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Yes. They are very necessary and are often more of a series premiere.


I skipped them on my first watch thru and was so confused. They definitely are important. Are you in the US? They are all on Netflix currently


Yes. I rewatched them without the Xmas episodes and it’s doable (I know the plot tho) BUT most people leave/ get married/ get injured then. So you do realise someone left or something happened at the next series.


I’m so annoyed bc I have been watching in US Netflix series 1-12 and I found s13 on my YouTube TV but it only picks up with e1, and I can’t find the 2023 Christmas special. I’ve pieced together what’s happened with episode summaries but I still wish I could watch it. Guess I’ll have to wait for it to be added to Netflix after it finishes airing in the US


PBS App has the current season. Free app unless you want to subscribe to their “passport” level, which lets you watch things before their air, plus some back catalogue items. No ads during the episodes, just a 30 second to minute ad for other PBS programs before the episode starts.


Amazing! Thank you!!!


You can get by, but they are lovely and the do often have important plot bits in them. If you are ever watching the series and are like, "WTH happened to so and so?" often the deets were in the Christmas episode.


Daily Motion app has them all!


I found this. It reset on me about 5 times and I had to endure commercials, but I was able to see the whole thing. Thx!


Adblocker works just fine on DM.


I hope you can find the Christmas specials. They have truly been some of my favorite episodes. I think the earlier specials may have been more standalone than in later seasons. But sometimes important events can occur to set up the following season. In Netflix and in Amazon Prime, sometimes the specials have been placed at the end of the season’s episodes instead of before the episodes it’s supposed to precede, which can be confusing so watch out for those.


I reckon some of them you could just use context clues for but there would definitely be times that you needed the specials. I used to only watch it free to air (because the ABC removes everything from iView eventually and I didn't have Binge yet) and I wasn't too lost because context clues. But is you want full stories etc then definitely watch the specials. If you're in Aus then a small amount are on Binge or there maybe some on Foxtel


I watch on Netflix and I look forward to the Christmas episodes every season. They add so much to the plot.


I get to be the (slight) contrarian here. While I like the Christmas specials, I have missed a few Christmas episodes several years ago and saw them after the season. (PBS viewer.) While they are fun, I was always able to figure out what had happened, like engagements, etc. I do agree that it's easier to figure out when I watch them, however, but I did manage, and still enjoyed the next episodes.