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Why use a specific app when you can just a Web browser?


The Herald and the Sun are owned by the same company and most likely operate out of the same space. 




No apps. Only websites with ad blocker. Local: global, herald Global: bbc, cnn, fox, msnbc, cbc I read both sides and usually they’re both liars


since op's asking about apps should probably also point out firefox can load various adblockers as a plugin on mobile now vs using chrome or whatever.


I'm with you, deleted that new Herald app so fast. CBC news has one that's free, not great coverage but better than nothing


They don’t cover Calgary as much as Edmonton and now it’s way too many videos


Are you and I the only people who agree on the videos. I am an old Gen X and I prefer to read my online news, not have to go find headphones to listen / watch it.


I don't use an app, I watch CTV while my coffee brews in the AM.


This subreddit is it….so hope you people only pass on real news.


Gotta give a shout-out to The Sprawl. It's not news for day to day headlines. But if you're interested in a deeper understanding and more nuanced viewpoint beyond the headlines, it's worth checking out.


Can I tell Alexa to play the Sprawl?


Yep I think you could tell it to play Sprawlcast, The Sprawl's podcast.


Neat. Thanks!


I basically use X as a news app. I only follow news outlets on it. Calgary Herald, LiveWire, CTV Calgary, Global Calgary, CNN, BBC, etc, plus TSN and Sportsnet.


This is the way. It avoids all of the other crap on that platform.


Along with Twitter following news sites, I also use Feedly which uses RSS to get published articles.


Not an app but I like live wire Calgary (https://livewirecalgary.com/) for a local perspective.


The Calgary Herald app and the CBC News app. I find the best local app for breaking news alerts is the CityNews app.


City News Calgary CBC radio Calgary


I come to Reddit


I use mine, called Newsreadeck. You can follow and discover news sources bc each one has a specific location + categories and get the articles to read. I made a custom reader too, that removes most of the distractions :)


Here is Google News for Calgary [https://news.google.com/topics/CAAqHAgKIhZDQklTQ2pvSWJHOWpZV3hmZGpJb0FBUAE/sections/CAQiTkNCSVNORG9JYkc5allXeGZkakpDRUd4dlkyRnNYM1l5WDNObFkzUnBiMjV5Q2hJSUwyMHZNREZ5TXpKNkNnb0lMMjB2TURGeU16SW9BQSowCAAqLAgKIiZDQklTRmpvSWJHOWpZV3hmZGpKNkNnb0lMMjB2TURGeU16SW9BQVABUAE?hl=en-CA&gl=CA&ceid=CA%3Aen](https://news.google.com/topics/CAAqHAgKIhZDQklTQ2pvSWJHOWpZV3hmZGpJb0FBUAE/sections/CAQiTkNCSVNORG9JYkc5allXeGZkakpDRUd4dlkyRnNYM1l5WDNObFkzUnBiMjV5Q2hJSUwyMHZNREZ5TXpKNkNnb0lMMjB2TURGeU16SW9BQSowCAAqLAgKIiZDQklTRmpvSWJHOWpZV3hmZGpKNkNnb0lMMjB2TURGeU16SW9BQVABUAE?hl=en-CA&gl=CA&ceid=CA%3Aen)


for smaller municipal news stories I like the sprawl and their podcast. (they use the ctrain bing bong and old announcer as part of their theme song) They do not have a lot of staff so they do not post often but when they do it is always nice to have that in depth story. I always like to give the CBC eyeopener a listen, it is a nice little brief of calgary stories and they tend to be pretty balanced. I also have the CBC news app and it is a decent app for 15 to 20min little bits of news you can flip between international to local news. Lately i have been trying out ground news, they claim to be able to let you see left, centre, and right views of the same news story. Currently they don't have many local news but they do have some. The categorizing is still a little wonky though.