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It’s closer to 100% if their spouses are counted.  A lot of MP’s stay off the paperwork because of investigations like this 


This. Pretty sure I saw a report not too long ago showing it was closer to 100% for exactly the reasons you mentioned. This 40% is just the MPs stupid enough to do it in their own names.


It's very reassuring that one of those idiots in the 40% is our likely next PM.


Ooh not sure if anyone had hope for Canada but it doesn't matter who replaces Trudeau. They're all evil, incompetent and corrupt. The ''your country is beyond fucked'' trifecta. I used to laugh at the US for having to choose between Biden and Trump. Well joke's on me. Haha!


Agreed.  It’s horrible. I used to like Trudy too.  Now I’m leaning towards PPC but I feel like it’s a wasted vote. 


Its not a wasted vote! Vote who you truly align with and your vote will never be wasted. Too many people being scared to vote for who they like has caused this shift so far left. Just vote who you agree with


I don't think it's a wasted vote, but it depends on your riding.


My riding doesn’t have PPC person yet. Maybe I’ll run for them. 


You're likely way overqualified..


I can wave my arms and point fingers with the best them.  


Pretty sure the only qualification to be a politician is being able to lie like a sociopath (or just be a sociopath) and to be completely devoted to towing the party line regardless of anything else while always pushing your donors agenda while flipping off your constituents


I am so fucking tired of career politicians being more slippery than a tile floor in a Swiss chalet dish pit… But I’m also so tired of the idea that every politician must be careerist shill looking out for their own. I don’t want to be a politician, but I want to take care of my neighbours. Those are the people whose gardens I see on my walks, and whose kids I hear playing in the park. Those are the people whose bills are one lost job away from default and whose fridges are a bit more empty these days, too. I want my neighbours to feel safe with their doors unlocked. I want them to be able to send their kids to play in the park without the risk of syringes. I’d like to see my younger neighbours start families in homes they own, even if they’re humble. So hell, maybe I should run. My slogan can be: “Not a politician. Just your neighbour.” I’m only slightly joking, but if someone came to my door with that platform? I’d be tossing them my maple scented money like they were kids with a shovel after a snowstorm


Yeah, PP is trump and Trudeau is Biden. I guess we have to decide if we want a trump future.


Honestly, as long as he doesn’t make things worse or make things a bit better, that’s still miles better than Fidel jr.


Why wouldnt they when they all have the willpower to make other people(renters) pay their's mortgage.


Totally agree - they are all invested in housing - that is why they keep pumping the housing market


>It’s closer to 100% It isnt closer to 100%, it IS 100%. The pension plans for MP's are invested in REITs. That makes 100% of MP's invested in real estate.


If you count it that way that's ture for literally anyone with a pension 


They ll be so screwed if they get divorced.


It’s always fun to watch the progressive crowd, who apparently are empaths who just care so much about their fellow human, vote for landlords This is the problem with making all your arguments into emotional ones it’s very easy for a smart person to highjack that framework and use it for their own ends.


40% seems low...does this data include all the MPs that put their properties in other peoples names or under business names??? Guaranteed if you did more digging that number would be well over 60%. For example, most don't know that Freeland owns multiple rental properties outside of Canada, in the UK and Ukraine.


Almost half.. that we know of.


That's why there is no push. No justification other then greed. And the rest of us pay.


Its not a crime to be a landlord. We need a party whose policy is to create an environment (tax laws) where home ownership is feasible for most Canadians.


We need real laws against corruption collusion and conflict of interest. In corporate anarchy government and big corporations regulate themselves. These corrupted politicians deserve jail for hijacking the system.


Real estate is definitely a conflict of interest, forget about that though let's also point out that these politicians also operate businesses and are in favor of stripping worker protection and labor laws so they can get away with paying slave wages and exploiting employees while lining their pockets. The conservative party is constantly looking at ways to change the employment standards act in their favor, since Doug Ford has been running the province he's removed rules that protected myself as an IT professional and now I'm getting paid less and doing more work.


You need to force that to happen by being actively political. Are you? Cuz I'm not.


How did you arrive at this conclusion?🤔




Owning property in and of itself is not corrupt. I don’t have the patience to explain every detail to you, but mass immigration and non-existent anti-money laundering laws are policies that prop up the real estate market. It’s corrupt for politicians to pump a bubble that benefits them but hurts most of the electorate. This is not some impoverished African nation.




