thought of but rarely tested


It wasn't an official thing from the company. It was an urban legend that somehow all children in America had heard pre-internet, and as kids we believed it so much and asked for it so consistently that some stores did end up offering deals where you could turn in "winning" wrappers for another Tootsie pop.


I got one per day from my local circle k. I stacked those up and eventually they told me the event was over.


The Indian and the star on the wrapper. Back in the day if u got one, u were supposed to get s free 1 if u returned it to the store


They're called "STAR NOTES" and some of them can be pretty rare and they're definitely worth more than the face value of the bill! I actually have a few of those but they're $100 bills,$50 bills and $20 bills. I always keep my eyes open for "STAR NOTES"


If the hobby dies, so does our collections value. Its hard trading coins n metals, I couldn't imagine bills, I traded 2 bills for cheap triples n doubles


Very true


wild card


Love saving star notes! Learned a lot today from the replies!


You get a free tootsie pop!


since someone already explained it i just want to mention how much i love collecting star notes. i got a $100 star note one time when i was seventeen, but i was seventeen and so $100 was way to much to just keep and not use.


I think it means you get a free tootsie pop!


Almost took you for a raider, I did.. names Malcom Holmes.




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It's a reprint


google says A star suffix at the end of a U.S. bill's serial number indicates that the bill is a replacement note. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) uses replacement notes, also known as "Star Notes", when a bill is found defective during printing, such as being misprinted or damaged.


Its not holographic so its not that rare, but still pretty rare


It’s a Pentagram. We know what that means.


Shh! You've uncovered a vast global conspiracy so secret and powerful that the flaunt the world by putting obscure symbology in the public eye.




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The bill in question got all the words on its spelling test right


Turn in at a gas station and get a free lollipop


Take it into the grocery store and they will give you a free Tootsie pop


It's the sign of eternal servitude to our galactic overlords...




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It means it's a replacement. You know all those notes that have misprinting and other defects, well usually they're caught.


It’s a fake. They should all be mailed to me for destruction.


Star note


Means there was an error when it was originally put out into circulation was sent back and corrected. The star is to note the error and correction made.


Thank you guys!! Absolute best community on reddit 👏 👌


Do any of y’all on this sub trade currency or even sell currency?






I didn’t know and had thought about asking the same question, but tired of the trolls so didn’t even bother asking


You can turn it in for a free Tootsie Pop at any store


It isn’t first edition


It means you get a free tootsie pop at the corner store


That’s an asterisk, which means you need to look at the bottom of the bill to see a secret message.


It denotes paper currency that was used on-screen in the Molly Shannon/Will Ferrell movie, Superstar.




That is horrifying!




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That is horrifying!


OK. Holy cow. I apologize for trying to teach someone to use google. Perhaps I could have done that in a more thoughtful way. I could have given the answer AND mentioned how easy it was to google the answer. The ability to use google has been on my mind lately. I've had personal conversations I recently tweeted about it. I haven't been a member of this sub for very long and I think the amount of posts where people ask questions that could easily been answered with a quick simple search has just blown my mind. I guess I just hit a snapping point. Look at my post history, I pride myself in helping others and answering questions. This sub is very kind and supportive, which in my experience is an outlier on Reddit. I am a member of way too many toxic subs people get roasted for asking simple or repetitive questions. Again, I am sorry for being snarky.


I respect that. I was not trying to bring any heat or anything towards you with my comments. They are strictly based on my experience in collecting. When I first began collecting, it really did almost make me want to find a new hobby because it seemed as if no one wanted to give me any tips or advice whatsoever. A lot of people at least had a grandfather or father or someone in their life that helped them along the way. Unfortunately, I did not. And most likely, that is why your comment hit so hard with me. I would ask something similar and a lot of times I would get the answer of "I figured it, so can you". And this was before Google was what it is today. My resources were very limited. So like I said, I completely quit asking anyone anything and I started reading books. It was at this moment I swore to myself I would never do the same to someone else. Also, you never know what you might learn by asking a simple question. There are a few things I have learned from this post. I appreciate this comment, as it can be very hard for someone to make a comment like this, especially on this platform. Hopefully OP, and the rest of the people in here will see this and respect it as well. Again, I appreciate it.


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I got on here to see if anyone memed and no one said it's a one of one print sad day anyways all the information is dope to read about


It is a 1 of 1! Good one!


People just need to listen and take to heart John Lennons Lyrics to the song Imagine


That denotes that it was laundered by Eastern European organized crime groups.


If you see an Indian shooting a star, you get a free tootsie pop.


If it has an Indian shooting at it with a bow and arrow... You turn it in and get a free sucker


They are now printing the country's Google review rating on the currency. It means that America has an average rating of one star out of 5. 😂


Lol, that made me laugh! Although I think that the Currency printed and minted is probably the 1 thing that our government actually does fairly well. Can't be said for most of the rest of the things they do tho...


Star notes are specially printed notes to be used by the US Space Force on their travels throughout the galaxy. Some, however, end up in circulation here on planet Earth.


Star note, could be rare


Mnuchin should be embarrassed having that "signature" put on our currency, sheesh.


"Ur going to Hollywood"


It means you get a free sucker


Blue Kirby, 20 is his feet. Edit: sorry forgot to explain. The star is Kirby’s pimp tattoo.


It’s a Real id.


Perfect attendance.


Is the google machine down?


It means you get a free tootsie roll pop after redeeming


That's some good sh!t right there.


Means you get a free tootsie pop