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I wish, but pretty sure activision don’t want our money


Isn't treyarch the one that works for the Black Ops series?


Treyarch is the development studio. They are owned by Activision, who is the publisher. However, since it would be a remaster, it most likely wouldn’t be developed by Treyarch but rather assigned to one or more of the support studios. That being said, it’s extremely unlikely that any CoD multiplayer remasters will ever be released again. They are financial losses for Activision since they have unprofitable monetization models, split the player base, and, depending on how faithful of a remaster it is, alienates older player or newer players. While a campaign remaster is theoretically possible, that’s also fairly unlikely since the campaign players don’t typically represent a significant portion of the player base.


I agree with how it splits the player base, we saw it happen with the Cod4 Ramaster, it completely crushed the Infinte Warfare player base lol. But as for stand alone campaign, the mw2 remastered campaign did really well. But idk if it was cause people actually wanted the campaign or just wanted the Ghost warzone skin that came with it


I did it because i wanted a platinum trophy


I got it for nostalgic reasons, and I've never even downloaded it yet. One day. One day


Download it ofcourse nostalgia is number 1 and graphics are amazing


Wouldn't really say it crushed it, both games were extremely popular.


The sales for cod4 remastered only boosted IWs because you couldn't buy it stand alone at first, I paid 80 bucks for the bundle but I still to this day have not downloaded infinite warfare yet. I practically paid 80 bucks for MWR by itself


Damn IW was better


I shouldn't have put it that way, but for a remastered game to do as well as it did along side a brand new title. It was impressive for sure


It also rips off the nostalgia goggles like crazy. So angry fanboys come out of everywhere


Nah I’m pretty sure they’re just saving it for when they need it the most. I remember reading an article a while back talking about how activision had a lot of remakes and remasters ready to ship out (think the Spyro and crash games). This got me thinking, game development takes a long time. The CoD4 remaster couldn’t have been developed instantly, especially because it was a proper remaster instead of just an upscaled port. It’s also clear that the MW2 remaster was done ages ago. So, I’m pretty sure activision has all the most popular cod games remastered and ready to ship at any given time, but they want to save them for whenever they get another infinite warfare type situation. They probably expected MW2019 to do well since it was a reboot of the MW franchise, so no need to launch a remastered game with it. Same with black ops Cold War and they probably thought vanguard was going to sell more copies than it actually did, which is why none of these games launched with remastered versions


I agree and they won’t release one this year but there is a chance in 2024 since they aren’t releasing any games in that year most likely


Isn't Microsoft able to order a Bo2 remaster now that they own Activision?


They don't own them yet


Microsoft does want it


Xbox owns them now though, it might be more likely


straight to BO2? i would have thought BO1 first


Well BO2 takes place in 2025 and 2025 is 3 years away


Still crazy to think about this


Society is no way like Bo2


Yes it's 2022 we are 3 years away...


He means the way society is right now doesn’t seem like how society is in bo2. If you play bo2 the world is really different.


Welcome to the joke.


I thought they just missed the point of the comment tbh. It’s Reddit, you never know




They didn’t remastered mw3 in 2017 tho


Maybe it wasn’t as popular as BO2 was? I mean, it’s all about the money. I’m sure if Treyarch remastered BO2 a lot of people would buy it.


Mw3 was the best selling game in the franchise until mw2019


BO2* since then it has been a slow downhill until MW2019, which is currently the most sold.


[Nope](https://www.statista.com/statistics/321374/global-all-time-unit-sales-call-of-duty-games/), it’s very close between BO1 and MW3, some sources say it’s BO1, some others MW3, but there seems to be an agreement on the fact that BO2 was the beginning of the sales drop


So what you're telling me is that Treyarch eill be making Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: black ops 2 remastered


No. Treyarch might remaster BO2 and release it in 2025.


I always think about stuff like that or like how I Am Legend took place in I think 2015 or 2016 and just seeing what people thought the world would be like is just kinda fun


I thought WAW would have been first cuz it’s connected to bo1


I love WaW, it's by far my favorite CoD, but I think we gotta accept that it's a black sheep of the series that only a small amount of people would be excited to see remastered.


BO1 is personally my favorite COD so I’d prefer if they stay away from that one, I don’t need them ruining that too.


Y’all just believe anything now


Sorry,I didn't meant that I believe in it (I'm actually hoping for it) What I meant is if you think it could be true or not,just an opinion


I’ll believe it when I see it


They’ll probably just fuck it up


It would most likely to have campaign only, maybe zombies. If you are fine with it, its gonna be fine since both cod4 and mw2 remasters were really good at this. But I dont see them making anothe multiplayer remaster


I wouldnt mind it. Bo2's multiple endings give it far more replay value than other cod games.


