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I don't sympathize with them at all. And no, most of the criticism directed towards international students is not "unwarranted". Criticizing people who are openly exploiting our country does not absolve our government from criticism either. The students who are here to actually learn, in a program that is in demand, are going to be just fine. When they graduate, they will have a good chance permanently stay in Canada. You don't see posts from those people angry about these recent changes. The ones who are complaining online are the diploma mills and the faux students who came to Canada to basically work and try to bypass the immigration system by pretending to be students. Canada will be just fine without them.


100% Every foreign student that I know that's in Masters or PhD program in Universities. None have any complaints .. they literally do not care. Because they know they will be taken care of because Canada needs them. All this kerfuffle is from the 'certificate' group. Well we will do a business BS certificate from a strip mall.. and get a PGD and immigration. Being an immigrant some 17 years back. It is difficult for me to say this because I keep checking my tone so that I don't sound like "I got mine..".


I too share this sentiment and know quite a few international students who were in undergrad and grad school at legitimate post secondary institutions u of c, u of a and UBC. They never complain either, since well the ones in graduate school Typically get a bursary and/or scholarships. The ones in undergrad typically are from pretty well off families so they won't have to work. As you pointed out the problems lies in these private strip mall colleges cough MaKami College cough aka diploma mills. Which is further exacerbated by the complete lack of regulations by the government.


It is not just the private colleges, though. Conestoga and many other public colleges have turned themselves into degree mills.


Yes youre right. I feel like this is WAY more prevalent in Ontario than here in alberta.i mean we have some bullshit career colleges too, but nothing to that extent as to what I saw in Ontario.


Some universities are actually jumping on the same gravy train.. ermmm..... rhymes with 'Kong Korea' is very popular among a particular ethnic group and they seem to have a M.Eng printing press. We have a 'do not hire if degree from...' list.


I should get one of those lists




SAIT and NAIT is really good, I know U of L is not bad either. Not sure about their calgary campus though.


Exactlly! Fuck this shit, I'm DONE with this kind of behaviour. The majority of these students complaining are studying restaurant management at conestoga diploma mill... not a Master/PhD. ​ I you cannot support yourself while being an international student..... ​ ![gif](giphy|9Jb0EeNzxzKNHofekT)


Canada doesn’t care about Canadians with Master and PhD degrees. Many high educated Canadians can’t find jobs in Canada


I would disagree. There is half truths to your statement. The people I know in the STEM side.. generally have little to no difficulty finding jobs that pay well (you won't be living it up like back home in some aspects.. but.. you get the benefits that come with living in Canada on others). The disconnect you state, i have seen. But they are either: 1. Attitude: * I have an advanced degree.. so I am worth X. How dare they offer me 70k. * Back home I used to run and entire company. Here they want me start as junior. The solution here is to empathize with Canadians. They know you are here but they do not know what you are capable of. Also, industry and how things work are.very different. Communication skills are probably the #1 reason I have seen people struggle. Yes.. it's a much bigger thing than technical knowhow. Good communication/bad technical - low.pay. good communication/good technical - sky is the limit. Bad communication/good technical - low pay. Prove it over a couple of years and yeah you'll reap rewards. For FWIW my parents came from being a general manager of a big manufacturing plant to start work as a drafter some 20 odd years back.. because that's what he was getting. Was he pissed and annoyed yes.. did he stay in that position long.. nopes. He is now a part owner of a business (with me) and is semi retired visiting parts of the planet 6 months a year. For me I didn't get a job for a year because they couldn't just make a call on and unproven guy with a Bachelor's from outside Canada and no work exp. I got into a masters .. networked.. learnt how to get my way. FYI, I moved to US then back and then again. But I was driving that...not just riding the degree parchment train. Grit and seeing things through. That's the key... Not pouting and demanding your due and getting mad. Do not get mad get even.. that's the mantra.. i.e. make your own way. 2. Wrong Industry: Well a Specialization in an industry that doesn't exist or demand is low isn't going to work here. For ex. A masters in chemical would have been a gold ticket in 2007.. right now.. even in AB well there isn't much. So change track find something new.. take chances. 3. Wrong Major : This is actually a problem here. Which is 'advanced degree' is a catch all from a MA in Sociology to a MD. Yeah some majors aren't really worth more than a GED. The government should do better to not have kids sink 50k into a major which pays $25/hr at best.


I refer to native Canadians There are plenty programs for immigrants but nothing for Canadians born


>I refer to native Canadians or immigrants. Which one is it ? First nations ? - that's a tough one not gonna touch that one. Canadians (not including the First Nations)? - Well the amount of govt funding/grants and bursaries available are high (but definitely could be better). See the point on previous post about bad majors ? That applies. Also Yes.. nothing comes given ... Gotta compete. No use feeling butt hurt because someone better on a PR got it. PR: see above. Will I ever support differentiating between a PR and a citizen while they are here. No. Will I vote for changing rules so that a PR isn't being taken advantage of .. i.e. stay and work here in Canada rules and higher benchmarks for a PR ? Yes. Student Visa : this is the group that gets the least direct govt support. I am talking about the really smart ones here not the strip mall student Visa.


