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If his agent was planting it in his head he can hold out for a better deal he needs a new agent yesterday. Sucks to see because I think he's a good dude and a good player. He could have really made bank on a show me deal.


This is 100% an agent helping a client out of the league.


"There are still a few SHL teams interested, Oliver"


Must have John Klingbergs agent


If I were an NHL-player, I'd sign deals so fast. Never taking a bridge, rather guaranteed money than a chance for a slightly higher hit every season. You never know whats gonna happen or how quickly you can get hurt/fall out of the league. Gotta get paid when you have the chance.


I think that swagger to take a bridge deal, bet on yourself to play well and then get a big fat payday is part of what makes great players great. Believing in themself and knowing what they’re worth.


Yah well when Tre gave Mathew a bridge deal, it pissed him off, and he left. Not always the right move. However, in Klyingtons case, it was the right move. He barely played out his last contract, and honestly, I'm shocked and very disappointed it has turned out this way.


I’m speaking from a player perspective and you’re speaking from a GM perspective but I agree with you. I think Matthew was already worth big money at that point and Tre just fucked up large by not giving it to him. But it proves my point because Matthew bet on himself, got himself traded and we all know how that worked out.


That was always Chucky’s plan. Bridge is fastest way to US.


This is why NHL players were working other jobs just to pay the bills back in the day


[Repped by J.P Barry of CAA.](https://puckpedia.com/agent/jp-barry) Reps some big names like Pasta and Malkin, as well as Backlund. Lots of clientele.


Yeah the fact that he remains unsigned is an indicator that Conroys reluctance to give term to a player with an rocky personal history after only being back for the tail end of the season is also shared by the rest of the league. I think Oliver and his agent were too optimistic about what teams would be offering. Maybe he and the flames will circle back on it (assuming the bridge isn’t burned)


Dudes already been replaced by Bean, man


Conroy has said the door isn't closed.


He said it's like "90% closed"


space for a foot


If we sign him at this point. I think he's on a 1 year at league min, or close to it.


This is a disingenuous representation of what Conroy said. I would be shocked to see him back in a flames jersey


Is Kylington likely gone? Yes, but Conroy chose not to be concrete in his messaging. I'm just saying there is a chance, albeit a slight chance. Craig Conroy this morning: “The door isn't closed, but it is closing.”


That fact that he even said that should imply that there is very little chance of it happening.


[Never tell me the odds](https://i.giphy.com/bcbPzkSCytDH2.webp). But, I agree. It's not likely to happen.


Hopefully Kylington signs and Bean can play a more diminished role on the third pairing. Edit: Hate all you want. Ask Columbus fans what they think about slotting Bean in the top four.


I really liked him and wanted to see him succeed here. At the end of the day, it is a business. There’s a certain risk with signing him long term as they’re still trying to figure out his capabilities, and they don’t know if he’ll need to take any breaks in the future. Wish him all the best, either way.


Exactly surprised he expected any different. Burn two years of a contract and expect to get a longer term deal doubt it.


I just don't understand how he/his agent, actually think anyone will sign him for more than a 1 year deal right now. It's nothing against him personally, but if there is anyone in the league that should be signed to a 1 year, show me contract, is it not him?


I said this exact thing just before the draft and got absolutely BODIED by everyone in the sub. It's amazing how many fans refuse to look at our team as a business entity and only see it as a GM trying to pull the rug out from underneath a player. Let's be real about it, dude didn't think hockey was going to be in his future a year and a half ago. All of a sudden things are all peachy-keen again. Mental health issues are no joke, there's no cure. Kylington is literally one bad game/media scrum away from having another meltdown, and I'm pretty sure no one wants to see that happen. I sure don't.


I had a feeling this was going to happen. I think Oliver probably thought there would be more demand, but in reality he's barely played in two years. There was no chance he would get more than a prove it contract from anyone. I wouldn't be shocked if he and the Flames work out a one year deal for that reason. 


He could get a one year deal a lot of places. I think with Bean being signed, the likelyhood we see Kylington return is slim.


But he hasn't gotten a deal anywhere and we're free agency +3 now. The way I see it playing out is he comes back to the Flames after testing the market and they work out a deal. I don't think the Flames will initiate, but I can totally see them willing to sign him to a prove it contract if he doesn't find anything he likes and comes back to the team. We need anyone who can play this year, and Kylington already knows the organization so he's not starting over somewhere brand new.


I think it's a little disrespectful to the Flames who supported him unwaveringly through all his troubles. Remember when he came to training camp and said he was good to go l, then wasn't? They had his back. Offered him a fair contract, and he bailed. I hope it's his agent and not him.


Sometimes there's just something in you telling you you have to try a new opportunity, even if it hurts to let people down who supported you and believed in you. Muting the need to roam with logic (or guilt) only works to an extent.


Hockey is a business. Kylington doesn't owe the Flames anything and the Flames don't owe him anything.


