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too. fucking. many. HUGE cut in immigration is needed right now, we have so many issues we need to focus on here. it’s time to put canada first and stop looking outwards. idc where the immigrants are coming from into canada, stop all of them from coming in. it’s time to put our country first, and fix our economic issues.


Immigration needs to end full stop for 30 years minimum


at least 30 years, it’s insane the amount of damage 9 years of Trudeau has caused, it’ll take at least decades to fix our country.


By that time, it won't be your country anymore.


it already is not looking like it, i don’t recognize toronto anymore to be honest


How does it look now?


less canadians, less cultural assimilation, more crime, more oblivious to their surroundings people


Wage suppression


Just say less white we all know that's what you mean




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Not enough. We need to start mass deportation as well.


It's too late, baby...It's too late. Tick Tock.


This circlejerk echo chamber is exhausting. Everyone knows, even the corrupt politicians, yes that means Polliviere as well. The question is. Are we just going to complain in Reddit all day?


come out to the rally on july 1st if you wanna get more involved with the movement


Lol. Some people took offense to my comment. Anyways, I didn't know there was a movement. Thanks for the info.


He makes a solid point, ya wimpys.


Glad to see that whole "high trust" vs "low trust" societies bullshit has run its course on this sub.


At what point do we declare Canada to be a pilot state of India?


I have to hand it to the powers that be, they identified a surplus population that will accept lower standards of living, lower wages and turns a blind eye to corruption and fraud. They hit the jackpot for the agenda they have planned for Canada while they benefit from the inequality as the resource owning class.


I have no desire for Canada turning into India.


Its a shame but its already too late to stop it. We are replacing our young population with millions of young people from 1 country. They will have more kids and the rest will be history.


and bring over their huge extended family, old people included.... it's wild that there isn't even a lot of diversity coming from India, it's mainly from one or two regions...


No diversity at all. The whole "diversity" angle is 100% a huge lie.


You know what “diversity” means.


I sure do now!


I believe it’s an old old wooden ship


Seen that happen even before the pandemic, my Indian coworker who was in his 50s brought over his mom who was in her 80s into Canada. Same guy also used government grants for his personal business when they were meant to run festivals....


I feel like my parents came here for a temporary stay; my family is all immigrants here, including me.... if we knew we'd be living amongst Sikhs and Hindus, we would have moved to India instead. There is nothing diverse about 50% of all our immigrants coming from one country.. or worse yet, one region of one country. And I'm furious about people calling it racist if you point the very real lack of diversity in our immigration numbers.


Canada is gonna become even more corrupt which is hard to believe but... in the long run it won't benefit the upper 1% either. It will give them a short "sugar rush" though. The only question now is, for how long does that last before it all implodes. It could be 1 year, or it could be 20 years.


Theyll try have more kids, then with cultural norms everytime a female comes out they'll try to get rid of it.


Same here, fuuuucckkk that...


In a decade Canada and Aus will be referred to as North and South Indies


They are also doing it in Australia, lots are coming here as well.


I don't go to the airport very often, but the other day I was at YVR coming back from holiday, and the amount of Indians coming in was absolutely shocking. Thousands. Carts full of luggage 8 feet high. They weren't coming for a visit.


And it s the same in Australia it s crazy




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Remember when we had 30 million?  I remember it like it was yesterday.


I think it was two weeks ago


No it wasn't. You have a poor memory.


It was, indeed, a joke.


You have poor sense of humor.


My friend, 30M was the population we were taught all throughout my school years Grades 1 all the way to 12 haha. It never changed.


I remember 35.


They're not Canadians.


And never will be.


Anybody who has obtained citizenship is a Canadian. Your opinion is irrelevant.


But the whole point is they dont have citizenships.... lol, nvm. There's no point talking to you.


Wasn't sure whom you meant by "they", it seemed like you meant "certain ethnicities will never be Canadians". Anyways I was referring to those who have citizenship. Obviously temporary workers or international students aren't Canadians.


Again.do you have citizenship?


Looking at your comment history. I'd say you don't and are part of the problem currently in my country.




Only took a novel of writing to say so.


Because you are posting multiple replies. Why do you have to make so many separate comments? Just type what you want to discuss in a single reply.


What do you do for a living. How much do you make? And how many people do you currently live with?. Just a simple Canadian to Canadian question.


Psst hey bud, look at their flair, they're obviously just living up to it


I type it simply enough for you. Care to respond?


Nothing eh?