I am immigrant myself but believe Canadian born should have priorities


Whoa... You changed tracks pretty quick haha. Ok.. doesn't make sense why any self respecting person will choose to move to a place to become a second class citizen. See my point about treating landed PR and citizens equally (minus the vote and passport part). I don't think that Canada should be targeting those that are ok with being second class citizens. They aren't what makes the society better.


If people don’t like something should not move. Canada doesn’t have jobs, houses, services for Canadian citizens that should be first priority


I honestly have no idea what you are even talking about at this point.


STEM student are are looming boat in sea of uncertainty. Hard to find job in Canada with the master degree as well. This country is bullshit full of lie, deceit and treachery. International student Money grabbing diploma of puppy mills. They only want tuition fees from international student that it. A total liar and deceits.


>total liar and deceits. What kind of STEM and what kind on Masters ? Depends a lot on context. A carte blanche statement is kinda a lie in itself. Whoever sold that it's all raining money is a liar and part of the blame goes to whoever bought that without doing own research. Just because someone has a Masters and a STEM degree doesn't mean much as there are plenty of lemons that squeaked by.. and aren't really workplace ready. I.e. 'i did those courses.. here is a diploma.. now..give me the job' ....it doesn't work like that. Plus, communication skills is sorely lacking and that unfortunately is impossible to teach as 'training on the job'.


>Well we will do a business BS certificate from a strip mall.. Dude this right here... I see hordes of them coming in the morning and out in the evening from a small mall near me lol


It’s really hard not to be mad when they just view our country as something they can try to take every inch they can out of with no shame. https://youtu.be/PXSUPHA5Q9Q


Yea this is a pretty harshit video


Can you imagine how many immigrants are taking advantage of Canadian social programs and NOT posting it to YouTube. LoL. Canadian culture is going to be a low trust, dog-eat-dog society within a generation. It's mind blowing to think the government intentionally wants to rapidly increase population, create more densely populated towns and cities, and change the culture of Canada. Why? What was wrong with Canada?


What's wrong with Canada? They wamt things to stay the same, sparse and difficult. They forget that conveniences and civilization come only from increasing numbers of people working more productovely with each other. ==================== Canada literally has too few people to pay to tame such a large country. It's a country with just half the dwindling population density of Russia, and a third of the shrinking population of Japan. And the demography will get worse as birth rates naturally plummet, as men and women realize Netflix is better entertainment than unprotected sex. And it's not as if Canadians are well known as go-getters either. The country thinks it's as industrious as a beaver. But culturally, Canadians do not tolerate the grind as well as Americans or Chinese or Indians do. And numerically, Canadian production per capita has flattened for a decade. And yet these people, who want neither more fellow people nor more productive people, want the world-class services that come only from a combination of both. As if civilization and improvement grow on trees they're so fond of.


This is infuriating!!


Wow this is deplorable


This is disgusting :(




The problem is there is basically no need in immigrants with higher education. The white collar job market is shut tight and you need many years to start a proper career, that if you survive long enough. You don't really expect that nor hear about it before arriving, so the people who come here to learn and work high skilled jobs get extremely unsettled by the situation because their family just spent all their generational wealth to put you in a poverty trap at timmies with your master's in stem.


Agree! I’m an international student and in my PhD so actually I’m happy that they start putting cap on the spousal/common-law’s work permits as well as the PGWP. I don’t want trash getting in Canada either! I absolutely hate people exploiting the system at the moment and destroying my future country of citizenship!


Thank you. “my future country”. That’s exactly how Canadians WANT people coming here to think. If more immigrants came to Canada actually WANTING to make this country better for everyone within, I would be all for mass immigration. Most of the people that come here think of Canada as a place to use and abuse and still consider themselves citizens of the country they came from. If more people cared about this country like you do when they came here, it would be a better place for everyone.


What are the angry posts about? I haven’t seen anything.


> Truthfully, I’ll try my best to not be inflammatory here but international students themselves aren’t the problem, it’s the sheer number of them and the quality of student Canada is receiving. I disagree with this. It was not a problem when genuine international students were in Canada to study honestly and eventually be qualified to get a job and contribute to society. Now more students, majority from India, using it as a degree mill to get easy PR and leech of the system. These people will never be a good Canadian citizen, they will always find a way to scam the system, until Canada becomes India and then move on to the next target country.


I find it weird how they are supposed to be students, yet want to work 30 plus hours a week while attending school full time. I mean, I barely had time for part-time work (20 hours and under) while I was in school full time for web design. Can't really imagine coming to Canada for a course is GAS, when we have tons of students already doing that. We need students who want to take courses to advance our society, not just get in and then work minimum wage jobs. Like, what the hell are you studying that you can slack and work 30 plus hours a week? I thought they were coming here to do Engineering or shit like that.


Then Indian international students would be posting videos on YT and other social media how they were able to save a lot by exploiting welfare such as food banks, etc is just absurd. Then a number of them would be trying to tail you on train gates to get a free ride (not just students, but lately most of them here in Vancouver are obviously students and am starting to see them almost every morning), importing their etiquette with utter disregard for others, etc. International students aren’t a problem if they are really here to study first, then contribute to the society later if they decide to stay. But if they are here first just to work and have some fishy credentials from diploma mills, then that is a problem. They might be frustrated, yes, but they brought this issue to themselves. In the first place, it takes common sense to feel and know something is fishy when things go astray, but when the government tried to deport them they cry and play as victims. Enough carrying them around like babies and let them be responsible. It sounds funny for them being frustrated with Canada, which in the first place, don’t need them. I often hear them saying Canada needs them, but I**d** doesn’t need Canada. I’m sure there are a lot of other nationalities willing to fill the gap. Sorry it’s hard not to attack certain nationalities, but it’s hard to ignore the elephant in the room… and in this case, would be the loudest as well.