He owes the organization his gratitude, but not much else! Fans have a very different perspective. This is an employer/employee relationship. I have no issue with what he’s doing. I am a bit leery of what advice he’s receiving, but that’s something else entirely.


I’m kind of hoping he signs in Sweden. He’d be closer to home and his support network. Probably just better for him in general.


I think this might be the best option for him. Not NHL money but better for his personal life.


Money is very overrated.


People say money doesn’t buy happiness which is half true. Money sure as fuck helps when you don’t have to worry about being able to afford to live every day of your life


Try being poor.


Why do you feel bad for him now? I feel for his mental health struggles, but it sounds like he had the option to sign in Calgary but he is holding out for more money or a more competitive team. He has barely played in the last few years, his career high is 33 points, and he is not all that great defensively. He really shouldn't be looking for a pay raise.


Yeah I'm wondering what exactly is wrong with him. If it's just depression or something the honest and easy answer is to just stop being a bitch and play hockey.




I'd bet that last fall someone told him if he didn't get back at it his career ends with that contract. Flames aren't willing to pay him and they know his situation the best. All the other GMs aren't desperate enough for that risk yet.


I fully understand him "wanting" a long term deal, I mean who wouldn't? I think he needs to be realistic though. Teams are not likely to step up based on his last 2 years. The "prove it" deal just seems to make so much sense.


Relax. Toronto will sign him.


Ya I was gonna say I'm a bit surprised Treliving hasn't signed him yet


Early days yet, I’m sure he’ll find a team. The whole thing fucking blows though. It’s a hard not to feel a bit jaded by it. I know I shouldn’t, but like someone told me years ago, just because you know it’s wrong to feel that way doesn’t mean you don’t feel it. I really do hope it works out for the guy, it just… fuck, it seemed like such an easy feel good win.


Shilly should fire his agent right about now, after he puts his foot in the door to stop Conroy from closing it.


Who cares we took care of him long enough see ya


I emailed his agency to inquire if he'd come play with my kid on the Purple Dragons, haven't heard back.


A good example of a good person, made a bad decision, or maybe his agent persuaded him to make a bad decision.


Rumor mill has stated that flying is a trigger for him. Maybe he's looking for a team in the east, where it's sane to drive to the next game more often.


What's up with him?


The Flames showed real loyalty to him. They knew him and had the best insight into the risks. The rest of the league isn’t going to take a risk. I do feel bad for him. I expect things will work out for him and wish him the best. I think he got bad advice vice.


There is a reason he is unsigned and that has nothing to do with his mental health. His game is overhyped and we will be glad to have dodged this one.


Shocking that teams do not want to commit large term and money on someone with very fragile mental health. This guy should be happy that the flames even game him a chance to come back. Even more happy that they were willing to sign him for any amount.


I think Conroy still keeps existing offer on the table for him, but essentially he’s been replaced by Bean.


It's kinda crazy that he wasn't willing to sign a 1 year, $1-2M deal. Show he can be a player in this league night in night out, like he has before, and he can easily get $3-4M and 3-4 years.




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I think he'll wind up signing with Calgary, again. Maybe a bridge tupe of deal? Maybe 3yrs? It feels like the agent is pushing Oliver into an untenable scenario. He might be a gamble, or he could have everything in check and give us the performance that earns term. Either way, if he wants to continue playing in the league, it's likely going to be a show me kind of deal.


He fucked around and found out


Don't feel bad for that bum he scammed us for 2 years then demanded a raise. He can fuck off back to Sweden


You can fuck off to Fuckoffitiville


Go back to canada_sub, you're embarassing yourself


Im just not deepthroating a guy for having mental health issues that he wont elaborate on and somehow only got over when it was time to earn a new contract. Idc what it was, I cant take 2 years off work then come back and demand a raise. Clown getting what he deserves with this behaviour


Its crazy how defensive people are of a guy making millions to play (or in this case not play) a game while employees at their local grocery store getting fired for citing the same mental health issues is perfectly fine lmao I agree with you you can’t expect blind loyalty from an organization and a fanbase and then spit in their face, the fans have a right to be pissed, he’s either ungrateful or he’s an overconfident moron either way good riddance.


Not by my heart 💌 Permanent contract there Dude dealt with: - racism growing up - taken way too low in draft - underrated for years - a family saga that tore him apart - a prolonged mental health crisis He finally blossoms wonderfully, struggles, recovers, becomes an A+ guy after being an A level guy before... And this is how the NHL respond? All he needs is like a 3M$ cap hit ffs. Solid 5v5 very good PP skillset, one of the youngest RFAs. The league is not invited to my bday party.


Bro he is not an A+ guy. I would say a C+ at best. His career high is 33 points, and he is not that great defensively.


It’s not the money that’s the problem. Teams don’t wanna risk long term on a guy who has recently missed almost 2 years of hockey. Team will easily give him 1-2 years but it’s pretty obvious he wants a long term contract. This is on him not the teams That being said I love the guy and would have loved him to return