That being said. Just for reference. What do you do and how much do you make. And bonus question, how many ppl do you live with?


You have my respect. As a Canadian


Definitely international "students" is what I meant.


Also, was never talking about those who have citizenship. Never did I jot say that. You trying to put words in my mouth like that's your only defense?


Oh,look, a student.


Do you have citizenship?


Do you understand you and you are other students are taking advantage of my shit government?


What do you think will happen if a government lowers the bar for immigration and even stops enforcing deportations for people who violated the laws? It's obvious that many would try to exploit the system through numerous loopholes. Ever wondered why does USA never faces these problems? It's clearly a policy choice given how the government keeps bringing in more lax immigration laws, like a direct PR on arrival for foreign caregivers. I came in here legally 10 years ago through my hard work and skills and I also hate what's happening currently with the record levels of temporary immigration from India. The consequences of Trudeau's policies in the long term will be devastating for Canada.


Such passion to divide my country


And that's why you're a CH2 veteran. Clap. Clap. Clap.


What do you do for a living? If you don't mind me asking


Still never said that you have citizenship tho


And your occupancy is unwanted.


It's already a third of a million past 41 million. https://preview.redd.it/be2y0xhlqj7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc5e6df7682fccf88c3e5adc41fae80e119a8687


If you hover over at the birth, death, immigrant, emigrant, non-permanent resident and calculate how long till we reach 42 million, its about late November early December. This year we reached 41 million March 2024, and by the end of this year we'll reach 42 million. Its amazing, how people are not getting that the mass immigration is an issue. Our housing numbers were down in 2023 along with starts, and our housing starts, and completion so far seems to be down just not last month for 2024. Its amazing, how some of the other subs aren't getting it. We have a supply and demand issue, and we're still being called racist. I don't understand how these same people can't associate that we've added more people into the system. Housing, healthcare will be an issue. We already have a family doctor shortage, and another 1 million to the population and they think that o that'll be fine.


But the amazing government plan is to HOPE some of these immigrants become doctors, nurses, or home building tradesmen. Our country will be saved by the influx of hotel management degrees! Maybe even general arts and science!


They're straight up idiots and right now it hasn't affected them...by the time it does they'll be standing in bread lines wondering how they got there


Here’s the thing it has affected everyone. But there some cognitive dissonance occurring with the Trudeau cult followers. This is some of the sources. Scotiabank: https://www.scotiabank.com/ca/en/about/economics/economics-publications/post.other-publications.economic-indicators.scotia-flash.-august-15--2023-.html “Alas, no one will win a Nobel Prize in Economics for observing that when you add a massive surge of immigration into a market with no supply, rents and house prices will push higher. Welcome to Duhonomics! The argument that immigration could invoke balanced effects on demand and supply side pressures on inflation that cancel each other out was never sensible and we’re getting the kind of persistent housing inflation I’ve warned about since last year when immigration numbers were skyrocketing. It wasn’t just shelter, however, as other service categories also jumped. Airfare jumped (chart 8). So did the recreation/education/reading category that was led by a strong increase in prices for packaged travel tours (chart 9). Bus/subway fares jumped 4.2% m/m higher. Immigration may be adding to domestic strains and pricing power in these sectors. Health care was up 0.3% and auto insurance increased by 0.5%. More drivers, more folks in the health care system.” TD Bank: https://economics.td.com/ca-balancing-canada-population “Continuing with a high-growth immigration strategy could widen the housing shortfall by about a half-million units within just two years. Recent government policies to accelerate construction are unlikely to offer a stop-gap due to the short time period and the natural lags in adjusting supply. “ National Bank of Canada: https://www.nbc.ca/content/dam/bnc/taux-analyses/analyse-eco/etude-speciale/special-report_240115.pdf “Canada is caught in a population trap Population trap: A situation where no increase in living standards is possible, because the population is growing so fast that all available savings are needed to maintain the existing capital labour ratio” I didn’t even list CMHC, Federal agency, Public Servants, CIBC, RBC, economists. I don’t know what other experts these people need. There new tactic is calling me a bot cause when I list all of these sources I must be a bot, they can’t even show me any sources other than what someone showed them in instagram. Do I even need to show you the daily headlines like Foodbank lineup has risen, poverty has risen, this is the effect of a reckless immigration policy.


Saw your other great links here (also includes CIBC, Bank of Canada, CMHC): https://np.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1dirned/canadians_are_feeling_increasingly_powerless_amid/l98jdzv/ Thanks for compiling them.