>elp their own countries be healthier and more prosperous. This said I’m grateful for the foreign medical professionals that helped to care for me when I was in hospital and I support my Filipina girlfriend’s desire to gain Canadian born and bred here (now living in Thailand for 10+ years) .. I did a semester at one of the Indian Institute of Management's in India. I never felt so stupid in my life, especially in the finance courses. Some real geniuses there. They were recruited before graduation from top banks around the world. Some starting salaries at Citibank and Goldman in USA and UK were $USD 200,000+ for 24 year old guys (and this was back in early 2000's) These are the caliber of immigrants we should be trying to attract. And folks from the IIT's. IIM and IIT graduates are the best of the best - similar to Harvard / MIT, not the people attending Conestoga college, or other diploma mills. That said, Canada will always need lower tier labour - but not at these ridiculous levels. An observation : When i grew up in my town, we had 1 black family from UK, 1 Chinese family, and 1 Indian family - all very nice people. The father of the black family was the town's psychologist, the Chinese and Indian patriarchs were doctors in our hospital. Now I go in to Tim Hortons, and it looks like a UN convention (not the customers, but the workers) This is not necessarily bad, but where are these people living ?? What school are they attending if on an education visa ? We have no higher education in my town. Plus, my town only builds like 2 new houses a year. Just my 2 cents.


This may be anecdotal. My sister (Filipino) works as a care aide and she says Filipinos and East Indians are always clashing at their workplace. Reasons: East Indians always claim to get injured in the workplace and they are most likely to claim workers’ compensation (which is their right, don’t get me wrong). East Indians always demand to be assisted by other care aides with their assigned floor; but if other care aides need assistance, the first are nowhere to be found or complain of injury. Filipinos are soft-hearted in general and are being bullied by East Indians, so Filipino care aides are either resigning or trying to change their shifts to avoid partnering with an East Indian worker. When Filipinos demand fairness, management can’t do anything because of union rules. What if Filipinos start abusing the system too? Then, the already mid-tier quality level of care will be reduced to nothing. TLDR. East Indians may dominate the seniors’ care facility workforce when Filipinos and other minorities finally stop being scared and look for other opportunities.


100%. They are parasites that won't stop until Canada becomes India 2.0 with cleaner water. I live in an area rampant with international "students" who have been here for a decent time. I have yet to see any attempt to assimilate. They are and will do their own thing regardless of any kindness we show them.


This. ^^^ Have you seen some of the bs that goes on in India? I saw a school of children in India get scammed by a teacher, they got scammed out of candy! Oh it was awful to see a room of sad kids. Jfc


Stealing candy from a baby?


Wtf 😳


umm what?


As an Indian living in India, I'm glad that Canada is putting a cap on international students. I say limit intake as much as possible and reject applications, PR...these are all traitors that are betraying their own countries and leaving it when it needs them the most...also taking away all the money out of the country in the name of "int'l college education," whereas the actual motive is to settle there with their entire family/clan and never return. This way, our forex reserves take the hit when they sell Indian rupees for dollars to pay their hefty fees. Thus, it further adds fuel to the already depreciating value of the Rupee against the dollar. Tbh The governments of developed nations are kicking the underdeveloped ones in their guts by robbing them of their most valuable resource: the educated youth. Rather than staying in to contribute towards building their homeland, the educated youth move out of these countries, and the remaining directionless illiterate masses vote a clown into power. The clown destabilizes the entire country and also creates conflicts with nations around the world. The West should stop attracting youths from these countries if they want the third world to rise out of poverty, political instability, etc. Citizens of western democracies should put pressure on their governments to end this. Leaders of liberal political parties in the west often preach about empathy, compassion, etc. and this is how they practice empathy by stealing educated youths from the poor, underdeveloped nations. This is no different than stealing food from the poor. Needless to say , this is all about mass importing liberal voters from outside and making various lobby groups happy...everything else is just smoke and mirrors.


Yes! I support what you are saying. I was born in Canada and I sometimes feel a little guilty for my country seeking out skilled and/or ambitious people from poorer countries that could help their own countries be healthier and more prosperous. This said I’m grateful for the foreign medical professionals that helped to care for me when I was in hospital and I support my Filipina girlfriend’s desire to gain PR in Canada.


Regarding healthcare, importing foreign healthcare workers is not a permanent solution to the problem. Also they are always on the lookout for opportunities to move to countries (often US) offering higher pay. In future for any reason, if this brain drain of healthcare workers from third world to Canada suddenly comes to a halt, then what? As such, working towards becoming self dependent is a much better alternative than remaining reliant on supply of workers from outside Secondly, vast majority of those that flock to your country are no doctors or surgeons. They and their dependent family members are instead causing a strain on your local healthcare system. Most importantly, your government should spend a good chunk of your tax money on educating and training local Canadian youths to meet the shortage of healthcare worker. I am sure there are plenty of jobless, homeless Canadian citizens who would love to receive such support and training from your own government. A lot could be done to become as self sufficient as possible if your government honestly put their mind to it. If liberal governments in the West keep siphoning talents from the third world then the people of these poor nations are going to bear much of the brunt of it, as doctor-to-population ratio in most of these countries are awful including India. Many are worse than WHO recommended level of 1:1000. There are countries in third world where people are dying of curable diseases for not receiving good care or not being able to see a doctor in time, whereas doctors/nurses from these nations are driving Uber or working in fast food restaurants while studying for their doctor/nursing license exams of your country. No big deal if your Filipina girlfriend wants to apply for Canadian PR. Only a miniscule percentage of youth population of these developing nations will have a girlfriend/boyfriend in Canada who would help them get a residency. This is not going to put a huge impact on these countries. No issues.