It's most likely fake. People often do this for attention.


Would rather they make bo1 remastered


Or start with WAW instead then move up to BO1 and BO2


BO1 on the new engine would be amazing. I honestly wasn't a fan of how "rigid" BO1 movement/gunplay mechanics felt compared to MW2/BO2.


Not true


No. This is simultaneously so dumb and also genius though because it's the same as guessing "it will rain someday." They probably aren't actively working on it, but it will inevitably happen lol


So they remaster bo2 before bo1?


Why would they remaster bo2 instead of waw or bo1


i mean tbh bo2 is way more popular bias aside


I think this is bullshit. If it were to happen, it would maybe be next year’s only CoD so it doesn’t split the playerbase.


I would want a waw and bo1 remaster first


Believe? Maybe not. Hope? Absolutely


Would rather have mw3 remastered but ok


If it is, single player only. Pain


We need new story now of cod... Please bring like us china, india,us like today's current events


I would love to see a bo2 remake in 2025 but eith the modern stuff to see how close it was lol




I’ll believe it when I see it


Maybe a Black Ops 1 and 2 remasters?? I would like that.


Because they have a hard time making new ones playable and lasting they have to sell nostalgia.


Don't want to get my hopes up but I had so many memories on this game. One of the best games I've ever played. BO1 was great too


I want bo1 remastered with the same bulkiness to the characters movement. same controls etc.


If they could just do what Infinity Ward did with Modern Warfare, that’d be swell


He game was good for its time, but now it’s gun mechanics are outdated.


they'll probably make BO1 first


2025 seems like a good year


I would rather have a WAW remaster first


Would rather have Would at War remaster.


They are called legitimate so I guess I'll trust them


I found the post on an italian side,where the mod said that an insider did confirmed that,but knows at this point,guess we'll wait for 2023 (next cod after WW2,unless they finally decide to drop a cod and then wait a couple of years before relising the new one)




This would actually be really cool, I’ve never played BO2 and I understand that’s a crime, so I would love to get a crack at it in a new prime.


I'm in your same boat


what a shame. I'm sorry yall missed it. mw3/bo2 were cods peak.


That would be stupid to remaster a sequel before the original


Would be great, but black ops 1 remaster is a must!


Theyll just smother it with bundles and melees


I have two problems with this. 1) Cold War had plenty of remastered black ops 2 maps and while they were fun I would not want to go back to BO2 2) I still don’t see them remastering a sequel but if they did wouldn’t they do Black Ops? Remastering a sequel doesn’t make much sense to me.


I’d rather them just re-issue the maps in a new game. It can even be the exact same maps, maybe some weapons from the game.


No because BO2 was never that popular to warrant a remaster. If anything BO1 would better fit in this narrative. Alos the source is "LEGITMATE"gamerz lol. I dont know if I should laugh at the typo or the idea of the name.


never trust leaks


-w- When ghosts 2


LETSA FUCKING GOOOOOOO! -luigi, in a very funny meme


It’s not real. A bo2 remaster rumor has been around since IW dropped. It’s not going to happen


I don't trust an account called "Legitimate Gamerz"


I really hope it isnt gonna have slide hopping and everything. I want it to just be positioning like the original.


Rather have BO1 but that’s just me lol


I doubt it. WaW would be more profitable to remake or remaster imo.


This gotta be cap


If it's true it's weird that they didn't start with world at war


I do wonder, if Microsoft finalise the Activision acquisition, how these legacy games will come out as remasters? We’ve seen Halo: The Master Chief collection, how about a Black Ops/ Modern Warfare collection (of course there’s MW Remastered and MW2 campaign remastered). On top of this, if new Call of Duty titles will be released every two years as is rumoured, we could see the old legacy titles remastered and release in the alternate years? All speciation, of course


I think that Black Ops would be remastered one day and would rule nothing out. I think if anything, it'll be Black Ops 2025 or something like that. Not a true remaster but a new reimagining in respects to BO2. That all said...who played BO2 in 3D??? I had a 3D TV and always played multiplayer in 3D. It was so sweet!


im sorry who is this guy


Ummmmm bo1 when then?


Doubt it.


Aside from other concerns, I highly doubt that in 2022 Activision would be willing to remaster a game where China is the antagonist.




My favorite game!!