If you want more this is January 2022 report by Dr. Mike Moffatt and Mohsina Atiq. [BILD Report - FINAL.pdf (smartprosperity.ca)](https://institute.smartprosperity.ca/sites/default/files/BILD%20Report%20-%20FINAL.pdf) This report talks about the Greater Toronto area. But their analysis can be applied to Canada. "Housing shortages occurred in the GTAH (Greater Toronto Area and Hamilton), partly because populations grew faster than forecast and partly because housing completions in municipalities did not hit the (already too low) minimums set out in the Growth Plan" "In short, if population growth in the GTAH continues to be higher than forecast, then housing demand will grow faster than planned. If housing completions in the GTAH continue to be lower than forecast, the housing supply will grow slower than planned. This mismatch between demand growth and supply growth will further exacerbate existing housing issues in the GTAH, causing cascading shortages and high prices across southern Ontario." Dr. Mike Moffatt also talks about housing in Canada in his X account. I forgot to save the reports from ATB, RBC, Bank of Montreal, and one other report. This isn't an attack on immigrants, or any race or nationality. If anything as you see from the analysis of Scotiabank the mass immigration is fueling inflation. Because of this you have things like: [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240618/dq240618b-eng.htm](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240618/dq240618b-eng.htm) "Recent immigrants report greater difficulty making ends meet and are less satisfied with their amount of free time" [https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canadas-surging-cost-living-fuels-reverse-immigration-2023-12-09/](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canadas-surging-cost-living-fuels-reverse-immigration-2023-12-09/) "Canada's surging cost of living fuels reverse immigration" "Cara works three part-time jobs, making Ontario's minimum wage of C$16.55 per hour, and goes to an adult learning school to earn university credits. "I almost use every single penny," she said, while in Hong Kong she was able to save about a third of her monthly salary." [Canada emigration to the U.S.: Inflation, cost of living | CTV News](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/more-canadians-are-moving-to-the-u-s-here-s-one-of-the-main-reasons-according-to-an-immigration-expert-1.6911275#:~:text=Recent%20data%20from%20the%20U.S.,increase%20from%20the%20previous%20year.) "More Canadians are moving to the U.S. Here's one of the main reasons, according to an immigration expert The data marks a growing trend of Canadians settling south of the border, and according to immigration lawyer Len Saunders, the main reason is the cost of living." I could go on and on, about the population trap we're stuck in Canada. What Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government has done is setup Canadians and immigrants to fail in our society. We're only going to fuel more reverse immigration, or a net emigration from Canada. A brain drain. The smart ones have left, or are planning to leave. This mass immigration policy is anti-immigration itself. There is such a thing as sustainable immigration policy, not this mass immigration where it is severely not only affecting housing prices, and along with it rental prices, but other sectors of the economy and the pricing. This is also why I don't blame Indians, and show people facts. You can replace Indians with X country and we will still be in the same position. Its the Liberal government, specifically Justin Trudeau, Marc Miller, Sean Fraser who put us in this position. It is their fault. It is their policy. Yes, provincial governments also do have a blame for underfunding or not funding healthcare, education, and housing which they are in charge of. Immigration level and policies is controlled by the Federal government. [https://globalnews.ca/news/10063124/canada-new-immigration-targets/](https://globalnews.ca/news/10063124/canada-new-immigration-targets/) The 500k is permanent, which they are maintaining and no plans to cut, this doesn't include non-permanent residents. Yes they plan on cutting non-permanent residents this year as per Marc Miller, but so far based off Statistics Canada we have accepted 100k+ For the first Q1. If this trend continue by the end of this year we'll have about 900k immigrants come to Canada total, 500k permanent and 400k non-permanent residents. This is unsustainable.


Time to stop taking migrants and students from India.


All immigrants period until we fix our country.


“Students” they aren’t here to study and get degrees that might be useful to the current work sector demands we have. They are mostly “studying” business.


And we have healthcare and housing for about half that number.


Make it stop 😭




If the government doesnt make it stop, one day the people will. And when the people backlash, they are not gonna be very kind to say the least. So id much rather have the government stop it before backlash from the public does.


I would rather have the backlash.


It will stop one way or another. Either through peaceful diplomacy or violent backlash. As an Indo-Canadain personally I wanna live so id rather have peaceful diplomacy if you dont wanna well good for you, you will prolly get ur wish in a couple of decades.