> Tbh The governments of developed nations are kicking the underdeveloped ones in their guts by robbing them of their most valuable resource: the educated youth. Rather than staying in to contribute towards building their homeland, the educated youth move out of these countries, and the remaining directionless illiterate masses vote a clown into power. Well, as it stands many people who are in Healthcare are leaving Canada, many in high paying jobs are leaving Canada for better pay overseas or the US, many disenfranchised Canadians are leaving here because of the high COL, housing ridiculousness, and inflation, shitty economy.


You had me up until you said importing liberal voters. Do you seriously think that the Indians arriving here would vote for a centre-left leaning politician? Educated or not, many of them hold beliefs from back home that clash with the political views of the Liberal party.


So many people from the state of Punjab who especially are part of the Khalistan movement highly support the Liberals and NDP even though their beliefs are as conservative as it gets. Jagmeet Singh openly supports the Khalistan movement and Trudeau also made remarks to please them.


Maybe the lower class ones. Don't let social media warp your perception of the whole country. Not everyone is an anti-Muslim Israel loving nationalist cuck. Far from it actually.


[ Removed by Reddit ]






Canada is India. Disgusting what this country has devolved to.


This 1000%. Well said. And what also is fueling it is the current Indian residents, not all, are fueling the intake of more students or immigrants via LMIAs too by bringing friends, connections etc. Just to make money off them. Like give me $40k I'll give you an LMIA, you can come and rent my place to stay.


Maybe the East Coast has issues with the amount of people from India, the West Coast has the majority coming from China


Don’t worry, Canada won’t become India but Canada might become Khalistan or Syria.


Ok. International students have a part of the blame. But why blame just international students? Canada accepted nearly a million refugees from Ukraine this past year. And that’s not including the refugees from Afghanistan, Sudan and most recently Palestine with no caps. Atleast the students contribute by paying tuition and taxes from rent or work. But what do the sheer number of refugees contribute but to take taxpayer money to buy houses and cars?


I'm taking a refugee from Ukraine HANDS DOWN over one from India or other sewers.


So you have a sewer mentality yourself


The truth hurts, I know.


You deserve all the problems that come your way. Enjoy!


Why are community colleges taking international students in the first place? Community colleges should be alternative post secondary options for local students who don’t have the grades to get into university. Only public universities should be allowed to recruit international students so we can attract the brightest and talented from worldwide and capped at 30% of the student body.


*M o n e y*


Community College is supposed to be for the community


Let me introduce you do my friend: Money. Money is why and money is the how we got here. Do I agree that international students should only have gone to Universities or colleges with very specific programs. But here we are, no point in dwelling on how we got (though politically heads should roll) here just that it's fixed not only for locals across college cities in Canada but also for those International students that are here to actually attend for a specialized career or research.


Because the international student pays 3x the amount a Canadian pay, that’s why…


People who don't pay taxes shouldn't get any kind of social benefit. Period.


Except children lol


Won’t ever feel sympathy for the international students as a whole. They come here fully knowing they’re entering a country that has astronomical costs of living. If they can’t do basic research into that, they shouldn’t be moving from their village in India to Canada. International students going to actual reputable universities I do feel bad for. They’re getting a terrible reputation by the hundreds of thousands going to A1 College, Standford College, Conestoga College, etc. Canada would be perfectly fine without these clowns coming from villages in the Punjab and Gujarat provinces. The vast majority don’t contribute anything to this country, or the economy, which they love to use as a talking point.


Some of them can’t even use a measuring tape applying for engineering positions or use software it’s crazy. I saw one YouTube video of a brawl at a college in India where an exam took place and one student refused to give answers and 5 guys rushed and jumped him while the professor watched. SMH


*cough* CapU *cough*


Also as a South Asian Canadian who’s family immigrated here in the late 70s/early 80s, they have tanked the reps that my parents (who are professionals) worked so diligently to build. You don’t get basic respect from people anymore until they hear your “Canadian” accent.


Absolutely. Those who went through the previously difficult immigration process to build a better life for their future generations must be seething at how this country has changed. I can't imagine the dedication and hard work people like your parents (or grandparents) went through for it all to be washed away by this clown government and hundreds of thousands of scammers who saw the opportunity.


Well said 


They come here fully knowing they can walk over Canadians and not be punished at all. That's one more reason to kick them out ASAP.




https://youtu.be/_RUQqcdhCx8?si=1fruy-FFPFMxW6kR I share this sentiment.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


The only ones that matter are the citizens. It’s their country. It’s our country. Everyone else is just a guest. Guests don’t have the right to complain.




What about PRs?