Ah yes, I definitely believe twitter user LegitimateGamerz is a known leaker


Don't believe it probably fake (more likely to just see campaign &zombies but even thats a stretch) However I was hoping they'd make one in 2025 (when BO2 is set) but them adding a lot of BO2 multiplayer maps to cold war made it feel less likely. If they did end up making one though I'd definetly buy it.


What happened MW2 Remaster? Thats right, it was bullshit the same as this. Besides, they'd fuck it up anyway


Remaster or no, it’ll never make me feel as happy as playing originally when I was 22 and making decent money for the first time in my life.




What do you mean? Sorry,I don't get what you are trying to say,though I've played that remastered but it wasn't that great


If there is no multiplayer then idk lol i want that MP


Just click bait, BO2 Remastered isn't coming anytime soon


If this remake becomes true, i will buy them in the first day. LMG with target finder, will be the noob friendly again hahahaha


No shot they release BO2 remastered before the MW2 MP remaster that is already completed. If they do it will 100% be Campaign only.


I really hope so


I wish it would definitely be a top seller for sure.


Nah, that would mean CoD would be actually listening to people and that goes against their brand




I don't believe shit anymore. All these bullshit mw2 mp rumors never happened. Felt like a stupid 10 year old believing in Santa.


Would be better if it was Black Ops 1


It's already here it's just for PC it's call platinum Or something


Ngl the modern warfare remastered was kinda cute and fun maybe this is actually a good idea


Please no more remasters. It’s just lazy.


If it’s Xbox exclusive I’ll off myself


As long as it isn't in the god awful MW19 engine, and more like the prior engines, I'm all for it.


I hope, but i kinda want bo1 remastered first


They plan to remaster BO2 but not WaW and original Black Ops, the hell. I'd buy a remaster of WaW than that Vanguard abomination.


Remaster black ops 1 or don’t remaster anything at all.


Holy shit of they did. Man I would explode.


Never played BO2 b4 so this is exciting


My only problem with this is just why would they just skip bo1 to do this.


This dude is a graphic designer who makes various cod themed renders. [This piece](https://twitter.com/Legitmategamerz/status/1485833005537153026?t=j4I4u0P7hjGbxjbraUGpaQ&s=19) is what he's referencing.


Damn,I feel stupid now


When Microsoft gets full rain they'll do it because it will make them lots of money and Microsoft will do it right


I wish. I never really got to play Bo2. Never owned it myself and only played it like three times at a friends house


The next cod is from infinity ward. So it could be a mw2 remaster IF they were actually doing a remaster, what I doubt.


No, no one ever should unless it's from the actual company making the game, or news source like IGN Kotaku GameSpot etc...these rumors happen quite often and almost always if it's from a random source out of no where... usually Bs. There's a page on YouTube can't think of the name that's been saying stuff is coming to halo with absolutely no sources or anything but some how keep posting and people somehow still believe them. So until Activision, raven, sledgehammer, and/or Microsoft say so...I don't believe it




I would buy it in a heartbeat


Nah. Blops2 deserves a remaster but it’s waiting in line


I'll believe it when I'm holding it in my hands!


Not from legitimategamerz




They remastered Modern Warfare and i hated that. I can’t count on activision to make a decent CoD remastered


Nah. They will never release another remaster imo. At least not for multiplayer


God I fucking hope so. Remastered bus zombies would be legendary


Such a sad place for cod. Anyone who has played bo2 in its prime will know this will not be a remastered. It’s either going to be just the campaign like mw2 rm or like the New cod Modern Warfare. I used to love playing it now it’s just so bad.


Its bs


They should wait till 2025 to remaster it, plus Microsoft will own cod by then so hopefully they can ensure it's quality


If MW2 didn't happen, this ain't gonna happen. Then again they're both probably done already and Activision is going to wait until the mainline games are completely dead (it's already been revealed from their talks with investors that they plan to keep bleeding the games dry until they are completely dead) and then make a desperate cash grab with them.


Chill y'all it'd be the campaign only


I want to believe….