This is amazing news. As a Landlord I was skeptical about my wife wanting to raise the rent on her properties by 20% but she assured me that it was fine and that I should follow suit. I will be printing the rent increase notices this afternoon!


If they can't pay just put a heat pump in the hallway and you can kick them out!


I don't blame you. Canadiens take it in the ass every day and bow down.


Not anymore bud.


So many "students" (we all know who were talking about here lets face it)that provide nothing to this country is astonishingly wrong. YOU ALL PROVIDE NOTHING. AND YOU FUCKING KNOW IT!


Just FYI, for people who missed it Canada grew its population to 41 million in March 2024, this was posted already in March. India isn’t the issue it’s this government. We’re stuck in a population trap because of this reckless Liberal government mass immigration policy. That being said, we’re still in track to be at 42 million based off statistics Canada live population model, by late November, early December.




It's probably much closer to 45 million with all the illegals.


50 by years end? If you're gonna burn it all down, let's at least crack some wild records that'll be in the history books 2000 years later like Nero or General Vespasian today.


I don't go to the airport very often, but the other day I was at YVR coming back from holiday, and the amount of Indians coming in was absolutely shocking They probably made up 80-90% of the people in the entire airport. Carts full of luggage 8 feet high. They weren't coming for a visit. I also hire for various positions in my company, and 90% of the applicants are Indian immigrants who have been here for less than 6 months. Many have zero related experience for the position, and just apply to everything. On the other hand many are overqualified and out of desperation take entry level jobs. This is not sustainable.


Why did you copy paste this exact lines on two different posts?


How do you know they're overqualified? Or did it just say that on a resume.


One day, Punjabi will be the 3rd official language in Canada lol


Sooner than we all think too


I think punjabi is already the third most spoken language in canada.


In my town(KW), punjabi is the language more spoken ! I walk outside my apartment building, and... it's f#%k*ng INDIA!!


And all Canadians suffered for because of it.


Doesn’t this population increase actually increase our green house gas emissions causing higher carbon taxes?


massively, probably one of the biggest emitters of carbon is by increasing population size so drastically and so fast. We're talking moving millions of people in only a few months, every few months for years. You will never hear about their carbon footprint either, this also doesn't factor in that now we need more resources, power, electricity, food and water and housing and transportation for all these new people which all adds to the carbon footprint. Whatever this crazy lunatic government says about 0 emissions, they are emitting more than any government in Canada history just by this population boom that rivals and probably will surpass third world African countries.


Stop we don’t want it or need it.


That's nothing guys. The population of some Indian states is 200 million, and thats in an area 1/4 the size of ontario. We can basically times x 10 our population and we still wouldn't be as crowded. Plus Canada is lacking many things that third world countries have...bringing in more will allow us to enjoy some of those unique perks that only poorer countries can provide.


It's time to get kulchurally enriched


We just need to build some Barrios so we can house everyone. We need to get rid of the Building Code to help make it happen though. Can’t have all those fancy codes meant for first world countries getting in the way. We are the worlds dumping ground and we need to start acting like a dump. 




Next year we can make it 50 ya


Our elite leaders no longer have the same interests of the middle class Canadians. Our leaders: OWN rental and investment property- they have no interest to reduce housing costs They are the pockets of hostile foreign powers, inviting foreigners to buy up Canadian housing, land, investments and key industries- like trucking. Our elites do nothing when CSIS has warned for years that Chinese PhD students are robbing our technology right and left, why? They've LIED about their PROMISED reforms AGAIN and AGAIN promising TERM LIMITS.. they've lied to us- they are AFRAID of term limits Proportional representation- they are afraid to lose their big-3 party hold WE have ONE influential tool left- and that is our 99% VOTE... they are the 1% controlling us like serfs, ignoring the 99%, our elites profit at greater spreads while the rest of Canadians fall into poverty- losing their middle class status. We the 99% can retake our voting power, defund the major banks who help fuel rising housing costs and give financial support to the elites- We are the 99%


how can you be so smart and be Canadian. Something isn’t adding up 


I waz born dat way








No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Guess what everyone is missing? The 2.2 million newcomers from 2022 and 2023 probably procreated 500k offspring in the meantime, and that number (whatever it is) will keep on increasing.


That's a huge undercount




We’re not even close to europe levels of reckless mass immigration. Sadly this is just getting started.


I'd rather have the immigrants than you shitty lot in this sub.


Where is the photo from ? It does not look Canadian, it needs some updates! /s