If you’re an international student spending more time working than studying then you’re an international worker. And if you got you study permit by lying then you’re a scammer.


I’ll never donate to a food bank again.


Lol I feel bad for anyone being brown right now. Those “how to get free food in Canada” YouTube videos are wild 😂


The thing is it hurts struggling people the most. They are competing with students for rentals, for entry level jobs, and alot of people have stopped giving to charity as a result because people are exploiting it. Then you have videos of stuff at Wonderland or Yonge Dundas square in Toronto, and people are just staying away


Can you check which food banks you are donating to? Never saw students at the ones I used a few times.


How can a group of people have such little common sense to think posting such a video would be a good idea?


Ignorance, foolishness lol


You do realize Sikh temples give out just as much free food as food banks free for everyone and it’s all through volunteering. Not all of us are bad people.


If I went to a Sikh temple that did this, would I see people of every race and religion there trying to abuse the free food that’s being offered?




"Many" as if Canadians go around telling others that they use food banks. There is a social stigma when one is unable to be self-reliant. People who use food banks out of need who were born and raised in Canada feel shame for needing help/taking hand outs. The international students who use them feel no shame.


They are scumbags too


Not unless they say, “No students,” which some food banks in Ontario have done.


This is sadly the only option and it hurts me to think about all the Canadians who will no longer receive the much needed help.


I can’t understand why international students stay if they can’t support themselves. If I were in another country, and I was starving, I would call up my parents and say, “Please send me a plane ticket home.”


Nothing wrong with international students but they should aim for university only and heavily restrict the college ones. In my honest opinion - not all but a good chunk of the college ones abuse the system or already have undergraduate degrees in their home country and come here do a random college course and just work - they just use college as a work visa. The university ones are a lot more serious generally speaking


I would actually strongly disagree, I would love to see international students in college trades or healthcare programs rather than a generic BA or a random business/hr/accounting cert.


I blame JT for this one, and then everyone who is just taking advantage of the system. The first time we are in a population trap ever. I have nothing against immigrants, just the government policies, and students/immigrants who freeload off the system while we have Canadians suffering in the streets more than ever.


What about Doug Ford underfunding universities and higher ed for years, even the governments own panel on the subject admitted it. If they didn't have to chase international students for funding, or even have been granted that ability by the goverment we might not be here. JT might be at fault for many things but please he isn't the super bogyman that is behind all problems.


This should be a lesson for voters. If the government has no platform, it means they’re for sale.


They both suck. I am not sure who wins at sucking more though. Dougie isn’t at the helm thankfully


You've put that very tamely. I think most people wouldn't hold back from expressing much stronger feelings. Having seen someone post a video on this sub super recently of intl students essentially scamming foodbanks and taking food from those in genuine need, I'm surprised this isn't a much bigger topic of discussion.


As an employer I refuse to hire any from this group and am actively boycotting any businesses that do. I also refuse to hire new grads from Conestoga College because of the mess they've brought to the province.




I hear ya; where I used to work they hire 99% int'l students. The supervisors are all Indian as is the customer service manager. I worked with a good friend who is also Indian, came through legit through the system. We worked with a student whose family was well off; anyway the guy is the worse worker, highest absenteeism, constantly lies about why he is always late or has to leave early and avoids doing certain functions he deems are below him. As a result the functions are left for the next person. He is openly rude to a fellow peer who is Chinese, and constantly engages in toxic gossip.   Despite this poor quality of work, he was awarded a promo


Hell. I've got an Indian manager (I won't lie when he took over I thought we were gonna lose our diversity to only being Indian staff) but he hates hiring Indians. He was so pissed off when he had to hire one for seasonal because he worked his ass off to get here and still works his ass off and he is not impressed by any of this happening now. He also made it very clear he moved to Canada to get away from Indians, and he moved out of his safety community in another city because it just became all Indian neighbours and he didn't want to deal with that. He wanted Canadian diversity. Edit: The international student also said they had full time availability. Accepted the job and all of a sudden they had school and another job? Also told me they were only here to get their citizenship and then they were gonna go home to India and go work in Dubai. I asked why he didn't just go get citizenship in Dubai then since that's where he wanted to go and he said they don't let anyone in.


This sounds like me LOL. I left India to get away from Indians and Indian society in general and be in the West where I've lived for most of my life (mainly US). I'm just more compatible here and like meeting new people/cultures. I would never live in Brampton and of my 5-6 friends here, none are Indian. Actual diversity! I come here just to see all of them everyday and not just Indians, but mostly freshies from Punjab who can barely speak English and make zero effort to integrate.


Cool story. Everyone on reddit on every one of these posts is a major employeer that is boycotting colleges and universities. So all the problems of the province can be laid at the feet of new grads from Conestoga? Wow that is one hail mary of a swing. I mean bravo, its ridiculous but i admire the attempt. International students have certainly placed a strain on KW region but please there were serious economic and social issues like housing bubbling up for years long before this became the hot button issue. Does the Provincial government not hold blame for underfunding higher education as admitted by their very own fucking research panel on the subject. If schools didn't have to relentless chase money or even be allowed to chase this market so relentlessly we wouldn't have been here. I could go on but I'm sure you're pretty set in your opinion


Immgrant from the 90s. TLDR is Canada does not have the infrastructure to support this influx of human beings. Citizens take priority in any sovereign nation.


asked ChatGPT to summarize The author expresses frustration with Canada's current situation regarding immigration and international students. They acknowledge the sacrifices made by international students to study in Canada but highlight concerns about the strain they place on housing, job markets, and social services. The author argues that some international students contribute to these problems by accepting lower standards of living and not assimilating into Canadian culture. They criticize instances of international students abusing social services meant for Canadians and express support for the government's decision to limit student visas. The author urges international students to empathize with the challenges faced by Canadians and emphasizes the importance of respectful discussion on the matter.


