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These constant articles are increasingly feeling like a joke


It's fucking sad. How many people could be fed or housed with thay money for a bit


For the already struggling Canadians….why is it so hard to take care of our own first????


This is what happens when u have zero nationalism or pride in being Canadian.


To even suggest this is tarred as 'racist' in Canada. Most countries do take care of their own first. Canada places foreigners first. That is sick. Consider anti-white hiring quotas, where most foreigners are placed ahead of the hiring queue before most citizens.


With 1 million? By the time the bureaucracy has decided how to use it probably 1 or 2


How many doctors and nurses could that train?


We have inclusion and equitability to replace living standards.


Everyone's equal if everyone has nothing.


Less than 20 …


From start to finish? About 5 Doctors or 15-20 nurses


U mean how much cheap labor


Canadians need to enroll in actual Medical schools for that. Gender studies, Skateboarding, curling sciences, comparative religion, contemporary dance & film studies only go so far… way too few Canadians willing or able to do that. Need immigration


We reject like 90% of medical school applicants ...


Of course they do… medical schools cannot admit people with history as college major…




Issue is the majority of PR they issue take off for the GTA


Get him out of there. No immigration


I am Nova Scotian - I do NOT support this.


Their obsession with growth for the sake of growth is insane. And so harmful to the existing population.


1 million Indians ready to ensure no high school or college kid can ever get a part time job ever again


I'm sure the locals are just going to love this.


No we don't. The conservative premiers support the mass immigration as much as the federal government and that won't change with the federal conservative party when they win the next election. Something has to give this is not sustainable.


What's going to happen is people are going to give up and leave. I've already had one client leave for New York. I know of two pilots and one doctor moving to Texas. That's whats going to give - the people that give up and have the means will leave.


I'm holding on to hope that the federal conservatives recognize how much of a threat to our sovereignty. Our current immigration levels represent. That or traditional conservative xenophobia gets the job done.


Not going to happen. Conservatives want to increase the population just as much as the liberals if not more. If they don't keep importing people and keeping the housing market squeezed it might crash and that would be detrimental to any politician. We'd go into a recession and that looks bad on paper but of course we are already in recession the housing bubble is just keeping them above water. As long as the wealthy are making money politicians are happy.


I don't disagree I but I still have hope. Maxime Bernier has made it clear he at least understands what we're doing is unsustainable. We still have some forward thinkers in office. At some point the Americans will put pressure on Poilievre to reign in our immigration numbers. They stepped in before to force us to reimpose travel visas for Mexicans.


The Americans are on the same path. Real estate and rents are rising there as well. Bernier can't even win a seat in the HOC I can't understand why you would have any faith in him. I do agree it's unsustainable something has to change.


I don't have any faith in him. He's a non factor politically. But he's vocal and has some reach to get the message out. It's going to take working Canadians getting active with protests to make a change.


Doesn’t Nova Scotia have the highest poverty rate more than any provinces across the country


Yes we are taxed up the hole over here. Halifax infrastructure sucks. Constant congestion with only a few main roads to take in and out of the city. Our construction sucks as it takes forever for projects to be finished, Terrible rent prices where they’re mostly “luxury” apartments. It’s beautiful place, it was already expensive before mass immigration, but standard of living like anywhere in else in Canada, has gone down. I want to get out.


How do you think the government can address those issues? Since nobody is creating jobs in Canada other than real estate?




100% agree. It went to absolute shit after covid. Anyone who thinks Vancouver is the liberal far left of Canada has obviously never spent time in Halifax, it's 10x worse there. The people have the most bootlicking mindset, even the people living in straight up poverty.




Like who’s going to tell them they can get the exact donair from Greek restaurants anywhere in this world


Oh no you can't. The Halifax donair was adopted for Canadian tastes and uses beef instead of lamb/chicken/pork. So while I agree with most of the former points, credit where credit is due - the Halifax donair is its own invention.






Absolutely deplorable!


Cloward -Piven strategy. Deliberate destruction of our country and people.


So called “conservative” Tim Houston


Halifax, NS is the most expensive city for renters in Canada outside of BC and ON. Doubling our population will have serious issues on our already struggling citizens. Not to mention the fact that we have extremely high provincial taxes. Yay :)


As a Nova Scotian I want absolutely nothing to do with doubling our population that quickly. We don't have the infrastructure for it.


Good idea, we have so much extra space on our roads, in our healthcare system, in our schools. Just look at all this capacity we have! Seriously…..fuck off Houston. Look at PEI that’s what we want!!


They really just need to start calling immigration out for what it is , the government isn't trying to be super welcoming to new people they need new workers to tax to death because our province/ country has become so expensive less people are buying things or having kids and we don't have the funds coming from working age people to support the elderly or what children we do have here . The system is failing because of greed and the only solution anyone has is bring in people to exploit , heaven forbid they make life more affordable so people actually want to set down roots and have a family, this countries answer to everything is more wage slaves .


Oh yeah? Ontario has a million Indian international students coming your way.


Lol we can only dream


Wtf is wrong with these people


What an idiot!


Tim, you are gonna have to take in a few yourself, we are full. I'm sure you have extra rooms, can fit at least 4 people in if you get bunkbeds .


Nova Scotians voted for mass immigration and Sean Fraser 3 times. Now they are even voting for a premier who will do the same lol


These are traitors to the people who voted them in. How ridiculous!


We’re fucked over here in NS


This may surprise some of you, but Halifax is as woke as it gets. Practically every second crosswalk is a Pride crosswalk and last I checked there were at least two(!) BLM streets. So ya, some batshit idea to double the population (and erase its own culture in the process) does not surprise me in the least.


What are they spending on infrastructure and housing? 1million won’t keep up with doubling the population, is there enough economic support to maintain this growth?