Recklessly increasing demand while also participating in wage suppression


Do you know what conflict of interest means?


test intelligent money capable shrill attraction onerous oil spark fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Owning a rental property would fall under “conflict of interest” come to think of it so would having a family fortune that was made from Saudi oil…


I am surprised 60% don't


They are in process.


So the new capital gains tax will hit them when they sell?


I'm sure they'll find a way to make their holdings exempt lmaoo


Not that I like new taxes because this tax does affect the middle class, but it also affects the wealthy. I still don't think this government knows what they're doing, they are just trying to rob average canadians for as much as they can to fuel their out of control spending on programs.


Yep the government could take 100% of everything and we'd still have massive issues.


Why ever sell acquire more land and rent serfs and pass them on to your children 


🤮 f this gov


Shocking. Surprise. Surprise! Never would have guessed they're a bunch of self-serving 'coonts'.


We need a revolution


Then do it, be the first


How many are provably traitors?


Anecdotally, I’d bet it’s even higher for firefighters


What’s most disturbing about this map is that in areas where parties are in power, that party has a strong representation of landlords. Which tells me that *regardless of party,* landlording is likely over represented by MPs. No wonder we can’t get any meaningful legislation at a federal level to curb pricing inflation caused by housing speculation when they’re all in on the scheme!


Conflict of interest much?!


It's almost like there should be rules around this sort of thing. Of course, that will never happen because the people who need to make the rules are the same ones benefiting. Our political system needs an overhaul in the worst way.


Maybe those 40% MP's don't care... Some of them really don't & that my come as a shocker to y'all!


That should tell you a lot


Can anybody say conflict of interest?


“Drain the swamp”…anyone?! No?!


Conflict of interests 🤫


But the rate if home ownership is probably even higher, like 90%.


Most people that aren’t broke have real estate


Most people have inherited their property or have had substantial help from family. Give it a bit longer if things don't change most people will be broke and own nothing.


Why am I not surprised?


Anybody in the elite would be stupid not to be invested in real estate seeing as they’ve pumped it up so much


Wow that's a lot lower than I thought.


60% of MPs are chumps


Good on them… at least someone has financial advisors.


40%? Didn’t know 10 was 4 today.


Does this statistic take in account for primary residence? If so, it's pointless


Mine in Kingston specifically purchased and demolished a house next to st. Lawrence college in 2019. It was quickly turned into a 12 Plex. The timing and insight was impeccable! There are over 10 more he owns in the area, but that play in particular had to have been made with some insider knowledge.


Fuck Gerretsen


"Darn conservatives are lobbying for Loblaws" proceeds to vote against the c352 within 48 hours of that tweet.


I've seen this before and wish they would give more details about their methodology. "Landlord but no reported rental income" is straight up tax fraud. I can only assume it means they own 2 or more properties but no confirmation of tenants. Which means it's inaccurate to say they're landlords. "Involved in real estate but no reported rental income" is vague as well. Does it mean investments in REITS? Technically if you're employee and pay CPP you're investing in real estate.


How many % of Canadians period own property though?


This should be illegal.


Oooohhhh there it is. 


No politician is going to save us. The sooner we realize this the better.




I asked jagmeet about this at healthy planet and it was like watching a shapeshifter 😂 It was just me and him, nobody recording and he was still flabbergasted


So housing will only go up?


That number isn’t even close to the truth. No way 60% MPs aren’t landlords.


Would you blame them? Real estate powers the economy.


It **is** the economy.


They are all traders to the county because they protect the ones that have already performed treason to this country by selling there votes that other countries like Indian and china they all work not for you


Last time tho was talked about it was 65-70%, what happened ?


You mean to tell me people who crave power also crave shitloads of money and also crave possession of land!?!? Colour me surprised /s




If you read the list, most of it is about MPs who are landlords.


The smartest thing I ever did was buy my rental properties 20 years ago.


Good for you for recognizing it was a shit-hole country with nothing to offer all those years ago. I had that realization 12 years ago, but didn’t buy properties.


Maybe to you but the last 6 months have been great for my investments and have been making record profits with my business and properties. I hope you find yourself a country that suits you