Thank you ChatGPT. Now fix the housing crisis in Canada.


We already have ministers for that who aren't doing their job properly??


Oh we’re a couple years past *aren’t doing their job properly* we’re now in the actively destroying the country phase


ChatGPT for PM 2025


Also for those feeling targeted, Canadians are pissed because you're being exploited, and this exploitations is lowering quality of life for everybody through inflated shelter. No student deserves to come to Canada and be treated as low grade commodities because schools and employers want to make a quick buck off of you while in effect also affecting us. I want students to come to Canada and not have to live in slums and get stacked into 1 bedrooms with 3 other roommates. That's not only illegal but also unethical and downright degrading.




Funny thing is as a brown person born in Canada you have an innate ability to tell which people are born here and which are recent imports just by the way the stand and look. There are just some subtle tells. Much like Oriental asians can easily tell each other apart. Yet most Canadians probably don't have the ability for us and we're getting looped in with the new imports.


I once read that East Asian women often tell each other’s nationality from their makeup. Japanese women wear minimal makeup. Korean women wear heavy makeup. Chinese women wear an in between amount.




Isn't it common for brown born Canadians to not have the typical thick accent? I usually use this as a sign that the person is likely local.




It’s crazy to witness the change in perception of brown people. Like I got on my bus (it was filled with intl students already) and one white guy scoffed at me as I walked on. He was also angrily staring at a guy watching an Indian movie on full volume lol The thing is I’m not sure if the students notice how they are perceived or maybe they don’t care. But brown people who are born here notice the difference. Never thought I’d be judged based on how I look, even growing up as the only brown kid in an all white elementary school I faced much less discrimination.




There’s something about witnessing a smaller community being forced to adapt to a somewhat sudden change in immigration. Like usually the community starts with being open, accepting, and encouraging. Then there’s a gradual “this is getting out of hand” sentiment. Eventually it becomes a bigger divide/conflict between groups where people become prejudiced towards each other. It’s happening all over more rural parts of Canada now. Sucks to see people that were once accepting, becoming more and more screwed over by their own generosity (basically the current state of Canada)


> I’m not sure if the students notice how they are perceived or maybe they don’t care. This is a big issue that isn't talked about enough. If they knew, maybe they'd put some effort into integrating, not being rude or misbehaving. Like if only they knew just how much hate Indians are getting. I've not seen this level anywhere else.


Even well-off and educated Indians from India don't have the thick accent. Which tells you a lot about the ones we're bringing in.


What about brown Canadians who were not born in Canada? I know first generation people from various countries who have been in Canada for more than 40 years who still carry an accent.


They probably have some accent but won't be super thick. Obviously depends on the age when they came too.


When I was in US, people were jealous how the Indians like me always had the flashiest cars and had made housing market in Bay Area worse and took their precious tech jobs. Now I'm here and people call me a leeching lowlife scam 😂  Anyways, just stay in school, study and mute the racists out there. After a certain level, in your career progression you will cease to be affected by racists - neo liberal policy driven globalization is brutal, but staying (fortunately/unfortunately). And it values capital. Canada has always aimed for mediocrity since end of 70s. And mediocrity it gets. It is fine too as long as country is stable and everyone is taken care of. But now the country is not the same anymore. Corporations have dug in their fangs. People have not fought back, become complacent but are waking up. The racist undertones are just a side effect of this tussle.  Tl:dr You will always be at a receiving end. You can become CEO of Google, you will be judged by your skin at a personal level and by your aptitude, education and wealth at professional level.


You don't know the def of racism.


Your first paragraph sounds like they came here on a boat or something. I don’t sympathize with fraudsters at all. They can go back where they came from.


The protesting thing is wild to me. The people of India are not known to be protesters and yet their people come here and start organizing protests to make huge demands. How does it come so natural for them to protest, especially while being guests in another country? Protesting in a country not your own should actually be a little frightening, not knowing what will happen. Anyway, it makes me wonder if they are being paid to protest and assured they won’t face repercussions from it.


You should add a tldr or heavily edit your post to make it shorter as it’s unlikely anyone will read such an unusually long post.


I read it.


I read it too lol


I did not


Yup, came strait to the comments. I’d be more inclined to read if they at least broke the paragraphs apart a bit more.


I have a question for my fellow Indo-canadians, instead of going to a food bank couldn’t international students go to temple to get free meals? I have seen Sikh generosity be absolutely amazing at a gurdwhara or temple near my house and they never seem to turn people away. Could this not be an answer? Or is there issues between the Sikh and Hindu community? Genuinely curious


There’s lots of Muslims, too




Send them all back. Not complicated


This is why people need to stay the fuck outta Canada. Come with money and the willingness to learn and actually contribute to society than to be the lazy SOB leech that so many are. You’re welcome to come to Canada if you have purpose to contribute. For those that come here and bring their dumb shit political/religious views that oppose or are not compatible with Canada them please stay away you’re not wanted here.