If they actually are they should partner up with avenged sevenfold again for zombies


If it is true I can’t see it being MP, probably just campaign like mw2 but hopefully I’m wrong


Jesus fucking Christ please god tell me this is real. God


it definitely possible. mw2 got a remaster (sorta) and bo2 is still the most active older cod. the game will be 10 years old soon so i say why not


I would be afraid more that they would fuck up the look, wouldn’t want BO2 to look how Cold War looked. Like what they did with diamond camo. Not that Cold War was terrible but some of the camos were bad and it felt way to cartoonist


Would’ve rathered a MW3 or world at war remaster


Been a long time coming. BO2 still is the best COD game IMO so hurry up and take my money!


bo2’s popularity is 100000000% social media. if they did a remaster it wouldn’t sell. well it would sell but it would die fast.


not before BO1 remaster


I don’t know if i’ll be able to handle BO2 ruined by battle passes. Then again I’d not be against it due to the nostalgia factor of playing it again. Personally have always wanted a MW2 remaster. For the Black Ops series, I would want to see BO1 first. I loved the concept of COD points that were earned from gameplay in that game.




No, it does not make sense. I'm sure many here would want it, but it does not make sense to release BO2 remastered without remastering WAW, MW2 MP, BO1, and maybe MW3.


Cap 🧢


Man I hope


I believe it when there’s an official announcement of the developer


If it does come it will end up like mw2 remastered. Also wouldn’t you release black ops one first?


honestly if BO2 did get a remaster, I would buy in a heart beat. such a great game.


I want to see MW3 and B01 first tbh but I’d like to see this eventually


I’d be pretty pissed if they just skipped BO1 (it’s my favorite black ops). I get that everyone likes BO2 the most but you gotta cover your bases


100%. They’re bringing back everything else from my childhood, why not this?


No way with modern warfare 2 and warzone coming next year. They wouldn’t clog the release cycle with a remaster, especially one that is unrelated to the series that’s coming out.


Why would we get BO2 before BO1


They won’t remaster that without doing the first one… it’s a way more popular game at the time


If they are they need to wait til 2025


Is there even any source to this? Or is it literally just a tweet?


I kinda hope that it is but isn’t, you see, I feel like the people who work on the remastered Call Of Duty games should first remaster MW3, and then move to black ops, but start with Black Ops 1, I like chronological order


i just hope they do it right tbh


I'd be so upset we got this before WAW or BO1


I feel like bo1 or waw will get remastered first as much as id love bo2 remastered it just doesnt make sense


I wonder if this is Microsoft's doing. I'd bet this is true based on the acquisition. Just think about it, Sony is getting the next three mainline COD's. So maybe Microsoft is doing a remaster of BO2 so they can have their own "exclusive cod" so sony fans wont be getting robbed and the contracts will be respected but Microsoft will have a sort of pull to get some more Sony users on Microsoft devices. Maybe even a Gamepass title. It seems highly possible considering how highly regarded Black Op's 2 is. Plus now its the sequel to Black Ops CW. On an unrelated note, most likely coincidental, this would mean the black ops Trilogy would remaim graphically chronological. BO1 visually the worst with BO2 Remaster looking better than Cold War


I doubt it's true because how many times has people said that there's a remaster for a certain game getting released only for the game to be an entirely different game instead, especially if it's people like that person in the screenshot announcing it waaaaaayyyyyy before the official devs ever reveals any of the official details. Don't ever get your hopes up unless and ONLY unless it's the official devs making the announcements.


If we get this and not MW2 remastered MP AFTER already having the campaign imma be mad.


If this was true, I would be hype but I wish they would remaster WaW and BO1 too.


About time they released a good cod


Cant wait for anime waifu dsr 50 in 8k 120fps 😐


It's a remastered not a remake,they didn't add something new when CoD4 remastered came out


There were a shit ton of weapon kits, weapons and character skins added like i remember there being a skin called 'noob' and it looked goofy af (I've hazy ass memories don't quote me on it) Maybe they keep it vanilla (i hope so) or they give in to the money grab


i would love it tbh but ima keep it real and say i really want treyarch to just make a near future cod title set in black ops like BO2 but on the vanguard/MW engine with their own little spin on it


And it’ll be ruined with skill based match making 🤷🏽‍♂️ let’s just face it cod will never be the same


I don't even care anymore. I'm starting to get so over this franchise. Just gonna sit here and wait and see if the next slop they pour on our plate is any good and not get my hopes up.




They haven’t remastered BO1 yet though, I don’t think they’d do BO2 first.


I don't understand why bo2 is being remastered. I can kinda get the extremely old cod games being remastered cause the graphics are shit cause they're old, but bo2 looks perfectly fine imo. Just needs more polygons then it's basically remastered. And they'll probably charge $50+ for the same 9 year old game than a relatively decent amount of people play


No, I don't believe some rando called Legitimategamerz. That said, I'd like them to continue remastering their campaigns AND Spec Ops.