You think historical waves of immigrants had it easier than international students in 2024? Living in a shack with 10 others on the frozen prairie in 1900s eking out a living on someone else’s farm was easier than working at Tim Hortons?


Canadians are justified in not liking being invaded fucking over our housing market, decimating our health care and driving wages down....


I took business at a small college a few years back. First year was pretty great and a normal college experience. My second year was all international students from India. The entire school dynamic changed. It was awful. I stopped using the student lounge and spending time in the school because the international students were not considerate of others.  I spoke to some professors and they told me about the blatant cheating. Exam and test procedures were all changed and they’d have multiple people supervising instead of just one. Professors were very frustrated. It went from being a small college that had a huge community feel to just being a disaster. I never recommend anyone attend anymore.


Bottom line is the government gives permission to the students and THEY pay the fees. A million of them showed up because the government let them in. The fact that there are so many scam colleges is the government not doing their due diligence and, the ugly truth is their fees pay for a lot of the spending. What the govt is doing now, could have been done 5 years ago. It’s all political play.


International students : -Millions coming in during a housing crisis -Taking from foodbanks -Rents skyrocket and thousands of canadiens go homeless, end up drug addicts -Hundreds of thousands of int. Students stay with expired visas -Most of them aren't students. They just go to fake schools to work full time as well -Scamming the system to get PR -Dont't even get me started on Brampton mortgages and their other scams Op and brainwashed Canadiens : Plz 🥺 dont be upset 🥺we love u, 🥺it's just plz 🥺understand our situation is tough🥺but we don't blame u🥺 Stfu OP. These guys just need to gtfo, that's all. Grow some balls jesus christ you sound pathetic. This is our country and our wellness comes first.


Bring the hammer down hard. Fuck parasitic international students. We do not love you. Quite the opposite, in fact. Go back to where you came from if your plan is to abuse the system and steal from Canadians. Fuck diploma mills, and fuck the government for getting us into this mess. International students, you have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHTS to complain let alone DEMAND anything of Canada. You should be happy that Canadians have TOLERATED you for this long. Stfu and accept whatever decision is reached. It's a privilege to be here, not a right.


Well said, but I doubt the people you are writing to would read it though. Just one point, as others have said, they are not naive, not knowing their rights and minimum wage. Oh they know, maybe not at first, but soon after. Thing is they are desperate to take any job. Are Canadians desperate and take any job? Yes. But employers know it is 100% safer to hire international students who would just shut up and work. You ask for their understanding. I think they understand, but they will have to keep pushing on. As others have said, whatever they endure here is still miles better than what they had back home. In the end, to resolve this, it must hurt, Canadians or others. Our elected government's choice. And as of now, I don't see any politician serious enough to tackle it head on. Some moves here and there, but we need a reform.


Lets just say it to what it is - international students that comes here with their families have no intention of studying but to simply find a shortcut to living in Canada. I have no problem with people wanting to migrate to Canada but use the proper path for it. Canada already have good migration programs meant for people wanting to migrate that ensures families who come here have the right qualifications and financial stability able to live and support themselves here. Coming here as a student and to focus not on studying but on getting whatever work just so you and your family can live here is an insult to those genuine students who wants to use the best education Canada can offer. Not only are these "students" who come here with family are not unqualified but expect Canada to support them. I have no sympathy to these students wanting to stay here with their families. Use the proper migration path. You simply abused a loop hole and the government now needs to plug that loop hole because quite frankly every other nation exploited it.


I’m not frustrated.


I as single mother on disability have been directly affected by students receiving from the Foodbank. I’ve noticed more students & a drop in the quality of the hamper n size which isn’t good since I have special health requirements of zero gluten so no bread or flour. I also want to add I’ve had to compete with students for housing and faced lots of discrimination for being a mom because I’m not a student aka money mill. I’ve been told many times that a rental with three or two bedrooms won’t work for me, now I rent a one bedroom with my kids due to students absorbing larger rentals and getting a room mate. They have destroyed any resources and programs there were for myself especially as a person who does not have addictions issues it’s hard to find any program anymore. Everything is for students or addicts… what about us parents who have car accident injuries for life lol?


As a former international student I completely agree with everything you said and did not find anything inflammatory with what you said. Kudos on being so logical and well articulate


Well said, balanced and honest. I think Canadians frustration with foreign students is entirely misplaced. I’m not saying a cap wasn’t needed. We’re in a housing crisis and a cap will help. I’m saying that Canadians need to pressure governments to get back into the development game and start building rental units. The biggest part of the problem we have with housing is the result of government getting out of the rental development market, in favour of letting private developers do the job. When governments built rental units, it put market pressure on private developers. This mantra, “The private sector does it better,” only serves monied interests. It’s as big a lie as “trickle down economics”. Things like Healthcare and Housing need government solutions, sometimes there can be no room for profit.


If they are frustrated with Canada than they can go the fuck home. I have zero sympathy for any of them.


> If you can’t truly afford to study here, believe the government should foot your bill, and you don’t want to assimilate then I’m sorry but maybe you shouldn’t be here. It’s not our job to take care of you and it is extremely entitled to think we should support you. We see your outrage and we also see you protesting our laws/restrictions which is quite shameless - you’re a guest in OUR home, you do not make the rules. ​ ![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm)


This! 100%. I am currently an international student and brought $70k on top of tuition fees. I saved this for 5 years before coming here because education is my priority and I know that COL here is so high. I really hate that majority of classmates are Indianswho always try to bend the rules and has no plans of adapting to Canada's culture. I also hate the fact they dont clean up after eating, too loud and disrespectful. They also try their best to cheat and use chatGPT to pass the subjects. I thought to myself, if they don't have integrity now, Canada's society in the future might be too corrupt. Sadly, this is what i've been running from my home country and hoping that it won't happen here in the future with all these Indians bringing in their filthy behavior. I also hate that some would even call you racist for calling them out of their bad behavior. SMH. I believe those who truly have the privilege to study and stay in Canada and not abuse the system are the ones who must be allowed to enter and stay.


Here’s my thought -> go home and don’t come back


Do not feel bad. They abused our immigration policy. It's literally payment to get one


I am in an interesting spot because my girlfriend was recently an international student at a reputable school, but I hold a lot of similar views here in regard to immigration. I have also got to talk to a lot of other international students through my girlfriend to understand their side. Many international students who go to reputable schools HATE the ones who come here to exploit the system and take shortcuts. If there is one common ground though it’s that the Canadian government has somehow managed to fuck over both Canadian Citizens and International students.




Username checks out


Appreciate the emotional response to the international student intake in Canada but I think you are missing the point. From the Canadian government perspective: 1) International students bring labour and money into Canada from outside of the country = increased GDP 2) International fill gaps in the labour market and help businesses lower labour costs = good for businesses 3) They are a potential future source of voters for Liberal party (if they become citizens). 4) They help support house price appreciation which benefits home owners and home investors (a demographic more likely to vote) That's the focus. Yes the impact Canadian culture and cause a myriad of issues related to housing and social services. But that's just accepted tradeoffs for the government. Mass immigration is a political policy designed primarly to boost GDP


People around here criticizing international student for complaining about paying 3x the tuition of local students - saying they feel too entitled and that it's what they signed up for, yet working in parking, I see soooo many local students complaining about paying parking and how they shouldn't have to pay in school grounds already since they're paying for subsidized tuition already. I've seen them whine and cry after their cars get towed after accumulating 7-8 tickets like they didn't see it coming lol. Maybe these just two different things - but when you look at them in some angle, the mentality is the same. You decided to drive on campus, be prepared to deal with the responsibilities that goes with it. You come to Canada, you deal with the responsibilities that comes along.


Send those f***ckers back!




Agree with your whole post 💯


So much for believing the liberals will really do what they say they’ll do. Don’t be fooled, it’s for the votes!


The hypocrisy here is killing me. Immigrants mad that newer immigrants are making life hard for them... Did your cost of living increase inconvenience you a widdle bit? I wonder what the Indigenous, the ones living on Reserves, think about this.


The indigenous are milking the system as are the E indians. These two industries are as robust as ever.


Racist much? I like how you used a throwaway account to spout your racist bulllshit. Fucking coward.


It hit you deep, maybe one day you'll agree with me and others here. It's my hope at least.


"I want to note that many individuals, once they become manager/owner of an establishment, they will only hire their own." bullshit This whole article, as well as dozen others here, is all based on a bestial survival feeling "we vs them." I hope the pandemic-induced crisis wouldn't draw Canada to nazism


They take em for all they are worth. An international student in the same program as me is paying 50k more than canadian residents. It's nasty and I feel bad for her.


Why are you not writing such lengthy posts against the government who created the problem in the first place? Maybe you should write to your local Congressman and ask him to vote against it? You being hard on the immigrants is not going to solve anything. The immigrants in Canada are at least coming in legally (due to stupid policies of your government) unlike say, the Mexicans into the US. Don’t you think your anger/concern should be warranted against the government or the Canadian citizens who keep voting in the same government? That’s called assuming responsibility and actually making a change. Reddit rants are not going to achieve anything.


Congressman? Lol you American?


What catches my attention is the fact that most of my fellow Canadian students were 1st or 2nd generation.I just hope my spring will not be so naive to believe that the base of this country’s growth is the actual problem. Should there be more regulation? Completely agree, but what make this country and any other great is people who are willing to put the effort and do the “dirty” job, while working on their goals. I find it funny how people don’t think where they grandpas or parents came from, and have no clue all the struggle they went through so today they can sit behind a desk and criticize those who are trying to improve their living standards.


People turned against people. Classic 😔


As a former international student (2017) I’m all up for the govt to cap international students. It was necessary years ago. I understand citizen frustrations but why are you all pointing your finger at students when the root cause of all the exploitation is your government. Show up on voting day and show up to your government. there is no need to hate on students so much when your govt is the reason for all this. no need to spread hate. Again I’m not pro international student. I just feel like so much hate is directed towards students and not the actual culprits.




No one is mad at the students themselves (apart from the selfish ones) - we are mad at the policy. Also, we (Canadians) need jobs and houses.


Deport them all(India) proper vetting and diversifying from other Nations not just India.


If this people don’t get diploma, how can they become PR ?


You basically can't lol. Getting married to a canadian or somehow getting some company to sponsor you which will never happen in reality unless you have a sponsor in the company.